Top 15 Apps Similar to Tilawat Surah Kahaf Mp3 Basit

بدون إنترنت - سورة الكهف 4.3
Quran Voice
من فضلك أثناء خلال تنزيل التطبيق إقرأ هذه السطرو,,المؤمنون لسورة (الكهف) تالين... بكلماتها يوم الجمعة معطرين،بفضلهاالجنة ساكنين، ومن أجرها مغتنمين، وبإذن الله من العذاب ناجينوعلىالحق ثابتين، وبرؤية النبي الكريم مستبشرين.رتّل سورة الكهف ودع النور ينهال من أبواب السماء، بإذن ربالأكوان،الواحد البارئ المتعال ، فقال النبي الكريم: "من قرأ سورةالكهف فييوم الجمعة أضاء الله له من النور ما بين قدميه وعنانالسماء"أجمل التلاوات الآن بين يديك دون حاجة إلى انترنت، فحمّل التطبيقواقرأكلام ذو الجلال وباعد المسافات بينك وبين المسيح الدجال، فعنأبيالدرداء أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: (من حفظ عشر آيات منأولسورة الكهف عُصم من الدجال وفي رواية ـ من آخر سورة الكهف ـ )(رواهمسلم(إجعلها دائماً في هاتفكPleasedownload the application through during Read this Alstro,,Believers of Surat (cave) ... her words Tallinn on FridayMatran,thanks paradise dwelling, and taking advantage of thereward, and,God willing, of suffering survivors and steadfast onthe right, andto see the Holy Prophet with encouragement.Convoy Cave and let the light assails the gates of heaven, theLordwilling, universes, one Creator Metaal, the Holy Prophetsaid:"Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday lit him God of lightbetweenhis feet and the sky."Beautiful recitations now in your hands without the needforInternet, picked up the application and read the words of Mightanddistanced distance between you and the Antichrist, narratedthatAbu Darda that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: (save firsttenverses of Surah Kahf will be protected from the Antichrist inthenovel of Last Cave) (Narrated by Muslim (Mark as always in your phone
سورة الكهف بدون انترنت 5.0.0
Surat Al-Kahf is written in a voice without the Internet, so youcanread Surat Al-Kahf without the net in a large font
Al Quran MP3 Full Offline 1.7
Wuvi Studio
Just download Al Quran MP3 Full Offline and install the appnomoredownload while playing, this apps is containing Al QuranKareemMP3Completed Offline, Small Apps only 95 MB but ContainAllQuranSurah plus Mp3. And no need internet connection or wifitoplay allsurah mp3 audio on this apps becouse all the audiorecitinginincluded on this APK Installer. Featured: * This alsomurottalAlQuran 30 juz or al quran mp3 reciting * Including MP3filesrecitedby Saad Al Ghamdi * Touch only to play or open nextsurah /surahlist * No drag and drop or sliding page * Listen audioquranonlineor download for listening offline. * Share any Quranicsurahwithyour friends. Share and when ever your friend will listen,youwillget equal reward from Allah S.W.T * Play audio QuranintheBackground * Bookmark your favorite Audio surahs * Autopauseonincoming or out going calls * Notifications * HighqualityaudioQuran * Full Audio quran without internet * Quran mp3offlinefreedownload * Full mp3 Quran * Mp3 Quran full offline *Quranofflinemp3 * Listen quran offline free * Audio quran offline*Listen andrecite quran offline * Quran mp3 offline * Quranoffline* listenQuran offline free * Full Quran audio mp3 in thesuch abeautifulvoices * Audio Quran full Surah List (Table ofContent):Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Al-'Imran(TheFamilyof Amran) An-Nisa' (The Women) Al-Ma'idah (The Food)Al-An'am(TheCattle) Al-A'raf Al-Anfal Al-Bara'at / At-Taubah Yunus(Jonah)Hud(Hud) Yusuf (Joseph) Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder)Ibrahim(Abraham)Al-Hijr (The Rock) An-Nahl (The Bee) Bani Isra'il(TheIsraelites)Al-Kahf (The Cave) Maryam (Mary) Ta Ha (TaHa)Al-Anbiya' (TheProphets) Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Al-Mu'minun(TheBelievers)An-Nur (The Light) Al-Furqan (TheDiscrimination)Ash-Shu'ara' (ThePoets) An-Naml (The Naml) Al-Qasas(The Narrative)Al-'Ankabut (TheSpider) Ar-Rum (The Romans) Luqman(Luqman)As-Sajdah (TheAdoration) Al-Ahzab (The Allies) Al-Saba'(The Saba')Al-Fatir YaSin (Ya Sin) As-Saffat Sad (Sad) Az-ZumarAl-Mu'min (TheBeliever)Ha Mim (Ha Mim) Ash-Shura (Counsel)Az-Zukhruf (Gold)Ad-DukhanAl-Jathiyah Al-Ahqaf Muhammad Al-Fath(The Victory)Al-Hujurat Qaf(Qaf) Ad-Dhariyat At-Tur (The Mountain)An-Najm (TheStar) Al-Qamar( Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) Al-Waqi'ah(The Event)Al-Hadid (Iron)Al-Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman)Al-Hashr (TheBanishment)Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman who is Examined)As-Saff (TheRanks)Al-Jumu'ah (The Congregation) Al-Munafiqun(TheHypocrites)At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses)At-Talaq(Divorce)At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Al-Mulk (The Kingdom)Al-Qalam(ThePen) Al-Haqqah (The Sure Truth) Al-Ma'arij (The Ways ofAscent)Nuh(Noah) Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Al-Muzzammil (The OneCoveringHimself)Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapping Himself Up)Al-Qiyamah(TheResurrection) Al-Insan (The Man) Al-Mursalat (ThoseSentForth)An-Naba' (The Announcement) An-Nazi'at (Those WhoYearn)'Abasa (HeFrowned) At-Takwir (The Folding Up) Al-Infitar(TheCleaving)At-Tatfif (Default in Duty) Al-Inshiqaq (TheBurstingAsunder)Al-Buruj (The Stars) At-Tariq (The Comer by Night)Al-A'la(TheMost High) Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event)Al-Fajr(TheDaybreak) Al-Balad (The City) Ash-Shams (The Sun)Al-Lail(TheNight) Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day)Al-Inshirah(TheExpansion) At-Tin (The Fig) Al-'Alaq (The Clot)Al-Qadr(TheMajesty) Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Al-Zilzal(TheShaking)Al-'Adiyat (The Assaulters) Al-Qari'ah (TheCalamity)At-Takathur(The Abundance of Wealth) Al-'Asr (The Time)Al-Humazah(TheSlanderer) Al-Fil (The Elephant) Al-Quraish (TheQuraish)Al-Ma'un(Acts of Kindness) Al-Kauthar (The Abundance ofGood)Al-Kafirun(The Disbelievers) An-Nasr (The Help) Al-Lahab(TheFlame)Al-Ikhlas (The Unity) Al-Falaq (The Dawn) An-Nas (TheMen)
A Surah Baqrah Audio Shuraim 1.3
This is the best app of Surah BaqarahinShuraim Voice which play Audio Mp3 Tilawat withoutinternet.This app is free for All Android Mobile Phones & it isworkingvery fast.
Audio Al Kahf Mobile Mp3 1.0
This is the best App of Surah Kahf Mp3AudioAlbum in Voice of sheikh Salah Al Budair.This app is perfectly running in the android mobile phones.No need of internet to play audio in this app.This App is free and very easy to use.
The Surah Rahman Audio Basit 1.3
This is the best app of Surah Rahman in QABasit Voice which play Audio Mp3 Tilawat without internet.This app is free for All Android Mobile Phones & it isworkingvery fast.
Tarjumah Urdu Quran Audio Mp3 1.3
This is the free gifted app of Quran AudioMp3Album in the Voice of IMAM Al Sudais. This app is running inalltype of android mobiles Phones.There is No Need of internet to Run this app. Listen Quran Audioofthis app everywhere without internet.It is very easy to use, So Just Install it and Listen Quran inMp3Audio.
Urdu Surah Kahaf Audio Sudes 1.3
This is the best app of Surah Kahf WithUrduTarjumah in Sudaes Voice which play Audio Mp3 Tilawatwithoutinternet.This app is free for All Android Mobile Phones & it isworkingvery fast.
سورة الكهف - اقرا و استمع 4.0
Hisn Al Muslim
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمةللعالميننبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.سورة الكهف مكيّة، وهي السورة 18 في ترتيب المصحف، وتأتي بعدسورةالإسراء، ويأتي بعدها سورة مريم. وعدد آياتها 110.تطبيق سورة الكهف - اقرا و استمع ، هو قراءة صوتية ل سورة الكهفبجودةصوت عالية كما يحتوي على سورة الكهف مكتوبة كاملة لكي تتمكنمنالقراءة والاستماع في نفس الوقت.نفعنا الله واياكم بالقرآن الكريم وجعله فى ميزان حسناتنا وجعلهلنانور فى قبورنا يوم لا ينفع الانسان الا عمله و السلام.الشيخ احمد العجمي و الشيخ ياسر الدوسري و سلمان العودة و الشيخمشاريالعفاسي و الشيخ سعود الشريم و الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي و الشيخعبدالرحمن السديس و الشيخ الحذيفي و الشيخ ناصر القطامي و الشيخمحمدجبريل .أدعية الدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي و صالح المغامسي و طارق السويدانوالشيخ عمر عبد الكافي و الشيخ سيد و ابتهالات نصر الدين طوبار وأحمدالشقيري و عمرو خالد و محمد العريفي و إبراهيم الزيات و يحيىالجناع والشنقيطي و مشعل العتيبي و خالد الراشد و الشيخ محمد حسان والشيخنبيل العوضي و عائض القرني.أناشيد مشارى راشد العفاسى و بصوت الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي و أحمد العجميوجزء عم بصوت الشيخ مشارى بن راشد العفاسي و جزء تبارك و أحمد العجميوجزء تبارك كامل بصوت الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي.الرقية الشرعية و الرقية الشرعية تيسير الزواج و سورة البقرة واياتطرد الشياطين و الرقيه الشرعيه لعلاج السحر و الرقية الشرعية منالعينوالحسد.الشيخ سعد الغامدي و الشيخ إدريس أبكر و القران الكريم و استماعالقرآنالكريم و القران الكريم سورة الكهف و سورة البقرة مكررةللاطفال وخواتيم سورة ال عمران و سورة البقرة بصوت السديس.الشيخ سعد الغامدي حفص عن عاصم - القرآن الكريم Mp3الشيخ سعد الغامديالقارئ سعد الغامديسعد بن سعيد الغامديسور القرآن بصوت سعد الغامديSaad El GhamidiSaad El Ghamidi - سعد الغامدي - Saint CoranSaad Al-Ghamdi Sourate AL KahfSaad El Ghamedi surah al kahf et sourat al kahf e alkahf.Sa3d alghamdi et maher Al Mueaqly maaikli e m3e9li e al afasyesoudais et sodays et chrim e abdel baset e chaaraoui e maherZainrokia char3iya coran .Rokia zawaj doaa zawaj et do3a jomo3a e al jomoaa et e Ayat AlKursie istighfar Mishary Rashid al Afasy.In the name of ofAllahthe MercifulPraise be to Allah, prayer and peace envoy mercy to the worldsofour Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.Sura Makiya, a Sura 18 in the ranking of the Koran, and comesafterAl-Isra, comes after Maryam. The number of verses 110.Application Cave - read and heard, is the voice for readingCavehigh audio quality also contains Cave full written so that youcanread and listen at the same time.Nfna God and you are the Holy Quran and make it in thebalanceHassanatna and make us light in Quborna Day whereon neitherman,but his work and peace.Sheikh Ahmad Al-Ajmi and Yasser al-Sheikh and Sheikh Salmanal-Awdahand Mashary and Sheikh Saud Al-Shuraim and Sheikh MaherAlmaikulaiand Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais and Sheikh Hudhaifiand SheikhNasser Al Shaikh Mohammed Jibril.Prayers Dr. Mohammed Rateb Al-Nabulsi and favor Sh and TariqSwedenand Sheikh Omar Abdul Kafi and Sheikh Sayed andNasreddinsupplication Tobar and Ahmed Shukairy and Amr Khaled andMohammedAl Arifi and Ibrahim el-Zayat and Yahya Ganaa and ShanqeetiandMishal Al-Otaibi and Khalid Al-Rashid and Sheikh MohammedHassanand Sheikh Nabil Al-Awadi and Karni.Songs Mishari Rashid affasi and voice Sheikh Maher AlmaikulaiandAhmed Al-Ajmi and Amma voice Sheikh Mishari Bin Rashid Aallasipartand blessed, and Ahmed Al-Ajmi and part Blessed full voiceofSheikh Maher Almaikulai.Roquia and roquia facilitate marriage and Sura and states toexpeldemons and roquia for the treatment of magic and kind oflegitimacyof the eye and envy.Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi and Sheikh Idris early and listen to theKoranand the Koran and the Koran Sura and Sura duplicate forchildren andthe last verses of Surah Al-Imran Sura andSudais.Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi Hafs from Asim - Koran Mp3Sheikh Saad Al-GhamdiReader Saad Al-GhamdiSaad bin Saeed Al-GhamdiVerses of the Qur'an voice Saad Al-GhamdiSaad El GhamidiSaad El Ghamidi - Saad Al-Ghamdi - Saint CoranSaad Al-Ghamdi Sourate AL KahfSaad El Ghamedi surah al kahf et sourat al kahf e alkahf.Sa3d alghamdi et maher Al Mueaqly maaikli e m3e9li e al afasyesoudais et sodays et chrim e abdel baset e chaaraoui e maherZainrokia char3iya coran.Rokia zawaj doaa zawaj et do3a jomo3a e al jomoaa et e Ayat AlKursie istighfar Mishary Rashid al Afasy.
Surah Al Kahf - سورة الكهف 1.0
Wissy Apps
This application offers multiple readings of Surah Al Kahf bytheangelic voices: Abdulbasit Abdulsamad, Omar Al Kazabri, MisharyAlAfasi and Abdulrahman Alsudaes.
Quran audio by Yousuf Kalo 1.2
Holy Quran by Yousuf Kalo (offline) need no internet I hope youwilllike it
Daily Surah Rahman Tilawat Mp3 1.0
This is the best App of Surah Rahman Mp3AudioAlbum in Voice of Salah Bukhatir.This app is perfectly running in the android mobile phones.No need of internet to play audio in this app.This App is free and very easy to use.
Ahmad Saud Quran MP3 2.3
Listen to The Holy Quran for "Ahmad Saud".Also,You can download the surah to listen to it in offlinemodeavailable in English & العربية languages.
جزء تبارك صوت العفاسي بدون نت 4.4
تطبيق القرآن الكريم صوت بدون انترنت mp3بصوتالقارئ الشيخ مشاري بن راشد العفاسي.المصحف المرتل بصوت القارئ مشاري راشد العفاسي جزئ تبارك.تطبيق القران بصوت الرائع العفاسي يمكنك من اعادة تلاوة السورة مناجلالحفظتطبيق القرآن الكريم جزء تبارك تطبيق مفيد للصغار و الكبارسهلالإستعماليحتوي تطبيق العفاسي قرآن كريم كاملا بدون انترنت mp3 علىالصورالتالية :سورة الملكسورة القلمسورة الحاقةسورة المعارجسورة نوحسورة الجنسورة المزّمّلسورة المدّثرسورة القيامةسورة الإنسانسورة المرسلاتللبحث عن تطبيق القرآن الكريم بلغات ٱخرى يمكنك إستعمالالكلماتالتالية :- telecharger sourat alkahf gratuit- sourat al kahf fares abbad- sowar al jomo3a- tahmil 9oran karim gratuit mp3 warch- alquran alkarim mp3- sorat alkahf gratuit- surat al kahf- mahir al muayqaliThe application oftheKoran voice without Internet mp3 voice reader Sheikh MesharybinRashid Aallasi.Koran Psalmist voice reader Afasy molecule blessed.The application of the Koran Afasy wonderful voice, youcanre-recitation of Sura for conservation The application of the Koran part Blessed usefulapplicationfor young adults and easy to useApplication Afasy Quran cream contains complete without Internetmp3on the following images:  Surat King  Al-Qalam  AL reassign  Surat Ascent  Nuh  Al-Jinn  Sura Muzzammil  Al-muddathir  Resurrection  Al rights  Surat TransmittersTo search for the application of the Koran ٱkhry languages​​youcan use the following words:- Telecharger sourat alkahf gratuit- Sourat al kahf fares abbad- Sowar al jomo3a- Tahmil 9oran karim gratuit mp3 warch- Alquran alkarim mp3- Sorat alkahf gratuit- Surat al kahf- Mahir al muayqali
Audio Basit Urdu Quran Surah 1.2
The Best Audio Mp3 Album of 15 ShortSurahofQuran in Voice of Qari Abdul Samad Abdul Basit WithUrduTarjumah.This app is free and it is running in all typeofandroidmobiles.No Need of internet to Run this app , So Play Quran Audio ofthisappeverywhere without internet. Install it Now because it isveryeasyto use.