Top 45 Games Similar to Goku Blue Super Saiyan

Goku Tenkaichi: Saiyan Fight 1.0.2
The game features 58 playable characterswithatotal of 90 playable forms.The games are quite different from theoften-comparedBudokaiseries; they use a "behind-the-back"third-personcameraperspective. Also different from the Budokaiseries, eachform istreated as its own character, with varyingstats, movesetsandfighting stylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a modecalledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full atthecost ofBlast Stock bars.[Game Mode]The story mode of the series progresses similarly to thestorymodesin previous games. Players can select battles fromdifferentsagasand proceed through the story.Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, theplayercanenter a World Tournament and try to win their way to thetop.Thereare three levels of the basic tournament and a Cellmode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeterofthearena, but will be called for ringout if they touchtheground.- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinpreviousgames.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fightertheplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournamentandtryto win their way to the top.
Shin Budokai: 2: Another Road 4
The events of Shin Budokai - Another Roadtakeplace several years after Future Trunks defeated theFutureAndroids and Future Cell in his timeline.For the Z Fighters, it takes place at least two years afterthedefeat of Kid Buu (who was defeated in Age 774), after theeventsof Shin Budokai in Age 776with no conflicts in-between, as the Earth was said to have beenatpeace since the events of Shin Budokai - Another Road.And thus the future world's battle with Majin Buu draws toaclose.Future Trunks and his allies use their remaining wish withtheDragon Balls to undo the damage done by the attackers.With the destruction and death fixed, the cities overflowedwithpeople. With Future Babidi's ambitions crushed and FutureBuudefeated,the Earth's future world is peaceful once more. However, Gokuandthe other visitors from the past have not yet returnedhome.Krillin wants to see his daughter Marron again, however, as it isalarger Time Machine, it is not charged up yet.While the DBZ Fighters have some time to kill, and FutureGohanwants to train with Goku. Since the World Martial ArtsTournamentgot canceled,Future Bulma suggests they ask Future Mr. Satan to arrangeanexhibition match for them, which motivates Vegeta.He asks Trunks to call Future Mr. Satan right now, and wants tohavesome matches and fight Goku.Future Mr. Satan hears all about it and tells is going to helpthemout. Goku says it looks like this is going to be fun,but first he is kinda hungry and asks Future Bulma if they cangetsomething to eat. Future Bulma says they do not have a choiceandtells Vegeta to eat as well.Vegeta obeys, embarrassed by Future Bulma's authority, hethenproposes Goku an eating contest. Future has again survivedadifficult future,and Future Bulma and the others once again live in peace.Download Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - Another Road now!
Super Goku: Saiyan Warriors 1.0.4
PS Nob
The players follow the events of the storyinwhich you choose between Goku and friends, includingenemycharacters, along the way. The choices that the playermakesdetermine how the story evolves.Another mode is the Arcade mode, a single player mode that letstheplayer to choose the character let's your combat against the CPUinorder to fight and gain the DB.Next is the Z Trial mode, which consists of two different typesofplay: Survival, where the player fights againstCPU-controlledopponents for as long as he/she can, and Time Attack,where theplayer sees how fast you can make it through apredetermined set ofopponents.Finally, there is the Profile Card mode, in which the playerswillhave their in-game character profile cards that lists theirnameand power level. The players can design their own cardandcustomize them with items from the game's store.[Features]- High-speed wireless multiplayer battles featuring theuniverse'sstrongest fighters- 18 playable characters, including prize fighter- Revamped version of the acclaimed Saiyan Overdrivefightingsystem- In-game transformations to more powerful forms- All-new stage base- Seven game modes, including a compelling story mode.
Super War: Goku Tenkaichi 1.0.2
The game features high-impact two vstwocombat.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudoseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the Budokai series each formistreated as its owncharacter, with varying stats, movesetsandfighting stylesIn battle, players can build up their Ki gauge toexecutevarioustechniques such as the Power Guard, which reducesthedamagecharacters take by 1/4. The Ki gauge can also be used tousemovesreferred to as Blast 2 skills. Every character has auniqueset ofBlast 2 skills that allow the character to use specialmovessuch asKi blasts and physical attacks.The story mode of the series progresses similarly tothestorymodes in previous games. Players can select battlesfromdifferentsagas and proceed through the story[Features]- Over 70 deeply customizable characters.- 10 different stages.- Character customization.- Incredibly deep combo system.- 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 & 2 vs 2 battles.- High-Impact battles.- Consists of Blow Exchange and Shot Exchange.- In-game transformations.- Three Super Blast moves or combat moves for all characters.
Goku Last Shin Xenoverse 3
Goku Last Shin Xenoverse is gamefighting,upgrade skills and destroy competitor, they use a"behind-the-back"third-person camera perspective. Also differentfrom the xenoverseand budokai series, each form is treated as itsown character, withvarying stats.Features:- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.- Cool skill design and effect.- Classic sound created excitement for players.Similar to the same mode in the games series, the player can enteraWorld Tournament and try to win their way to the top. Therearethree levels of the basic tournament and a Cell mode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeter ofthearena, but will be called for ringout if they touchtheground.There are special techniques and jutsus that can be used.Somecharacters feature the ability to activate special modebyinflicting the special techniques which enhances their statusandgives them new abilities. It also features several items,likesuper kamehameha and strike bomb.Every character has a unique set of Blast 2 skills that allowthecharacter to use special moves such as Ki blasts andphysicalattacks. Characters also have a self-recharging numericgaugecalled Blast Stock that allows players to use techniquescalledBlast 1 skills and supportive effect such as allowingcharacters toregain health or immobilize the enemy. The simple goalis to fightthe opposing ninjas and to win by reducing their healthto zero.There are special techniques and that can be used. Somecharactersfeature the ability to activate special mode byinflicting thespecial techniques which enhances their status andgives them newabilities.The story mode of the series progresses similarly to the storymodesin previous games. Player can select battles from differentsagasand proceed through the story.
Goku Warrior: Shin Budokai 2 1.0.2
PS Nob
The game features a brand new storythattellsthe tale of Majin Buu being released in Trunks' timeline.AsMajinBuu is too strong for Trunks to handle alone, he useshistimemachine to recruit the original Z warriorsforassistance,eventually succeeding in the destruction ofMajinBuu.After being wounded by Future Dabura while protecting a cityfromoneof his Ki Blasts, Future Trunks realizes that he can not doitalone.Future Trunks decides to travel back in time once moretoreceivehelp from the Z Fighters of the past, he has to savetheTime Machinefrom Future Dabura's attack on West CityIn both cases, after Future Dabura's defeat, the storyprogressestochapter 3. However, if he fails to protect the TimeMachinefromFuture Dabura's attack, Future Trunks decides to bringFutureGohanand Future Pikkon back to life for one day onEarth:As Future Majin Buu refuses to listen to him, FutureBabidileaveshim in Future Dabura's care and goes off to New Namekto usetheNamekian to place Buu under his control. The ZFightersfollowFuture Babidi to New Namek while the Supreme Kai andKibitoreturnto their world.While they are looking for the last two Namekian,FutureBrolyappears in front of the Z Fighters, controlled byFutureCooler,but the Z Fighters still manage to get all theNamekian in acourseagainst Future Broly, Future Cooler, and theMeta-Coolers.Just asFuture Dende is calling Porunga, Future Babidimakes hisentranceand reveals that Future Broly and Future Coolerare workingforhim.
Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Teamm Z 4
Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Team Z is the firstgamethat does not include characters from GT but it is the firstgame tofeature the cast of Z Kai.A demo was released on PSN on October 19. It featured Goku,Vegeta,Piccolo, Krillin, Android 19 and Dr. Gero asplayablecharacters.Although these mechanics have stuck with the series, otherideassuch as the "Hyper Mode" the ability to move at incrediblespeeds,fly freely,and "Beam Struggles" between two character's beam attacks.werelater replaced in favour of other techniques.It is also the first Tenkaichii game to feature 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 and2vs 2 battles, beside the general 1 vs 1.The special moves are mainly taken from individual charactersownspecial moves from the show;including, but not limited to, Goku's Kamehameha, Vegeta'sGalickGun and Frieza's Death Beam.Dragon Tenkaichii Tagg Team Z Features* Over 70 deeply customizable characters.* 10 different stages.* Character customization.* Dragon Z Kai voice acting.* Incredibly deep combo system.* 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 & 2 vs 2 battles.* Complete Tenkaichii experience on PSP.* High-Impact battles.* Consists of Blow Exchange and Shot Exchange.* In-game transformations.* Three Super Blast moves or combat moves for all characters.* Dragon walker, battle 100, and survival.
Super Goku: Saiyan Fighting 1.0.2
Saiyan No.1
Super Goku: Saiyan Fighting series playslikeatypical 3-D fighting game.The plot of this game is a brand new story revolvingaroundMajinBuu.The controls remain the same, but there are someadditionalfunctionsthat can be used during gameplay. The storymode gameplayfeaturessomething similar.There are 129 playable characters in most versions of thegameand135. All characters featured in the previous game areavailableinthis game as well. Battles can now involve up totencharactersfighting one at a time on the battle-field, withoneteammatecoming in after the other has been knocked out or whentheplayerwishes to switch to another fighter. This is referringtoFreeBattle options.The game features a brand new story that tells the taleofBuubeing released in Future Trunks' timeline. As Buu is toostrongforTrunks to handle alone, he uses his time machine torecruittheoriginal Z warriors for assistance, eventually succeedinginthedestruction of Buu.
Super Goku: SuperSonic Warrior 1.0.3
PS 3D Games
Each character has thirty "levels",whichmakesthem stronger and occasionally changes their spritesandabilities.This is used in story mode to simulate thecharactersbeing strongeror weaker than their opponents.If you're completely new to the fighting genre or needtolearnall you can about how the game is played, check outtheBasicssection. Need a rundown on the various modes of play inthegame?Check out Game Modes. Want to learn about your characterorsee howto perform his or her moves? Head on over toCharacters.The player can use strong and weak variations ofclosecombatattacks, and charge their ki to fire strong and weakenergyblasts.Each character also has three unique "CertainKill"abilities thatdeal heavy damage to the opponent. The CertainKillability variesdepending on where the player is located -above,below orhorizontal to the opponent.[Story Mode]The story mode is presented through short scenes; wherelongtextsassociated with pictures and scenery are involved.[Challenge Mode]Only after defeating the first enemy team, the player canunlocknewteams to fight against until the mode is completed.[Z Battle Mode]In Z battle mode the player chooses a character, andmustbattleagainst 8 enemies, however after completing a round ofZbattlemode, the chosen character is given a ranking. Astheplayerdefeats more opponents with a single character, therankingof thatcharacter will increase and various statistics aregiven,allowingplayers to continuously build on various characterstocompletetheir full ranking. All rankings and statistics areviewedin theoptions mode under the rankings tab.
Goku Ultimate Budokai xenovers 1.0.1
Fight with your favorit Z heroanddestroyenemiesFEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe simple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like super kamehameha andstrikebomb.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the xenoverse and Budokaiseries,each form is treatedas its own character, with varyingstats,movesets and fightingstylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a modecalledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full atthecost ofBlast Stock bars.Deliberative and Exciting action!- Recommended for fans of vegeta, goku black,beerussama(bills),zamasu, android 18,gohan broly and all z heroes .Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, the playercanentera World Tournament and try to win their way to the top.Therearethree levels of the basic tournament and a Cellmode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeterofthearena, but will be called for ringout if theytouchtheground.Easy to Play- While waiting for taxi, at the restaurant or karaoke.- On the trains, buses, airplanes and transit whentravelling.- While watching the ball of dragon series on tv .- To refresh from driving a car for sightseeing with a maporgettingtired from car navigation- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinpreviousgames.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fightertheplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournamentandtryto win their way to the top.The story mode of the series progresses similarly to thestorymodesin previous games. Players can select battles fromdifferentsagasand proceed through the story.
Goku Warriors: Shin Budokai 1.0.2
The game pits two characters of theGokuagainsteach other in large environments, where they mostlyfightin the air.The player can use strong and stronger variationsofclose combatattacks, and charge their ki to fire KiBlasts.The players follow the events of the story in whichyouchoosebetween Goku and friends, including enemy characters,alongtheway. The choices that the player makes determine howthestoryevolves.The Option Mode lets the player change the game'sdifficulty,unlocknew characters, or view rankings of various scoresthey havegottenin different modes in the game. Unlocking charactersandstory modescosts points, which are obtained by winningbattles,completingstory modes, ...Survival: This is a mode where you pick your character,andfightnon-stop enemies, until you lose. After a certain amountofwins,your health will not regenerate fully.Time Attack: In this mode, located in Z trial, you'll beaskedtofight certain enemies as fast as possible. There aresevencoursesin total.Arcade: In this mode, you select your character, and headouttobattle. The objective of this mode is to collectallthePieces.[Features]- High-speed wireless multiplayer battles featuringtheuniverse'sstrongest fighters- 18 playable characters, including prize fighter- Revamped version of the acclaimed SaiyanOverdrivefightingsystem- There are 13 playable characters, each with 3 levels.- Unique Graphic Style and UI- Cool Effect with super skills- Many challenges- A lot of challenges and stages- More than 60 designer battles and power levels
Dragon Z Super Saiyan Blue Warriors 1.3.0
Chring Eclipse
Ah Man! Finally the best Dragon Super fanmadegame based on the Legend of Saiyan Heroes Saga is rebornforandroid gamer freaks. Help these Warriors to fight againstthewaves of enemies from fantasy world (exclusive from Z GT Kai).Be aMan and unleash the full power of the mighty warrior in thegalaxyto attack and destroy your opponents at Ultra Sonic Speed.Theultimate destiny of these fighters lies in your hands.Features--A perfect DB style fast battle system true to the manga.-Play as Goku and prince Vegeta along withtheirtransformations.-Beautiful eye catching and stunning graphics diminishingthebarrier between game and animation.-A large variety of moves for both characters.-Ground shaking Land and Space (Air) battle system.-Superb game play mechanics.-Kill different type of enemies and win the challenge.-Create your impact among Heroes in the Leader board and betheking.Gauges/Meters-There are 3 colored gauges that appears on top of Player-Green Gauge- HealthPurple Gauge- EnergyYellow Gauge- Ki BlastControls-Y- Sparking (Refills the yellow gauge. However, it consumesthepurple gauge.)X- Power Ball (Consumes some yellow gauge for eachPowerBall.)A- Fighting (Just hold the button to keep fighting with PunchandKick.)B- Main Technique (Needs full yellow gauge and if it's emptythenyou need to refill it with sparking.)T- Transmission (After entering transmission mode usethedirectional buttons to move at hyper sonic speed anywhere.Howeverfor each time execution, it consumes some purplegauge.)E- Evolution/Transform (Once the Transformation/Burst gauge ontheright side of the screen is full, you can transform intoSuperSaiyan Blue for a limited amount of time. Fight with enemiestohold SSJ form for longer duration.)Note- In future other Warriors like Trunks Gohan Piccolo andfusionslike Vegito and Gogeta from the popular anime series maygetfeatured in upcoming games as playable characters so don't beangryor punch yourself or decide to take revenge by postingattackcomments on this game please.Do not forget that my application Dragon Z Super Saiyan Blue isatotally free one and it's ultimate fate depends on youdearpeople!!! Please share it to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Tumblrat once!
Goku Ultimate Xenoverse Battle 1.0.3
Fight with your Ultimate Z herosayananddestroy enemiesFEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe simple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like super kamehameha andstrikebomb.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the xenoverse and Budokaiseries,each form is treatedas its own character, with varyingstats,movesets and fightingstylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a modecalledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full atthecost ofBlast Stock bars.Deliberative and Exciting action!- Recommended for fans of vegeta, goku black,beerussama(bills),zamasu, android 18,gohan broly and all z heroes .Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, the playercanentera World Tournament and try to win their way to the top.Therearethree levels of the basic tournament and a Cellmode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeterofthearena, but will be called for ringout if theytouchtheground.Easy to Play- While waiting for taxi, at the restaurant or karaoke.- On the trains, buses, airplanes and transit whentravelling.- While watching the ball of dragon series on tv .- To refresh from driving a car for sightseeing with a maporgettingtired from car navigation- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinpreviousgames.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fightertheplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournamentandtryto win their way to the top.The story mode of the series progresses similarly to thestorymodesin previous games. Players can select battles fromdifferentsagasand proceed through the story.
Goku Ultra Xenoverse Battle 3
The players follow the events of the storyinwhich you choose between goku and friends, includingenemycharacters, along the way. The choices that the playermakesdetermine how the story evolves. The plot of this game is abrandnew story revolving around majin. The controls remain thesame, butthere are some additional functions that can be usedduringgameplay.Also different from the xenoverse and budokai series, each formistreated as its own character, with varying stats, movesetsandfighting styles. Another mode is the Arcade mode, that letstheplayer to choose the character let's your combat against the CPUinorder to fight and gain the DB.As Buu is too strong for Trunks to handle alone, he uses histimemachine to recruit the original Z warriors forassistance,eventually succeeding in the destruction of buu.Finally, there isthe Profile Card mode, in which the players willhave their in-gamecharacter profile cards that lists their name andpowerlevel.Features:- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.- Classic sounds create excitement of playing.
Goku Black Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Super GameS9
Goku Black Budokai Tenkaichi is bestgamefighting, upgrade skills and destroy competitor. The gamesarequite different from the often-compared series, they usea"behind-the-back" third-person camera perspective. The simplegoalis to fight the opposing ninjas and to win by reducing theirhealthto zero. There are special techniques and jutsus that canbeused.Some characters feature the ability to activate special modebyinflicting the special techniques which enhances their statusandgives them new abilities. It also features several items,likesuper kamehameha and strike bomb. Similar to the same mode intheseries, the player can enter a World Tournament and try towintheir way to the top. There are three levels of thebasictournament and a Cell mode. Since characters can fly,characterscan leave the perimeter of the arena, but will be calledforringout if they touch the ground.Every character has a unique set of Blast 2 skills that allowthecharacter to use special moves such as Ki blasts andphysicalattacks. Characters also have a self-recharging numericgaugecalled Blast Stock that allows players to use techniquescalledBlast 1 skills. The story mode of the series progressessimilarlyto the story modes in previous games. Players can selectbattlesfrom different sagas and proceed through the story.Features:- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy and Simple to play.- Cool skill design and effect.- Classic sound created excitement for players.Enjoy and play Goku Black Budokai Tenkaichi!
Goku teankaichi Xenoverse 1.0.1
Fight with your favorit Z hero sayananddestroyenemiesFEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe simple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like super kamehameha andstrikebomb.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the xenoverse and Budokaiseries,each form is treatedas its own character, with varyingstats,movesets and fightingstylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a modecalledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full atthecost ofBlast Stock bars.Deliberative and Exciting action!- Recommended for fans of vegeta, goku black,beerussama(bills),zamasu, android 18,gohan broly and all z heroes .Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, the playercanentera World Tournament and try to win their way to the top.Therearethree levels of the basic tournament and a Cellmode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeterofthearena, but will be called for ringout if theytouchtheground.Easy to Play- While waiting for taxi, at the restaurant or karaoke.- On the trains, buses, airplanes and transit whentravelling.- While watching the ball of dragon series on tv .- To refresh from driving a car for sightseeing with a maporgettingtired from car navigation- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinpreviousgames.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fightertheplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournamentandtryto win their way to the top.The story mode of the series progresses similarly to thestorymodesin previous games. Players can select battles fromdifferentsagasand proceed through the story.
Dragon Z Proud Saiyan Warrior 1.0.2
Chring Eclipse
Ah Man! Finally the best DB fan made gamebasedon the Legend of Buu Saga is out. However, the game takesplace in afantasy world (exclusive from Z GT Kai) where Vegetawill train hardin order to beat Goku by becoming a Super Saiyan 3.Be a Man andunleash the full power of the prince in the galaxy toattack anddestroy your opponents at Ultra Sonic Speed. Theultimate destiny ofSuper Prince lies in your hands.KEY FEATURES--A perfect DB style fast battle system true to the manga.-Play as Majin Vegeta.-Beautiful stunning graphics.-Land and Air battle.-An epic story line to follow.-4 beautiful levels to clear with multiple stages.-Different types of enemies and bosses to fight.-Collect all the seven magic balls.-An epic battle with eternal rival.-Create your impact among Heroes in the Leader board.CONTROLS-X- Final Flash (Powerful technique to take down enemies in onego.It will consume the whole Final Flash Gauge and thus can notbedone when not fully charged.)Y- Sparking (Restores Final Flash Gauge by consuming some energyandprovide defense against most of the attacks.)A- Fight (Just hold the button to keep fighting with PunchandKick.)B- Transmission (Very useful in final battle with Goku to dodgehisattacks. It also consumes some energy.)The Green colored meter that appears above player is Health,theYellow colored meter is Final Flash Gauge and the purplecoloredmeter is energy. Energy is consumed each time you use FinalFlashor Transmission technique and can not be replenished beforethecompletion of a level. So it is advised to use it wisely.NOTES--Bardock and Goku (Kakarot) are playable in two othergamesdeveloped by me. See more games by this developer.-In future other Warriors like Gohan Piccolo Trunks and fusionslikeVegito Gogeta Gotenks from the popular anime series may getfeaturedin upcoming games as playable characters so don't be angryor punchyourself or decide to take revenge by posting attackcomments onthis game xD.-The game does not feature evil characters like Frieza CellBrolyCooler Omega Shenron or any other Villain from theseries.-This game is inspired by Shin Tenkaichi Butoden BudokaiRagingExtreme Xenoverse Bout Royale Another Road DimensionLegacy.★★ ❤ ★★ Do not forget that my application 👊 Dragon Z ProudSaiyanWarrior👊 is totally free and it's ultimate fate depends onyou dearpeople!!! Please share it to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Tumblrat once!
Saiyan Goku Fight Z 3
Followed by the Z test mode, whichincludestwodifferent types of games: Survival, where player fightagainstCPUcontrolled opponents for as long as he/she can, andTimeAttack,where players see how fast he / she can make itavailablethroughthe provisions of the opponents, can take on theirfriendsinintense wireless multiplayer battles employing allthemostexhilarating aspects.Other modes Arcade mode, a single player mode allowsplayerstochoose our character he/she fights against the CPU tofight.Aftergaining enough, Shenron appears and implementationoftheConvention of the characters, which are designed accordingtoyourpersonality.Finally, there are card information mode, will havethecharacterprofile cards in their games listed their namesandpowerlevels.Key Features:- High-speed wireless multiplayer battles featuringtheuniverse'sstrongest fighters- 18 playable characters, including prize fighter Pikkon- Revamped version of the acclaimed SaiyanOverdrivefightingsystem- In-game transformations to more powerful forms- All-new stage based on Fusion Reborn- Seven game modes, including a compelling story mode.The plot is a brand new story revolving around MajinBuubeingreleased in Future Trunks Alternate Timeline. Like mostofthemovies, Another Road is considered a side story to theseries.Igrew up watching video with my older brother and Iabsolutelylovedit. All in all anything Saiyan Goku Fight Z relatedis grwat,fromthe show/movies.Download free now and enjoy. Please rate and thanks alotforplaying!
Super Saiyan Goku Warrior 3
Back on Earth, Gohan says Gotenks wentoffsomewhere with Vegeta, Piccolo is not here yet either, andKrillinheaded for the camp. He then sense an energy Frieza.He has a body and no halo above his head, and is on Earth.Gohanconfronts him, and Frieza is honored that someone still knowshisname.He says it is time for some fireworks to commemorate his returnandthat even if he dies again, he might be able to come back.Gohan turns Super Saiyan, and Frieza now remembers andrecognizeshim as Goku's son.He fights and defeats Frieza, but is already worn out yetandremarks he should be stronger than Frieza.Frieza says he is a little tired too and proposes to take abreak,saying he will kill Gohan next time and show his bodytoGoku.Piccolo arrives when Frieza leaves and says he saw the fight,askingGohan why he could not like he did with Super Buu.Gohan then say they have to contact everyone, carefully. Thetwothen split up.Back in the Other World, Goku says nothing seems out oftheordinary, but Pikkon feels something evil in the breeze.Kibito Kai proposes the find the source of that wind, and theythenstart looking.They reach it thanks Kibito Kai's Instantaneous Movement, andseethe gathering energy clumping together.Kibito Kai remarks it is only evil energy that is rising andallcoming together, saying that something might have happenedafterKid Buu was defeated.He adds that anyone who takes in that energy will surelybecomeevil.Goku then do a Kamehameha from a distance in an attempttoextinguish it, but he just stirred it around some.The energy then begins to change and takes a form that of apowerfuldemon who they decide to call Janemba.Kibito Kai asks Goku to defeat Janemba now, before the demonstartsmoving. He turns into a Super Saiyan and beats Janemba.He says that Janemba is using some weird special move, and itislike he knows how Goku Warrior moves.He then remarks that there is still more energy taking onademon-shape and asks Kibito Kai to contact Pikkon,and Gohan and the others while he triels to hold Janemba off,alsosaying he well need a Senzu Bean after the battle.Once Kibito Kai leaves, Goku turns Super Saiyan 2.Download Super Saiyan Goku Warrior and play it now!
Goku War: Budokai Tenkaichi 1.0.3
Bat Lab
The games are quite differentfromtheoften-compared Budokai series; they usea"behind-the-back"third-person camera perspective. Alsodifferentfrom the Budokaiseries, each form is treated as its owncharacter,with varyingstats, movesets and fighting stylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy.Players can also power up into a mode called MaxPowerModenormally by building up their Ki beyond full at the costofBlastStock bars. Max Power Mode makes the character thatinitiateditfaster, stronger, and able to use moves that areexclusive tothemode. One of these moves is the Ultimate Blast whichis usuallythemost powerful move a character has, though use of anyBlast 2skillor the Ultimate Blast immediately ends Max PowerMode.- Artificial Humans: Will not show on radar unlesslockedonto.- Large Characters: Do not flinch from smallercharacters'meleeattacks.- Great Ape: Do not flinch from smaller characters'meleeattacks
Goku War: Budokai Another Road 1.0.2
The events of Budokai take placeseveralyearsafter Future Trunks defeated the Future Androids andFutureCell inhis timeline.Gameplay is very similar to Shin Budokai, the game'spredecessor.Thecontrols remain the same, but there are someadditionalfunctionsthat can be used during gameplay. The storymode gameplayfeaturessomething similar to what was in Budokai3.Future Trunks is the only one who can face Future MajinBuu.FutureBuu kills him in a battle. With the death of FutureTrunks,thefate of the world is sealed: Future Buu destroys theworld,andthen the universe, then he turns to the Kais. Those whocouldhavestopped Buu were long gone, the world will soonreturntonothingness.Future Babidi calls forth Shenron and while stating his wish,heiscut off by Future Mr. Satan who wishes to become themostpopularguy in the universe, this to stop Future Babidi'sevil.Enraged athaving his wish stolen, Future Babidi lashes outatFuture Mr.Satan, but Future Super Buu takes the blowinstead,leaving himnear death.And thus the future world's battle with Majin Buu draws toaclose.Future Trunks and his allies use their remaining wishwiththepieces to undo the damage done by the attackers.Withthedestruction and death fixed, the cities overflowedwithpeople.With Future Babidi's ambitions crushed and FutureBuudefeated, theEarth's future world is peaceful once more.However,Goku and theother visitors from the past have not yetreturnedhome.
Goku Global Fight 👊 1.0.3
IDEK inc.
Goku Global Fight 👊 Fun and addictivegame.Thisis the perfect app to pass your time and will never letyougetbored.The best game for DB fan and Super Goku Saiyan.[Features]- Unique Graphic Style and UI- Cool Effect with super skills- Many challenges- A lot of challenges and stages- More than 60 designer battles and power levelsEnjoy playing this game , and don't forget to rate us andgiveusyour opinion about this game to make it more fine forallDBfans!
Goku War: Shin Budokai Another 1.0.3
Bat Lab
The series plays like a typical3-Dfightinggame best the store.As well as including the regular punch and kick buttons, thereistheability to shoot Ki blasts, which can also be usedinspecificspecial moves. The special moves are mainly takenfromindividualcharacters own special moves from the show;including,but notlimited to, Goku's Kamehameha.The game features a brand new story that tells the tale ofMajinBuubeing released in Future Trunks' timeline. As Majin Buuistoostrong for Trunks to handle alone, he uses his timemachinetorecruit the original Z warriors forassistance,eventuallysucceeding in the destruction of MajinBuu.While the Z Fighters and Future Babidi are on New Namek,FutureBuumeets Future Sata when the latter falls on the ground duetoapebble on the ground while running away. Future SatagivesFutureBuu the pebble as present, and two make friends.Future Babidi calls forth Shenron and while stating his wish,heiscut off by Future Sata who wishes to become the most popularguyinthe universe, this to stop Future Babidi's evil. Enragedathavinghis wish stolenWith the destruction and death fixed, the citiesoverflowedwithpeople. With Future Babidi's ambitions crushed andFutureBuudefeated, the Earth's future world is peaceful oncemore.However,Goku and the other visitors from the past have notyetreturnedhome. Krillin wants to see his daughter Marronagain,however, asit is a larger Time Machine
Shin Budokai 2: Goku Saiyan Z 2
MyClub War
Shin Budokai 2: Goku Saiyan Z is gamefeaturesabrand new story that tells the tale of Majin Buu beingreleasedinTrunks' timeline. The player can use strong andstrongervariationsof close combat attacks, and charge their ki tofire KiBlasts. The ZFighters follow Future Babidi to New Namekwhile theSupreme Kai andKibito return to their world. It is alsothe firstTenkaichii game tofeature 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 and 2 vs 2battles,beside the general 1 vs1.Future Bulma says they do not have a choice and tells Vegetatoeatas well. Vegeta obeys, embarrassed by Future Bulma'sauthority,hethen proposes Goku an eating contest. Future has againsurvivedadifficult future and Future Bulma and the others onceagain liveinpeace. Enraged at having his wish stolen, Future Babidilashesoutat Future Mr. Satan, but Future Super Buu takes theblowinstead,leaving him near death.In both cases, after Future Dabura's defeat, the storyprogressestochapter 3. However, if he fails to protect the TimeMachinefromFuture Dabura's attack, Future Trunks decides to bringFutureGohanand Future Pikkon back to life for one day onEarth.Key features:- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- Level of difficulty increases with each character.- Classic sound created excitement for players.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.
Warrior For Super Goku Boy 2 1.0.2
Saiyan No.1
Warrior For Super Goku Boy 2 is a 2Dfightinggame where the player chooses a team of three to fightagainst anenemy or another team. There are various modes to choosefrom whichcan help bring up the player's character rosterThe games pits two characters of the DBall pieces each otherinlarge environments, where they mostly fight in the air. Thereisthe belief that there are special ball which, if can collected7piece, to grant the user one wish.The player can use strong and weak variations of closecombatattacks, and charge their ki to fire strong and weak energyblasts.Each character also has three unique "Certain Kill"abilities thatdeal heavy damage to the opponent. The Certain Killability variesdepending on where the player is located - above,below orhorizontal to the opponent.Once in combat, you can use the touch screen to switchbetweenfighters until you find your most beneficial matchup. Youcanbattle on the ground and in the air by employing thevariouscharacters' powerful special attacks.The game is crazy easy to play with a simple skill system, youwillhave chance to use skill like Kame[Features]· Fun & Challenging Gaming Experiences· Unique Graphic Style and UI· Cool Effect with super skills· Many challenges· Save & Load· More than 60 designer battles and power levels· KI Blast· Dragon Strike
Super Battle for Goku Devil 1.4.2
LIP Studio
Super Battle of God vs Devil base oncharacterand saiyan forms what were love by more than a millionplayers allover the world.The best game ever for dbz fan with more than 50saiyanforms.With Super Saiyan Level from 1 to 20 and SSJG, SSGSSforstrongest power with cool skills will bring you to anultimatesaiyan battle.The cool saiyan transform effect and many bosses what youwilllove the way to fight if you love dragon ball z (dbz).Many skills like Ki Blast, Kamehameha, Dragon Recall, BigBangAttack and Monkey King Recall ... and many more coming.In this game you will have chance to fight one-one with bossorone-many.We managed to prepare for you more than 40 battle level withalot of reward coin and skill improve time by time you fight.FEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- More than 50 super saiyan forms with cool graphic design- Cool transform effect- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of bosses and fighters- A lot of challenges and stages- More than 40 pre-design battle and power level- Multi-Character supportWe always love to hear from you to make the game better.Pleasetell us about our game via:- Facebook page: Facebookgroup: Twitter: Website: Email:
Goku vs Vegata Saiyan Fighting 3
Scenario story mode is a new story whichtakesplace two years after the defeat of Kid Buu,and which is based on the events of the movie Goku vs VegataSaiyanFighting.The players follow the events of the story in which youchoosebetween Goku and friends, including enemy characters, alongtheway.The choices that the player makes determine how thestoryevolves.Another mode is the Arcade mode, a single player mode that letstheplayer to choose the character let's him/her combat against theCPUin order to fight and gain the Dragon Balls.After gaining enough Dragon and Balls, Shenron appears andgrantsthe wish of the character, designed according totheirpersonalities.Next is the Z Trial mode, which consists of two different typesofplay: Survival,where the player fights against CPU-controlled opponents for aslongas he/she can, and Time Attack,where the player sees how fast he/she can make it throughapredetermined set of opponents.Finally, there is the Profile Card mode, in which the playerswillhave their in-game character profile cards that lists theirnameand power level.The players can design their own card and customize them withitemsfrom the game's store.#Dragon Road : Ball Road is the story mode of "Shin Budokai". Itisbased on the movie Dragon Z: Fusion Reborn.As the player moves along in the story, different fights willshowup, such as a friendly competition (a fight between Goku vsVegataSaiyan Fighting) or a showdown against evil.The Dragon Road mode takes the player on a trip to see theeventsfrom Fusion Reborn in a totally revamped way; things thatwere inthe movie are different in the game#Training Mode :In this mode, you can practice battles withtheCPU.You have to pick two characters to fight with, choosethebattlefield, and set your health, starting ki, andcheckenergy.#Network Battle Mode : This is the mode were you can havewirelessmultiplayer battles with your friends.Here, you can also add friends to your Profile Card, and viewtheirsas well.Every battle you win will raise your power level (shown on themainmenu, on the Dragon Radar).It will also increase your Victory Ratio, which is displayed onyourProfile Card.
Goku last Fusion Xenoverse 1.0.1
Fight with your favorit Z fusion herosayananddestroy enemiesFEATURES- Easy and Simple to play- amazing animations- Cool skill design and effect- Flexible moving and game play- A lot of challenges and stagesThe simple goal is to fight the opposing ninjas and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like super kamehameha andstrikebomb.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries;they use a "behind-the-back" third-personcameraperspective. Alsodifferent from the xenoverse and Budokaiseries,each form is treatedas its own character, with varyingstats,movesets and fightingstylesThe Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to asBlast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Kiblastsandphysical attacks. Characters also have aself-rechargingnumericgauge called Blast Stock that allows playersto usetechniquescalled Blast 1 skills. Blast 1 skills usually haveasupportiveeffect such as allowing characters to regain healthorimmobilizethe enemy. Players can also power up into a modecalledMax PowerMode normally by building up their Ki beyond full atthecost ofBlast Stock bars.Deliberative and Exciting action!- Recommended for fans of vegeta, goku black,beerussama(bills),zamasu, android 18,gohan broly and all z heroes .Similar to the same mode in the Budokai series, the playercanentera World Tournament and try to win their way to the top.Therearethree levels of the basic tournament and a Cellmode.Sincecharacters can fly, characters can leave the perimeterofthearena, but will be called for ringout if theytouchtheground.Easy to Play- While waiting for taxi, at the restaurant or karaoke.- On the trains, buses, airplanes and transit whentravelling.- While watching the ball of dragon series on tv .- To refresh from driving a car for sightseeing with a maporgettingtired from car navigation- Z Battle Gate: progresses similar to the story modesinpreviousgames.- Ultimate Battle: This new mode pits whichever fightertheplayerchooses against 100 characters.- World Tournament: the player can enter a world tournamentandtryto win their way to the top.The story mode of the series progresses similarly to thestorymodesin previous games. Players can select battles fromdifferentsagasand proceed through the story.
Battle Of Super Saiyan 1.0.8
BMLizard Studio
Incarnations become a superhero saiyanrescuethe world.Many skills like Kamehameha, Ki Blast, Dragon Recall, BigBangAttack , Monkey King Recall , Burning Attack ...Thank you for playing. Enjoy.
Goku Battle 2: Super Hero 1.0.2
MyClub War
Goku Battle 2: Super Hero improvesuponthefirst installment by adding an all-new single playermode,newcharacters and explosive attacks. Experience thenewmatch-ups,character cameos and challenging missions in"SaiyanWorld." Thegame features a brand new story that tells thetale ofMajin Buubeing released in Future Trunks' timeline. As MajinBuu istoostrong for Trunks to handle alone, he uses his timemachinetorecruit the original Z warriors forassistance,eventuallysucceeding in the destruction of MajinBuu.The adventures of Goku and his companions, in aplayfulvideoversion, continue to arouse the enthusiasm of the manyfanswhocontinue to support this brand that, in time, was awardedthetitleof real phenomenon. And the phenomenon continuestodemonstrate itsstrength, a strength that never fades andthat,indeed, is chargingits own "wave energy."Key features:- Nice-looking graphics.- Level of difficulty increases with each character.- Classic sound created excitement for players.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.The past and future are at peace again, cities wererebuiltand,years later, also takes up the World Tournament. Thefuture wasatpeace but, as in the past, evil came back ... Therewerebothsupporters of peace and those who threatened her. Trunkswouldbefound in the heart of a new, epic battle.
Dragon Heroes:Tap Survival 1.0.17
Do you like DB?Enjoy now this cool game made by fans of the worlwideknownphenomenon and play with your favourite Dragon Hero!Beat your enemies with energy attacks!There are 4 different stages and more to come, unlock allofthem!Start playing now and get the maximum number of balls you can togetmore stages and characters.How to play?:*Tap on enemies to make an attack and destroy them before theyreachyour position.* Your score will only be saved if you complete the60seconds.*Warning, this game can be insanely addictive for all fans oftheanime!
Super Saiyan Dragon Z Warriors 1.09
3B Sentinel
In another universe, there is a SuperSaiyanHero have become Legendary, his from another planet likeEarth !We're talking about making up the story of the legendaryfight withLord Frieza, Mutant Cell,Terminator MajinBuu, CursedKidBuu,CrazyMan Broly, against Fusion War to protect our planetsave ourlife!By tapping the screen with fingers, the player can cause anintensebattle to unfold and enjoy the fighting action on theirsmartphone.Utilizing the smartphone's sense of control to itsgreatest extent,super-high-speed fights are possible.The playerwill have chance touse the cool skills effect like Ki Blast,Gigantic Gun, Death Ball, Dragon Finger Ball and so much actionskills.- Story Mode : Allows players to play through the original eventsofthe Super Saiyan story.- Survival Mode : Survival mode is a game mode in which theplayermust continue playing for as long as possible in anuninterruptedsession while the game presents them with increasinglydifficultwaves of challenges.- Legend Mode : Fight with Strong Enemies to get more rewardslikeweapons , items ,gems.- Team Mode : This mode allows up to 4 players to join battletocomplete missions in cooperation. It allows players whohavedifficulty to complete missions alone to find help tocompletethem. In Team Mode , you need use Key to fight match.
Goku Saiyan Battle Fight Z 1.1.1
Saiyan Goku & Battle Figh Fanclubdon'tmiss!!!!Check our newi epic battle of goku Saiyan for saving theplanetfromthe saiyans in world of battle never end. Meet thesuperfightinggame a new mode. Goku Saiyan Battle Fight Z.+ How to play:Tap R & L to Attacks left and right.Special Skill of goku you can learn in game via tutorial.Collect Coin to upgrade.Win the saiyan battle for to be more stronger.+ Super Saiyan Skills:- K.I Blast: Basic techniques for discharged energy.- Kameha: Goku Saiyan attack with energy wave.- Spirit Bomb: collect energy in the form of a sphere.- Super Saiyan: transform to unleash the ultimate power.- Hidden Skill, and more...+ Goku Game Mode :- Infinity Mode : New Challenge !! You have to fight the saiyansinalimited time to unlock achievements.+ Features:- Boss Battle Quest - battle challenge more.- unlimited Stages & 40+ different enemies wave.- More than 10+ DBZ Fighter- Stunning Graphic and amazing sounds Effects.Don't forget to rate this amazing Goku saiyan battle fight Zgame,weare sure you gonna like it.This game made by fans to all fans in the world,have fun.
Super Saiyan Warrior 1.2.8
Guess what ? The super saiyan hero is back,nowhelp him and be the super saiyan hero, save the earth fromthebadenemiesAre you hankering for a game that takes minutes to play butcankeepyou engrossed for hours? Check out this excellentaddictivegame TheSuper Saiyan warriorNOW!! There are 8 of DB saiyans character , you can play asanyoneof them if you want !!!{ -Features- }** Kill different type of enemies and win be the winnerofeachlevel.** A true DB style fast battle system.** Play as Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Goku.** Beautiful stunning graphics.** A large variety of moves.Enjoy your game , and don't forget that we're working reallyhardtomake this game good for you , so please if you could giveusyouropinion to make The Super Saiyan Warrior better .
Super Vegeta Budokai Tenkai 3
The legendary 3-D battle game, find anddestroyyour enemy. As history is being attacked and altered byevilintruders, players will have to become Time Patrollers inorder toprotect the Past and the Future of the Goku Fight world.New andpowerful foes coming from Tenkaichi movies (such as Slug,Janemba,Cooler and Turles, with more to be revealed) will do theirbest tosucceed in their wicked deeds. A demo was released onOctober 19. Itfeatured Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin and Dr. Gero asplayablecharacters.He has dialogue while fighting continues, and fighters showfacialexpressions when they strike an opponent or take damage.Inaddition to the ever-present ki meter, there is a greenstaminameter which can be used up to instantly disappear behindanopponent. This meter can also be used up by certain superattackslike the Kaio-ken.It is also the first he game to feature 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 and 2 vs2battles, beside the general 1 vs 1. Story Mode: Playersplaythrough a distorted version of the him storyline to restorethetimeline. Parallel quests: Replay events from the ShinBudokaitimeline with different conditions and characters. You willberewarded with skills, items and more.[Features]:- Nice-looking graphics 3-D.- A lot of challenges and stages.- Easy controls on phones and tablets.- Classic sound created excitement for players.
Narutimates: Ultimate Ninja 1.0.2
NTT Group
Narutimate features asimilargameplayexperience to Ultimate NinjaThe simple goal is to fight the opposing character and towinbyreducing their health to zero. There are specialtechniquesandjutsus that can be used. Some characters feature theabilitytoactivate special mode by inflicting the specialtechniqueswhichenhances their status and gives them new abilities.Italsofeatures several items, like shuriken and kunai.The game also uses support characters such as Naruto:supportbeingIruka, or Sasuke's support being Kakashi Hatake. Thegamefeaturesan arcade style story mode. Although the gamelooselycovers theevents in the original manga from the Introductionarc upto theInvasion. Each stories consist of up to six battlesdividedbydialogues in a manga style display, one of many homagestoitssource material.Narutimate features a similar gameplay experience toUltimateNinja,featuring many of the same gameplay elements andgeography.The gamereplaces the arcade-style story mode from theoriginalgame with anRPG story mode
Goku Warriors: Saiyan Fight 1.0.3
Scenario story mode is a new storywhichtakesplace two years after the defeat of Kid Buu, and whichisbased onthe events of the movie Reborn. The players followtheevents ofthe story in which you choose between Goku andfriends,includingenemy characters, along the way. The choices thattheplayer makesdetermine how the story evolves.Another mode is the Arcade mode, a single player mode thatletstheplayer to choose the character let's him/her combat againsttheCPUin order to fight and gain the Budo. After gainingenoughpieces,Shenron appears and grants the wish of thecharacter,designedaccording to their personalities.Key Features:- High-speed wireless multiplayer battles featuringtheuniverse'sstrongest fighters- 18 playable characters, including prize fighter- Revamped version of the acclaimed SaiyanOverdrivefightingsystem- In-game transformations to more powerful forms- All-new stage based on Reborn- Seven game modes, including a compelling storymode:BudokaiRoadModes:- Health: The amount of health you wish to begin thefightwith,which you can also set for the CPU. There are 7 barsofhealth,each a different color.- Starting Ki: How much energy you want to begin the battlewith.Youcan give yourself an advantage by setting the CPU's Kienergyto low.There are 7 bars of Ki.- Check Energy: The amount of Ki needed to teleport behindtheenemyto dodge his/her attack. For example, the originalkiconsumptionfor teleporting is 3 ki bars. The higher you makeit,the more ki itconsumes. The lower, the less ki it takes.
Goku : Real Saiyans Fighting 1.3
8 Bet Game
Goku : Real Saiyans Fighting Game isanewfighting action game for android devices , try itnowforfreeThe story takes place two years after losing a buuchildren'sfashionscene, and a new story based on the re-birth offilmevents. If GokuY along the way, including the enemy charactertochoose from amonghis friends players will follow the events ofthestory. You canselect the player determines thenarrativeapproach.Another feature is the arcade mode, the player's characterinhisfight against the CPU can come to fight single-playermode/budoeul to choose with him. Sinryongga will appearaftergettingenough coins is designed based on hispersonalitydemonstrates thewill of the character.Main Features:- The strongest warrior and a high wire without a multiplayergameinspace- 18 playable characters, including boxer- Greetings sayieoin the fight on a new version ofthedrivesystem- Changes in the strong form of the game- On the basis of a new level revival- The state, including compelling stories Septembergamemode:Budokai RoadTerms:Health: You can also start the CPU that you should combattheamountof health. Painted on a different color bars, healthstatus,andangle.- Start group: the amount of energy you want to start thegame.Theuser can superpose the advantage of adjusting theelectricalenergyof the CPU. Seven groups are opened.- Energy Check: to his / her enemies attack moment tothenecessaryamount of groups avoided on the move. For example,theoriginalteleport consumption q KI is 3 bar. The more you have,themoreconsumption can kill. Inferior, than a difficultgroup.Enjoy playing Goku : Real Saiyans Fighting , and please giveusyouropinions.
Battle Of Super Saiyan Heroes 1.0.5
BMLizard Studio
Incarnations become a hero saiyan rescuetheworld.Many skills like Ki Blast, Kamehameha, Dragon Recall, BigBangAttack and Monkey King Recall ... and many more coming.Please become a Super Saiyan defeat the enemy.Was inspired by dragon ball promises to do the most excitinggamesin this genreThank you for playing. Enjoy.
Goku Super Saiyan Budokai 1.0.9
Fight with your ennemies and destroythembyusing your favorite heroThis fighting game is a great for whom want to fightninjaanddestroy their health to nothing to win. You can useyourfavoriteninja to get their special techniques and theirspecialabilitieslike strikebomb and super kamehameha.This game is similar to budokai series and differentfromthexenoverse as it has its character with differentpowerandmoves.Goku Last warrior is a great game for whom want fightinggameasvegeta power and super saiyan power is the best togetgoodresults.Disclaimer:We respect all the privacy policy and if there is anyissuespleasereport it in the email below.
Superheroes 3 Fighting Games 3.2
Enjoy superhero fights defending the land from villains. collectthecards.
Shadow Battle 2.2 2.2.56
Let's get ready for breathtaking battles!
Super Goku Advanced 1.0
The game contains 30 playablecharacters.Itcontains five modes of play. The story of the gamestarts atthevery the beginning of the series when Goku first metBulma,andgoes all the way up to the final battle against KingPiccolo.Goku goes on the adventure of his lifetime. Most of theSuperGokuAdvanced story arcs are represented; the only onenoticeablymissingis the Piccolo storyline from the end of theseriesgame.Click inside of the game to START. This game usesonlythekeyboard. Click on the icon menu on the bottom of the gametoseethe controls or change it to fit you. If you don’t finish,youcansave the game code to your computer and load the save codewhenyoucome back. You can click L (Top-Left) to use ultimate.There are many items to collect in the game, most ofwhicharehidden. Items include those that increase theplayer'shealthand/or ki blash.=== Features ===- Unique Graphic Style and UI- Cool Effect with super skills- Many challenges- Story Mode- One-On-One Mode- Versus Mode- Extra Mode
Super War: Super Goku Saiyan 1.0.2
The plot of this game is a brandnewstoryrevolving around Buu being released inTrunks'AlternateTimeline.===[Key features]===- Seven game modes including a completely new story arcfollowingtheworld of Trunks on his adventures against Buu- 24 unique playable characters the player can choose heroes- High-speed Ad-hoc battles with the universe'smostpowerfulfighters- In-game transformations to make the battle even moreintense- An improved fighting system with over 50 new fightingskillsandultimate attacks- Brand new power level-system in Story Mode- Network Battle- Able to change camera anglesAfter being wounded by Future Dabura while protecting a cityfromoneof his Ki Blasts, Trunks realizes that he can not do italoneand thestory progresses to chapter 2.If he fails to defeat Dabura, one of Dabura's KiBlastsmortallywounds Future Kibito when the latter takes theterribleblast withhis own body to protect Future Trunks. ThoughFutureKibito savedhim from one blast, another comes shortlythereafterand hitsTrunks. With no means of healing him, they haveto resorttomedical treatment.Trunks and company climb the tower to find Future Korin,whoexplainshe survived hiding himself inside a pot when thefightingpuppetcame. Future Korin then gives some Senzu Beans.FutureTrunks thenheads to West City, and manages to fend offFutureDabura and protectthe Time Machine.
Dragon Battle Super Saiyan 1.0.0
Welcome to the dragon Battle SuperSaiyan.Gokusuper saiyan warrior face to face with allvillainsIts time to show the power of the ultimate super saiyan blue.Your mission: Beat the final boss - Beerus thegodofdestructionThis game is made by a big dragon ball super fan team.This is the perfect app to pass your time and will never letyougetbored. Moreover there are lots of challenges that comeduringthefighting gameplay.As you unlock items, you gain much more power to usespecialattackslike the super Kamehameha, the kaioken or thespritbomb.The game begin with goku super saiyan god and you cantransformyourwarrior to be the ultimate super saiyan blue.As soon as you earn more credit you can use theme to buymorepowerfor your fighter.For exemple buy more kaioken x20 levels or gain more auraforthesuper saiyan blue.Features:• A lot of challenges and stages• Unique Graphic Style and UI• Many challenges• Cool Effect with super skillsEnjoy playing this game, and don't forget to rate us and giveusyouropinion about this game to make it more fine for alldragonballsuper fans.