Top 12 Apps Similar to Frases Biblicas Cristianas

Versículos Bíblicos 1.0
Love apps
Bonita aplicación con imágenesymensajesbíblicos para compartir con miembros de iglesia yseresqueridos, ydejar en ellos palabras de esperanza y paz enCristoJesús. Estaaplicación también cuenta con música cristianapararelajarse, todala información encontrada puedes competirlaporfacebook o twittero whatsapp y correos electrónicos.Algunas de la citas dicen:"Si decimos que no tenemos pecado, nos estamos engañandoanosotrosmismos, y la verdad no está en nosotros""Ante el nombre de Jesús toda rodilla se doble, en el cielo,enlatierra y en el abismo. Y que toda lengua proclame que JesúseselSeñor para gloria de Dios Padre""Quien quiera salvar su vida, la perderá; pero quien pierdasuvidapor mí y por el Evangelio, la salvará"¿"De qué le sirve al hombre ganar el mundo entero, sipierdesuvida"?"Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo,tomesucruz y sígame"El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna, yyoleresucitaré el último día""Yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta que setermineestemundo"Esperamos que esta aplicación sea para ti una bendición ylapuedascompartir con todos tus amigos.Niceapplicationbiblicalimages and messages to share with church membersand lovedones andlet them words of hope and peace in Jesus Christ.Thisapplicationalso features Christian music to relax, alltheinformation foundby racing it can twitter or facebook orwhatsappand emails.Some of the quotations say:"If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves andthetruthis not in us""At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven, onearthandunder the earth. And that every tongue confess that JesusisLord tothe glory of God the Father""Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoeverloseshislife for my sake and the gospel's will save it"¿"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world andforfeithislife?""If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, takeuphiscross and follow me"He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,andIwill raise him on the last day""I am with you always, until the end of time"We hope that this application is for you a blessing andcansharewith your friends.
Imagenes Cristianas 73.0.0
Molder Mobile
Images to find strength in God and not give up in adversity
Guerrero de Dios: Versículo de 1.0.20
Verse of the day and Christian reflections to study the Bible
Christian quotes and Bible 30.0.0
The best and most comprehensive free apponChristian and biblical phrases. Quotes, thoughts, verses,thoughts,phrases .... all that God and Jesus want you to know andremember.You can also enjoy Christian radio, televison channels,spokenprayers, poems dedicated to the Lord .... as you will seewhen thetry is a simple and very complete app that need to carryaround.Enjoy "Christian and Biblical phrases." Reflections andthoughts ofJesus quedarón collected by the apostles and now you canenjoy themand share them with anyone you want on facebook, twitter,telegram,whatsapp, sms and more.Would you like to have some nice Christian images to share withyourfriends? These postcards have words of love, the love of God,Bible,with beautiful and wise quotes from the Bible. Phrases goodmorningand good night. Christian images with reflections, quotesand Bibleverses.Short Christian daily written reflections, love,encouragement,encouragement for youth and adults, based on realexperiences,Bible studies and illustrations that show us aspiritual realityand motivate us to continue along more in the wayof life. Rescuingcore values​​, Christian values​​, values ​​of theBible, God'sword. Jesus expressed and revealed God's kingdomthrough parablesthat taught graficaban stories deep and eternaltruths in a simpleand understandable to all.
imagenes con frases biblicas 2.0
Muy interesante aplicacion con muy buenas frases biblicasparamantener la llama de la fé, lo mas interesante de estaaplicaciones que esta hecha con mucho amor, para todos ustedes queandanbuscando nuevas palabras de la biblia para mantener la fé.
Imagens com Frases Biblicas 5.9
Leprechaun Apps
Em imagens com frases biblicasvocêencontrará uma excelente coleção com o melhor mensagensbiblicas emimagens, que você pode compartilhar com os amigos, afamília eoamor de sua vida.Não há melhor maneira de dizer que a pessoa que vocêquertransmitir, com uma imagem, selecione a frase que melhor seadaptaao que você quer transmitir no mensagens evangelicas e use obotãode compartilhar.Características:★ Grátis Você pode baixar aplicativo gratuito.★ Velocidade Ele é totalmente otimizado para todasasaplicações funcionem sem problemas.★ Navegação Tudo rápido é intuitivamente posicionados demodoque você pode personalizar o aplicativo como você quermais.★ Compartilhar A função que você gosta, vocêpodecompartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia, facebook,twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com o toque deumbotão.★ Qualidade As imagens são selecionadas para ofereceramelhor qualidade.★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% em português, esqueçaosaplicativos que estão em outras línguas do que o seu, vocêvaiencontrar tudo aqui no seu idioma.★ Baixar Você pode baixar as imagens que você gostasimples,você só tem que pressionar o botão.★ Intuitiva A fim de mudar para ir de uma imagem para outraéapenas necessário deslizar o dedo você pode acessar todos eles;tudoé posicionado de modo que o aplicativo é fácil de usar tudoque vocêtem a fazer é se divertir.★ Compatível Esta aplicação é compatível com telefonesetablets (responsive); também trabalha com diferentes versõesdoAndroid, você não terá que se preocupar com nada, a aplicaçãoiráse adaptar ao seu dispositivo para lhe dar amelhorexperiência.★ Ajuda a dizer Às vezes não encontramos aspalavrasadequadas para expressar o que queremos transmitirpalavras; Estaaplicação vai ajudá-lo a encontrar a imagem, o textoadequado paraque você possa fazê-lo.Extras:► Com esta aplicação, você pode compartilhar frases com amensagemde que você gosta, como poderia ser: "imagens evangelicas"o"frases da biblia".► Constantemente adicionando novas imagens e melhorias paraoaplicativo, de vez em quando enviamos uma atualização,entãosinta-se livre para atualizar e manter sempre a par comosmelhores.► Esperamos que vocês gostem da aplicação, se há alguma coisaquevocê acha que poderia ser melhorado, sinta-se livre para deixarumcomentário ou envie um e-mail; e se você gostou de comoelefunciona, você pode qualificar-nos para que possamossemprecontinuar trabalhando para oferecer o melhor.In pictureswithbiblical phrases you will find an excellent collection withthebest biblical pictures in messages that you can share withfriends,family and the love of his life.There is no better way to tell that person that you want toconvey,with an image, select the phrase that best suits what youwant toconvey the evangelical messages and use the button toshare.Features:★ Free You can download a free application.★ Speed ​​ It is fully optimized for all applicationsrunsmoothly.★ Web All fast is intuitively positioned so that you canpersonalizethe application as you want more.★ Share The function you like, you can share via SMS,multimediamessaging, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, Viber, line andmore socialnetworks at the touch of a button.★ Quality The images are selected to offer the best quality.★ Language The application is 100% in Portuguese, forgettheapplications that are in languages ​​other than yours, youwillfind everything here in your language.★ Download You can download images you like simple, you just havetopress the button.★ Intuitive In order to change to go from one image to anotherisonly necessary to slide your finger you can access themall;everything is positioned so that the application is easy to useallyou have to do is have fun.★ Compatible This application is compatible with phones andtablets(responsive); also works with different versions of Android,youwill not have to worry about anything, the application willadaptto your device to give you the best experience.★ Help to say Sometimes we do not find the right words toexpresswhat we want to convey words; This application will help youfindthe image, the appropriate text for you to do it.Extra:► With this application, you can share phrases with the messagethatyou like, as it could be, "evangelical images" the"phrasesBible."► Constantly adding new images and enhancements to theapplication,from time to time we send an update, so feel free toupgrade andalways keep abreast with the best.► We hope you enjoy the application, if there is anything youthinkcould be improved, feel free to leave a comment or send ane-mail;and if you like how it works, you may qualify us so that wecanalways keep working to offer the best.
Bellas Frases Cristianas 9.0.0
These beautiful sentences will serve as motivation forChristianreflection and praise
Imágenes con frases bíblicas 1.0
Love apps
La biblia es el libro de muchainspiracióndetodos los tiempos, siempre ha sido una guía para vivirenplenitudahí encontramos consejos de vida eterna para todoslosproblemasque acojen al ser humano, Con esta aplicación podráenviarbonitosversículos que aniñen y motiven la fe del ser humano.Usted podrá descargar esta aplicación en su celular ytenerlasinnecesidad de estar conectado al internet y cuandoestéconectadopude compartirla en las redes sociales comofacebook,whatsap otwitter y correos electrónicosLos textos bíblicos que aquí encontrara son los siguientes-“Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temerémalalguno,porque tú estarás conmigo; tu vara y tu cayadomeinfundiránaliento”.-“Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece”-“Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado asuHijounigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no sepierda,mastenga vida eterna”-“En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra”-“Si se humillare mi pueblo, sobre el cual mi nombreesinvocado,y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren desusmaloscaminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonarésuspecados,y sanaré su tierra”.-“Porque no tenemos lucha contra sangre y carne,sinocontraprincipados, contra potestades, contra los gobernadoresdelastinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales demaldadenlas regiones celestes”.-"Fíate de Jehová de todo tu corazón, Y no te apoyes entupropiaprudencia."-"Instruye al niño en su camino, Y aun cuando fuere viejonoseapartará de él."-"Todo tiene su tiempo, y todo lo que se quiere debajodelcielotiene su hora."The Bible isveryinspiringbook of all time, it has always been a guide tofullylive there arehints of eternal life for all who welcomeproblemsto humans, withthis application can send beautiful versesandmotivate the aniñenhuman faith.You can download this application on your phone andhaveitwithout being connected to the internet when connectedandcouldshare it on social networks like facebook, or twitterwhatsapandemailsBiblical texts found here are as follows- "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow ofdeath,Iwill fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thystafftheycomfort me. "- "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me"- "For God so he loved the world that He gave HisonlybegottenSon, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,buthaveeverlasting life"- "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"- "If my people will humble themselves, on which mynameiscalled, and pray, and seek My face and turn from theirwickedways;then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sinandhealtheir land. "- "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,butagainstprincipalities, against powers, against the rulers ofthedarknessof this world, against spiritual wickedness inhighplaces".- "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean notonyourown understanding."- "Train up a child in the way, and when he is old hewillnotdepart from it."- "Everything has its time, and all that is under heavenhasitstime."
Bible Quotes 1.3
bluewater dev
Read every day and share God’s WordwithBibleQuotes App. All free.Now all pictures Bible quotes can be share to all socialmediainyour phone.All pictures can be view Offline.The Daily Bible Quotes mobile app delivers a new wordofGoddirectly to your mobile device each and every day in asimpleandeasy to read layout. The format of this app is to give youashortand meaningful daily bible verse to give youstrengthandinspiration every day.We have included all the best & inspiringChristianQuoteswallpapers from the Holy Bible in this app,such asBiblequotesabout life,Bible quotes about love,Biblequotesaboutfriendship,Bible quotes about Family.Perhaps the wisdom in the psalms and verses will be able toguideourhearts to the eternity of love and happiness.Show your love and faith to The Lord by downloading andapplythequotes in your daily life.Latest inspirational bible quotes and verses from thescripturewillbe updated constantly on a weekly basis.please help us for like,rating,and share this app so thatotherscanreceive the good news of God,Thank you to all the users ofTheDailyBible quotes,Thank you for all of the wonderful comments.Ican'tbegin to tell you how powerful and meaningful your wordsaretous!"Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you,do notbedismayed,for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you;Iwill upholdyou with my righteous right hand."
Frases Cristianas Cortas
Recibe Frases de Dios de Aliento Aplicación que te entregará una frase dealientobíblica para cada día. Son frases en donde Dios te hablará yteayudarán en tu vida diaria. Lo que recibirás es un breve consejoentexto, que podrás leer rápidamente y compartir contuscontactos.Además en las frases de texto recibirás un link para leer unpredicacompleta referida a la frase recibida, por si quieresrecibir mástodavía. También puedes seguir viendo frases o imágenesarrastrandola imagen con el dedo.Ahora puedes elegir el horario que tu desees para recibirlas.Estos mensajes de Dios están basados en estudios biblicoscristianosde fe. En Mensajes Cristianos de Aliento que han sidopublicados enla página Se usa una frase de Dios.Que Sonpequeños fragmentos que se toman del texto completo y seextar unabreve frase de Dios, frase de fe, frase biblica, frasescristiana deanimo y aliento y luego se deja un link debajo siquieres ver todocompleto la predicaciones.Receive phrases BreathofGod Christian Application that will deliverabreath biblical phrase for each day. They are phrases whereGodspeak to you and help you in your daily life. What you get isasmall tip text, you can quickly read and share withyourcontacts.In addition to the text phrases you will receive a link to readafull sentence referring to preaching received, if you wanttoreceive further. Also you can keep watching phrases or imagesbydragging the image with your finger.Now you can choose the time you want to receive them.These messages of God are based on biblical Christian faithstudies.In Christian messages of encouragement that have beenpublished inthe page phrase is used of God. Whichare smallfragments that are taken from the full text and a briefstatement ofGod, words of faith, biblical phrase, Christianphrases ofencouragement and encouragement and then a link is leftis extarbelow if you want to see everything completelypreaching.
Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas
Recibe Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas gratisentu móvil todos los días, son un fragmento corto que teharáreflexionar en distintos aspectos de tu vida cristiana.Lasreflexiones cristianas cortas diarias de esta aplicación tedarán,en muchas oportunidades, una respuesta directa de Dios.Receive freeShortChristian Reflections on your mobile every day, are a shortpieceyou will reflect on different aspects of your Christian life.Shortdaily Christian reflections of this application you will, inmanyinstances, a straight answer from God.
Imagenes con citas biblicas 4.10
En Imagenes con citas biblicas encontrarásunaselección amplia de los mejores versiculos biblicos ycitasextraidas de la Biblia con imagenes, que podrás compartir contusamigos, familiares y con el amor de tu vida a través de tusredessociales favoritas.Las frases y citas bíblicas se actualizan regularmente paraquepuedas compartir y transmitir el amor a tus seresqueridosenviándoles estas imágenes con citas bíblicas de amor.Ademastambien encontraras, citas biblicas catolicas, de amistad,cortas,cristianas y mucho mas!Ademas, esta aplicacion te permitira:* Votar tus imagenes preferidas para guardarlas en la secciondefavoritas* Podras ver cuales con las imagenes mas votadas por el resto delosusuarios, en la seccion de mas votadas* Recibir una notificacion diaria con una nueva cita biblicaIn Images withbiblicalquotes you'll find a wide selection of the best Bibleverses andBible quotations extracted with pictures, which you canshare withfriends, family and the love of your life through yourfavoritesocial networks. The phrases and biblical quotes are updated regularly so youcanshare and transmit love to your loved ones by sendingthesepictures with biblical quotes of love. In addition you alsofind,Catholic Scripture quotations, friendship, short, Christianandmore! Furthermore, this application will allow you: * Vote your favorite images to keep them in section lightbox* You can see them with the most voted pictures by other users,inthe section of most voted* Receive a daily notification with a new biblical quote