Top 9 Apps Similar to We Are One Body - Eastern

Divine Mercy Chaplet 8.0
Jose A.
Jesus, I trust in You!
We Are One Body - Mountain 3.6
With this APP, you can listen to WeAreOneBody® Catholic radio in four time zones across theUnitedStates(Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific).We Are One Body® (WAOB®) produces catecheticalandcontemplativeprogramming, which seeks to lead you to aninteriorsilence,helping you to deepen your relationship with ourLord Jesusand ourHeavenly Father through the power of the HolySpirit.Theprogramming is intended to present the life of theCatholicChurchin a way that makes the Mystical Body of Christmoreapparent: thePope and bishops united with their priests, intheirrole as head,working together with the laity in their roleasmembers. Thecatechetical programming consists ofmagisterialteaching from thePope and bishops followed byconversations betweenpriests whoexplain and elaborate on themagisterial teaching. TheWe Are OneBody® programming also containsbroadcasts of lectiodivina, led bypriests, on Scripture, thewritings of the saints,the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, and theCompendium on theSocial Doctrine ofthe Catholic Church; leadinglisteners tointerior silence andcontemplation through meditationand prayer.The programmingdescribed above is supported by sacredmusic and bybroadcasts ofprayer from parishes, families andreligious orders,including theHoly Mass and the Liturgy of theHours, and devotionssuch as theRosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.Standard features with this advanced mobileapplicationinclude:(located below your station’s App StoreDescription)Enhanced Now PlayingFavorites RepositoryMusic History and Expanded Track DetailsRate A SongSocial Media IntegrationAnd Much More!App developed by LiquidCompass.netkeywords: Lord Jesus Heavenly Father Holy SpiritWAOBScriptureCatechism
Lectio Divina - On Jest
Aplikacja „Lectio Divina” to pomoc wtakimczytaniu Słowa Bożego, aby to Słowo przemieniało naszemyślenie iabyśmy w Jego świetle dokonywali dobrych wyborów ipodejmowalidobre decyzje.Aplikacja jest elektroniczną wersją rozważań LectioDivina,przygotowywanych od 2011 roku w formie drukowanej dlaparafian NMPBolesnej we Wrocławiu – Strachocinie przez członkówwspólnoty „OnJest” Ruchu Światło – Życie.Autorami rozważań - komentarzy są ludzie świeccy, choćsamekomentarze mają, w zamierzeniach autorów, jedyniepomocniczycharakter. Głównym celem jest osobiste spotkanieczytającego zeSłowem Bożym, które, jak mówi św. Paweł, jest samo wsobie „żywe,skuteczne i ostrzejsze niż wszelki miecz obosieczny ,przenikająceaż do rozdzielenia duszy i ducha , stawów i szpiku ,zdolne osądzićpragnienia i myśli serca” (Hbr 4,12) .Dokonuje się to przez poprowadzenie czytającego, krok pokroku,przez poszczególne etapy tej metody rozważania SłowaBożego:1. Czytanie (lectio),2. Medytację (meditatio),3. Modlitwę (oratio) i trwanie przed Bogiem (contemplatio).4. Działanie (actio)Do rozważania wybierane jest tylko jedno czytanie spośródczytańliturgicznych przewidzianych przez Kościół na dany dzieńroku,gdyż, jak uczy nas św. Ignacy, „nie obfitość wiedzy, alewewnętrzneodczuwanie i smakowanie rzeczy zadawala i nasycaduszę”.Aplikacja działa offline, aktualizacje tekstów pobierane są zsieciraz w tygodniu na każdy następny tydzień. Dodatkową pomocądlakorzystających z aplikacji jest przystępny opis całej metodyLectioDivina.The "Lectio Divina"tohelp in the reading of God's Word to the Word has transformedourthinking and in his light we have made good choices to makethosegood decisions.The application is an electronic version of considerationslectiodivina, prepared since 2011 in printed form for theparishioners ofSt. Mary of Sorrows in Wroclaw - Strachocin bymembers of thecommunity, "He Is" Traffic Light - Life.The authors of the discussion - comments are lay people,althoughthe comments that have, in the intentions of the authors,merelyancillary. The main objective is a personal encounter readingtheWord of God, which, as Saint Paul says. Paul, is in itselfa"living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercingevento the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, joints and marrow,anddiscerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart"(Hebrews4:12).This is accomplished by routing the reader step by step throughthevarious stages of this method consider the word of God:First reading (lectio)2 Meditation (meditatio)3 Prayer (oratio) and duration before God (contemplatio).4 action (actio)To consider the selection is only one reading of theliturgicalreadings provided by the Church on the day of the year,because, asSt. teach us. Ignatius, "is not an abundance ofknowledge, but theinner feeling and tasting stuff please andsatisfies thesoul."The app works offline, text updates are downloaded from thenetworkonce a week for each subsequent week. Further support forthe useof the application is accessible description of the wholemethod ofLectio Divina.
Divine Mercy Prayer App 2.3
Udo Nkwocha
The divine mercy app sends youdailydivinemercy inspirational messageswhich reminds of the divine mercy devotion.
Amo Gesù
Applicazione per la preghiera e la meditazione. Informa suglieventidella Chiesa Cattolica, e l'attualità dell'anno liturgico.
Evangelización Activa 1.8
Evangelización Activa(una organización delaIglesia Católica dirigida por el Padre Ernesto María Caro)enconjunto con SISMOV, han desarrollado una aplicación quebuscallevar el Evangelio a todos los hombres siguiendo el mandatodeJesús: "vayan a todos los pueblos y hagan discípulos, enséñenlesaguardar todo lo que yo les he enseñado" (Cfr. Mt 28,19-20).Como parte de este esfuerzo por acercar la Palabra de Dios atodala humanidad, se ha desarrollado esta aplicación en lacualencontrarás las herramientas para acercarte a Dios y conocersudoctrina. Particularmente descubrirás con la constancia,queefectivamente, la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz (Heb 4,12) yquees capaz de darnos vida y dárnosla en abundancia (Jn 10,10).Funcionalidad--INICIO--- Recibe el evangelio diariamente en un formato amigable.- Conoce sobre la vida y obra de nuestros Santos y lasfestividadescatólicas.---DETALLE DEL EVANGELIO---- Dentro del detalle podrás observar la primera lectura,meditación,oración, acción, Evangelio y la reflexión.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para que no dañestuvista.- Publica en tu muro de facebook que la lectura del día tehizomucho sentido, el evangelio y su reflexión serán publicadosdeigual forma.- Podrás almacenar localmente toda ésta información del día,sidecides voluntariamente archivarla.---LISTADO DE EVANGELIOS---- Se listarán los días pasados (la cantidad que tú elijas dentrodeAjustes) con la información completa de lectura yevangelio.- Los días DOMINGO no se lista la lectura ni el evangelio conelfino propósito de invitarte a que asistas a presenciar elmilagrodivino de la Santa Misa en tu comunidad parroquial.---ROSARIO---- Se listan los grupos de misterios correspondientes al díaquetenga el dispositivo configurado. La navegación del SantoRosarioes deslizando la pantalla con tu dedo hacia los lados.- Son 5 piezas de música instrumental y una excelente seleccióndeimágenes de fondo para mejor concentración en el rezo.---PARROQUIAS---- Apreciarás una serie de iconos de parroquias que se encuentranatu alrededor, podrás ver cómo llegar, los teléfonos, horarios delaSanta Misa, etc.- La funcionalidad de parroquias es un servicio de la comunidadparala comunidad, si tu parroquia no está, da de altasuinformación.---DEVOCIONARIO---- Lista una serie de oraciones que podrás seleccionar para leeryque podrás marcarlas como favoritas.- Permite buscar por nombre las oraciones---SANTORAL---- Lista el Santo del día y las siguientes 30 festividades,alseleccionar el dato se podrá observar vida, obra e historiadelSanto en cuestión.- Permite buscar por nombre los Santos y festividades.---PODCASTS---- Desde la Palabra de Dios : Acceso directo a lashomilíasdominicales de el Padre Ernesto Caro, se puedendescargarlocalmente a tu dispositivo de manera completamenteGRATUITA.- Vida en Cristo : Acceso directo a las reflexiones que elPadreErnesto Caro sube para vivir en el Espíritu Santo, éstas sepuedendescargar localmente a tu dispositivo de maneracompletamenteGRATUITA.---DONATIVOS---- Te permite aportar algo de tí para que se difunta la palabradeDios a todo el mundo.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para toda laaplicación(secciones de desplegado de información)- Permite ajustar los kilómetros a la redonda para verlasparroquias más cercanas a tú ubicación.- Permite ajustar la cantidad de evangelios que deseamos mantenerennuestro dispositivo.*Gran parte de la aplicación requiere conexión a Internet.Evangelization Active(anorganization of the Catholic Church led by Father ErnestoMaríaCaro) in conjunction with SISMOV have developed an applicationthatseeks to bring the Gospel to all men follow Jesus' command: "Gotoall nations and make disciples , teaching them to observe allthatI have taught "(cfr. Mt 28,19-20).As part of this effort to bring the Word of God to allmankind,has developed this application where you will find thetools to getcloser to God and know his doctrine. Particularly findthe recordthat indeed the word of God is living and active (Heb4:12) and isable to give life and give it to us in abundance (Jn10:10).Functionality--HEAD START--- Get the gospel daily in a friendly format.- Learn about the life and work of our Holy andCatholicfestivities.DETAIL OF GOSPEL --- ---- Within the detail you can see the first reading,meditation,prayer, action, and reflection Gospel.- Modify the font size so you do not damage your hearing.- Post on your Facebook wall reading of the day made you a lotofsense, the gospel and its reflection likewise be published.- You can store this information locally every day, ifyouvoluntarily file it.LIST OF GOSPEL --- ---- The days of old (the amount of your choice in Settings) withfullinformation on reading and Gospel are listed.- The DOMINGO days no reading list or the gospel with fine ordertoinvite you to come to witness the divine miracle of the HolyMassin your parish community.ROSARIO --- ---- Mysteries groups for the day you have configured the devicearelisted. Navigation Santo Rosario is sliding the screen withyourfinger sideways.- There are 5 pieces of instrumental music and anexcellentselection of background images for better concentrationinprayer.PARISHES --- ---- You'll appreciate a series of icons parishes that are aroundyou,you will see how to get, mobile, Mass schedules, etc.- The functionality of parishes is a service of the communityforthe community, if your parish is not dischargedtheirinformation.PRAYER --- ---- List a series of prayers that you can select to read and youcanmark them as favorites.- You can search by name prayersSaints --- ---- List the Name Day and the following 30 festivals, selectingthedata you can observe life, work and history of the saintinquestion.- You can search by name Saints and festivities.PODCASTS --- ---- From the Word of God: Direct access to the Sunday homiliesofFather Ernesto Caro, can be downloaded locally to yourdevicecompletely FREE.- Life in Christ: Direct access to the reflections thatFatherErnesto Caro goes to live in the Holy Spirit, they canbedownloaded locally to your device completely FREE.DONATIONS --- ---- Allows you to bring something to you that the word of Godtoeveryone is dead.- Modify the font size for the entire application(sectionsdisplayed information)- Adjusts the miles around to see the location closest toyouparishes.- Adjusts the amount of gospels we want to keep our device.* Much of the application requires internet connection.
Pocket Rosary 1.1.1
Pocket Rosary for Android is an interactive Catholic app forprayingtwo of the most powerful chaplets of Jesus and Mary, theChaplet ofthe Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary respectively. Theapp may beused together with the traditional rosary beads and isnot intendedto replace the traditional rosary beads when prayingthe chaplets.This app will help you remember the prayers and willteach you howto pray the chaplets. It includes a list of the mostcommontraditional prayers and it provides you access to thedailyScriptural readings. Whenever you want to pray and spend timewithGod or pray for someone or for the whole world, this appwillaccompany you. It guides you with sincere audio recitationandbeautiful background music that you can listen to in anywayyoulike - through your phone, boost it to you car speakers whilegoingto work or use your earphones when you feel like prayingsilentlyduring your free time. Very useful app for familiarizingthechaplets which can also be used as a teaching tool, even kidswilllove! Synchronized moving text allows you to hold yourtraditionalrosary when praying and helps you focus in prayer whilereading thetexts without scrolling up and down. Technology isevolving so asJesus' love and mercy. This is a nice app toaccompany you as youpray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and theHoly Rosary byyourself or with your family and friends. In Jesusname we pray…Note: Check for info on the permissions below.Features:-------------- - Divine Mercy and Holy Rosary Chaplets -Auto andmanual selection of Rosary Mysteries - Remembers where youlastleft off - Move the beads with a touch of a button - Easybeadtracking with full view of the rosary beads on screen -Vibratefunction to support feedback in bead tracking - Praywithaccompanied audio and moving text - Pray with someone orsilentlyby yourself with earphones - Soothing background musicsuitable forprayer - Adjustable font size - Packed with 13beautiful rosarysets to choose from - Change background image -"Prayers" sectionprovides you a mini library of the basic prayersfor you tofamiliarize and reference - Unique dynamic userinterface. changesettings on the fly without interrupting thechaplet prayers. -Feature to save app in SD card. (Android 2.2feature) The app isstill in its early version. I will still beadding more features.Any feedback and comment is greatlyappreciated. If you are havingproblems with the app and itsfunctionality, please email or leavea comment and I can refund youyour money. Needs Android 2.0 andhigher to work. Permissions:CHECK_LICENSE This app checks forapplication purchase licensing.VIBRATE This app uses your phone'svibrate function for the vibratefeature in moving the beads.INTERNET This app uses internetconnection to retrieve scripturetext data and verify applicationlicensing. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEThis app checks to see if you have avalid internet connection forlicense checking and retrievingscripture text data.
Ch(app)lets 1.0
Commit 451
The Catholic faith is built upon 2,000 yearsoftradition. There's a lot to learn and therefore a lot tooverlook.This app collects the fourteen chaplet prayers of ourLord thatreflect on different aspects of His life, from infancy toHis mostprecious wounds, to the graces He's blessed us with likethe BlessedSacrament.Could you not watch one hour with me? This is what our Lordasksof us in Matthew 26:40. He sacrificed His life for us and weoweHim everything. These prayers range from 15 minutes to 30.Perfectfor when you're sitting on the train, the bus, perhaps on aflight.In the morning to help you wake up or at night to help youfallasleep. On your lunch break, when traffic is at a dead stop(pleaseconsider the safety of yourself and others, only use thisapp in anon-moving car if you're driving). And of course, when youwant topray.We will be adding an additional 24 chaplets infutureupdates.
We Are One Body - Pacific 3.6
With this APP, you can listen to We AreOneBody® Catholic radio in four time zones across the UnitedStates(Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific).We Are One Body® (WAOB®) produces catechetical andcontemplativeprogramming, which seeks to lead you to an interiorsilence,helping you to deepen your relationship with our Lord Jesusand ourHeavenly Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.Theprogramming is intended to present the life of the CatholicChurchin a way that makes the Mystical Body of Christ moreapparent: thePope and bishops united with their priests, in theirrole as head,working together with the laity in their role asmembers. Thecatechetical programming consists of magisterialteaching from thePope and bishops followed by conversations betweenpriests whoexplain and elaborate on the magisterial teaching. TheWe Are OneBody® programming also contains broadcasts of lectiodivina, led bypriests, on Scripture, the writings of the saints,the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, and the Compendium on theSocial Doctrine ofthe Catholic Church; leading listeners tointerior silence andcontemplation through meditation and prayer.The programmingdescribed above is supported by sacred music and bybroadcasts ofprayer from parishes, families and religious orders,including theHoly Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours, and devotionssuch as theRosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.Standard features with this advanced mobile applicationinclude:(located below your station’s App Store Description)Enhanced Now PlayingFavorites RepositoryMusic History and Expanded Track DetailsRate A SongSocial Media IntegrationAnd Much More!App developed by LiquidCompass.netkeywords: Lord Jesus Heavenly Father Holy Spirit WAOBScriptureCatechism