Top 1 Apps Similar to Grid Ref GK

Aleksandr Isakov
The handy application for performingbasicgeodetic calculations.It provides coordinates in 6 systems:- WGS-84- PZ-90 (RU)- PZ-90.02 (RU)- PZ-90.11 (RU)- SK-42 (RU)- SK-95 (RU)- GSK-2011 (RU)In each of these systems the coordinates can be represented in3projections:- Geodetic (latitude, longitude, altitude)- Gauss-Kruger (6-degrees zones)- Geocentric (X, Y, Z)It allows you to perform the following tasks:- Direct and Inverse Geodetic Problem. Geodetic coordinatesaresolved on the reference ellipsoid. Gauss-Kruger coordinatesaresolved on the plane with or without the height.Geocentriccoordinates are solved in space.- Conversion of Gauss-Kruger coordinates into other zones.- Calculation of the azimuth and elevation of the Sun at anygiventime at any observation point (your own location canbeused).It allows you to receive:- Your own location data (coordinates, accuracy, source andtime,direction and speed)- Information about navigation satellites (PRN, azimuth,elevation,signal/noise ratio, etc.)It allows you to save the coordinates of points (marks) forlateruse in calculations. The coordinates of points can bespecified inany of systems and projections (after saving the point,itscoordinates are automatically available in all other systemsandprojections). Also the coordinates of your own location canbeused.It allows you to export marks from the application to externalfileand import marks from external file into the application. Therearetwo formats available for export/import: GPX and innerGeodesist'sone. In GPX the marks are exported/imported as"waypoints" ("wpt"tag).Exported marks are stored in the file with specified name inthefolder named "Geodesist" at the internal storage of thedevice.These files are available for other applications, such asfilemanager (i.e. they can be copied, deleted, sent viaBluetooth,etc.).Marks can be imported into the application from files located inthesame "Geodesist" folder.It allows you to visualize your data (marks, etc.) on the mapbasedon the "Google Map" service (the latest version of the GooglePlayservices must be installed on the device).It allows you to add new marks directly on the map.The application has an original customizable interface andprovidesthe variety of formats for input and display coordinates,angles,and other variables.The application has a built-in hints. To learn more about workingina particular tab open the tab which you are interested in andcallthe "Menu"(green button on the toolbar) -> "Hint".