Top 14 Apps Similar to Réanimation 2016

eICU 3.0 3.1.0
The eICU 3.0 app is an Ebook for Resuscitators
Dictionnaire Médical
Medicopedia contains over 20,000 medical terms classifiedundertheir root.
Фельдшер СМП 2.0
EMHelp Group
⚠️ Для работы приложения требуетсяхорошийинтернет!🚑 Шпаргалки скоропомощникам, сертификационные тесты для врачейифельдшеров.📢 Рады представить Вам уникальное приложение, включающее всебятесты, алгоритмы, схемы, таблицы, обучающие видео, инструкцииимногое другое.Аналогов данного приложения нет!Стоимость приложения равна одной жвачки.Мы признаем, что приложение пока не идеальное, работаетсинтернетом...но свою задачу оно выполняет.Книга с тестами в Москве стоит 500 рублей, а приложение - 50.Затотесты и шпаргалки всегда в Вашем кармане.🗂️ Содержание:✔️ Нормы для детей (площадь ожога, промывание желудка, СЛРдетей,параметры ИВЛ у детей и пр.)✔️ Экспресс-ЭКГ (изменения QRS, изменения ST, изменения Типр.)✔️ Инфузия препаратов (Изокет, Допамин и др.)✔️ Реанимация 2015 (современные алгоритмы реанимационныхмероприятийЕСР и НСР)✔️ Школа ЭКГ (видеоуроки по ЭКГ для начинающих)✔️ Оборудование 03 (видеоуроки по интубации, техникеиспользованияаппаратуры СМП)✔️ Инста СМП (фото наших коллег со всего мира на тематикуСМП)✔️ Тесты для фельдшеров✔️ Шпаргалки (веб-версия нашего сайта, содержащая более 4Гбшпаргалок)❗!!! Внимание !!!Некоторые версии ядер телефонов не поддерживают этупрограмму.Если у Вас просто белый экран или пустой экран -попробуйтеповернуть телефон в горизонтальную ориентацию. Если послеэтого непоявятся иконки приложения, то Ваше устройство поканеподдерживается. Проблема известна и ожидает решения.⚠️ Уважаемые коллеги! Приложение создано через конструктор итребуетежемесячной оплаты. Плюс, увеличивая объем шпаргалок,приходитсяплатить за увеличение пропускной способности приложения.У нас нетспонсоров и реклама - попытка заработать длявышеперечисленныхрасходов. Если реклама будет не эффективной,откажемся от неё. Безрекламы очень здорово, но без финансированияне будет поддержки иразвития приложения. Спасибо запонимание.⚠️ applicationrequiresgood internet!🚑 Cribs skoropomoschnikam, certification tests for doctorsandparamedics.📢 glad to present you a unique application that includestests,algorithms, charts, tables, training videos, manualsandmore.The analogues of this application is not!cost of the app is a chewing gum.We acknowledge that the app is not perfect, works with theinternet... but it performs its task.Book with tests in Moscow is 500 rubles, and the application -50.But the tests cribs and always in your pocket.🗂️ Contents:✔️ Rates for children (the burn area, gastric lavage, childrenCPR,mechanical ventilation parameters in children and soforth.)✔️ Express ECG (change QRS, change ST, T changes, etc.)✔️ infusion (Izoket, dopamine and others.)✔️ Resuscitation 2015 (modern algorithms resuscitation EBUandNDS)✔️ School electrocardiogram (ECG video tutorialsforbeginners)✔️ equipment 03 (video tutorial for intubation, the techniqueofusing SMP hardware)✔️ Insta SMP (photos of our colleagues from around the world onthetheme of the SMP)✔️ Tests for paramedics✔️ Cribs (Web version of our website, which contains more than 4GBof cribs)❗ !!! Attention !!!Some versions nuclei phones do not support this program.If you have just a white screen or a blank screen - try to turnthephone into a horizontal orientation. If not then there will beanapplication icon, then your device is not supported. The problemisknown and is awaiting a decision.⚠️ Dear colleagues! The application created by the designerandrequires a monthly payment. Plus, increasing the amount ofcribs,have to pay for the increase in bandwidth applications. We donothave sponsors and advertising - an attempt to maketheabove-mentioned expenses. If advertising is not effective,weabandon it. No advertising is very cool, but without thefundingwill support the development and application. Thank youforunderstanding.
ACLS Sim 2016 2.0.8
'Anesoft ACLS Sim 2016' will improveyourresuscitation skills. This app enables you to rehearsecardiacarrest megacode management - anytime, anywhere. Itreinforces theAmerican Heart Association 2015 treatment guidelines.With regularpractice you will always be ready to run a fullcardiacresuscitation.You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogram rhythm,decideon the appropriate management, and guide two assistantsthrough theresuscitation. The assistants are skilled, but will onlydo whatyou tell them to do. You must serve as the teamleader.There are twelve case scenarios for this app. The first case isvfibwith very forgiving timing to make it easy for you to learn tousethe app.The next two cases also cover ventricular fibrillation but withmoredifficult and realistic timing. Cases 4 and 5 are forpulselessventricular tachycardia, another covers asystole, and theremainderof the cases cover the tachycardia algorithm.The app includes a 'What Now' feature. Use the 'What Now'buttonfrequently to learn to use the program. In addition, the'What Now'feature will always tell you the best management decisionfor thecurrent state of the case.The app also scores and debriefs your case management.Thecombination of simulation, what now help, and debriefing provideanoptimal training experience.This app is for training purposes only. Do not assume a realpatientwill behave exactly the same as any of the simulatedpatients.
Сестринское дело Реанимация 1.13
Приложение предназначено для получениязнанийпо специальности "Сестринское дело". Приложение позволяетизучатьматериал в данной области и так же проверять свои знания врежимесвободного просмотра и в режиме тестирования. Естьвозможностьнастраивать режим тестирования. Ведется статистикаправильных инеправильных ответов.The applicationisdesigned to provide knowledge in the specialty "Nursing". Theappallows you to learn the material in this area and also tochecktheir knowledge in the mode of free viewing and in test mode.It ispossible to customize the test mode. Statistics are keptcorrectand incorrect answers.
Первая помощь 4.3
Приложение-справочник Первая помощь позволяет всегда иметьподрукойкраткие инструкции по оказанию первой (доврачебной)помощивразличных экстремальных ситуациях (авария,перелом,порез,кровотечение, отравление). Приложение-справочниквключает всебя 45разделов, в которых Вы найдете все об оказаниипомощи,начиная отушиба и заканчивая реанимацией пострадавшего.Попав вэкстреннуюситуацию, Вы сможете оказать помощь себе иокружающим.Приложение"Первая помощь" поможет, если Вы планируетепутешествие,отпуск,выезд за границу, туристический поход.Оказавшись запределамиРоссии приложение, подскажет Вам номераэкстренных служб(медицина,полиция, пожарная служба, скорая помощь,газовая служба),есливдруг случится беда. Вы без труда сможетепоменятьсвоеместоположение в настройках. Имеется система поиска потравмамиситуациям. Оказание первой неотложной помощи всегдаспасетВашужизнь и Вы сможете оказать ее любому. Главное -этосохранениездоровья! Друзья! Наше приложение еще не совсемидеально,и потомубудем искренне благодарны всем за любую помощьвегосовершенствовании. Если возникли предложения или идеи,пишитенапочту проекта – вместе мы сможем егосделатьгораздолучше! Предостережения: это приложение являетсяобщимруководствомк действию, желательно, прежде чемсамостоятельнооказывать первуюпомощь пройдите специальные курсы.Перваямедицинская помощьоказывается медицинскими работниками. Мыделаемвсё, чтобыобеспечить Вашу безопасность!
ShockLink 2.3.1
Laerdal Medical
An app for controlling the Laerdal ShockLink unit
AZM PocketCPR 1.0
ZOLL Medical
NOTE: This is a Japanese Languageonlyappwithout an English selection. Please download PocketCPRfortheEnglishversion: PocketCPR for Android ™ provides REAL-TIMEfeedbackandinstructions on CPR that empowers ANYONE to learn andpracticeCPR,so that they can be READY when seconds really count!Thetechnologyis the same as that used in PocketCPR, anFDA-cleareddevice, foractual rescue from sudden cardiac arrest.AZM PocketCPR for Android is a must-have app for anyonewhowantsto learn how to perform CPR with accuracy. The PocketCPRcanbe usedin CPR training programs and for individual practiceathome or atwork. It is a great tool for families to learn CPRinorder to beprepared if a loved one needs their help.AZM PocketCPR for Android:• Actively utilizes the accelerometer hardware intheAndroidphone for real-time coaching and actual feedback onCPRwhile youare learning and practicing.• Measures the actual depth and rate of your compressionsandletsyou know if you need to push faster or slower, andwhetheryoushould push harder or softer. The patented algorithmalsomeasuresthe recoil or release of each compression to helpensurefulldecompression during CPR. A Perfusion PerformanceIndicator(PPI)graphical display "fills" as compression quality isoptimalandremains optimal, providing the user an indication thatalltheelements of excellent, high quality compressionshavebeenachieved.Other CPR prompting devices can provide instructions onCPRorencourage you on the steps and pace of CPR, but ONLYAZMPocketCPRfor iPhone can:1. Give instructions.2. Prompt on the steps for proper CPR.3. AND give you REAL-TIME feedback on the chestcompressionsyoudeliver.PocketCPR for Android will remind you to Call for Help,toprovideventilations according to guidelines (optional), andtoperform CPRat the correct rate and depth. The devicealgorithmsare in completecompliance with American HeartAssociation andInternational LiaisonCommittee on Resuscitation(ILCOR)guidelines.Pocket CPR for Android features include:• Clear visual and audio step-by-step instructionsonCPRperformance, including initial steps for theChainofSurvival.• Option to go straight to chest compressions for thosewhoarefamiliar with the initial Chain of Survival steps.• Precise metronome to pace chest compressions.• Accurate ability to detect rate of actual compressions andtostatevisually and audibly whether to push faster or topushslower.• Industry-proven technology to detect the depthofchestcompressions.• Audio and visual prompts to push harder or to push softerandtorelease fully if decompression is incomplete• Prompts to remind the user to provide ventilationsafterthedetection of 30 chest compressions.• Feature to detect when chest compressions have stoppedandtoprompt user to START CPR.• Complete Instructions for Use.NOTE: The AZM Pocket CPR for Android is currently fortrainingandpractice purposes only. The application is not yetcleared bytheU.S. FDA for use in an actual rescue.
CardioExpert I 7.8.266
Farid Belialov
Cardiologist' assistant
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationat If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
Checkme! Klinikstandards 1.5
Elsevier Inc
Jetzt 10 Elsevier-Klinikstandards und40Helios-Klinikstandards kostenfrei testen! WeitereKlinikstandardsund die Bearbeitungsfunktion per In-App-Purchasefreischalten!GARANTIERT NICHTS VERGESSEN!Behandlungsfehler vermeiden, Patientensicherheit verbessernundHaftungsrisiken reduzieren.150 KLINISCHE STANDARDSIdeal für Klinikärzte: Arbeitslisten mit allenBehandlungsschrittenim Überblick. Für die Anästhesie, InnereMedizin, Chirurgie,Gynäkologie sowie für fachübergreifendeNotfälle. Leitlinien- undevidenzbasiert. Experten-reviewed.Jährlich aktualisiert. VomSmartphone oder Tablet oder immer undüberall verfügbar.UNSER ANGEBOTCheckme! Inhalte: Klinikstandards einzeln für € 1,79 p.a.,proFachbereich für € 29,99 p.a. oder als Gesamtpaket für € 49,99p.a.freischalten.Checkme! Bearbeitungs- und Teamfunktion: Standardsbearbeiten,eigene erstellen und im Team teilen für € 29,99p.a.Checkme! Premium: Alle Klinikstandards freischalten,bearbeiten,eigene erstellen und im Team teilen für € 79,99 p.a.NEU UND KOSTENFREI! STANDARDS VON KOLLEGENIn der Bibliothek "Kollegen" finden Sie StandardskooperierenderKliniken. Z.B. über 40 Standards der Anästhesie undIntensivmedizindes HELIOS Klinikums Erfurt.ANMERKUNGEN ODER FRAGENDas Checkme! Team ist für Sie da und freut sich über IhreFragen,Anregungen, Kritik und Ideen! Über die Feedback-Funktion inder Appoder über Bezahlung erfolgt über GooglePlay. Ein Abonnementverlängertsich um 12 Monate, wenn Sie nicht spätestens 24 Stundenvor Ablaufkündigen.Sie können Ihre Abonnements ganz einfach auf IhremGerätverwalten:Starten Sie die Google Play Store App.Tippen Sie auf "Menü" > "Meine Apps" >"MeineAbonnements".Allgemeine Informationen zu Abonnements auf Google PlayfindenSiehier: laufendes Abonnement kann nicht storniert werden.Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und NutzungsbedinungenfindenSie unter .Play free 10Elsevierclinic standards and 40 standards Helios clinic free ofcharge!Further clinical standards and the edit function viain-apppurchase to unlock!GUARANTEED NOT FORGET!Prevent medical errors, improve patient safety and reduceliabilityrisks.150 CLINICAL STANDARDSIdeal for clinicians: working with lists all treatment steps ataglance. For anesthesia, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology,andfor multidisciplinary emergencies. Guidelines andevidence-based.Expert-reviewed. Updated annually. From yoursmartphone or tablet,or on always andeverywhere available.OUR OFFERCheckme! Contents: Clinic standards individually for € 1.79perannum, per department for € 29.99 per year per annum or asacomplete package for € 49.99 unlock.Checkme! Processing and team function edit standards, createyourown and share in the team annum for € 29.99Checkme! Premium: Unlock all hospital standards, edit, createandshare your own team annum for € 79.99NEW AND FREE! STANDARDS OF COLLEAGUESIn the library, "colleagues" for standards of cooperatinghospitals.FOR EXAMPLE about 40 standards of anesthesia andintensive care ofHELIOS Klinikum Erfurt.COMMENTS OR QUESTIONSThe checkme! Team is here for you and welcome yourquestions,comments and ideas! About the feedback feature in the appor is through Google Play. A subscription will be extendedby12 months if you do not cancel at least 24 hours priortoexpiration.You can easily manage your subscriptions on your device:Start the Google Play app.Tap "Menu"> "My Apps"> "My subscriptions".General information about subscriptions on Google Play canbefoundhere: ongoing subscription can not be canceled.The general terms and conditions of use,see
Blutgase - Basiswissen 02
freeLine GmbH
Diese App wendet sich anmedizinischeFachkreise im Bereich Pneumologie. Zur Nutzung sindZugangsdatenerforderlich, die über den Außendienst der AstellasPharma GmbHerhältlich sind.Die Blutgase sind ein wichtiger Baustein desDiagnosespektrumsdes Pneumologen. Auch in vielen anderen BereichenwieIntensivmedizin und Anästhesie spielt die InterpretationderBlutgase eine wichtige Rolle zum VerständnisderAtmungsfunktion.Prof. Dr. med. J. Fichter vom Klinikum Ibbenbüren und dieAstellasPharma GmbH stellen mit diesem Programm vertonteAnimationen zurAuffrischung des Themas Blutgase für Pneumologen undfür alleMediziner/innen, die sich für dieses Thema interessierenzurVerfügung.Die folgenden Themen werden in denAnimationsfilmendargestellt:1. Zusammenhang von Höhe, Luftdruck undSauerstoffsättigung2. Zusammensetzung der Atemgase3. Sauerstoffbindungskurve4. Sauerstoffbindungskurve (Abhängig vom Hämoglobingehalt)5. Zunehmende Hypoxämie wird bei gleichzeitigerPolyglobuliekompensiert6. Sauerstoffbindungskurve (Abhängig vom pH Wert)7. Anpassung von Ventilation und Perfusion(Euler-LiljestrandMechanismus)8. Verlust der Anpassung von Ventilation und Perfusion (Shunt)beiPneumonie9. Ventilations - Perfusionsstörung10. Hypoxämie steigert Ventilation11. Effekte Hypoxämie12. Diffusion13. Ursachen für Diffusionsstörung14. Versagen der Atempumpe15. Dynamik des Gasaustauschs beirespiratorischerInsuffizienz16. Änderung von pH und pCO2 bei respiratorischerInsuffizienz17. Metabolische Azidose und Alkalose18. Mechanismen des Gasaustauschs bei Asthma bronchiale19. Mechanismen des Gasaustauschs bei COPD20. Sauerstoff- und Kohlendioxidkonzentration bei In-undExspirationAutor: Prof. Dr. med. J. Fichter, Klinikum IbbenbürenLayout und Programmierung: freeLINE GmbH, Eching/MünchenNach Start der App muss der Benutzer seinen Status alsMitgliedmedizinischer Fachkreise durch Eingabe von BenutzernamenundPasswort nachweisen. Zugangsdaten sind nur über den AußendienstderAstellas Pharma GmbH erhältlich.Über ein Auswahlmenü lassen sich die Animationsfilme (mitTon)aufrufen. Die Inhalte der Animationen in Textform undzusätzlicheInformationen können durch antippen entsprechenderFelder in denAnimationen anzeigt werden.This app is intendedforhealthcare professionals in the field of Pneumology. Tousecredentials are required, which are available on theexternalservice of Astellas Pharma GmbH.Blood gases are an important component of the diagnosticspectrumof pulmonologists. In many other areas such as intensivecare andanesthesia, the interpretation of blood gases plays animportantrole in the understanding of respiratory function.Prof. Dr. med. J. Fichter from the Klinikum Ibbenbüren andAstellasPharma GmbH make with this program set to music animationstorefresh the thread blood gases for pulmonologists and any medical/inside, who are interested in this topic.The following topics are presented in the animated films:1. relation between altitude, air pressure andoxygensaturation2. Composition of the respiratory gases3. Oxygen binding curve4. Oxygen dissociation curve (depending on thehemoglobincontent)5. Increasing hypoxemia is compensated at the sametimepolycythemia6. oxygen binding curve (Depending on the pH value)7. adaptation of ventilation and perfusion(Euler-Liljestrandmechanism)8. Loss of adjustment of ventilation and perfusion (shunt)inpneumonia9. Ventilation - perfusion10. hypoxemia increases ventilation11. Effects hypoxemia12. Diffusion13. Causes of diffusion disorder14. Failure of the respiratory pump15. Dynamics of gas exchange in respiratory failure16. Amendment of pH and pCO2 in respiratory failureMetabolic acidosis and alkalosis 1718. mechanisms of gas exchange in bronchial asthma19. mechanisms of gas exchange in COPD20. Oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in inspirationandexpirationAuthor: Prof. Dr. J. Fichter, Klinikum Ibbenbüren.Layout and programming: freeline GmbH, Eching / MunichAfter starting the app, the user has to prove his status asamember of the medical profession by entering your user nameandpassword. Credentials are available only through the salesofAstellas Pharma GmbH.A selection menu allows the animation call (with sound).Thecontents of the animations in text form and additionalinformationcan be displayed by tapping the appropriate fields intheanimations.
EMC mobile 3.4.4
Médecins, chirurgiens et professionnels de santé,téléchargezgratuitement EMC mobile, la référence médicale etparamédicale pourAndroid. Tous les articles des incontournablestraités EMC en accèsdirect. EMC mobile, c’est : ■ Plus de 10 000articles de référenceet plus de 100 000 illustrations issus desprestigieux traités EMC■ Un moteur de recherche précis qui vouspermettra de filtrer lesinformations recherchées par domaine ou partraité ■ Au choix, unerecherche transversale sur plusieursdisciplines ou ciblée parspécialité ■ Un accès direct dans chaquearticle au planinteractif, au résumé et, à tout moment, à la tabledes matières dutraité ■ Des annotations sur vos articles favoris etla possibilitéde les consulter sans connexion internet ■ Pouvoirsynchronisertous vos contenus sur l’ensemble de vos appareilscompatibles.Adoptez dès aujourd’hui l’application EMC mobile,l’outilindispensable pour votre pratique au quotidien ! Lestraitésactuellement disponibles dans l’application : ■ AKOS (Traitédemédecine) ■ Anesthésie-Réanimation; ■ Angéiologie ■Appareillocomoteur ■ Biologie médicale ■ Cardiologie ■ Cosmétologieetdermatologie esthétique ■ Dermatologie ■ Endocrinologie –Nutrition■ Gastro-entérologie ■ Gynécologie ■ Hématologie ■Hépatologie ■Kinésithérapie – Médecine physique – Réadaptation ■Maladiesinfectieuses ■ Médecine buccale ■ Médecine d'urgence ■Néphrologie■ Neurologie ■ Obstétrique ■ Ophtalmologie ■Orthopédiedentofaciale ■ Otorinolaryngologie ■ Pathologieprofessionnelle etde l'environnement ■ Pédiatrie - Maladiesinfectieuses ■Pédopsychiatrie ■ Pneumologie ■ Podologie ■Psychiatrie ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : abdominale –digestive ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : cardiovasculaire –thoracique –cervicale ■ Radiologie et imagerie médicale :génito-urinaire –gynéco-obstétricale – mammaire ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale :musculosquelettique – neurologique –maxillofaciale ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale : principes ettechniques – radioprotection ■Savoirs et soins infirmiers ■Techniques chirurgicales - Appareildigestif ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Chirurgie plastique,reconstructrice et esthétique ■Techniques chirurgicales -Chirurgie vasculaire ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Gynécologie ■Techniques chirurgicales - Orthopédie– Traumatologie ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Tête et cou ■Techniques chirurgicales - Thorax ■Techniques chirurgicales -Urologie ■ Urologie ■ Vétérinaire
HELP Notfall: Leben retten bei 1.92
Properly act in emergencies: heart attack, stroke andcardiacarrest.