Top 13 Apps Similar to Daily Life Health Tips

Daily Health Tips 1.0
Daily Health Tips providesyouComprehensiveHealth Tips and Awareness for Healthy Life.Here you will find Daily Health Tips, HealthAwareness,Healthinformation about Disease and Conditions, MassageHerbalHomeRemedies, Ayurveda,Health Fact.You will find Important Free Health AwarenessTips,UpdatedEveryday.First Aid - What is First Aid, First Aid During aHeartattack,First Aid During Dog Bite,Health Awareness - Bariatric solution for curingdiabetesoffersnew hope, Yoga Therapy, Diabetic Healthy Diet andLifeStyle,Chromotherapy ~ Healing Power of Colours, HealthyDiet,Whyshouldwe walk?Herbal Home Remedies - Fenugreek (Methi), The InsulinPlant:Bitter Gourd / Bitter Melon (Karela), Aloe Vera~TheMiraclePlant,Immune Boosting vegetarian Foods, Medicinal BenefitsofLemon,Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Medicinal BenefitsofGinger,Benefits of Flax Seed / Linseed.Diabetes - What is Diabetes, Complications inDiabetes,DiabeticRetinopathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, DiabeticHealthyDiet,Disease & Conditions - Varicose Veins, SwineFlu(H1N1)Sypmtoms And Precaution, Pancreatitis, Bedwetting -GeneralTips,Cataract, Brain Attack {or } Stroke, MetobolicSyndrome,Massage - What is Massage, Types of Massage, Snake Massage,Read the Daily Health Tips & Share to all your Near&Dearones.................For your any valuable feedback & Suggestions feel freetomail- GKINDIA.NET@GMAIL.COMDisclaimer : - All informations or materials on Daily HealthTipsAppis provided for your information only and may not beconstruedasmedical advice or instruction., No action or inactionshould betakenbased solely on the contents of this information;instead,readersshould consult appropriate health professionals onanymatterrelating to their health and well-being.
Health Tips (in Hindi) 2.0
Unique collection to keep you fit and healthy naturally.
Health Tips 1000 1.3
Aimt Apps
This app contains 1000 amazing health tips in hindi for yourgoodhealth
Fruits & Vegetable Nutrition 1.5
Health tips of fruits and vegetables
স্বাস্থ্য কণিকা (Health Tips) 2.4
Nasir BP
Health is Wealth.Health Tips for all Diseasesদিন দিন আমাদের স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা বেড়েই চলেছে।স্বাস্থ্যবিষয়কজ্ঞান সীমিত হওয়ায় আমরা প্রায়ই বুঝতে পারিনাঅসুস্থতার লক্ষণদেখাদিলে কি করতে হবে।সত্যিকার অর্থে সব ধরনের স্বাস্থ্য বিপর্যয় থেকে রক্ষাপেতেপ্রয়োজনস্বাস্থ্য সচেতনতা। এ সবই স্থান পয়েছে এ্যাপটিতে।স্বাস্থ্য বিষয়ক জ্ঞান আহরণ এবং প্রয়োজনে ব্যবহারকরারজন্যঅ্যাপসটি নিজের সংগ্রহে রাখুন এবং অন্যের জন্য শেয়ারকরুন।এতে রয়েছেঃ-যে কোন ব্যাথা দূর করার উপায়মাথা ব্যাথা দূর করার উপায়কান ব্যাথা দূর করার উপায়কোমরের ব্যথা দূরের উপায়দাঁত ব্যথা নিরাময়ের উপায়মাসিকের সময় পেটে ব্যথা ও সমাধানবাত জনিত হাঁটুর ব্যাথা দূরের উপায়বাতের ব্যথা দূর করার উপায়কর্মক্ষেত্রে পিঠের ব্যথা দূর করার উপায়ঘাড়, কোমড় ও হাটু ব্যথা দূরের উপায়শরীরের যে কোন ব্যথা দ্রুত কমানোর উপায়এসিডিটি এবং পেট ব্যথাজরুরী প্রয়োজনে প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাজ্বরের প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাসর্দি-জ্বরের প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাএলার্জিজনিত রোগের লক্ষণ ও করণীয়গলায় বা খাদ্যনালীতে কিছু আটকে গেলে করণীয়কেটে বা ছিলে গেলে প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাসাপের কামড়ে বা বিষক্রিয়ার চিকিৎসাকুকুরে কামড়ালে করণীয়পুড়ে গেলে করণীয়হিটস্ট্রোকে করণীয়বৈদ্যুতিক শক খেলে প্রাথমিকভাবে করণীয়পরিচিত কেউ বিষ খেলে কী করবেনপানিতে পড়ে অসুস্থ হলে প্রাথমিকভাবে করণীয়বিভিন্ন প্রকারের মাথা ব্যথা ও চিকিৎসামাথায় আঘাত পেলে করনীয়কান ব্যথায় করণীয়দাঁতের বিভিন্ন সমস্যা ও করণীয়ঘাড়ে ব্যাথাগোড়ালি মচকানো এবং করণীয়চোখ ওঠা রোগের প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসাবুক ব্যথা এবং হার্টপায়ের চামড়া ওঠা বা ফোসকা পড়লে ঘরোয়াভাবে করনীয়হাঁটুর ব্যথার কারণ ও করণীয়সহ আরো অনেক কিছু।Tag: স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা, Health Problem, bdhealth, healthbd,
Yoga and Health Tips 1.4
Yoga is an Indian physical, mental,andspiritual practice or discipline. There is a broad varietyofschools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism andJainism.Thebest-known are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.This app covers 4 packages of Yoga Asanas and Pranayamasassuggested by Indian Yog Guru Baba Ramdev!Yogasanas, the yogic exercises are an essential part ofThisapplications. Until and unless the body is put into arelaxed,still and steady posture, one fails to achieve deep stateofmeditation. According to the Jain yoga practices, in thebeginning,one should perform the yogic exercises on the floor in alyingposture that requires less energy. Subsequently yogicexercises insitting and standing postures may be performed whichincreases thelevels of energy consumption.Yoga is a very important thing which helps people in getting ridofstress in their busy life. It also helps in curingmanydiseases.Day by Day Time is coming for Yoga, Daily yoga workout, DailyYoga,Modern day Modern time yoga is always gives strengthagainstdiseases.Special yoga Android apps which are gives Yoga tips for makeyourbody relax and avoid any type of depression, By Yoga youcanget
Health Tips 1.0
Health Tips
Healthy life tips in Hindi 1.0
Purva Ahuj
This application includes goodhabitsforhealthy life.and also included bad habits which should be given upforhealthylife.App covers the following points:What are the parameters of healthy lifeWhat is the way for healthy life style.What is the proper time for eating and drinking.Proper time of getting up and sleeping.Way and how to take exercise and yoga.The content of the app is in Hindi language.There is a option of sharing this app onsocialnetworkingapplications and websites.
Baba Health Tips 1.0
Tejas Gavhane
Baba Health Tips shares healthproblemswithsolutions to the globe. Moreover, dailyexperiencesconcerninghealth are also shared to make people aware ofthe causesof healthsetbacks. Tips are given on how to avoiddiseases in thelong runand remedies are also shared to cure peoplein a fasterway.Baba Health Tips is an upcoming website where everyhealthrelatedproblems, solutions, remedies and recent storiesconcerningthehealth world will be written and shared to the globe.Userswill beable to read and share the articles with people theyloveso thatthey can be aware of the diseases and events. Thewebsitewill allowits users to subscribe to get daily news throughtheiremail to makesure they do not miss a thing as health is ofprimaryimportance toanyone.All the articles are written by a single blogger andwriternamelyShardha Ramsahye from Mauritius Island. Herwillingness todeliver tothe whole world health events, diseasesand cures is ofutmostessentiality for people to be conscious andactive. Onecannot foolaround when health is concerned.People are very busy with their everyday lifehappeningsandsometimes, they forget their health. That is why BabaHealthTipsis up to give solutions to these people on how to stayhealthyandkeep themselves in good condition every day. Also,managetheirtime to help them be physically active and fit.There have been many medical cases in the past wherepeoplehavebeen ignorant with their health and many lives havebeenlostuselessly and concerning persons could have eventuallysavedtheirlives. It was due to lack of medical care, ignorantpatientsandmost of the cases, people reaching health care clinicsat thewrongtime, that is, when their disease has reached a laststage.That iswhy Baba Health Tips is there to help these peoplereachinghealthcare attention at a disastrous stage where cureispracticallyimpossible.
Human Health Tips 1.1
Top Lovely Apps
Human Health Tips app Provides TipstoYourHealth.Human Health Tips offers more than 100 Tips to You.Practice daily one health tip keeps you far from doctor.Health is more important than anything.Be Careful of Health by following this tips.Enjoy Happy & Healthy Life….Just click on download to get for FREE!!!
Simple Health Tips 7
Simple Health Tip is a platform whereyoucanget every information about your health. Its a goodguidelineforyour healthy living, Tips on food to eat, when to eatand howtoeat. Tips for what to drink, when to drink and how todrink.Follow us on instagram, twitter andfacebookon@your_Simple_health_tips
Health Tips (Urdu) 1.2
Health is wealth.mard ho ya aurat sabkoapnisehat ka mukammal khiyal rakhna application mainhumappkay lye body fitness,skin fitness and ap ko tundrusatrakhnykaytips diye gay hain.Doing the workout will make youfeelstronger,healthier, improve energy and control weight.Exercisebenefitsevery part of the body. You don't need anyequipment fortheworkout. Complete daily workout with log.
Health Tips 1.0
Today, there is an app for prettymuchanything,but there is only one that helps you truly takecontrolof yourlifestyle.A highly sought-after feature of our app is a safe doseofdailyhealth tips.Health tips(hindi) which would be very helpful for youtoimproveyour health and live a healthy life.healthy lifestylecanlead to alonger, more fulfilling life.healthy living can helpyourheart,mind, and whole body.Here you will find Daily Health Tips, HealthAwareness,Healthinformation about Disease and Conditions, MassageHerbalHomeRemedies, Ayurveda,Health Fact.Fitness App that provides regular fitness tips inHindiincludingweight loss tips , weight gain tips, exerciseroutinesand dietplans to improve your health.The app displays health tips on categories such asHealth tipsBeauty tipsFitness tipsHome remedies tipGeneral Information tip