Top 19 Games Similar to 94無雙-全新職業 星月解鎖

九龍戰-神獸出戰 戰無止境! 1.7.10
刀劍煞-刀光劍影,煞氣逼人 2.0.0
東方不敗-一統江湖 1.0.21
光之三國霸王傳【全新猛將 全新關卡 國產無雙動作手遊】 1.0.4
★全球百萬玩家都在玩!你還在等什麼!★2015年度遊戲類金獎手遊!★榮獲用戶5★★★★★大好評!挑戰動作極致快感!★超猛武將免費領!超越三國無雙極限!三國題材無雙遊戲力作!激爽連擊無雙戰鬥+卡片養成雙核心要素,還有物法屬性、靈氣系統、戰意解放…等超豐富系統,讓你感受更具策略感的激爽連擊快感!這一切,都從加入義勇軍開始…亂世出英雄!加入霸王傳,一同無雙稱霸三國世界!榮獲金獎肯定 國產超動作手遊!★無雙霸王登場 一騎當先 萬夫莫敵★※武將可進行切換,派出具有戰略優勢的武將來攻略戰役。※不同的武將有不同技能,專屬的華麗招式,突顯武將的獨特性。※絕招施放,快斬敵軍,享受無雙快感!★物理法術 屬性任你搭★※武將分屬物理、法術兩大類,應對不同關卡,策略組隊來達到事半功倍之效。※玩家可依技能需求,收集不同武將組成專屬於你的夢幻隊伍。★戰意解放 爆氣大絕 橫掃千軍★※無雙能量全滿,將可施放多人必殺技,展現一擊必殺的爽快感。※戰意解放系統讓你時限內強化能力,橫掃千軍無人能敵!※大範圍攻擊、殺戮Combo無限段!★靈氣護體 超神武將★※卡牌升級再進化,靈氣加持打通關。※隊長技能配合靈氣系統,策略搭配無往不利!※靈氣每日免費替換一次,培養專屬武將能力。★百種武將 千種裝備 一同戰三國★※體驗三國著名戰役,解救人質、保家衛國,在敵軍戰火中與三國猛將協同作戰,一統天下!※200多個關卡、多種難度、風格迴異的場景、阻擋多樣不同兵種的侵擾。
御龍無雙-御臨三國 指戰無雙 1.6.8
【遊戲介紹】極致3D無雙動作手遊《御龍無雙》傳奇三國經典,史詩體驗重現3D戰鬥突破手機極限,磅礡體驗無可比擬!文武百將任你操控,整個三國都在手中!指向技能操之在己,突襲破陣勝券在握!無雙合體獨一無二,同袍戰友攜手殲敵!唯美劇情超凡體驗,我的歷史我自己寫!【內容特色】-軍團對決 群雄爭霸無伺服器限制,無差別混戰,組織武將,力挺軍團,奪得王者,驍勇戰賞專屬於你!-細緻場景 身歷其境眾多獨立場景,特效豐富多變,手機影像媲美PC顯示,進入副本關卡猶如重回東漢三國。精心別緻,尊王享受,《御龍無雙》等你來體驗!-多線劇情 鉅細靡遺經典三國傳奇,史詩劇情體驗。3D寫實畫風詮釋,三國名將栩栩如生。動魄驚心的故事發展,顛覆你的三國想像!-指向攻擊 無雙合體3D戰鬥磅礡浩大,指向攻擊隨心所欲。名將攜手奮戰,無雙合體猛攻,立即終結你的敵人!-擒王弒神 百戰不殆三國名將一手培養,技能、裝備和坐騎,深度打造最強武將,賊王龍神通通束手就擒。極致戰鬥美學,你來定義!
劍歌-仙寵翻身躍龍門 2.0.34
【打破爽度極限】躺著贏!白天掛機晚上戰鬥,24小時衝等無負擔,上班族掛機首選,輕鬆玩躺著都能贏!【打趴一切裝備】我最神!Lv70聖裝一出,誰與爭鋒!人人有功練,天天出頂裝,一代大俠就是你!【打架就是要人多】戰最猛!3對3組隊競技尬輸贏,鬥智鬥勇拼技術,戰友義氣組隊,橫掃群英稱霸天下!【打破時間限制】招最快!最短CD霹靂連招,combo連段無雙大絕!爽爽新手光速升級,暗黑煉獄衝等天堂!【打破AI操控】我最強!全天即時真人共鬥,擺脫制式電腦對戰,隨時對嗆落人PK,戰到敵人倒下為止!【打破地域限制】乘風飛!金光飛劍浪漫御風,騰雲駕霧上山下海,超越花千骨絕美仙翼,奇蹟變身,魅力戰力雙軌進化,比翼雙飛俠侶情長!【劍歌】新服活動:1. 連續登入14天 : 第二天就送月卡,大方邀請來體驗2. 戰鬥力升級 : 你玩遊戲我送獎勵3. 成長獎勵 : 你升級、我送禮,輕鬆升級拚第一4. 首儲獎勵 : 極品武器、各種好康,價值1500以上送給你最新遊戲與活動資訊請至粉絲專頁:註:遊戲支持語音交談,要求存取麥克風權限★ 本遊戲內容涉及暴力(武俠動作)、角色穿著突顯胸、臂服飾。★ 遊戲部份內容需另外支付費用。★ 請避免沉迷遊戲。[Break] limit thedegreeof lying to win cool!Daytime hang fight night, 24 hours, etc. without the burden ofred,white-collar workers preferred hang, easy to play lyingcanwin![Fight] lying equipped with everything my God!Lv70 Sanctuary one can rival! Everyone active practice, everyday,the top-loading, generation of heroes is you![Dignitaries] fight is the most fierce battle!3 on 3 team athletics embarrassed winning or losing, battle ofwitsto fight technology, comrades loyalty team, swept theheroesdominate the world![Break] move the fastest time limit!Perak shortest CD combo, combo even large segmentsabsolutelyunparalleled! Shuang Shuang novice upgrade the speed oflight, redand other dark purgatory to heaven![Break] AI control my strongest!Instant live day were fighting to get rid of standard playagainstthe computer, ready to choke off the people PK, fight to theenemyuntil the fall![Break] geographical restrictions wind fly!Jinguang Fei sword romantic Yufeng, clouds mountains to thesea,beyond the bone spend one thousand beautiful fairy wingsmiracleincarnations charm track the evolution of combat power,Crazy lovelong fly together![Sword Song] new service activities:1. Continuous Sign Day 14: The next day send monthly card,generousinvitation to experience2. combat upgrades: I sent you to play the game rewards3. Growth Bonus: you upgrade, I gifts, easy to upgrade thefirstfight4. The first reservoir awards: the best weapons, all kindsofgoodies, give you $ 15 or moreThe latest games and activity information to please fan page: The game supports voice chat request permission to accessthemicrophone★ This game content related to violence (martial arts action),tohighlight the role of wearing the chest, arm clothing.★ Games part of the contents at an extra charge.★ Avoid addicted to the game.
大神無雙 1.0.10
《大神無雙》是首款集合港台多套輕小說授權的手機遊戲,將小說主角轉化成遊戲角色與一眾玩家共同對抗敵人。《大神無雙》更宣佈與香港全年最暢銷小說作家『天航』合作,將其筆下熱賣小說D系列『術數師-宮本武藏的末世傳人』的兩大主角『王猇』、『賴飛雲』製作成遊戲角色。破天荒跟最多「台灣原創」的動漫輕小說合作,其他著名台灣作品『芒神(台灣角川)』、『冥戰錄(未來數位)』、『黎明之神意(尖端出版)』、『蜂舞(銘顯文化)』等全數主角現身。玩家在遊戲中,不但能夠控制的天航第一殺手『王猇』登場,更可以獲得超強屬性及特技,盡情領略小說原創角色風采。官方網頁:官方Facebook專頁:【遊戲特色】★ 全能玩法集合,一手操縱屬於你的戰鬥《大神無雙》是結合了策略模擬、即時戰鬥、角色扮演三種不同要素的台灣團隊研發手機遊戲,遊戲考驗玩家對即時戰鬥和陣前排列的控制,以發動各種必殺技能爽快的清除秒殺打擊對手,或者召喚物的方式來抵擋怪物大軍的衝擊獲取勝利。並且本作是一款可讓玩家任意獲得特色人物卡牌,完成戰鬥時,可以用獲得的戰鬥徽章,到商城兌換自己所要卡牌角色,無需透過隨機的轉蛋系統,任何卡牌都可以兌換,當關卡越到後面可以兌換的卡牌級數越高!必定讓你有全新的感受。★ 上百東西方眾神共同齊聚,培育屬於你自己的神靈軍團!在《大神無雙》遊戲內主打世界上各種不同的眾神,同時遊戲中將眾神分為五種不同的陣營,每種陣營都有其特色,而玩家可以自由收集、培育多達上百隻以上的眾神以組建自己的神之軍團;遊戲內每種神靈除了有各自不同的造型之外,還能進化成更高階級的神靈。★ 百變陣型自由搭配,最具策略性質的戰鬥系統在《大神無雙》遊戲中的另一大特色就是結合了陣型組建的系統,玩家於戰鬥前可自由選擇各種不同的陣型,並將自己的神靈英雄佈置在陣型上,而遊戲中各種陣型都有不同的功用,同時陣型內每個位置的加成也都不同,只要搭配得宜,玩家就可利用陣型優勢將可以輕鬆應付戰鬥!★ 獨特非凡「戰徽」收集系統 英雄取得超輕鬆!《大神無雙》遊戲中內建獨特非凡的「戰徽」收集系統,玩家只要隨著闖關完成各種戰役後就能累積戰徽數量,而戰徽可用於取得神靈英雄,即使是休閒玩家也可以輕鬆的透過收集戰徽來免費取得大量強力神靈英雄,大幅提升實力!★ 植物培育系統 與好友一齊休閒輕鬆玩!除了上百種神靈可供收集以及策略性十足的戰鬥系統外,《大神無雙》遊戲內還內建了休閒性質的植物培育系統,除了可以好友互相幫忙培育之外,培育後還可以用來換取神靈,忙碌的人也能夠輕鬆玩!《大神無雙》遊戲管理規章:線上客服系統:服務時間:星期一至五10:00 – 18:30(國定假日除外)大神無雙 支援: Group Ltd Web Site:
Smashing The Battle 1.09
Magic Cube
Masterpiece of Action game! Enjoy the classic arcade action onyourdevice!
Heroes of the Dungeon 6.0.0
Recruit heroes to your roster andchallengerival guilds. Master your skills in the dungeon or facedefeat invarious combat modes. Solo campaigns, boss battles, PvP,and GvGcompetitions await you on your adventure.Prologue:Become Lance the Beserker, as he sets out on a journey in thewartorn world Nirvash. It all began during a great battle,betweenrighteous warriors and the dark magic deriving from adragon. Aftermuch bloodshed, conspiracy keeps four kingdomsseparated. It is nowup to Lance and your ability to recruit a teamof heroes. Defeatthe lingering darkness to bring justice andresolution to thekingdoms of Tytania, Nirvash, Dark Wood, andBehrend.★ 20+ heroes with unique skills★ 150+ solo campaign stages★ Challenging boss battles★ 5 multiplayer modes (PvP)★ Stunning visuals and fluid combat★ Dynamic dungeon generator★ Upgrade gear and heroes★ Unlock skins and accessoriesIn this 3D dungeon crawler ARPG, you will lead a multitude ofheroeson a great adventure. The Dynamic dungeon generator offersenjoyablereplayability and diversity. Download today andexperience animmersive hack n’ slash, beautiful Unity 5 enginegraphics, and afriendly community of gamers.Facebook: game is suitable for ages 12 and up.2.This game includes sexual themes, violence.3.This game is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases.
永恒战士2-无双战神 1.4.0
The battle for Northern Udar rages on! It's been 100 years sincetheFirst Demon War tore the land apart. Thanks to the EternityWarriorsthe demon threat was held at bay. However the demons havebeenconsolidating their power in a series of Demon Towers builtinlocations throughout Northern Udar. You've been taskedwithcleansing these Demon Towers and defeating an even deadlierdemonarmy than before... THE ULTIMATE DUNGEON CRAWLING ACTION GAMEHITSYOUR ANDROID PHONE AND TABLET! • STUNNING HIGH DEFINITIONvisualsand EPIC MELEE gameplay! • Fluid REAL-TIME COMBAT againstdozens ofNEW demon enemies! • ONLINE CO-OP MULTIPLAYER! Battle witha fellowwarrior in the ONLINE MULTIPLAYER MODE! • Use your SPECIALSKILLSto slice your way through MULTIPLE UNIQUE DUNGEONS! •COLLECTARMOR, WEAPONS and other LOOT! Upgrade your gear to becometheultimate Eternity Warrior in Udar! PLEASE NOTE: - This game isfreeto play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extraitems,which will charge your Google account. You can disablein-apppurchasing by adjusting your device settings. -This game isnotintended for children. - Please buy carefully. -Advertisingappears in this game. - This game may permit users tointeract withone another (e.g., chat rooms, player to player chat,messaging)depending on the availability of these features. Linkingto socialnetworking sites are not intended for persons in violationof theapplicable rules of such social networking sites. - Anetworkconnection is required to play. - For information about howGlucollects and uses your data, please read our privacy - If you have a problem with this game,pleaseuse the game’s “Help” feature. FOLLOW US at
Legend of Norland - Epic ARPG 3.3.0
Legend of Norland, aMOBA&ARPGformobile,isnow making huge waves in the whole world.Seewhat'sdifferent!●MOBA&ARPG-A deep and immersive multimedia storyexperience!Matchandcombinenumerous abilities to fit dungeon!-3V3 online battle against millions ofotherplayers!Collectheroes,weapons and defeat your enemies inthisAction gameforfree!●Master Art Team-Beautifully rendered fully 3D graphics-The art team has taken part in the developmentofTheElderScrolls,League of Legends and abunchofwell-knownmasterworks.●Training System-Train and equip your heroes as you see fit,andcustomizeyourownteam.-Switch them during combat and enjoy the frantic combo!●3V3 Battle - Mass Brawl-Who's the strongest? Crush tons of enemiesanddestroytowers.Yourjourney to glory begins here!●Special Quick Time Event-Slide quickly to cast the exclusive ultimate ability!Saving Norland, expeling darkness, becomethefinalchampioninarena.All of these and more are waiting inyourLegendofNorlandjourney.Feel free to contact us:@Facebook: LONMOBILE
Ire: Blood Memory 2.5.1
Welcome to the brutal dark fantasy world that is Ire - BloodMemory.
Titan Quest 2.10.9
An epic Titan battle, as complete as never before.
Garena 傳說對決:龍來新春版本
Legendary duel is the most exciting 5v5 team battle MOBAmobilegame. As the king dominate the battlefield, lead the wholearmy toattack the enemy and become the winner of the team battle!Thefairest battle and the fastest installation, download now andenteryour legendary realm!
Chaos of Immortals-New Origin 4.1.00
Asia NO.1 PVP Action game, more than 1millionplayers waiting for you!★ Grossing Top 3 in HongKong, Singapore,Malaysia★ AppStore Featured in Japan, China, HongKong and Taiwan★ Real-time strategy multiplayer games and battlesJoin the Westward JourneyChinese VersionDownload: VersionDownload:★ Play the game anytime, anywhere as you like it★ Develop your strategic method to conquer variouschallenges.★ Train up your Warkey Heroes in every way you want★ BEAUTIFUL story & AWESOME graphic performance★ Maneuver your Warkey Heroes, marching to become Famous!Chinese VersionDownload: VersionDownload: together with million players around the world andenjoycompetitive game mechanics. Build your team, and wipe out theenemyin exciting, and addicting casual combat style mobile game.Savethe world from the darkness within, and be number 1 hero intheworld.Heroes ChronicleJoin the Westward Journey✔✔✔The Best Independent Game in China TGS, 2014✔✔✔ "Best game of 2014" selected by App Store✔✔✔ Recommend twice by App Store Feature in Hong Kong, MacaoandTaiwan✔✔✔ Recommend in App Store Feature by 14 countriesofAsia-Pacific✔✔✔ The most anticipated 3D Role-play Online GameFight for your honor in epic,exclusive online multiplayerbattle!3Dexhilarating hack-n-slash ARPG for mobile.Start youradventuretoday!【Game Features】- Play with or challenge real players worldwide and show offyourbattle skills– all in real-time.- Experience amazing graphics and epic storyline. Hi-restexturesand realistic models all combine to make this one of themostbeautiful 3D world on your mobile device!Heroes Chronicle IpManWing Chun Kung Fu- 3 different characters to play. Choose your characters andfightfor your destiny.- Upgrade equipments & wings to strengthen your power andshowoff glowing effects.-Various daily and weekly events to take part in. HeroesChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu-Create or join a guild to find allies and fight together towinawesome prizes.-Talk with your allies & friends in Chat – 1 on 1 PM,guildchat, or chat with the entire world.- Free to Play! Log in every day to claim rewards andrareweapon!Heroes ChronicleJoin the Westward JourneyClan Wars,Hero Customization ,wukong****FEEL THE RUSH! Combat the Chaos!********Feel the adrenaline at your fingertips!********Play the most exhilarating action RPG that will keepyouelectrified! ****【FREE TO PLAY】Some of the best artwork and graphics currently available inmobilegaming.Heroes ChronicleExciting PVP battles - Pit your hero against other playersfromaround the world, using strategy and cunning to come outontop.Heroes Chronicle Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu ClanWars,HeroCustomization ,wukongEarn bonus rewards just for logining each day.HeroesChronicleJointhe Westward JourneyPlay just a few minutes every day to earn freeresources.ClanWars,Hero Customization ,wukongExciting online strategy gameplay lets you play in a way thatfitsyour own style. Go it alone, team up with their friends inpowerfulalliances, or make your moves from the shadows –everythingis up toyou!Heroes ChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Clan Wars,Hero Customization ,wukongNOTE:Completely free to play,however some game items can alsobepurchased for real money.If you don't want to use theseitems,please disable“in-app purchases”in your device'ssettings.★★★We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at★★★Facebook: NO.1 PVP Actiongame,more than 1 million players waiting for you!★ Grossing Top 3 in HongKong, Singapore, Malaysia★ AppStore Featured in Japan, China, HongKong and Taiwan★ Real-time strategy multiplayer games and battlesJoin the Westward JourneyChinese Version Download: id = VersionDownload:★ Play the game anytime, anywhere as you like it★ Develop your strategic method to conquer variouschallenges.★ Train up your Warkey Heroes in every way you want★ BEAUTIFUL story & AWESOME graphic performance★ Maneuver your Warkey Heroes, marching to become Famous!Chinese Version Download: id = VersionDownload: together with million players around the world andenjoycompetitive game mechanics. Build your team, and wipe out theenemyin exciting, and addicting casual combat style mobile game.Savethe world from the darkness within, and be number 1 hero intheworld .Heroes ChronicleJoin the Westward Journey✔✔✔The Best Independent Game in China TGS, 2014✔✔✔ "Best game of 2014" selected by App Store✔✔✔ Recommend twice by App Store Feature in Hong Kong, MacaoandTaiwan✔✔✔ Recommend in App Store Feature by 14 countriesofAsia-Pacific✔✔✔ The most anticipated 3D Role-play Online GameFight for your honor in epic, exclusive online multiplayerbattle!3D exhilarating hack-n-slash ARPG for mobile.Start youradventuretoday![Game Features]- Play with or challenge real players worldwide and show offyourbattle skills- all in real-time.- Experience amazing graphics and epic storyline Hi-res texturesandrealistic models all combine to make this one of the mostbeautiful3D world on your mobile device Heroes Chronicle Ip ManWing ChunKung Fu.!- 3 different characters to play Choose your characters andfightfor your destiny..- Upgrade equipments & wings to strengthen your power andshowoff glowing effects.-Various Daily and weekly events to take part in. HeroesChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu-Create Or join a guild to find allies and fight together towinawesome prizes.-Talk With your allies & friends in Chat - 1 on 1 PM,guildchat, or chat with the entire world.- Free to Play Log in every day to claim rewards and rareweaponHeroes ChronicleJoin the Westward Journey!!Clan Wars, Hero Customization, wukong**** FEEL THE RUSH! Combat the Chaos! ******** Feel the adrenaline at your fingertips! ******** Play the most exhilarating action RPG that will keepyouelectrified! ****[FREE TO PLAY]Some of the best artwork and graphics currently available inmobilegaming.Heroes ChronicleExciting PVP battles - Pit your hero against other playersfromaround the world, using strategy and cunning to come outontop.Heroes Chronicle Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Clan Wars,HeroCustomization, wukongEarn bonus rewards just for logining each day.HeroesChronicleJointhe Westward JourneyPlay just a few minutes every day to earn free resources.ClanWars,Hero Customization, wukongExciting online strategy gameplay lets you play in a way thatfitsyour own style. Go it alone, team up with their friends inpowerfulalliances, or make your moves from the shadows -everythingis up toyou! Heroes ChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Clan Wars, Hero Customization, wukongNOTE: Completely free to play, however some game items canalsobe purchased for real money.If you do not want to use theseitems,please disable "in-app purchases" in your device'ssettings.★★★ We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at★★★ Facebook:
3D-ARPG現象級手遊大作《神魔契約》正式上線!耗時2年打磨,首創合體變身戰鬥體系,巔峰寵物進化節奏,創新解謎類戰鬥副本,讓智慧與激情並存!十年磨壹劍,引爆您的六大感官,行雲流水般戰鬥讓您的手指得到最佳體驗,碎屏級動作打擊讓暢爽感全面進化,暗黑精髓的延續讓您壹秒愛上戰鬥!【所獲殊榮】* Touch Arcade“2015年 美國E3最期待手遊”* Technology Tell“2015年 美國E3最佳手遊”* 2015年度金翎獎“玩家最期待的移動網絡遊戲”* 2015年度CGDA“最佳移動遊戲創新獎”優秀獎* 2015年度CGDA“最佳移動遊戲關卡設計獎”優勝獎* 2015中國遊戲風雲榜“十大最受歡迎手機遊戲獎”* 2015年百度移動遊戲頒獎盛典年度黑馬網絡手遊獎* Inside、Gamespark“2015年 美國E3最佳手遊”* phonearena “2015年 全球最佳動作RPG手遊”* 2015年星耀盛典“年度最具人氣移動遊戲獎”【媒體評價】* 畫風特色、打鬥連招、裝備系統以及武神培養上有著獨到之處的遊戲。遊戲可玩性頗高,強烈推薦體驗。——17173* 和偽動作不同,真正帶妳脫坑,超強動作體驗絕對有看大片的感覺。——多玩* 經典暗黑元素,硬派戰士、性感法師,多樣技能的展現帶來的是壹場極富沖擊和感染力的視覺盛宴。——騰訊遊戲頻道* 適合追求手動操作、厭煩壹切自動的動作遊戲愛好者。——新浪遊戲頻道* 可以稱得上是小白玩家第壹次上手ARPG遊戲最好的教科書。——18183* 如果妳十分著迷於那些能帶給妳操作手感的動作手機遊戲,那麽《神魔契約》是壹個不錯的選擇。——任玩堂【遊戲特色】「3D端遊引擎打造 視網膜級視覺盛宴」《神魔契約》繼承了頑石互動多年3DMMORPG遊戲研發經驗,將端遊引擎技術加入到遊戲開發中,打造視網膜級精美畫面,讓手機也能玩出PC的即視感。「真人動作捕捉技術 超震撼打擊快感」《神魔契約》采用千萬像素真人動作捕捉技術,角色的每壹次出招都高擬真度的再現了真實影片的動作精髓,只需適當調整技能釋放順序就能輕松實現浮空連招,讓妳壹秒愛上戰鬥!「契約戰寵人寵合壹 靈魂組合自由玩轉」《神魔契約》遊戲中需要尋找屬於自己的契約,契約將是讓玩家召喚獲得戰鬥寵物的唯壹途徑。能否找到屬於自己的契約也是玩家在遊戲中的壹種特殊追求,同時寵物可以和玩家在戰鬥中合體變身,成為壹個更強大的變身形態,不同寵物與職業的合體變身演變出各種不同的形態和特殊能力,千變萬化,為勝不變!「多人組隊巔峰對決 實時競技團戰至上」《神魔契約》采用了實時競技戰鬥模式,真正實現真人玩家間的實時互動,從此告別人機對戰的無腦操作模式。團隊競技、多人組隊副本等深度交互玩法,各職業相互配合、神寵鼎力相助,流暢操作貫穿始終,讓戰鬥充滿樂趣,團戰永不停歇!「超強解密類副本 智慧操作的完美並存」《神魔契約》首次引入解密類副本玩法,讓副本戰鬥不再只是單純的抗怪殺怪,而是富有更多樂趣玩法,例如:副本玩家需要根據地形設計封鎖怪物,或者策略性阻斷怪物補給線降低擊殺難度。不同副本會有不同的副本策略,玩家進入副本也不再單純以升級為唯壹目的,而是可以體驗其中的解謎樂趣。「強大的工會自由約戰,摒棄死板的規則束縛」《神魔契約》工會間的決鬥摒棄死板的遊戲規則束縛,請告訴我時間,地點,人物,不服來戰!-------------------------------------------------------------------------遊戲中如遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們!關註我們的Facebook粉絲頁和微信還可領取禮包微信(WeChat):eyougamesmqyEmail:support@eyougame.com3D-ARPG phenomenalhandtour masterpiece "Ghost contract" formally launched! Polishedtook2 years, the first battle system fit transfiguration, thepinnaclepet-paced evolution, innovation battle copies puzzle, letthewisdom and passion coexist! One Decade of grinding sword,detonateyour six senses, to fill the gap fighting to get yourfingers toget the best experience, broken screen class actionagainst allowfull evolution, dark essence a continuation of secondsallowing youto fall in love with the One fighting smooth coolfeeling![] Received awards* Touch Arcade "2015 US E3 most looking forward to hand tour"* Technology Tell "2015 US E3 Best Hand Tour"* 2015 annual Golden Plume Award "players the mostanticipatedmobile network game"* 2015 year CGDA "Best Mobile Game Innovation Award"ExcellenceAward* 2015 year CGDA "Best Game Level Design Award" Winner* 2015 China Game Billboard "Top Ten Most Popular MobileGameAward"* 2015 Baidu mobile games awards ceremony annual horse handtravelnetwork Prize* Inside, Gamespark "2015 US E3 Best Hand Tour"* Phonearena "2015 Global Best Action RPG hand tour"* 2015 star Yao Festival "the year's most popular mobilegameaward"[Media] Evaluation* Style features, has a unique fighting game on evenstrokes,equipment systems and Valkyrie culture. Gameplay is quitehigh, itis strongly recommended experience. --17 173* And pseudo different actions, really take you off the pit,superaction experience definitely see a large feeling.-Multi-Play* Classic dark element, hardcore fighters, sexy Master, showbringsa variety of skills One field is highly impact and appeal ofvisualfeast. - Tencent Games Channel* For the pursuit of manual operation, boredom One cutautomaticaction game enthusiasts. - Sina game channel* Can be regarded as the first white players started ARPG gameOnesecond best textbook. --18 183* If u very fascinated by those operating feel u can bringactionmobile game, then the "mythical contract" One is a goodchoice. -Play any Church[Game Features]"3D engine to create end tour retina level visual feast.""Ghost contract" inherited the stone interactive games3DMMORPGyears of research experience, an end run engine technologyintogame development, to create beautiful images of retinal level,sothat the phone can play the PC that is the visual sense."Stunning live motion capture technology tocombatpleasure""Ghost contract" millions of pixels using live-actioncapturetechnology, each time moves One role of a high degreeofverisimilitude are reproduced true to the essence of theactionmovie, simply adjust the skills of the release order couldeasilyfloat even strokes It allows you fell in love with Onesecondfight!"Contract combat pet human pet free combination together OneSoulFun""Ghost contract" game need to find their own contracts, willallowplayers to gain combat pet summon the only One Way. Can findtheirown contract is the player in the game One species ofspecialpursuit, but pets can fit transfiguration players in thebattle tobecome a more powerful One incarnations form, fittransfigurationpets and different professions evolved various formsand specialabilities, ever-changing, unchanged for the win!"Competitive multiplayer team match-ups in real time teambattlesfirst '"Ghost contract" with a real-time athletic battle mode,trulyreal-time interaction between human players, breaking awayfrom theman-machine war no brain operation mode. Team sports,multiplayerteam play a copy of the depth of interaction, theprofessionalcomplement each other, God pet help, smooth operationthroughout,so that the fighting fun, team battles never stop!"Perfect super class copy wisdom decryptionoperationscoexist.""Ghost contract" was first introduced to decrypt a copy of theclassplay, make a copy of the fighting is no longer just asimpleanti-strange killing, but more full of fun games are played,forexample: a copy of the players need to block monsterdesignaccording to the terrain, blocking the monster or strategicsupplylines to reduce the difficulty to kill. Different copies ofcopieshave different strategies, players enter the copy is nolongersimply to upgrade to the only One purpose, but can experiencethefun of puzzle."The powerful trade union freedom Yuezhan abandon the shacklesofrigid rules.""Ghost contract" union duel between the rigid rules of thegameabandoned the shackles, please tell me the time, place,people,refused to accept to fight!-------------------------------------------------------------------------If you experience any problems with the game, and welcome tocontactus!Follow our Facebook fan page and micro-channel package willalsoreceive:Facebook: letter (WeChat): eyougamesmqyEmail:
蒼龍默示錄2.0:魔龍降臨 0.0.1
《蒼龍默示錄:魔龍降臨》魔龍降臨,御天制霸。享受指尖上的激鬥快感!奪回屬於你的英雄榮耀。蒼龍默示錄熱血來襲!《蒼龍默示錄》特有的爽快打擊結合“騎戰”與“空戰”兩種特色玩法,使玩家可以感受到立體作戰的全新體驗。玩家不僅可以收集各具特色的英雄,還可以得到拉風的坐騎、飛龍進行培養與戰鬥。遊戲中有不同夥伴可以進行搭配,每種夥伴都有獨特的技能與特色。與四大職業主角配合,提供玩家超過上百種組合並且可以自由搭配,超多玩法:包含坐騎、寵物、聖器、天梯、公會等最多樣的系統。最精致的畫面表現,全3D藍光畫質,體驗IMAX電影級視覺盛宴!宏大的歐美暗黑魔幻世界觀,集神話傳說人物於一體,打造史詩級劇情體驗!獨創夥伴切換、騎戰與空戰三位一體的即時PVP玩法,打造多人競技的跨時代手遊!遊戲特色1.龍騎出擊!奪回英雄的榮耀!!!!四大職業:盡情挑選自己喜愛的戰鬥風格,華麗地斬殺敵人。2.空戰+騎戰 巨龍降臨唯我獨尊!!戰鬥中召喚寵物或坐騎,展開爽快空戰及騎戰。透過強化系統,駕馭各強大座騎。3.全3D場景 身臨其境的感受以歐美魔幻世界為背景打造全3D場景,如有身臨其境的感受。4.告別傳統虛擬搖桿束縛 輕鬆觸屏操作 戰鬥更隨心全畫面觸碰,點到哪打到哪,享受無束縛的操縱快感。5.角色專屬外觀 獨一無二精心刻畫隨人物等級強化裝備,展現獨一無二的華麗外觀。6.獨創雙命夥伴系統主角不再孤軍奮戰,在戰鬥中可以隨時切換夥伴協助,形成戰術搭配。支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型【安卓】最低配置作業系統:Android 4.0及以上、RAM 2GB、分辨率1280x720、4核 CPU1.4GHz內存配置:16G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留1GB剩餘空間【安卓】建議配置作業系統:Android 4.3及以上、RAM 3GB、分辨率1920x1080、4核 CPU1.9GHz內存配置:32G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留1GB剩餘空間"BlackdragonApocalypse:Tiamat come" Tiamat come, Royal days system ofhegemony.Enjoy thethrill of Battle fingertips!Recapture the glory belongs to your hero. DragonbloodApocalypsestruck!"Black dragon Apocalypse" unique combination ofrefreshingblow"riding war" and "air" in two characteristics ofplay,So that players can feel three-dimensionalcombatnewexperience.Players can not only collect unique hero, you can also gettopullthe wind horse, dragon cultured and fight.The game has different partners, you can match eachpartnerhasunique skills and characteristics.And with four professional protagonist, the player offers morethanahundred kinds of combinations and can freely mix,Super Multi-play: contains mounts, pets, Saint, a ladder,andUnionthe most diverse systems.The finest screen performance, full HD 3D Blu-rayexperiencetheIMAX film-visual feast!Ambitious Europe dark magic world view, set in one of themythsandlegends of people, to create epic story experience!Original partner switching, riding warfare and aircombatTrinityinstant PVP play, to create a competitive multiplayerErahandtour!Game Features1. Dragoon attack! Recapture the glory of the hero !!!!Four Occupation: enjoy the selection of theirfavoritefightingstyle, gorgeous beheaded the enemy.2. The air war riding a dragon coming overweening + !!Battle summon pets or mounts, expand air and refreshingridewar.Through strengthening systems, each harnesspowerfulmounts.3. immersive experience full 3D sceneEuropean and American fantasy world as the background tocreateafull 3D scene, if an immersive experience.4. restraint easily bid farewell to thetraditionalvirtualjoystick touch-screen operation more heartbattleFull-screen touch, the point where playing where enjoy thethrillofunfettered manipulation.5. The role of unique exclusiveappearancemeticulouslyportrayedWith character level to strengthen the equipment,uniqueshowgorgeous appearance.6. The original double life partner systemsThe protagonist is no longer alone in the battle canswitchpartnersto assist in the formation of tactical match.Support Equipment: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and otherbrandsandmodels[Andrews] MinimumOperating System: Android 4.0 and above, RAM2GB,resolution1280x720,4 nuclear CPU1.4GHzMemory configuration: 16G or more. Storage: Recommended1GBfreespace reserve[Andrews] recommended configurationOperating System: Android 4.3 and above, RAM3GB,resolution1920x1080,4 nuclear CPU1.9GHzMemory configuration: 32G or more. Storage: Recommended1GBfreespace reserve