Top 14 Apps Similar to DOĞUM GÜNÜ MESAJLARI

Birthdays: Reminder & calendar
Remember your friends and family on their birthdaysandanniversaries
Hazreti Muhammed(sav)’in hem damadı hemdeamcasının oğlu olan Hazreti Ali(ra) fitnenin bir kasırgahalindenher tarafı kasıp kavurduğu bir ortamda halife oldu.HazretiAli(ra)’nin halife oluş şartları tek kelimeyleyürekparçalayıcıydı, gerçekten ilginç bir durum vardı. Birtaraftankimsenin haksız yere burnunun bile kanamasını istemeyenyeniyönetim; öbür tarafta Müslümanların emiri,HazretiPeygamber(sav)’in damadı, dünyada iken cennetle müjdelenmişbircennet insanı. Hazreti Peygamber(sav)in bile haya ve edebinesaygıduyduğu, aynı saygıyı meleklerin bile duyduğunu ifade ettiğibirhalifenin can alıcı sözleri elinizin altında. Bu mübarekinsanınsözlerini payaşma özelliği ile herkeseulaştırabileceksiniz.The ProphetMuhammad(saas) as well as his uncle and the groom is the son ofHazrat Ali(ra) into a whirlwind of strife raged in an environmentwhere eachside became caliph. Hazrat Ali (ra) 's conditions occurin one wordcaliph was heartbreaking, it really had an interestingsituation.On the one hand nobody even bleeding of the nose do notwant tounduly new management; orders on the other side of theMuslims, theProphet (saas) 's son, a paradise in the world whilethe peoplewere glad tidings of Paradise. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)even thetesticles and literary respect, the same respect that evenangelshad heard the fateful words of a caliph at hand. This holyman'swords will be able to reach everyone with Payas feature.
Anadolu'da Türkçe şiirin öncüsüolanmutasavvıfve filozof, Anadolu'da yaşamış tasavvuf ve halkşairi,Türk İslamdüşünürü olarak bilinen Yunus Emrenin en güzelsözlerinimesajolarak telefonunuzda bulundurmak ve paylaşmak istermisiniz..engüzel sözlerinde oluşan uygulamamız tam aradığınızgibi...Anatolia Turkishmysticandphilosopher who pioneered poetry, mysticism and folk poetwholivedin Anatolia, known as the Yunus Emre Turkish Islamicthinkerof themost beautiful words in the message you want to shareyourpossessionand on your phone .. Our most beautiful words thatoccurinapplications such as full're looking for ...
İslam alimi ve mutasavvıf. MevlânâCelâleddînRûmî'nin gönül dünyasında büyük değişikliklere sebep olanveMevlânâ tarafından yazılan ilâhî aşk şiirlerinden oluşan"Dîvân-ıŞems-î Tebrîzî" adındaki nazım eser sayesinde tanınan çokkuvvetlibir din âlimidir. Şemsin, seçtiğimiz en güzel sözlerindenoluşanuygulamamızı indirebilir paylaş özelliği ile en güzelsözleriniherkese ulaştırabilirsiniz.Islamic scholarandmystic. Mawlana Jalal al Rumi's heart that can cause majorchangesin the world and the divine love of the poetry written byMaulana"Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi called" a very strong religiousscholarknown through the verse is the work. 're Shemini, we choosethemost beautiful words can download our application sharingfeature,which consists of the most beautiful words anyone canfill.
Happy Birthday, Card, GIF, Video (2M+ Installs) 1.22
Happy Birthday. Send your Happy Birthday picture,GIFanimation,video and message by email, WhatsApp, ... Size of theGIFanimatedimage sent by Whatsapp is small.
Birthday Cards & Messages Wish 10.1.0
Happy Birthday app with greeting cards, happy birthdayimages,messages & quotes
Mehmet Âkif Ersoy baba tarafındanArnavut,annetarafından Özbek asıllı olan Cumhuriyet Dönemişairi,veterinerhekim, öğretmen, vaiz, hafız, Kur'an mütercimi,yüzücüvemilletvekili olan Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, TürkiyeCumhuriyeti'ninulusalmarşı olan İstiklâl Marşı'nın yazarıdır."Vatan Şairi" ve"MilliŞair" unvanları ile anılır. ÇanakkaleDestanı, Bülbül,Safahat enönemli eserlerindendir. Ölümsüzşairimizin büyükeserlerinden canalıcı sözleri telefonuindirebileceksevdiklerinizlepaylaşabileceksiniz..Mehmet AkifErsoypaternalAlbanians, by the mother Uzbek-born RepublicanPeriodpoet,veterinarians, teachers, preachers, hafiz of theQur'aninterpreter,swimmer and deputy Mehmet Akif Ersoy, theRepublic ofTurkey'snational anthem with National Anthem is theauthor of ."NationalPoet" and the "National Poet" is referred to bynames.Epic ofGallipoli, Nightingale, Safahat most importantworks.Crucial wordsof the great works of our immortal poet, thephonewill be able toshare with loved ones can be download ..
Büyük Türk düşünürü ve ozanı, gönüladamıHacıBektaş Veli, XIII. yüzyılda yaşamış ulubirTürk-İslammutasavvıfıdır. Çok sayıda bilim adamınınyetiştiğiHorasan’daengin bir bilgi birikimine, geniş bir dünyagörüşünesahipolmuştur. Küçük yaşlardan başlayarak kendinietrafınakabulettirerek Horasan erenleri arasında ululuğu öneçıkmıştır.Büyükdüşünce adamının değerli sözleri arasında siziniçinseçtiklerimizuygulamamızla her zaman yanınızda. Paylaşmaözelliğiile de herkeseulaştırabileceksiniz.GreatTurkishphilosopherand poet, the man of mind Haci Bektas Veli,XIII.century is thegreat Turkish-Islamic mystic. Numerousscientistswere grown tovast amounts of information in Khorasan, hashad awide view of theworld. Starting from a young age by imposingitselfaround thegreatness of those who came to the fore wasKhorasan.Greatthoughts of man's precious words you choose topractice whatwealways carry on. The ability to share with everyoneabletodeliver.
Birthday Greetings 1.00.16
Birthday greeting cards, Birthday stickers, Birthdaywishes,Birthday messages.
Birthday calendar (Upcoming)
Simple calendar for birthdays and anniversaries — 100% free.
Auto Birthday SMS 1.3
Do you often forget to congratulate yourfriendhappy birthday?If so, this application will keep Your friendships.Auto Birthday SMS - automatically sends an SMS message(Greeting)on the day of Your friend's birthday.This is how it works:- Add birthdays to Your contacts (to make it even easier, Youcanimport dates of birth from Facebook, Google Calendar orCSVfile);- Select friends whom You wish to auto-send a birthday greetingonthat special day;- Write greeting text;- Activate application.Now every friend You have selected in auto SMS applicationwillreceive a nice birthday greeting from You when the timecomes.Permissions used in application:Write to Contact Book - You can create a new contactdirectlyfrom application;Read from Contact Book - displays names of Your friendsinapplication;Storage - uses database to store application settings;System tools - application runs in the background to checkforcoming birthdays everyday;Network communication - needed if You want to import dates ofbirthfrom facebook or synchronize with Google Calendar;Service that cost you money - as always, Your mobile carrierwillcharge You for SMS.
СМС поздравления от SMSki.Mobi 0.10.3
7baRu Developers
Сегодня трудно себе представить современное общение икоммуникациюбез СМС сообщений ! А кто из нас не слышал про смс боксили неотправлял смс поздравления многочисленным друзьям и знакомым?А какприятно в канун праздника или на день рождения получатьволнующиепоздравления смс от близких людей!Межличностные отношениявсебольше переходят в виртуальный мир, который насыщенмножествомвозможностей проявить себя посредством классическогообращения другк другу: обсуждением насущных проблем, поиском верныхпутей решениябесконечных жизненных трудностей, осуществляемых насущественномудалении абонентов между собой. Тотальная нехваткавремени иявляется причиной бурного развития уникальных сервисовобщениялюдей на расстоянии, где самым совершенным и эффективнымявляетсявиртуальный сервис, обеспечивающий отправку смс черезинтернет.Оригинальные бесплатные смс сообщения предоставитмногочисленнымпользователям – уникальное приложение отSMSki.Mobi!С помощью нашего функционала можно поздравить любимую девушкувдень святого Валентина, для этого достаточнотрогательногопоздравления смс, которое превратит волнующийромантический вечер всказку!Как приятно ощутить тепло и заботу родных и любимых людей–получив смс поздравления на день ангела , день рожденияиликакой-нибудь юбилей!Содержательные по смыслу смс поздравления полностью БЕСПЛАТНЫдляпользователей, подготовлены талантливыми писателями ипробуждаютмножество положительных эмоций! Все бесплатные смсотправляютсячерез наш SMS шлюз с указанием Вашего мобильногономера. Приложениепостоянно обновляется, причем все измененияпроизводятся совершенноБЕСПЛАТНО для пользователя! Приложение покасодержит начальный наборфункций, которые продолжают успешносовершенствоваться. В ближайшихпланах расширить возможностиотправки сообщений в виде поздравлениясмс, дополнить функционалмногими полезными новациями, средикоторых: активация платногоаккаунта с возможностью отключениярекламы, введение уникальногокалендаря поздравлений, функциизапоминания дней рождения ипамятных дат Ваших друзей, знакомых идр.Все это будет доступно после регистрации, без которойвозможенлишь просмотр доступных категорий смс и копированиеконтента.Важнейшим условием отправки является необходимостьавторизациипод своим НАСТОЯЩИМ номером. Это требование актуально попричинетого, что на Ваш номер придет код активации и все смсотправленныечерез наш сервис будут приходить ОТ ВАШЕГО НОМЕРА.Наш сервис весьма дорожит мнением и отзывами пользователейокачестве наших услуг и специально в этих целях создал веткунафоруме для обсуждения неясных вопросов, касающихсяпоздравлениясмс. Кроме того на сайте действует техподдержка, кудаможнообратиться в любое время суток и в течение короткогопериодавремени получить исчерпывающий ответ на любойпоставленныйвопрос.Воспользуйтесь возможностями приложения гарантирующеготолькокачественные смс поздравления на любые праздники!Мы предлагаем разнообразные категории СМС поздравлений налюбойвкус. Здесь каждый пользователь может подобрать смспоздравления натрадиционные отечественные и религиозные праздники –Новый и СтарыйНовый год, романтический день святого Валентина (14февраля), Деньзащитника Отечества ( 23 февраля ) , Международныйженский день ( 8марта ), Масленица, Пасху (Пасха), Татьянин день,торжественный ипамятный День Победы, поздравления на день рожденияи именины идр.В нашей базе только самые лучшие смс поздравления!форум,где Вы можете удостовериться в работоспособности приложенияиоставить свои предложения к дальнейшему улучшению.It ishardto imagine a modern communication and communication withoutSMSmessages! And who among us has not heard about the SMS box orsendsms greetings to numerous friends and acquaintances? And it'sniceon the eve of the holiday or birthday greetings sms receivedwavesfrom loved ones! Interpersonal relationships areincreasinglymoving into the virtual world that is filled withmanyopportunities to express themselves through the classicaltreatmentto each other: a discussion of current problems, findingthe rightsolutions to the infinite life difficulties carried out atasubstantial distance between the users themselves. Total lackoftime is the reason for the rapid development of uniqueservicespeople communicate at a distance, where the most advancedandeffective is a virtual service sending SMS via the Internet.Original free SMS messages provide multiple users - auniqueapplication of SMSki.Mobi!With our functional to be congratulated his girlfriendonValentine's Day, it is enough to touching sms greetings thatwillturn an exciting romantic evening in a fairy tale!How nice to feel the warmth and care of relatives and lovedones- have received sms greetings on the name day, birthday oranybirthday!Meaningful within the meaning of sms greetings totally freeforusers, prepared by talented writers and awaken a lot ofpositiveemotions! All free sms sent via our SMS gateway showingyour mobilenumber. The application is constantly updated, and allchanges madeto the user absolutely FREE! Application does containan initialset of features that continue to successfully cultivate.Theimmediate plans to expand the possibility of sending messagesinthe form of greetings sms, add functionality with manyusefulinnovations, including: activation of a paid account withtheability to disable ads, the introduction of a uniquecalendar,greetings, memory function birthdays and anniversaries ofyourfriends, acquaintances, etc.All this will be available after registration, without whichcanonly view the available categories sms and copying ofcontent.The most important condition is the need to send anauthorizationunder his real number. This requirement is importantbecause of thefact that your number comes activation code and allSMS sent throughour service will be coming from your room.Our service is highly valued input and feedback from users onthequality of our services and specially created for thispurposethread in forum for discussion of ambiguities concerninggreetingssms. Also on site is valid technical support, which can beaccessedat any time and for a short period of time to get acomprehensiveanswer to any question.Take advantage of the application is only guaranteed qualitysmsgreetings for any holidays!We offer a variety of categories of SMS greetings to alltastes.Here each user can choose sms greetings to traditionaldomestic andreligious holidays - New and Old New Year, a romanticValentine'sDay (February 14), Defender of the Fatherland Day (23February),International Women's Day (March 8), Mardi Gras, Easter(Easter ),Tatiana Day, a solemn and memorable Victory Daycongratulations tothe birthday and name, etc.In our database, only the best sms greetings! you can test your applications and leave yoursuggestions forfurther improvement.
Romantik Günaydın Mesajları 1.0
AŞKINIZI İFADE ETMENİN YOLU HERSABAHDÜŞÜNDÜĞÜNÜZ SEVGİLİNİZE EN GÜZEL MESAJI YOLLAMAKTAN GEÇER.SİZİNİÇİN, BİZ YAZDIK SİZ GÖNDERİN...Diğer uygulamalarımızla telefonunuza yükleyerek uluönderimizAtatürk’ün sözleriyle bilgilenecek ve atamızla gururduyacak, Türkşair, romancı, deneme yazarı, gazeteci ve eleştirmenolan Atillaİlhanla düşüncelere dalacak, gazeteciliği veromanlarıyla dikkatçeken Can Dündar sözlerini öğrenecek, ve bunlargibi nice yazardüşünür bilge lider kişilerin ( Can Yücel, CemalSüreyya, ElifŞafak, Fethullah Gülen, Hacı Bektaşi Veli, Hz Ali,Mehmet AkifErsoy, Namık Kemal, Nazım Hikmet, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek,ÖmerHayyam Özdemir Asaf, Said Nursi, Turcer Kurtiz, Yunus Emre vedahanicelerinin) sözlerini telefona yükleyerek yanınızdaneksiketmeyecek ve sevdiğiniz sözleri mesajları Facebook viberlinewhatsapp twıtter gibi uygulamalarlaarkadaşlarınızlasevdiklerinizle paylaşarak herkeseulaştırabileceksiniz. Ayrıcaönemli günlerde gönderebileceğinizzahmetsizce sadece bir tuşlagönderebileceğiniz hazır mesajlarla (Cuma mesajları, bayrammesajları, yeniyıl mesajları, yılbaşımesajları,sevgi mesajları,aşk mesajları, kapak mesajlar, facebookmesajları, doğum günümesajları ,sevgiliye mesajlar, iyi gecelermesajları , günaydınmesajları, ihanet mesajları ve geyik espriler,kandil mesajları,beraat miraç mevlit kandili mesajları, kadirgecesi, komikmesajlar, baattin sözleri, v for vandetta sözleri )duygularınızıkolaylıkla ifade edin..A way to express yourloveto your beloved that you THINK EVERY MORNING SEND MESSAGE OFTHEMOST BEAUTIFUL LIE from. FOR YOU, WE SEND YOU WRITE we...Other practices, we install on your phone and our GreatLeaderAtatürk's words informed and assign proud of that, Turkishpoet,novelist, essayist, journalist and critic Atilla Ilhan so lostinthought that, journalism and novels remarkable Dundar wordstolearn, and as nice as the author thinks wise Leading people(CanYücel, Cemal Suresh, Elif Shafak, Fethullah Gulen, HaciBektasVeli, Hazrat Ali, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Namik Kemal, NazimHikmet,Necip Fazil Kisakurek, Omar Khayyam Özdemir Asaf, SaidNursi,Turcan Kurt, Yunus Emre and many others) lyrics by installingthephone will not skimp on your side and your favorite lyricslineWhatsApp messages on Facebook viper with applications likeTwitterwith your friends by sharing your loved ones will be able toreacheveryone. Also important in the days that you can sendeffortlesstouch of a button you can send ready messages (Fridayposts,festivals messages, new year messages, new year messages,lovemessages, love messages, door posts, facebook messages,birthdaymessages, valentine messages, good night messages, goodmorningmessages, betrayal messages and jokes deer, lamp posts,acquittedascension of Eid Al-Fitr message, mag night, funnymessages, didbaat lyrics, there for vandetta words), please expressyouremotions with ease ..