Top 11 Apps Similar to xTorrent Pro - Torrent Video Player
Compass Pro (Altitude, Speed Location, Weather) 2.9
Compass Pro is the app for professionals as well asamateurs!CompassPro is a real compass! It shows devicereal-timeorientation tomagnetic fields. It's displays lot ofusefulinformation likelocation, altitude, speed, magneticfield,barometric pressure, etc.Compass Pro is easy to use.Following aparticular bearing is easiertoo. Just tap on button toset aparticular bearing and the app willthen draw a red arc aroundtheinside of the compass circle toindicate how far you’redeviatingfrom your set course. Compass prohas a map with lotoffunctionalities. Different map types, SMS yourlocation, searchanyplace, move cross pointer on the map and get thenameandcoordinates of the location. Photo camera withnightmodeenhancement and zoom. The name and full informationaboutthelocation will be placed on the taken photo. Coordinatesareshownin next formats: - Dec Degs (DD.dddddd˚) - DecDegsMicro(DD.dddddd "N, S, E, W") - Dec Mins (DDMM.mmmm) - DegMinSecs(DD°MM'SS.sss") - Dec Mins Secs (DDMMSS.sss") -UTM(UniversalTransverse Mercator) - MGRS (Military GridReferenceSystem)Complete weather information and forecast. 1.Compass ---Showsdevice real-time orientation to magnetic fields.--- Abilitytoswitch between true and magnetic North. --- Particularbearing---Location coordinates (longitude, latitude). --- Course---Speed--- Altitude --- Ability to switch between mph, feet unitsandkmh,meter units. 2. Camera --- Location Stamp photos --- Zoom---LightAmplifier --- Flashlight 3. Map --- Current date andtime.---Current GMT time. --- Standard, satellite, hybrid,terrainmaps.--- Current location. --- Location search. --- Locationname.---SMS location 4. Weather --- Temperature information.---Humidity--- Pressure --- Ability to switch between CelsiusandFahrenheit.
Whistle Phone Finder PRO
If you have ever lost a phone in yourroom,bag, desk or car and you couldn't find it; this program isjust foryou. This application detects sounds similar to whistlingand theninforms you about the location of your lost phone. You onlyhave towhistle and your phone will start vibrating, emitting a loudsoundand shining a bright camera light of the phone. This way youcanquickly locate your lost phone!How does it work?Start the application. Choose the way in which your lost phonewillinform you about its position. You have to choose:- sound: Choose the notification sound which will be played whenthephone is found. Beside the kind of played melody, you can alsosetvolume of played notification to maximum to hear your phonefromafar.- torch/light: An application will start the flash lamp ofthecamera, which will make finding the phone easier andfaster.- vibration: The telephone will start vibrating at the momentofwhistle detection.Additionally you can set listening out for the whistle onlywhilethe screen of the phone is off. This will help savebattery.This tool also detects the moment of incoming connection.Thisoption will unblock the microphone used to detect a whistlewhenthe phone receives a call.After the phone call, the phone will continue listening out forthewhistle.Important! Please whistle clearly and quite loudly.Theeffectiveness of whistle detection depends on built-inmicrophoneand number of noises and sounds of surrounding.
Auto Call Recorder Pro 1.4.35
Now, with Auto Call Recorder Pro you can perform anautomaticcallrecorder. Does anyone fail to keep their promises onthe phone?Nowyou can perform a smart recording automatically. Saveany callsyouwant and choose the ones you want to keep. You can setwhichcallsto save and which calls to ignore. Listen to therecording,addnotes and share on social networks Facebook, WhatsApp,Viber,Line,WeChat, Dropbox Hangouts, telegram, Sms, google, Skype,etc... Youcan set a conversation is important, save it and it willbestoredin the important tab. You can set which calls arewhitelistedandignored With Auto Call Recorder Pro you can save andsave anyphonecall you want Auto Call Recorder Pro is aheadphone-free appthatallows you to record all phone conversationsdirectly inyourAndroid Characteristics: - Record incoming call-Recordingoutgoing calls - Prefer - Look for - Multi select,delete,send -Contact name and photo display - Set password toprotectprivacy -Many recording formats - Activate / deactivatecallrecording -Record all your phone calls - Recorded audioplayback -Deleteregistered items - Lock items to prevent registeredself -cleaning- Confirmation Dialog: Do you want to keep recordedcallthatappears just after the call (only in Pro version). - WhiteList-Automatic classification by date or contact -Sharefiles:-Dropbox- Google- SMS- Skype, Facebooks ... - Bookmarkstoreportkey moments in a call and add your notes. Evenmoreimpressivefeatures will not be long ... Thanks for using AutoCallRecorderPro If you have any questions or suggestions on howwecouldimprove our product, please feel free to
Clean Master Pro 1.5
Clean Master Pro★ Phone Boost - Speed up Your PhoneMake phone running like new device again.★ CPU Cooler - Monitor & Cool Down Phone TemperatureStop applications causing cpu overheating and makephonecooler★ iSwipe ProQuick Swipe is the easiest way to access to your favoriteapps,Quickaccess to tools★ Junk Files Cleaning - Fast Clean with One Tap★ App Manager:Uninstall app (Faster)★ Find large files to delete.
AOS Clean Pro(Clean & Boost) 1.1
Clean out the junk - get more space foryourPhone.Aos Clean quickly analyzes storage space on your phone andclearsall unnecessary data. Master your storage situation byoptimizingyour Android device and boost its speed.FeaturesJunk Clean⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Clean caches which can get very large.Clean out old application and system logs.Clean gallery thumbnails.Phone Boost⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Help kill applications that are running in the background andcleanup your RAM.App Lock ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Guard your privacy and protect your data from prying eyes.Notification Cleaner⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Optimize your notification settings with Notify Box to createacleaner and simpler notification display.CPU Cooler⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Reduce your CPU usage and cool down your phone.Large Files⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Clean the biggest files, media, and apps on your device.Apps Manager⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Uninstall applications in one tap to free up space.Backup & Restore applications.Ignore List⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Use the Ignore List to mark items on your device that you don'twantto be listed.📧NotePlease Contact us at for giving yourfeedback,any question or suggestions.Your feedback, Questions&suggestions is very important for us.
HD Video Player 1.0
HD Video Player Gotta watch a Movie? cannot find a suitableplayertorun Movie with Ease...? here's an end to yourDilemma.Presenting atotally User-friendly HD Video player thatallowsevery functionpossible at the very touch of yourfingertips...well, you havereached the perfect Doors where everyuser finds hisway to elucidateany function of his choice makinghis Movie-timeSplendid and achild's Play. this is not just anyapp, it is aplayer that stands toits name. you can always finddifferentcombination for a variety offunctions that are very muchrequiredwhile watching a Video. thisapp provides access to allmodes ofCapitalization and also providesa platform for Videossaved onyour Device, irrespective of theDirectory. HD VIDEO PLAYERhas noconfinement relating to Sound,Video, Controls, Playback,Record,Source or any attribute you areaccounting to. this videoplayer iscomposed of all the features thatare ever imposed in anyvideoplayer ever. being blunt, this videoplayer outruns everyotherviewer, true in its sense. - ac3 formatsfor video and movieofsmart phone gallery. - Powerful video playerwith advancedhardwareacceleration and subtitle support. - powerfulvideodecodingcapabilities to easily support you play almost allvideofilesstored on your phone. - No need for multiple playersfordifferentformats. - The most powerful Video and Music playerforyourAndroid phone! - HD quality video player lets you toenjoybetterquality videos with Smoothness - The playerisspecificallydesigned for personalized experience forwatchingvideos andlistening to music of all the formats. -Realisticcontrol buttonsand interface. - It is reknowned brandplayer forandroid. - Smoothvideo player user interface. Plays allthe videoformats smoothly,supports hd, full hd and 4k videos.Supportedformats: .3g2 .3gp.3gp2 .3gpp .amv .asf .avi .divx .drc.dv .f4v.flv .gvi .gxf .ismv.iso .m1v .m2v .m2v .m2ts .m4v .mp2.mp2v .mp4 .mp4v .mpe.mpeg .mpeg1 .mpeg2 .mpeg4 .mpg .ogm.ogv .rec .rm .rmvb.tts .vob .vro .webm .wm .wmv .wtv .xescFeatures- Video playerfor Androi plays most local video and audiofiles, aswell asnetwork streams (including adaptive streaming). -HD Videoplayerfor Android is works like media library for audio andvideofiles.- It allows to browse folders directly. - Video Playerhassupportfor multi-track audio and subtitles. - Change videospeed. -Itsupports auto-rotation - Aspect-ratio adjustments -ClearSoundEffects. - Gestures to control volume - Brightnessandseekingvideos. - Smooth User interface. - It also includes awidgetforaudio control. - Supports audio headsets control,cover artandacomplete audio media library.