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Escape Emotional Abuse 1.0
Use hypnosis to help you escape fromemotionalabuse by building up your resources to resist - andrecoverAre you or have you been on the receiving end of constantcruelput downs and belittlement?Have you been made to feel that you are always in the wrong,sothat you begin to really doubt your own judgment?It's sadly common for some people, and even some groupsofpeople, to exert power and control over others by usingveryunpleasant tactics such as:criticizing every little thing you do, no matterhowinnocentbad mouthing you to othersconstantly mocking and belittling youtelling you you're stupid and don't know what's whatthreatening you with violence or abandonmenttelling you you're so hopeless you'd never manage on your ownThis is emotional abuse. And it's wrong. Very wrong.The emotional impact of emotional abuseIf you've been subjected to such treatment, whether fromoneperson or a group, you will have experienced someseriouspsychological damage. Your self-confidence may have gonethroughthe floor. You may even have begun to wonder if the awfulthingsbeing said about you, and to you, are true. You may havebecome toofrightened and full of doubt to do anything. And you mayfeeldeeply, painfully, indescribably wounded.Your reading this page now indicates two things. One - thatyouhave already realized that your experiences are abusive andwrong.Two - that you are looking for the way out and/or the waytorecover.What to do when you realize you have been subjected toemotionalabuseIt might be that the abuse is still ongoing and you still havetofind a way to deal with the person or people responsible. Itmightbe that it happened in the past, and you have already managedtoleave the situation in which it occurred and are trying to dealwithpersonal fallout. There may be many difficult practical stepsyouneed to take, and you may need to seek help from friends,family, orprofessional counselors and advisers.But to address those issues effectively, or make the mostofchanges you've already made, you need more than anything tofreeyourself from the emotional grip of the abusive relationship.Thismeans building up your core identity and gathering theinnerresources to either cut free or change the ground rules,andbeginning the work of healing the wounds so that the rest ofyourlife will not be forever blighted by what happened.Hypnosis can help you escape and recover from emotionalabuseWhen you are in the pit of despair and self-doubt, that maysoundlike an awfully tall order. When you've been treated likeyou'renobody and you feel like you are nobody, how on earth areyou goingto 'recover your core identity'? This is where hypnosiscan helpyou.Escape emotional abuse is an audio hypnosis session developedbypsychologists with wide experience of helping theemotionallyabused that focuses specifically on what is happeninginside you asyou attempt to respond to what has happened to youfrom theoutside.This session will help you in several ways. It will allow youtoexperience profound effortless relaxation (something you maynothave experienced for a very long time). This in itselfbringspowerful healing to body and mind. And it will take youthrough atransforming process that will restore you to yourself andequipyou with the emotional tools to do whatever you need to do aswellas protect yourself in future.
Stop Pushing People Away 1.0
Are you always pushing people awaywhenwhatyou'd really like is to get closer to them?Do you avoid letting people get close in case you get hurt?Emotional pain is one of the most deeply 'painful' hurtswecanexperience, even though it is invisible. We can get hurtbecauseofwhat others do, and we can also get hurt because ofwhatweourselves do. Whatever the cause, it's only natural towanttoprotect ourselves. So we take steps to see it won'thappen.Likepushing people away.Why fending people off seems like a good ideaPutting up a barrier between yourself and other peoplecanseemlike a good way to protect yourself. If you don't letthemgetclose, they can't hurt you, can they? If you rejectthemfirst,they won't have a chance to reject you. And this isquitetrue. Butif you maintain this approach for any length of time,youriskending up isolated and lonely. This is not only no fun, itisquiteliterally bad for you, as research has shown.Never letting anyone close can backfire on youNow of course there are some people whom you shouldexcludefromyour life, if you can.There are people who wouldn't be good for you, peoplewhocouldhave a seriously negative effect on your life. It'simportanttolearn to identify who is 'toxic' for you, and give themawideberth. But it's equally important not to 'tar everyonewiththesame brush'. Because there are also people with whom youcouldhaveclose and rewarding relationships that you can reallyenjoy.Itwould be a terrible shame to drive them away.But if you've fallen into a pattern of fending peopleoffbecauseof a fear of rejection or hurt, it can feel very scarytostartletting people come closer again. How do you dealwiththosefeelings of anxiety that increasing intimacy can bring on?Howdoyou manage the process comfortably and stay in controlofwhat'shappening?Hypnosis can help you quickly master anewrelationshippatternStop pushing people away is an audio hypnosis sessiondevelopedbyrelationship psychologists that will help you overcomeyourfearsabout intimacy and start to build moresatisfyingrelationships.
Expect The Best 1.0
We'd all love to have a crystal ballwhichwould tell us for sure how things are going to turn out. Wedon'thave one, so we guess - things are either going to go wellorbadly. If you've had a few bad experiences in life - beencheated,let down, injured, and so on - it makes sense that you tendtothink things are going to turn out badly.If you expect the worst, and it doesn't happen, that's amiracle.And if the worst actually does happen, you will havethesatisfaction of being right - the pessimist's comfort zone.Why pessimism is bad for youAdopting a view that things are likely to turn out badlymoreoften than they turn out well, has been shown tomeasurablyincrease the number of bad outcomes experienced. Youcould say thisperson is just 'unlucky', and that the bad outcomewas somehow outof their control. The link between control and a badoutcome istrue in some instances, but research tells a differentstory about'luck'.Research shows 'lucky' people generate their own good fortuneResearch carried out by Professor Richard Wiseman, apsychologistat the University of Hertfordshire, has uncovered therealexplanation why 'lucky' people (who naturally expect thebest), getmore out of life, and 'unlucky' people (who naturallyexpect theworst) have such a hard time of it.Wiseman discovered that 'lucky' people generate their owngoodfortune via four basic principles:they are skilled at creating and noticingchanceopportunitiesthey make lucky decisions by listening to their intuitionthey create self-fulfilling prophesies viapositiveexpectationsthey adopt a resilient attitude to life that transforms badluckinto good.Wiseman's fascinating research showed that pessimistic people,whoexpected things not to go well for them, consistently misspositiveopportunities, even when these are put in front of them inthe mostdramatic way possible. It is as if they become 'blind'toopportunities.Fortunately, even if you've developed a pessimistic attitudetolife, in response to your experiences, or perhaps influenced bytheculture of cynicism and skepticism around you, it is stillpossibleto cultivate a new optimism, and actually learn to expectthe best.And the easiest way to overcome ingrained attitudes andoutmodedbehavior patterns is to avail of the power of hypnosis tochangeyour mind.Open your eyes to the opportunities around youExpect the best is an audio hypnosis session which willenableyou to discover how to really open your eyes to theopportunitiesaround you. Through deep relaxation, Expect the bestwill firstallow you to establish an optimum learning state in yourmind andbrain. You will discover a new and positive use for yourcarefullyhoned skills of skepticism.When you listen to Expect the best, you will findyourselfnaturally developing your own creative and intuitive skillsin waysthat will amaze you and transform your life.Download Expect the best - and prepare for lift off!