Top 20 Games Similar to 星辰決-辜莞允NONO與你一起雙修練功

星辰决-全球跨服PK 1.30
《星辰决》穿越星辰 虐恋双修新生代美胸女神辜莞允代言与玩家一起双修练功游戏特色:独创天神视角 宇宙无界战斗以东方玄幻为题材,360°无死角跨服杀人3DARPG动作手游,打造自由度极高的PK殿堂,玩家可以任意PK!全服一等一的高手突破服与服之间的壁垒,精英齐聚!千人在线,万人同台竞技!既有团队搭配战斗,又有单人巅峰PVP!一场跨平台、跨服务器,全平台的终极对战上演!高手、战力霸主、王者,全汇集一处,只用实力说话!男儿本色,这是强者的天地!颜质爆表 真女神陪你穿越星辰美丽极致的写实女角,与海量女性玩家蜂拥上线,甜美可人的甜姐儿、空灵高贵的仙女、活泼卖萌的小萝莉任君挑选!上古神兵 披荆斩棘一怒封天囊括千种上古传说兵器,如景天的镇妖剑,紫萱的天玄神刀,长卿的三刃封魔枪…等!让玩家如数家珍,更可大幅提升战斗属性,享受战斗的震撼快感,让你成为真正的高手,一剑封喉!萌感宠物稀珍坐骑 战力升级萌宠不仅萌萌哒,还能帮助角色提升技能战斗力!此外,宠物还可以进阶,使人物的战斗力巨幅提。外边酷炫的坐骑不仅可以赏心悦目,还能提升角色技能!并且通过坐骑进阶丹可以进阶坐骑,获得更高等级的坐骑。游戏官网:粉丝团:"Star decided" throughthestars sadomasochistic alikeBreast Cenozoic goddess Guan Yun-Koo endorsement together withtheplayers alike practiceGame Features:Unique perspective of the universe unbounded gods fightingOriental fantasy theme, 360 ° no dead cross clothing murder 3DARPGaction hand travel, creating a high degree of freedom PK hall,theplayer can arbitrarily PK! A full-service first-class masterofbreakthrough barriers between clothes and suits, the elitegatheredin! Thousands of people online, people competing against!With bothteams fighting, another single peak PVP! Across-platform,cross-server, the ultimate battle of the wholeplatform staged!Master, overlord combat power, the king, allbrought together inone place, only to speak with strength!Invisible Target, which isstrong in the world!Color quality burst table Megami accompany you throughthestarsBeautiful female angle ultimate realist, female players withmassiverush on the line, sweet, pleasant sweet girl child,etherealelegance fairy, lively little Lolita Meng sell yourpick!Ancient magic blazing anger closure daysInclude thousands of ancient legends weapons, such as Sedumtowndemon sword, Tianxuan Shendao purple Xuan, Changqing threebladeBot gun ... and so on! Let players familiar, but alsogreatlyenhance the fighting properties, and enjoy the thrill ofbattleshock, so that you become a true master, a lock!Meng pet rare treasure horse sense combat power upgradeMeng Meng Meng pet not only clatter, but also help to enhancetheskills of the role of fighting! In addition, pets can alsobeadvanced, so that the characters fighting a huge lift. Cooloutsidemounts not only enjoyable, but also enhance the role ofskills! Andby horse Dan Advanced Advanced mounts can obtain ahigher level ofmounts.Games official website: http: // fans: https: //
九龍戰-神獸出戰 戰無止境! 1.7.10
三劍豪—金戈鐵騎 2.8.1
Coco Directouch
三劍豪---全球華人突破百萬下載,年度最受歡迎ARPG3D武俠手遊!獨創核心玩法“3俠1體”戰鬥模式,即時戰鬥打破回合制,高動態範圍3D渲染技術,讓您親臨江湖,體驗真正自由的江湖武俠世界!注意:本遊戲不支援iPod touch4和iPad1三劍豪客服郵箱:sjh@punchbox.tw三劍豪粉絲頁地址【真正的網遊】真正組隊副本,即時PK切磋,絕不單機!無兄弟,不江湖!【獨創3俠1體】百位絕世大俠,陪你浪蕩闖江湖!傳說史詩級俠客,只待有緣人!【單反級畫面】超炫3D視覺享受,標桿產品,超清畫面,給你最真實的江湖感受!【爆破式打擊感】真實爆破式打擊感,爽快到無法停手,帶你享受隨心所欲的炫酷體驗!【特色玩法】俠客緣分:上陣俠客隨心搭配,激發不同連攜效果。自由換隊:戰鬥中自由切換,迎戰敵人對抗自如。五行穿透:依照俠客所屬五行屬性,造成額外戰鬥效果。家園攻打:自建關卡,異步PK,每日生產收穫頗豐。溫泉系統:掛機升級,輕鬆社交,邂逅姻緣。決戰瓦剌:征服BOSS搶軍功,戰場自由PK。坐騎系統:征戰沙場,寶馬助陣,戰力提升。跨服系統:跨服遠征,與更強的對手一較高下。
劍花煙雨 - 戰力超覺醒 1.0.9
2015玄幻ARPG手遊唯一選擇!多樣式新玩法引領潮流, 3D技術打造磅礡場景,讓您身歷其境!馬上下載,免費體驗!============ 遊戲特色 ============*無鎖定戰鬥:無鎖定戰鬥的操作設計讓玩家體驗戰鬥的最大真實感與快樂,感受全屏轟殺的連擊爽快感。*獨創仙靈法寶:在玄幻修真世界裡,法寶大多由天地間罕見的奇珍異寶鍛造而成,利用法力驅動的強大法器,天生就有著與眾不同的神通絕技。法寶功能也是最核心的玩法。每種法寶各具神通絕技,讓玩家自由搭配,在渡劫弒神之路走得更為輕鬆。*開宗立派:宗派系統除了有成員間的團戰以及宗派副本外,最具特色的玩法當屬「離線借兵玩法」,玩家可以請求其他成員,讓同宗兄弟助戰參與闖關遊戲副本,同時玩家還可以租借宗派領袖精英的遊戲法寶,把土豪的逆天法寶借來一用,強悍助戰幫助玩家征戰四方。*組隊副本:玩家不用擔心只能靠一個人單打獨鬥,趕快邀請好友加入組隊冒險副本,結合眾人力量,征服各方神魔無往不利。*裝備洗煉箱:裝備洗煉附加五行屬性,鑲嵌符文追求極致戰力,快來打造屬於自己獨一無二的神兵利器。【聯繫我們】玩家如有任何問題,我們將即時指派專人為您處理◆ 客服信箱◆ 服務時間:24小時全年無休◆ 粉絲團: fantasy ARPGhandtravel only choice!Multi-trend new style of play, 3D technology to create 磅礡 scene,soyou immersive! Download free trial!The game features ============ ============* Non-locking battle:No combat operations designed locking allows players toexperiencethe biggest fight of realism and joy, feeling full screenbomberskill combos Shuangkuaigan.* Original Faerie magic:In the fantasy world of comprehension, the magic wrought by themostrare treasures made heaven and earth, the use ofpowerfulmagic-driven instruments used, inherently has a uniquesupernaturalskills. Magic function is also the core of the play.Each magicskills, each with supernatural powers, allowing theplayer tofreely mix, crossing the robbery in the killing of Godeasier roadto go.* Open cases Leekpai:Sectarian system in addition to a copy of the battle group aswellas members of the sect, the most unique gameplay undoubtedly"Killoffline play," the player may request other members, letsiblingassist in the participation of checkpoints copy of the game,butplayers can also rent sectarian leaders elite game magic, themagicof the Tyrant Guards borrowed a use, powerful assist in thefightto help players battle Quartet.* A copy of the team:Players do not have to worry about only by one person alone,invitefriends to join the team as soon as possible a copy ofadventure,combined with all the strength, conquer mythical partieswithouttheir drawbacks.* Equip the purification tank:Additional equipment purification of the five elements, mosaicRunepursuit of the ultimate fighting force, come to create theirownunique magic weapon.【contact us】Players with any questions, we will immediately assign someonetohandle your◆ Customer Service:◆ Service Hours: 24/7◆ Fans: http: //
Dark Slash: Hero 1.26
Veewo Games
The Dark Slash:Hero has arrived as wepromised!With new powerful magics, new upgrade system, newmonsters, newbosses, new maps and new heroes! Let’s start a newdark journey ofkilling.Brandish your light saber and slash hordes of demons in thisdarkpixel world!Slash! Combo! Dodge! Magic! Design for action game fans!Innovative game mode, simple game controls, superb combosandchallenging monsters! All these elements included to bring youintoa great fight!* Kill demons to get souls! Use them to strengthen your heroandbuy items.* Upgrade your hero to unlock more magics and ability! Usethesegreat power to protect yourself or destroy demons.* Many new types of demons and Bosses! Fight against themwithyour skill and brain.* New heroes has joined this bloody battle! You can hirethesepowerful companion to slash demons.Darkness is falling. Demons are taking over our land.Release your anger, come and purify this cursed land byyoursword!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -**Featured· Amazing dark pixel style· Easy to learn, hard to master, fun to play· Gorgeous visual effects· Realistic sounds and hit feels· Natural gestures control· Get high score and achievements on Google Play· Kill boss and share to your friends· Tablet supportedTips· Tap to attack, drag to move· Carefully to make every attack· Try to make more combos and multi-kills· Dogge is very important in Boss battle- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -If you have any ideas to make this game better, please letusknow :)CheersVeewo Game
龍之守護~春之花嫁 3.2.0
緣來就是你,我們結婚吧!龍之守護『春之花嫁』盛大改版!快牽起身邊的那個人,拿出戒指求婚吧!另有多隻超強魔寵全新駕到,再次突破ARPG新境界!【四大戰鬥職業 絕對殺無赦】以一擋百《狂戰士》、千里狙擊《獵魔手》、魔力制霸《魔導師》、火力突擊《槍砲師》、生存遊戲中你將扮演哪個角色,參加這場生死格鬥?【萬人PK生存格鬥 敢殺就來】360度無死角生存格鬥,唯有真正強者才能生存!隨時隨地想戰就戰,保證敵人無處可逃!【魔寵出擊 釋放你的戰鬥能量】百變魔寵進化出擊,最強夥伴合體上陣,地表最強熱血死鬥挑戰!【神聖之翼 無間戰場72變】成功生存10分鐘即可擁有神翼72變超進化助你成為最強戰神!【掛機直衝LV90 秒速稱王萬人斬】自動掛機練功X手動BOSS團戰,生存煉獄光速升級,霸氣痛斬一切牛鬼蛇神!想知道更多遊戲攻略請至官方粉絲團>>
【史詩級手機遊戲!強勢歸來!】★☆★2016年最火紅3D動作遊戲★☆★- 精緻細膩場景,猶如身歷其境 -- 任務環環相扣,個個精采絕倫 -- 多人線上對打,不再孤單一人 -泰坦之戰採Unity3D引擎製作,打造最擬真的場景!------------------------------------------------------------特色系統:●血戰3V3》 多人線上PK,職業搭配互補,享受殺戮快感,爭取最高榮譽。●時空漩渦》 出產強大裝備與素材之地,是個可以讓玩家快速提升戰鬥力的副本。●翅膀系統》 酷炫拉風的翅膀,除了可以進行養殖增加自身屬性,還可以讓玩家在主城裡飛行。●精靈系統》 透過培養解鎖符文,獲得屬性加成與炫麗新技能。●女神保衛》 聯合隊友,抵擋怪物入侵,抵抗波數越多,獎勵就越豐厚!●魔龍逆襲》 參與擊殺魔龍,會根據玩家所貢獻的傷害值,轉化為相應的金幣獎勵。●飛龍大賽》 完成飛龍遠征可獲取大量金錢,也可攻擊其它玩家獲得金幣加成!------------------------------------------------------------希臘神話紀元、奇蹟磅礡降臨,王者回歸,由冥王哈帝斯掌管的時間裝置產生了扭曲,眾神之王者--宙斯命令女神雅典娜與戰神馬爾斯將時間裝置恢復原貌,但在這天地昏暗、魔物盡出的世界單憑兩人力量無法將裝置導正,需要王者們出動一起保衛奧林匹斯山 ,王者們快召集部隊,共同對抗邪惡魔物。粉絲專頁:官方網站:※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導15歲級:15歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
刀鋒無雙 - 萬人競技 1.7.0
《熔煉系統》 - 換取優異名將不再是黃粱一夢名將難求,武魂量多,素質又高,如此登峰造極之名將豈可輕易得手?除非該人為天生帝王相,世俗之物皆逃不過其掌中。恰巧,凡人有凡人的法子,再如何一將難求,面對熱血激昂,非你不可的決心,心房再高遲早也會為這份堅毅之情撼動。《裝備精煉》 - 裝備精煉大進擊!面對來勢洶洶各國精銳兵士名將,主公身上配戴裝備歷經歲月痕跡銷蝕,風華已散,該是煥然一新,重鑄精煉,再顯狂氣!《全新章節》- 第九章:華陀再世,祕傳金匱主角帶著呂玲綺逃離曹營,路遇追兵攔截,捨命相護,主角得知神醫華佗被曹操囚於城中,遂攜呂玲綺輾轉攻破城池,救出華佗為其醫治,玲綺似有好轉,誰料此人竟是假冒,雖表面將她醫好,實則使她失去了魂魄,主角攜玲綺逃出城外,路遇“已經死去”的郭嘉。為求起死回生之術,主角前往蜀地,尋找真正的神醫華佗!這路上一路凶險,主公們能否敵擋的了曹營的精兵?《酷炫萌寵》-端午節香萌上市新萌寵-粽寶粽葉香傳來,捆得緊,美味絕不輸人,口味多樣豐富的端午節代表食物:粽子,將化身Q萌寵物前來為主公遮風擋雨,衝鋒陷陣也在所不惜,持續釋放陣陣米香味,補足主公生命值也絕不打退堂鼓,堪稱第一首選吉祥物!《嶄新武將》 - 強力智將鳳雛「龐統」昔年鳳雛龐統雖不幸英年早逝,但其無雙智計引無數人唏噓歎惋。而今,鳳雛化身名將強勢助陣,以一柄巨扇操縱風火,遠可攻擊,近可驅敵,各位主扇和喜歡遠攻的主公趕緊將他收入麾下,加強自身戰力吧!
Implosion - Never Lose Hope 1.5.6
Bringing AAA console gaming experience to mobile devices.
神魔西游传-大圣归来,西游梦幻神仙魔灵乱斗 4.1.00
*2015年首款日系东方暗黑ARPG手机游戏火爆来袭!万人在线,谱写仙界神话!**3D视觉全新震撼!全方位血战系统!无限Combo连技!超丰富百重关卡!*英语版本下载地址:●首创【公会跨服对战】模式。不同公会跨服匹配,实时刺激对战。和亿万玩家同步对线、热血PK,纵情享受攻城掠地的快感!●前所未有的痛快手感,卡点、放大招,技能连击、畅爽操作,释放你的Combo,热血激斗尽在掌中!●随性【龙将激活&鬼姬觉醒】随心体验新英雄,斗悟空、降哪咤,统率三界英雄纵横四海!●协力【建设帮派家园】,拉帮结派壮大家园,志同道合共谋霸业!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,芈月梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂有杀气“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、三打白骨“锁妖塔”、“芈月伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、芈月太白金星等抓妖记诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容王者荣耀。三打白骨月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、三打白骨芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔有杀气。一万年太久只争朝夕!芈月修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!客服信箱: support@ujoy.com官网网站:游戏说明===※三大英雄 - 重启颠覆想象的暗黑神魔录!※自由战斗 - 最爽快的全方位无锁定攻击!※丰富关卡 - 斗天庭、战阎王,神鬼妖魔皆杀!※万人攻城 - 团队竞技合作,突出战略攻击部署!※无限Combo - 超华丽技能,尽享秒杀快感!※绚丽神武 - 尽斩上古妖魔,决战苍穹!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂抓妖记“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、三打白骨“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道抓妖记,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。有杀气三打白骨月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦抓妖记等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!王者荣耀人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!三打白骨===特色玩法介绍===※美宠神兽亲密相伴!随主人一起冒险,悉心培养,还能增加各种属性。※妖塔凶险异常,每一层都有不同特点的敌人,考验角色实力,奖励丰富!有杀气※经脉洞府、野外夺宝、斗神殿等PVP玩法,用你悉心培养的角色碾碎对手,称霸神榜吧!※丰富的动态任务,每天都有新乐子!世界BOSS、节日活动等特色玩法,彻底告别枯燥重复。※攻城战、帮派大战引发团队PK对战狂潮!用优秀策略与默契配合击退敌人吧!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、王者荣耀降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!===鬼武英雄推荐===※鬼姬——黑暗中的美艳杀手:鬼姬善用长鞭,手起鞭落处见血封喉,是战场上可怕的死神。有杀气斩将杀敌,千里不留行,精通各种毒术,召唤毒蛇攻击敌人,可怕的绝望之拥技能将给予对手致命一击。修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、王者荣耀降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※战神——近战远攻兼备标志性的长刀,刀刀见血。强大生存能力,同时掌握锋利长刀和帅气飞刀两种武技,擅长用杀戮的快感阐释完美暴力美学。极致的连击、帅气的残影剑法,这些只有战神才能掌控的住。修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂有杀气“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※牛魔——威武难撼的猛将牛魔血厚防高,单体攻击强劲,拥有令人生畏的力量。每一次挥舞手中的杀戮拳套都是在施展死亡之舞。淋漓尽致的展现出其可怕的攻击力和破坏能力!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※适用机型机型系统:Android 2.3及以上【小贴士】若您进入游戏时出现当机或无法更新等异常状况,请您检查设备的剩余存储空间是否大于300M。若依然无法解决,请您通过以下方式联系客服。※交流反馈如果您喜欢《神魔西游传》,欢迎随时给我们留言或评价,您也可官方Facebook与其他玩家一起讨论游戏经验,祝您游戏愉快!客服信箱: support@ujoy.com官方Facebook粉丝站:
功夫少林-全球唯一正版授權3D硬派動作手遊 1.10.2
少林寺官方授權, 3D ARPG正宗武俠巨作,堪稱十年唯一經典天下武功出少林-少林正宗授權 千年武林絕學盡在掌中【少林寺官方正宗授權】少林寺方丈釋永信大師登門首肯,一招一式由少林大師親授,完美演繹霸氣龍爪手,無堅不摧金鐘罩,震耳欲聾獅子吼…等經典招式,還原少林千年武學精髓,實地取景呈現少林寺傳奇樣貌,少林古剎,3D超清重現360°全景視角,場景互動觸發連鎖攻擊,暢享視覺極致體驗。少林功夫蓋天下-武僧親授棍法 持棍搏擊在技不在力【少林寺棍僧指親授】運用全3D動作捕捉技術,擬真打鬥將少林功夫精隨完美融入遊戲中,呈現少林棍法不硬拚勁力而是剛柔並濟純正動作要領,結合打狗棒法,伏魔杖法,武當玄武棍,等數百種招式組合套路靈活運用。正宗硬底子真功夫-對戰實時換角 PK出招拳拳到肉【獨步全球驚艷首創】創新的三位一體玩法三個角色實時切換戰鬥,同時可以利用角色的攻擊、防禦屬性來調整,實時匹配真人在線PK以及超燃擂臺競技,帶給玩家極致暢爽的競技體驗,PK打本講究策略技術並用,拒絕無腦操控。萬派歸宗武俠巔峰-QTE系統 心法技能合一瞬間爆屏加入高規格PlayStation等TVGAME才有的QTE動作系統,激烈對戰中QTE快速回擊提升戰鬥感,玩家隨時可在戰鬥中觸發心法,釋放QTE絕技,同時考驗玩家的反應能力和對整體節奏的掌控能力,提高了遊戲的操作性和競技性,每一場PK都能興奮莫名無比暢快!遊戲官網:粉絲團:
Blade Waltz 1.7.1
Netmarble Games
Rule over the rhythms of battle!Lose yourself in beautiful, combo-action RPG with Blade Waltz!FEATURES■A True, Action RPGDo you still upgrade one character at a time? Upgrade allyourcharacters at once in Blade Waltz! Never waste gear! InBladeWaltz, even Starter Gear can be upgraded intofully-loadedLegendary gear! Simple, yet stunning combinationattacks coupledwith powerful finishing moves, make this And at theend of yourepic journey, discover an epic, breathtaking cinematicending!gamemore than your average mobile RPG!■Dominate enemies with 3 unique skill sets using the TagBattlesystem!Ellie’s unrivaled style! Dual-wielding gun action, Gordon’sDeadlyBlows, Fear the Mace! Starfell’s Slice and Dice! Master oftheblade!■Don’t throw away your old gear, EVER!Upgrade any starter gear into legendary gear to withstandthefiercest of battles!■Epic Combos and FinishesAll it takes is 2 buttons to unleash a seemingly infinite arsenalofattack combinations! Then, Crush your enemies with adevastatingfinisher!■Strong cinematic storytelling with a dramatic finale!Unravel the mystery and recruit warriors to fight at yoursideVenture into the unknown and train all yourcharacterssimultaneously Witness the epic finale at the conclusionof yourjourney.■Shortage isn’t in our vocabulary! Let the immense content ofBladeWaltz overwhelm youPvPs, Boss Raids, Infinite Dungeons, and Special Dungeons!You’llnever run out of things to do in Blade Waltz![SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW]Notice Pop up at the top may appear to prevent data loss causedbyemergency maintenance.
Edge Implosion 1.2
next_gen 3D action RPG Now in your mobile!
Efun-第一神劍-金鐘國神力代言 1.60.0
第一神劍乃3D超動作手遊,帶你親歷充滿冒險、燃燒夢想的格鬥大陸!【遊戲特色】★全手繪打造,一部可以玩的無雙動漫★即時對戰PK系統,讓你跟百萬玩家實時格鬥★硬直、浮空、連擊、受身、霸體,純正格鬥遊戲設定★攻擊判定快、狠、準,體驗真實格鬥爽感★《聖女之歌》正統外傳,原製作人帶你重溫十二年前的刻骨銘心【遊戲背景】第一神劍描述斯坎蒂伐王國對待北方沙漠的傳教士們越來越殘酷,終於以宗教為名,爆發了和北方沙漠王朝托賴辟瑪之間的戰爭。禁衛軍的第一劍士斬魂,來自神秘組織的暗殺者影刃,風之國度的王子鬼手,因為戰爭走上了各自的宿命。從未見識過殘酷戰爭的熱血少年們,,將在兩國交鋒中尋找到停止戰爭,大地重回安寧的終極奧義…●三大特色職業:戰鬥狂人——斬魂、冷血殺手——影刃、魔法少年——鬼手●無雙爽快連招、自由跑位,手動技能讓你斬到無法放手!●日韓漫畫大師監製,全手繪特效渲染●《聖女之歌》原作者親撰第一神劍故事劇本我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!客服信箱:service02@inchtw.com香港專線:+852 81925396臺灣專線:+886 2-77290505巴哈:服務時間:24小時,全年無休,全力為您服務!※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔15級※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。Excalibur is thefirstsuper-action 3D hand travel with you experience the fulladventure,fighting burning dream continent! [Game Features]★ full hand-painted building, one can play the Warriors anime★ Instant PK battle system that lets you real-time fightingwithmillions of players★ hard straight, floating, batter, uke, Pa body, pure fightinggameset★ attack to determine fast, aggressive, accurate, coolfightingexperience the real sense★ "Shengnvzhige" orthodox rumored to bring you back to theoriginalproducer never forget 12 years ago [Game Background] The first Excalibur description 斯坎蒂 Laval northern desertkingdomtreat missionaries increasingly brutal, and finally the nameofreligion, the outbreak of war and the northern desertdynastymonarch Mary Tuolai between. Guards first swordsman cut the soul, from the mysteriousassassinShadowblade organizations, Wind kingdom prince ghost hand,becausethe war took their fate. Never seen the cruelty of warbloodteenagers ,, will be looking to stop the war, to return toapeaceful earth esoteric ultimate confrontation between thetwocountries ... ● three characteristics Occupation: fighting madman - cutsoul,cold-blooded killer - Shadowblade, Magic Boys - GhostHand● Warriors refreshing even move, freedom movement, manual skillssothat you can not let go to cut!● Japan and South Korea comic artist producer, allhand-paintedrendering effects● "Shengnvzhige" Excalibur story author pro-essaysfirstscreenplay We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered inthegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Customer Service:service02@inchtw.comHong Kong Line: +852 81925396Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Bach: http: // s = 77544?Service time: 24 hours, year round, to serve you! ※ hierarchical management approach according to the game, thisgameis supplemented by 15※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
Soul Raider- Ghost On Fire 1.2.9
- The most exciting magic ARPG mobile gamein2016 ”Soul Raider“- MMOARPG classic game! EPIC movie effect!- Enjoy real-time intense PvP PK! Fight with thousands of hunters!The dark masterpiece in 2016 《Soul Raider》 launchesnow!Classical RPG & ACT game mode. The visual wonders createdbyUnity3D engine are waiting for you to enjoy"Soul Raider", a NEW 3D Action RPG dark mobile game which iscreatedwith Unity3D engine. There are multiple heroes to chooseand train.Cool Combo effects! Unique dungeon fight gives you fullimmersion.Switch your heroes frequently during the fight andchange the GRIDto create your own play style. Enjoy the splendidgaming experienceprovided by the rich game system!▼GAME FEATURES▼------ Classical Dark Side ------Original dark style with visual effects, music & sound,thefamiliar scene as well as the exciting battles! Enjoytheextraordinary feast!------Top HD GRAPHICS ------Top scene quality in mobile game. Detailed scenes, amazingcomboeffects are comparable with PC MMORPG!------Innovative Battle Style------Make teams of 3 to beat anything with innovative operatingmode.Gorgeous blow feedback and super Combo effects will make youtolike it in one second!------Thrilling Real-Time PK------Perfect real-time intense PvP and championship. Enjoyvariousbattles such as Multi Dungeon、 Faction Wars、 GuildOccupation andfight against World Boss.------Match GRID at will------3 Factions for you to choose.50K Heroes for you to select!You'renot alone!------Train and Boost your Heroes------Find your exclusive weapons. Customize with specialmounts,fashional skins and rare wings. Train and Boost your ownEPICHERO!【CUSTOMER SUPPORT】If you have any questions or advice kindly contact via thefollowingways:E-mail:support@t1gamer.comSoul Raider: Ghost on Fire Fanpage: Raider: Ghost on FireOfficialSite: you cannot enter the Event, please switch your timezone toUTC+8and restart the game.【Maintenance】Routine Maintenance at 2:00pm-4:00pm(UTC+8) on everyWednesdaymorning.
決戰金光-史豔文傳奇 2.06
Join the battle against the demon army in the sequel to the topARPGon mobile!
Chaos of Immortals-New Origin 4.1.00
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Build your team, and wipe out theenemyin exciting, and addicting casual combat style mobile game.Savethe world from the darkness within, and be number 1 hero intheworld.Heroes ChronicleJoin the Westward Journey✔✔✔The Best Independent Game in China TGS, 2014✔✔✔ "Best game of 2014" selected by App Store✔✔✔ Recommend twice by App Store Feature in Hong Kong, MacaoandTaiwan✔✔✔ Recommend in App Store Feature by 14 countriesofAsia-Pacific✔✔✔ The most anticipated 3D Role-play Online GameFight for your honor in epic,exclusive online multiplayerbattle!3Dexhilarating hack-n-slash ARPG for mobile.Start youradventuretoday!【Game Features】- Play with or challenge real players worldwide and show offyourbattle skills– all in real-time.- Experience amazing graphics and epic storyline. Hi-restexturesand realistic models all combine to make this one of themostbeautiful 3D world on your mobile device!Heroes Chronicle IpManWing Chun Kung Fu- 3 different characters to play. Choose your characters andfightfor your destiny.- Upgrade equipments & wings to strengthen your power andshowoff glowing effects.-Various daily and weekly events to take part in. HeroesChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu-Create or join a guild to find allies and fight together towinawesome prizes.-Talk with your allies & friends in Chat – 1 on 1 PM,guildchat, or chat with the entire world.- Free to Play! Log in every day to claim rewards andrareweapon!Heroes ChronicleJoin the Westward JourneyClan Wars,Hero Customization ,wukong****FEEL THE RUSH! Combat the Chaos!********Feel the adrenaline at your fingertips!********Play the most exhilarating action RPG that will keepyouelectrified! ****【FREE TO PLAY】Some of the best artwork and graphics currently available inmobilegaming.Heroes ChronicleExciting PVP battles - Pit your hero against other playersfromaround the world, using strategy and cunning to come outontop.Heroes Chronicle Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu ClanWars,HeroCustomization ,wukongEarn bonus rewards just for logining each day.HeroesChronicleJointhe Westward JourneyPlay just a few minutes every day to earn freeresources.ClanWars,Hero Customization ,wukongExciting online strategy gameplay lets you play in a way thatfitsyour own style. Go it alone, team up with their friends inpowerfulalliances, or make your moves from the shadows –everythingis up toyou!Heroes ChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Clan Wars,Hero Customization ,wukongNOTE:Completely free to play,however some game items can alsobepurchased for real money.If you don't want to use theseitems,please disable“in-app purchases”in your device'ssettings.★★★We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at★★★Facebook: NO.1 PVP Actiongame,more than 1 million players waiting for you!★ Grossing Top 3 in HongKong, Singapore, Malaysia★ AppStore Featured in Japan, China, HongKong and Taiwan★ Real-time strategy multiplayer games and battlesJoin the Westward JourneyChinese Version Download: id = VersionDownload:★ Play the game anytime, anywhere as you like it★ Develop your strategic method to conquer variouschallenges.★ Train up your Warkey Heroes in every way you want★ BEAUTIFUL story & AWESOME graphic performance★ Maneuver your Warkey Heroes, marching to become Famous!Chinese Version Download: id = VersionDownload: together with million players around the world andenjoycompetitive game mechanics. 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Heroes ChronicleIp Man Wing Chun Kung Fu Clan Wars, Hero Customization, wukongNOTE: Completely free to play, however some game items canalsobe purchased for real money.If you do not want to use theseitems,please disable "in-app purchases" in your device'ssettings.★★★ We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at★★★ Facebook:
League of Assassin 1.0.7
Real Action
League of Assassin is the most realactiongame. And offline game with online RPG gameplay. With thelatestaction fighting engine and the cool combo hit. League ofAssassin,enables you to experience the real original arcadefighting.League of Assassin the inherit of arcade games, but a tributetoclassics. The soul of arcade games are never gone.Classic,playable, multiple roles, various combo hit to choose.Horizontalversion of fighting can Ignite your passion, Endlesscombo canmakes you blood pumping and exciting!let's hunt the peoplewho fallinto the shadow.The tougher the monsters are, the richer rewards you cangrant,more batter, rating higher; Hidden BOSS will grant moregenerousrewards. And then you can kill monsters to level up. DemonHunterand Demon Assassin to fight the forces of people who is inshadowas the background. Can you be a real hero legend of thedevilworld? Welcome to the league of Demon legend and to be aassassindevil hunter, experience the real spirit of fighter.Feature:●1: Four different assassin gives you differentGamingexperience●2: Endless combo hit makes you become a Ultra Combo Master●3: Classical arcade & Exclusive landscape thrilloffighting●4: Classical Horizontal version of fighting help you relivethehappiness of childhood.●5: Each characters can be transferred for an more powerful roleforfree.●6: Waste no mobile data & Fight for endless world rankWorld tournament & world rank system and besides EndlessModeare waiting for you to challenge.let's help the shadow peoplego tobright word
Mythical Hero 1.1.3
memwell game
IntroductionMythical Hero, a new published fantasy action mobile game,bringsall the players not only the promotion of stunning visualgraphics,but also the addictive battle modes and various talismans.Let'sbegin our journey to the stars! The more ambitious you are,themore competent you will be. It is your ambition that drives youtoachievements! Do you want it? Choose Mythical Hero, a bravooptionto lead your fantasy journey!Features1. Produced by Mamwell, a Fine Work UndoubtedAs a total adaption from the original work, Mythical Herorelivesplaces, times and storylines straight from the famousfiction. Justimmerse yourself in the battlefield with stunningeffects likereading the masterpiece!2. Original Characters, Sumptuous ScenarioUsing 3D techniques on characters' building, every action andfacialexpressions of fantasy myths are showed. Abundantscenarios,fantastic effects, well-set pace, newfangled formation,all ofthese make it too addicting to stop!3. You are Protected, You are SkillfulRefreshing pets and talismans have great effects in both visualandbattle. Also, you owns special skills like dodges andcriticalstrikes that you can transfer freely. All the demons willnot bequalified to be your components!4. Squad-based Combat, Here You Are the WarriorBuild your own faction, collect the heroes and become theLegends.Team up with players in the dungeon, slag the Epic Boss inthebattleground! If you are manage to survive through the EpicBoss,the spoils of victory awaits.Website : : :