Top 1 Apps Similar to 食品安全 Food Safety TW

iQC 食安小幫手 1.2
預告修正:(a) 增加掃描條碼後,有提供檢驗報告的商品,就會顯示出哪些地方有銷售,讓民眾直接掃描條碼之後就可以直接用手機購買消費。(b) 未來如果掃描的商品沒有檢驗報告,就會推薦有檢驗報告的同類商品,提供民眾選購。到底還有甚麼可以吃? 黑心食品又讓你陷入相同的恐慌嗎?如果商品有提供檢驗合格的報告時,掃描該商品的商品條碼,就可以看到這個商品有通過哪檢驗項目如果商家沒有提供檢驗報告,還可以透過鄉民的力量,集氣請求企業提供檢驗報告所有的檢驗報告上架都是免費的,前提是必須完成政府規定的檢驗報告例如:茶包類的商品,必須要提供:農藥殘留檢驗、重金屬檢驗,缺一不可,而且檢驗報告的開立實驗室,必須通過行政院衛生署認證,且不能過期,才能免費上架商品檢驗報告目前收錄 食品、飲料、零食、保健食品等,數量總計超過16萬筆商品資料Facebook 粉絲頁請見: ofamendment:After (a) increase the scan bar codes, inspection reportshaveprovided goods, will show where there are sales, so that peoplecanthen scan the bar code directly using a mobile phone to buydirectconsumption.(B) If the scanned commodity future no inspectionreports,inspection reports will recommend similar goods, providingthepublic purchase.In the end there is nothing to eat? Sinister food makes youfallinto the same panic yet?If the goods are to provide qualified inspection report,scanproduct bar code of the goods, you can see where this producthaspassed inspection itemsIf the business does not provide inspection reports can alsobethrough the power of the villagers, gas gatheringrequestenterprises to provide inspection reportsAll inspection reports shelves are free of charge, providedthatthe government must complete the required inspectionreportFor example: tea category of goods, must be provided:pesticideresidue testing, heavy metal testing, indispensable, andopen alaboratory test reports must be certified by the DepartmentofHealth, and can not be expired, in order to free shelvescommodityinspection reportCurrently included food, beverages, snacks, health food, atotalof more than 160,000 the number of pen product informationFacebook fan page, see: https: //