Top 34 Apps Similar to Cheat Sheet For Python

Python Advanced 1.0.4
Learn advanced concepts of Python.
Learn All PRO Python Tutorials Offline in 2020 0.0.5
NO ADS | ADS FREE Learn Artificial Intelligence withPythonArtificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstratedbymachines, in contrast to the intelligence displayed byhumans.Learn BioPython Biopython is an open-source python toolmainly usedin bioinformatics field. Learn Concurrency with PythonConcurrency,natural phenomena, is the happening of two or moreevents at thesame time. Learn Cryptography with Python Moderncryptography isthe one used widely among computer science projectsto secure thedata messages. Jupyter Jython Jython is the JVMimplementation ofthe Python programming language. LogisticRegression in PythonLogistic Regression is a statistical method ofclassification ofobjects. Learn Matplotlib Matplotlib is one of themost popularPython packages used for data visualization. LearnMachine Learningwith Python Learn Numpy NumPy, which stands forNumerical Python,is a library consisting of multidimensional arrayobjects and acollection of routines for processing those arrays.Learn ObjectOriented Python Python has been an object-orientedlanguage sinceit existed. In this tutorial we will try to getin-depth featuresof OOPS in Python programming. Learn PyGTK PyGTKis a set ofwrappers written in Python and C for GTK + GUI library.Learn PyQtPyQt is a GUI widgets toolkit. It is a Python interfacefor Qt, oneof the most powerful, and popular cross-platform GUIlibrary. LearnPython As mentioned before, Python is one of the mostwidely usedlanguage over the web. Learn Python-3 As mentionedbefore, Pythonis one of the most widely used language over the web.Learn PyCharmPython Blockchain Blockchain is the current buzz thatis dominatingthe software development trends. Python Data AccessPython is ageneral-purpose interpreted, interactive,object-oriented, andhigh-level programming language. Python DataPersistence PythonDeep Learning Python is a general-purpose highlevel programminglanguage that is widely used in data science andfor producing deeplearning algorithms. Python Design Pattern Thistutorial explainsthe various types of design patterns and theirimplementation inPython scripting language. Learn Python DigitalForensics Digitalforensics is the branch of forensic science thatanalyzes,examines, identifies as well as recovers the digitalevidences fromelectronic devices. Learn Python Web Scraping LearnPython DataStructure Computers store and process data with an extraordinaryspeed and accuracy. Learn Python Data Science Data is thenew Oil.This statement shows how every modern IT system is drivenbycapturing, storing and analysing data for various needs.LearnPython Network Programming Python Network Programming isaboutusing python as a programming language to handlecomputernetworking requirements. Learn PyTest Pytest is a testingframeworkbased on python. It is mainly used to write API testcases. LearnPyTorch PyTorch is an open source machine learninglibrary forPython and is completely based on Torch. Learn PythonTextProcessing Python Programming can be used to process text dataforthe requirements in various textual data analysis. LearnPythonForensics Python has built-in capabilities to supportdigitalinvestigation and protect the integrity of evidence duringaninvestigation. Learn Python Panda Learn Python WebDevelopmentLibraries Python provides multiple frameworks for thewebdevelopment. Learn PySpark Apache Spark is written forsupportPython with Spark, Apache Spark community released a tool,PySpark.Learn Seaborn Seaborn is an open source, BSD-licensedPythonlibrary providing high level API for visualizing the datausingPython programming language. Learn Scipy This tutorial ispreparedfor the readers, who want to learn the basic features alongwiththe various functions of SciPy. Learn WxPython wxPython is ablendof wxWidgets and Python programming library.
EASY CODER : Learn Python 5.8.9-python
Learn to code! Learn python coding with easy video python
Learn Python Programming [PRO] 2.6.1
Learn Python Programming + Learn Machine Learning + AI +DeepLearning
Python & SQL 2.24
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in Python 3.11andSQL queries
Python Recipes 2.24
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in Python 3.11
Learn Python - Beginning to Advanced 1.0.5
aga coder
At the Time, Python Free programming tutorials one of thebestsource to Learn
Python 3 Tutorial App 3.5
vrpme crazyTech.
Learn Python 3 basics with our app. Get step-by-steptutorials,practice coding.
Learn Python - Pycoders 8.097.01
Want to Learn Python and become a Python Developer? Give us atryand you will.
Python Programs (1000+ Program 1.2
vrpme crazyTech.
Let's do python coding practice with best pythonprogrammingexamples.
Python Tutorial - Pro 1.0.9
Learn Python with Online Compiler and Quizzes!
Progman: Learn to Code 1.2.3
Wish Media
Progman is an app that is mended to improve your coding skills.
JavaScript Recipes 2.18
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in JavaScript ES9
Learn Java: java tutorial
Avraam Piperidis
A Complete java tutorial with code previews,explanations and alotof extras.
Javascript Tests and Quizzes 3.5.75
- Test your JavaScript skills and knowledge with our extensivebaseof programming tests and questions - Learn and improveyourJavaScript skills and knowledge by reading explanationsassigned toeach programming question to help you understand theconcept -extend your programming knowledge by reading our articlesaboutJavaScript topics - save your favorite JavaScript tests toyourfavorite list - Create your own JavaScript quizzes withtechnicalquestions that are in our database - become an author andadd yourown JavaScript questions and tests and help other toimprove theircoding skills Quizes and questions are divided by thelevel:beginner, intermediate and advanced. This application doesnotcontain official JavaScript tests, but it will definitely helpyouprepare for technical interview and get your dream position ofaJavaScript developer. Whether you are an experienced orbeginnersoftware programmer, this application is for everyone whowants tolearn and expand their knowledge of the JavaScriptprogramminglanguage. This application can be useful to: - preparefor theJavaScript programming exam - fill knowledge gaps aboutJavaScriptlanguage - prepare for the JavaScript technical jobinterview -practice your JavaScript coding skills Join 13,000 userswho arealready learning the JavaScript programming language withus. Youcan find programming questions related to: - JavaScript-ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015) - CSS - HTML - React - Angular-AngularJS - TypeScript - Node - MongoDB - Git - Java - PHPExamplesubjects: - JavaScript - variables and data types,operator,conditions and loops, arrays, functions, objects, scope,this,hoisting, arguments, NaN, regular expressions, null,undefined,closure, apply/call/bind, new and prototype, iife, strictandnon-strict mode, delete operator, type of operator,WebSockets,Fetch API, cookies, XHR and Ajax, session and localstorage, asyncand await - ES6 - promises, let/const, templatestrings, arrowfunction, rest and spread, classes and inheritance,modules,default parameter values, symbol, generators,array/objectdestructuring, Set, Map - CSS - selectors, specificity,pseudoclasses and pseudo elements, box model, shorthandproperties,stacking context, margin collapsing, floating,positioning, units,gradients, block vs inline elements, fontstyling, inheritance -HTML - links, lists, elements, tables, forms,images, audio andvideo tag, iframes, global attributes, doctype andDTD - TypeScript- enums, types, interfaces, classes, generics,union, tuple -Angular - binding, components, directives, pipes,modules,template-driven forms and reactive forms, Angular CLI,services,routing, @Input/@Output, guards, lifecycle hooks - React-components and props, JSX, handling events, state, Refs - Node-modules, fs, http, npm
Python Xplorer 1.1.0
A comprehensive, completely offline Python Tutorial &PythonDocumentation App
Pydroid Pro - IDE for Python 2
The most easy to use and powerful Python 2 interpreter & IDEonGoogle Play
Learn JavaScript - Project bas 1.17
Krisht Tech.
Learn JavaScript free with try it yourself , Start learningandprogramming
Leetcode Python 1.27
Jake Analytics
Python solutions to over 1000 algorithm problems from Leetcode
SQL Practice PRO - Learn SQL D 1.8.9
Simple, clean app to help you learn SQL and perfect yourSELECTquerying skills!
Learn Web Development 2024 1.6
Foobr Digital
Learn Python 4.6.334158
Learn Python programming: Tutorials, interactive codeeditor,challenges & more.
Pydroid repository plugin 3.0
A Pydroid Quick Install repository provider.
YouTrack 2023.3.3
JetBrains s.r.o.
Manage projects your way!
Jvdroid Pro - IDE for Java 2.0
The most easy to use and powerful Java 11 compiler & IDEonGoogle Play
Simulator Python, C++, Java 28.0
Viktor Trofimov
Programming tests in Python, C++, Java, Pascal. Learn to workwiththe code!
Zenva - Learn Coding 1.0.12
Zenva Pty Ltd
Learn coding skills - Start programming with Python,JavaScript,Unity, & more
Learn JavaScript - Pro 1.1.5
Learn JavaScript with Try It Yourself, Code Playground/EditorandQuizzes!
Python. Exercises and examples
Examples of exercises and practice problems in thePythonprogramming language
Code Recipes 2.42
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in 13programminglanguages
Learn Python Tutorial -ApkZube 3.8
Welcome to the ApkZube's free interactive Python Offline Tutorial.
Tabris.js 3.7.1-20201217-1018
The Tabris.js developer app supports users in writingandtestingTabris.js apps. It allows them to explore widgetsandlayouts andprovides a reference for features available intheTabris.jsframework. For more information visithttp://tabris.comThe appoffers the following features: The “MyScripts” tab providesaccessto the user’s own scripts from GitHub.On the “Examples” tab,userscan view examples of different types ofwidgets, inputcontrols,layouts, animation effects and properties.On the URLtab(available after signing in) users can provide an URLof alocalserver which serves a tabris.js script with custom data.Inthisway users can test and explore their own scripts. Swipe infromtheright to open the developer console. It allows userstoviewconsole output and switch between the script view andtheTabris.jsoverview page. The Tabris.js app and the Tabris.jsmobileframeworkare developed by EclipseSource.
Akid Soft
Android Web Developer - Best IDE for WEB Development
SQL Recipes 2.12
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in SQL