Top 33 Apps Similar to Instakiller - Insta cleaner

Likes for Instagram 2.0.5
Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!
Лайки for Инстаграм. Помощь 0.1
Лайки for Инстаграм. Помощь–приложение,которое поможет бесплатно накрутить лайки иподписчиковсвоегоаккаунта. Быстро раскручивайте свой аккаунт спомощью лайковифолловеров.Инстаграм – отличная социальная сеть, что бы делиться своимифотоивидео с окружающими. Если вы хотите, что бы вашифотопостояннолайкали и замечали необходимо большоеколичествоподписчиков играмотное указание хэштегов.Хэштеги вместе с лайками помогут набрать большуюпопулярностьвашемуфото.«Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей», какговорится.Накручивайтелайки с этим приложением и набирайтепопулярностьсвоему аккаунту засчитанные дни.Качайте «Лайки for Инстаграм. Помощь»истановитесьпопулярными!Laiki for Instagram.Help-an application that helps free cheat huskies and subscribersofyouraccount. Quickly untwist your account with the help oflikesandfollowers.Instagram - a great social network that would share theirphotosandvideos with others. If you want that your photosbeconstantlylaykali and notice must be a large number ofsubscribersand tospecify the competent hashtags.Hashtags with huskies help gain more popularity toyourphotos."I do not have a hundred rubles, and a hundred friends," astheysay.Screw huskies with this app and your account isgainingpopularity ina matter of days.Swing "Laiki for Instagram. Help "and become popular!
Подписчики и Лайки в Instagram 1.0
Social World
Каждый из пользователеймечтаетстатьпопулярным. В Инстаграме миллионы людей подписываютсядругнадруга, обмениваются своими фотографиями, ставят лайкиипишуткомментарии. Наше приложение для Инстаграм поможетвамбыстреенайти подписчиков, которые подпишутся на вас посвоемужеланию,будут ежедневно просматривать ленту новостей, внадежде,чтопоявятся новые фотографии, которые они будутлайкатьикомментировать.Приложение достаточно простое, занимает мало места илегкоевуправлении. Оно не требует от вас вводить логин ипарольотИнстаграма, так как логин и пароль вводятся тольковофициальномклиенте от Instagram, а значит этообеспечиваетдополнительнуюзащиту и конеденциальность вашихданных.Кроме набора подписчиков можно бесплатно накрутить лайки нафотовИнстаграме. Скорость набора лайков очень высока, вамнепридетсяждать пока лайки наберутся на фото. Стоит помнить,чтомного лайковна фото признак симпатии ваших подписчиков. Каждыйизпользователейсоциальной сети «Instagram» хочет иметьмногоподписчиков и многолайков, но не каждый может это себепозволить вряде различныхпричин.Приложение «Инстаграм лайки» бесплатное ипозволяетбесплатнонабрать подписчиков и лайки на свой профиль вИнстаграме.Итак,чтобы добавить подписчиков на профиль или лайков нафотонужнопросто создать соответствующее задание и смотретькаконовыполняется.Each of the userswantstobecome popular. In Instagrame millions of people subscribetoeachother, share your photos, put huskies and write comments.Ourappfor Instagram will help you quickly find thesubscriberswhosubscribe to you as you wish, will view the news feedon adailybasis, in the hope that there will be new photos, theywilllaykatand comment.The application is quite simple, small footprint andeasytomanage. It does not require you to enter your loginandpasswordInstagrama as login and password are entered only intheofficialclient from the Instagram, which means it providesextraprotectionand konedentsialnost your data.In addition to a set of subscribers can freecheathuskiespictured in Instagrame. Speed ​​dialing likes veryhigh, youwillnot have to wait until huskies pluck on the photo. Itisworthremembering that a lot of likes on a photo of yoursubscriberssignof sympathy. Each of the users of social networks«Instagram»wantsto have a lot of followers and likes a lot, but noteveryonecanafford it in a number of different reasons.The app "Instagram likes" for free and allows youtocollectsubscribers for free, and husky on your profileInstagrame.So, toadd subscribers to the profile or the likes on aphoto youjustneed to create a corresponding task and see how itruns.
Хочу лайки! 5.4.7
Лёгкий и удобный инструментдляповышенияпопулярности своего профиля или группы в социальнойсетиВКонтакте.Популяризируй свой профиль, выполняй задания иполучайтысячилайков и репостов за считанные минуты.Мы лишь предлагаем нашим пользователям привлечь к себевниманиеинайти новых друзей.Теги: лайки, лайк, репосты, репостEasy and convenienttooltoincrease the popularity of their profile or group inthesocialnetwork VKontakte. Popularize your profile, perform tasksandgetthousands of likes and repost a few minutes.We only offer our customers to attract attention andmakenewfriends.Tags: huskies, Like, repost, repost
Tips for insta 1.0
Tips for insta
Likes + followers Instagram 1.1.7
Get followers
Do you want to become popular inInstagram?Then this app is created specifically for you! There is afullrange of options for promotion the profile in Instagram. Youcanput your best photos, strangers will evaluate them and youwillknow whether or not these photos as good as you think!). Thisis aservice for the evaluation and if other users like your photo,youwill get followers + and likes in Instagram. Was createdaconvenient service to track follows and followers for Instagramandanalyze their pages. Easily follow the changes on their own oranyother page.There is a section that describes the best ways to get followersforInstagram free.The main functionality for the analysis of pages:- all incoming likes in Instagram- search outgoing user likes- get followers for Instagram- mutual sympathy of the people- find out friends- get likes in Instagram- recognition of common follows, followers and friends- detect and keep track of new followers + unfollowers- implemented the ability to analyze the history of theselectedprofile (you simply add this profile to your favorites andanychanges will be tracked automatically)- location - you can easily find the user's favorite places- find most used tags on photo- implemented the algorithm for finding nearly all incomingandoutgoing comments on selected profile- find out who viewed your Instagram profile through activityonyour page (likes, comments, etc.)WARNING: This is not an official application and we do nothavenothing to do with Instagram. The name and trademark aretheproperty rightholders Instagram!Enter your personal data takes place on the official Instagrampageloaded directly from their server, it makes it impossible tohackyour page!
Лайки и подписчики 3.2.8
Заходи в наше приложение и общайсясединомышленниками, получай ежедневные бонусы иучаствуйиграх.Зарабатывай баллы выполняя простые задания. Подписывайся иставьлайки!И не забывай, чем больше лайков и подписчиков у тебя в вк, темтыпопулярнее!Come into ourapplicationand communicate with like-minded people, get dailybonuses andparticipate games.Earn points by performing simple tasks. Be signed andputhuskies!And do not forget, the more likes and followers you have in theVC,the more popular you are!
Likes for Instagram 3.0.2
Get likes and followersinInstagram!You want to add more tags to get more likes and followers inyouInstagram™ account? Then let us help you!These tags can also be used in Facebook™ and in Twitter™Get more likes and followers by using this huge collection oftags!All tags are divided into several categories, thus, findingtheright tags is easy like never before!Make sure that your account is PUBLIC, so that people can seeandlike your posts! And don't forget to add tags as soon as youaddthe picture!These are the categories that will help you to promoteyourposts:➊ Popular➋ Nature➌ Family➍ Food➎ Mood➏ Fashion➐ Technology➑ Sport➒ Travel➓ Animals➔ Seasonsand many more...You want to get a shout-out? Then follow our officialInstagrampage @unlim_likes ( tagus on your shared imagesP.S: If you want to help us translate this app to yourlanguage,please, contact us via:romahesabone@gmail.comDisclaimer: keep in mind, that we are not part of FacebookorTwitter, thus, this is not an official app!
Top Tags for Likes: Best Popular Hashtags
Get the best hashtags for likes NOW! Best tags for morelikescollection ever
Neutrino+ 1.9.1
Really fast and good
Followers for Insta: Tags Free 1.0
Basic Tools
There are several strategies that youcanfollowto increase the number of followers. All you need to doisto takeinitiatives to follow the ways so that the number ofyourfollowerscan be increased.Using Followers for Insta: Tags Free you'll be able toestimatehowmuch time you need to get new followers and likesforyourInstagram account.Welcome to Get Followers, is the most active (and probablythebestInstagram Tags) platform to get followers & likes.Try to impress your friends with this app.It works for all the versions of Instagram.Try to unfollow or follow a lot of account atthesametime.Pretend that you can a lot of followers, and show ittoyourfriends.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures andvideos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result ofthis.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste intoyourInstagrampictures!Hashtags for Instagram Followers:-> Girls-> Boys-> Love-> Celebration-> Followers-> Photo-> Social & Popular-> New Year-> AnimalsWhy should I download this app?-> You would get your Instagram profiles boosted bythousandsoflikes and followers with tags.-> This FREE App can help you to become more popular,getmorefollowers.-> It does not require any permission!
Поклонники в Инстаграм 1.0
Определяет поклонников по количествулайковподфото.Вы можете узнать ваших поклонников и поклонников друзей.Specifies thenumberoffans likes a photo.You can find out your fans and friends of fans.
InstaFlow - instagram follow 4.7fix5
Мобильное приложение InstaFlowпредназначенодля продвижения (раскрутки) в социальной сетиInstagram.Продвижение происходит за счет того что приложение вавтоматическомрежиме подписывается и ставит лайки на указанную вамиаудиторию отимени вашего instagram аккаунта.Аудиторию можно задать указав:Аккаунт конкурента - подписка будет осуществляться наподписчиковуказанного аккаунта.Хэштег - подписка будет осуществляться на аудиториюпубликующиефотографии и видео с указанным хэштегом.Геометку - подписка будет осуществляться на аудиториюпубликующиеконтент с указанным местоположением (клуб, бар, площадьит.д.).Совершая подписку на выбранную вами аудиторию выпривлекаетевнимание к своему аккаунту Instagram.Если содержание вашего аккаунта интересно тем пользователям накоговы подписываетесь то они в ответ подписываются на Вас иблагодаряэтому Вы Получаете новых подписчиков и потенциальныхклиентов изInstagramThe mobile applicationisdesigned to InstaFlow promotion (promotion) in the socialnetworkInstagram.Progress is due to the fact that the application isautomaticallysigned and puts huskies at that audience you on behalfof yourinstagram account.The audience can be set by specifying:competitor account - subscription will be carried out onthespecified subscriber account.Hashtag - subscription will be carried out at the audiencepublishphotos and videos with this hashtag.Geo - subscription will be carried out to an audiencepublishcontent to the specified location (club, bar, area,etc.).Making a subscription to your selected audience youattractattention to your account Instagram.If the content of your account is interesting to those userswhomyou sign up, they answered subscribe to you and thanks to thisyouwill get new subscribers and potential customersfromInstagram
Followers + Likes for Insta 1.0
Magic Insta
-> Everyone wants to get a lotoffollowersmore than other, this joke will help those whohaveabsolutely nofollowers in Instagram! Our app is going to bringyouthe realfollowers, not the ghost ones.-> Do you want your photos to Instagram brought newfollowersandreceived as many likes and comments you want?-> Easy and intuitive interface you will not be difficulttouseapp.-> Found some interesting profile on Instagram? Wannaknowwhooften comments on your posts? With this app not only youcangetmore insight about your profile, it also can unlock manysecretsofyour friends. Get it now!-> With this Followers + Likes for Insta, you caneasilytrackyour followers for instagram (your gained andlostfollowers,mutual friends and fans).-> If you are tired of manually entering tags forfollowersorlikes to your posts and photos then our applicationforyou.-> Select hashtags and post on yours Instagrampicturesandvideos. You will get more likes and followers as aresultofthis.-> Get relevant hashtags-> Choose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste intoyourInstagrampictures!Hashtags for Instagram Followers:* Girls* Boys* Love* Celebration* Followers* Photo* Family* Social & Popular* Nature* Car* New Year* Sport* AnimalsAnd many other categories.-> To do this, select a category, hashtags, copy andpastetheminto Instagram! And after a while you will see therisingactivityon your page.-> If you get featured on Followers + Likes for Insta,youcangain more followers very quick.Note: You need an Instagram account to use this app!!
Who viewed your Instagram 1.3.1
InstaView calculates all yourInstagramactivityand get data for each users who has view yourprofilerecently.InstaView provides a list of people who recentlylikedandinteracted with your profile.This app displays the list of users who likes you most,basedoninteractions which other people have had withyourInstagramaccount, such as likes, comments, photos taggedyou,following andmessaging.You can see up to most recent 200 list for yourInstagramprofileviewers.
Unfollow Pro for Instagram 2.36
Net Social Proof
** Keep using SAFE UNLIMITED SMART UNFOLLOW ALL your notfollowingback and lost followers or UNLIMITED SMART FOLLOW all yourfans& keep an eye on your home widget statistics for Instagram.More than 2,000,000 users trust our secure login flow becauseweuse https, see more details in terms & conditions. * Allyouneed to do is to select how many users you'd like to unfolloworfollow with NO LIMITS, and THAT’S IT! - our app is able tomanageautomatically 60 unfollow/follow actions per hour, keepingyourInstagram account safe. Unfollow Pro for Instagram is keepingyouup to date about your activity on Instagram. Using this app youcantrack useful information like: * Lost followers - thosewhounfollowed you; * Non followers - those who doesn't followyouback; * Fans - those who follows you, but you don't followthemyet. Achieve your customized statistics for Instagram NOW!: *Dailyfollowers and following - to see how your Instagram GrowStrategyis working; * Daily count of your non followers, lostfollowers andfans. Some other features: * Show all your followersand followingthat have private profile; * Show most popular onInstagramfollowers and following from your account. Useful notes: *Pleasemake sure you don't close our app till the unfollow/followjob isdone and make sure you don't have any clean memory apps thatmightkill our background service. * You can analyze at any timetheprogress on page where you started the service. * If youselectmore than 60 users at once, your battery might drainsignificantlyfaster and your internet traffic consumption willincrease. * For ahuge amount of selected users, you should plug inthe charger,connect to Wi-Fi network and forget about all your nonfollowersback, lost followers or fans ;) You can use simple versionforfree, with some ads and special features limit or you can haveitall with no limits and no ads using one of our PRO packsdesignedfor every user needs. Caution! Instagram admits a limitednumber ofunfollows per hour between 60 and 200 requests dependingon youraccount's age. We recommend you do not exceed this limit! Iflimitis reached, it might happen that your just unfollowed usersstillremains as followings.
Tags for Social Likes 1.7
With Tags for Social Likes you will have plenty of tagsforyourInstagram photos. Just search in the category you want:-Popularhashtags for Instagram - Sports - Animals - Fashion-Celebrities -Social - and many more! and select one of the100subcategories anddiscover the best tags of the moment. Also,theapp has a categoryto customize your own tags and use them withyourphotos. You mayget more likes and followers using this hashtagsinyour photos.Fast, easy and the best tags for likes!
Who viewed me on Instagram
- Find face and who viewed your profile in Instagram.
Followers for Instagram 1.6.4
Social Edge
Track your lost/gained followers... PLUSMUCH,MUCH MORE!"The only Followers app you'll ever need... and its Free!"- Who are your best followers? Who are your worst?- Who isn't following you back? Who did you forget tofollowback?And Much, More!!PLEASE READ:-You must have an Instagram account to use this app.
Instant Followers Pro+ 2.0.0
The boost in recognition online with likesandthe desire to gain enough followers has become a standard tomakesure you are noticed.Our app was developed with tips to increase followers baseandknowledge on how to get it done fast.Learn the best tips and knowledge from us!Any questions or need support? Do not hesitate to contact us!Weare here to help!
FollowMeter - Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram 5.2
Track your Instagram unfollowers with Followmeter. FollowMeteristhesimplest way to manage your Instagram account. Ourpowerfulanalyticsallow you to access deep insights into yourInstagramaccount,monitor your unfollowers, follower growth, storyviews andpostsperformance. We have all the features you love (Somefeaturesarepart of the Plus Subscription): - Track unfollowers. -Detectwho isnot following you back. - See who views your storiesthemost. - Seewho viewed your stories but is not a follower(Forpublic accounts).- See your top likers. - See yoursecretadmirers. - Discover whoyour ghost followers are. - Trackwhoblocked your account. - Seewhich posts got most engagement.-Track your accounts engagementwith our "Activity Meter" - Addyouraccount to our discover sectionto get more exposure. You cankeepwondering who unfollowed you oryou can get Followmeter andcheckwho it was right now. There arepeople who follow you, andonce youfollow back, they unfollow you.Followmeter will do all thehardwork and notify you when someoneunfollows you. Join over 3millionusers who trust our analyticsplatform to help them growtheirsocial presence. Some of our premiumfeatures requireasubscription. To learn morepleasevisit: Stay up todate:Followour page on Instagram for awesome updates @followmeterHaveanyquestions? Contact our supportteamsupport@followmeterapp.comFollowMeter is not affiliatedwithInstagram.
Real Like - likes, followers 2.3
Our app will help you promote your pageandgain a larger customer base of subscribers.Attention! The application does not wind the boats.
Follower Stats for Instagram 3.2.1
See who UNFOLLOWED you and check iftheyBLOCKED you.See your all time GHOST Followers in Instagram or only therecentones.NEW! Want to TRY some of the LOCKED sections? You can nowwatchvideo ads and gain Tokens which can be used to performoperationson Token badge locked sections.Follower Stats for Instagram is here to help you knowyourfollowers. Who are your Secret Admirers? Who unfollowed andblockedyou? Who's the one that gives your the most likes?Have more than one account? Enjoy Multiple accounts supportforFREE!WHY YOU'LL LOVE FOLLOWER STATS FOR INSTAGRAMThe app has some options available for free, some require a ONETIMEin app purchase:FREE- Keep track of new Instagram followers & unfollowers- Multiple account support- See who you are not following back- See those who are not following you back- Find out who unfollowed and blocked you on current sync- See charts on how you evolved over time- Blocking info now centralizes the found blockersafterchecking- Have the app sync in background for you, so you have freshinfowhen you need itAVAILABLE IN PACKS*- Have a overview of likes and comments received by New Followerssoyou can see if it's worth following back- See your Biggest Fans on the Interact section- Find ghost followers who did not liked or commented onyourposts- Inactive Followers and Inactive Following give you a deepoverviewof activity around your account- Search users and hashtags for new people to follow- Support your Instagram followers by liking their photosdirectlyfrom the app- Last Posts have been added so it is easier to see how yourlastposts are evolving- Follow, unfollow & block operations inside the app, usingtheInstagram API- See the status of requests to follow made within FollowerStatsapp to private accounts- Keep track of likes you receive and give- Find the people who liked you most and the ones youlikedmost- Find the people to which you are a Ghost- Find people which are Watchers or Secret admirers, that onlylikeand comment but not Follow- Find Recent Likers to make it easy to like back- See which followers liked your last posts- Detailed charts with history so you'll know how your accounthasprogressed- User stats screen, so you can see how a person, interactedwithyour account over time- No ads* In app purchase required. Instagram API limits andavailabilityapply.HEADS UP!- You need an Instagram account to use Follower Stats- Follower Stats uses the Instagram API but is not endorsedorsponsored by Instagram. We would like to thank Instagramforoffering their public API as it made this app possible.- To fully enjoy Follower Stats you should follow and be followedbyless than 50,000 users. The bigger the number, the more it takestosynchronize the information.- There are some limits from Instagram for certain operationsandalso there is limited information returned. These limits canbefound on Instagram's developers site.PERMISSIONS DETAILS:The app requires some permissions in order to work properly.- Read or modify the content of the USB storage: used in ordertocache the pictures retrieved from Instagram, including theuserpictures and posts. This allows the app to load them again,faster,without downloading again. Also storage is used forimagesgenerated on the Promote section- Full network access and connections status: allows the apptocheck the availability and status of network connections.Forinstance, on Scheduled syncs the app needs to check if wifiisenabled or not- Start at boot: allows the app to schedule background syncs, asondevice shutdown all schedules are cleared.- In-app purchases: used to be able to purchase orrestorepurchasesHAVE QUESTIONS OR FEEDBACK?- Send questions, concerns, feedback, feature requests oranythingfrom the Send feedback option in the app.
Non Followers For IG Unfollow 1.16
Non followers for Instagram is the mostpopularInstagram community management / Tracker tool. Find out whois notfollowing you back and your recent Unfollowers and massunfollowthem all together TOTALLY FREE.Ever wondered who are your Unfollowers on Instagram? NonFollowersfor Instagram unfollowgram has a feature which shows userswho'vehave stopped following you recently. To use this featurecorrectly,you have to leave it installed on your device. This meansyou canonly see the most recent unfollowers after you've alreadyhad theapp installed.If you are tired of those endless loading in other apps thenthisone is for you as it loads and unfollow nonfollowersinstantly.INSTAGRAM FEATURES:- Fastest Unfollower app on the app store- Track Instagram unfollowers and delete them (users whofollowedyou and decided to not follow you anymore)- Track Instagram recent unfollowers (followers that unfollowedyourrecently)- Mass unfollow your Non follower and Recent Unfollowersalltogether totally free.SUPPORT/FEEDBACKS:- Send your questions & feedbacktoinfo@fluxtechsolutions.comTHE PRICING- Non followers tracker for Instagram is TOTALLY FREE.PLEASE READ:- Use your USERNAME to login to Instagram not youremailaddress.- You must have an Instagram account to use this app.- You can unfollow up to 60 users per hour (LimitedbyInstagram).If this app helped you in any ways. Please consider reviewing it.Itwill inspire us to make it even better.
Unfollowers & Ghost Followers 2.2.3
Find your Unfollowers & GhostFollowersand more! Totally Free! No limits!Your Instagram™ account Analyser! Get Follower Insight withthismulti-functional app!The application gives you the analysis of your Instagram™account,including the list of:✓ all your unfollowers and allows you unfollow them directlyfromour app!✓ all your ghost followers (fans) and allows you followthemdirectly from our app!✓ all your mutual followersYou can also add users into Whitelist, so that theystopappearing on your Unfollower list.The application also provides short information about the numberofyour:✓ followers✓ & followingsHow to:❶ Sign in using your Instagram™ credentials (auth isused,secure)❷ Navigate through the menu and choose unfollowers / ghostfollowers/ mutual followers❸ Unfollow / Follow as much as you want.Trouble signing in? Then do the following:❶ Open the original instagram app❷ Navigate to any picture - like or comment❸ Go back to our app and try again...An app with beautiful design, swipe-to-refresh, multiprocessingfeatures is waiting for you...P.S: we are still having some problems with loading accountshaving20k+ followers. It sometimes work for them, sometimesnot...Disclaimer: this app is by no means affiliated to Instagram™.
Who Unfollowed for Instagram 1.6
Who Unfollowed is the ultimateInstagramfollowers manager tool for every user. This accountmanager isdesigned as a complimentary tool for people who areactive onInstagram and need to keep track on their followers. Thistool helpsyou discover you follow and unfollow you and find mutualfriends.Who Unfollowed also supports tracking your followersincluding howmany followers you gain and lost. This accountmanager app is veryeasy to use and so much faster than usingInstagram built infeatures.Who Unfollowed is created to you for FREE. Make your life andyoursocial life easier by downloading and using this socialnetworkaccount manager.======================================Who Unfollowed:TOP FEATURES:======================================* Ultimate Instagram manager to get insight about yourfollowersactivity.* Get to access to data and features that are not availableonInsta.* Get instant notification for every unfollow.* Instagram Unfollowers : Keep track of people whohaveUnfollowed you recently.*Fans: See people who follow you but you do notfollowback.* Keep track of your followers. Who follow you, and whounfollowyou.* Instagram followers - Keep a track of who secretly visitsyourprofile.* Discover your fans, who mutually follow you, and whodoesn’tfollow you back.* Follow and unfollow people with a single tap withinourapp.* View profiles of other Instagram users from withinourapp.* Lightning fast and very easy to use even for people who arenottechnically savy.* Gain insights about your social media activity you will notgetfrom other manager apps.* Get to know your Most liked, Most Popular, MostCommented,Least Liked, Least Commented and Least popularMedia.Still worried for Who Unfollowed me on Instagram ? Download theappnow!Instagram followers have never been so easy to track. Allourfeatures are available for free. Our additional featuresincludingdiscover your blockers, including deleting them from yourFollowerlist, and support multiple accounts. You can also findfeatures todiscover your Ghost Followers and who are your BestFollowers. Formore advanced insight, Check our User Insight andMedia Insightfeatures.Who Unfollowed for Instagram will serve you like a greattool.So, download Who Unfollowed App now and manage your accountmoreeffectively and efficiently.
Follow Mania for Instagram 1.2.1
MBT Limited
Follow Mania is the best Instagram followers app giving youdeepinsights into your follow and unfollow activity and MUCH MORE!Own your Instagram like a boss!See your followers and unfollowers, find out who is chasingyoudown, get to know who are your top likers and commentators,detectyour admirers and haters, and see who’s a perfect matchforyou.Are your followings mutual? Or do you follow unfollowers?Whounfollows you? How many non followers on Instagram areyoufollowing and commenting?Find unfollowers with Follow Mania!With this Instagram unfollow tool tracker you will get apromptnote once one of your followers unfollows you onInstagram.Besides your Instagram followers and Instagram unfollowersstats,here is the list of features you can use on FollowMania:- see who unfollows you right now- check out your previous Instagram unfollowers- track your lost and gained followers- reveal those who are not following you back- unveil friends you are missing on Instagram- find out who spies on you- even detect your secret admirers and haters!- or at least find you perfect instagram match ;)- and MUCH MORE! We have 18 insights about yourInstagramaccount!You can find any information you need to know aboutyourinstagram and based on that follow and unfollow. Don’t followyourunfollowers!Download Follow Mania, the best Instagram followers app andmusthave unfollow tool tracker for true Instagramers!
Unfollowers For IG Unfollow 2.11
Ever wondered who is not following you backonInstagram?If you’ve asked yourself this question more than once,thenUnfollowers On Instagram InstaFollow is the app for you.INSTAGRAM FEATURES:- Track Instagram Unfollowers or Non followers (users whofollowedyou and then Unfollowed you )- Track Instagram followers that don't follow you back.- Track your fan followers to whom you are not followingback.- Unfollow your Non Followers and Recent Unfollowers alltogethertotally free.SUPPORT/FEEDBACKS:- Send your questions & feedbacktoinfo@fluxtechsolutions.comTHE PRICING- Unfollowers for Instagram InstaFollow is TOTALLY FREE.PLEASE READ:- Use your USERNAME to login not your email address.- You must have an Instagram account to use this app.- You can unfollow up to 60 users per hour (LimitedbyInstagram).If this app helped you in any ways. Please consider reviewingit.Itwill keep us to keep it alive.Disclaimer: this app is not affiliated with Instagram.
Instagram & Twitter Growth 6.3
Mass Unfollowers
Instagram & Twitter Growth is averyuseful social media growth tool for Instagram & Twitter.If youwant to increase your social media reach on Instagram bygettingmore likes, you must use hashtags very well. On the"Instagram &Twitter Growth" app, you will find the bestrelevant hashtags foryour Instagram pictures. For twitter, you cannot only tracknon-followers but also unfollow a single users orunfollow multipleusers at a time. This is the best growth managertool for Instagram& Twitter growth and a must have for allInstagram & Twitterusers.With Instagram & Twitter Growth, you can easily findalist of all users who do not follow your account on twitterbutwhom you follow. While tracking non-followers, the app alsoletsyou unfollow these users. You can either unfollow a single userorunfollow multiple users. So, if you are asking yourself -Whounfollowed me on twitter?, just start using this Instagram&Twitter Growth to find out who unfollowed you. This appdoesnot increase your followers on twitter or instagram. It onlytracksusers who do not follow you back on twitter and allows youtounfollow them. For Instagram, you can increase the reach ofyourphotos by using the best hashtags from this hashtags app.**************************APP FEATURES**************************Here are the incredible features of the "Instagram &TwitterGrowth" app -- Simple UI to track non-followers on twitter- Unfollow users who do not follow you back- Get the best hashtags for InstagramThis can be an incredibly easy to user and handy mediamanagementtool for your Instagram account. Whether you are a brandor andadvertiser using Instagram or Twitter, this tool can beextremelyuseful for you to track your followers andnon-followers.So, next time you ask yourself - Who unfollows me ontwitter?or How can I unfollow my non-followers onTwitter?, juststart using the Instagram & TwitterGrowth app to answerthese questions and more.Note -- This app is by no means affiliated to instagram or twitter- App makes use of Twitter APIs and the same complies withTwitterAPI usage Policy
Unfollow All for Instagram 1.0.1
Find Who isn't following youback(unfollowers)on Instagram and unfollow from all of them inseveralclicks!Now you don't need to unfollow one by one. Unfollow all ofthemandsave your time.For free.Not affiliated with Instagram.
IG Stories for Instagram likes 1.0.2
Su Dong
Do you want to upload any photos or videostoInstagram Story without any time limits? Do you like sharingyouramazing life from any past moment using stories? Story Uploadercanupdate any photos or videos for Instagram stories without24hlimitation.You can see the photos that are eligible foruploadingand press the plus button to upload any photo you wouldlike evenif it is was not taken in the last 24 hours. Even more,you can getmore Instagram Likes and Followers with better or moreInstagramstories to boost your Instgram popularity.Features:- Import older Photos and Videos from gallery.- View eligible Photos and Videos which can be uploaded tolnstagramstories.- Clear details on how to use it.Quick Guide to Use:1. To add more photos and videos which are not taken in last24hours, just click on “Open Photos/Videos” button.2. This app will update the time of the photos/videos youjustchose.3. Open Instagram, press the + button and slide down. You willfindthe updated photos are now ready for upload.That’s it!! Now with the customized stories, you will get morerealInstagram likes and followers!So now you can update all your favorite photos and videos toaddinto your stories from the past moments withoutanylimitations.USEFUL TIP:Since you can combine so many amazing pictures & videos inyourstories, you’ll be able to get more followers & likesfromthose who have been attracted by your profile, instead ofhandfulviews like before.IMPORTANT NOTE:- This app does NOT automatically upload your photos/videostoInstagram Story. It converts them into latest photos and videos,sothat they can be used to make Instagram stories.- If you notice that any content in our app violates copyrightsthanplease inform us so that we remove that content.- This app is not affiliated with Instagram and we respecttherights of Instagram.
Unfollowers for Instagram 1.1
Top Social Apps
Unfollowers for Instagram - is anapplicationtomanage your followers, unfollowers, likes and profileinInstagram.User friendly, easy and free!Unfollowers for Instagram application and its developersarenotsponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with,Instagram,Inc.
Who Viewed My Instagram 1.1.0
Creative Magic
How exciting it is to check Who is stalkingYouon Instagram and viewing Your Instagram Profilesecretly.Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't provide such feature. Sowe cameup with an idea to show Profile Visitors using thisapp.The most accurate tool to find out who viewed the profile.InstaViewapp contains more than thousands of formulas to calculateand trackwho viewed our profile fast and accurate.We analyse all the data fetched from Instagram and other thirdpartysources about your account and generates the most accuratelist for"Who viewed your Instagram profile recently"!The list is updated automatically when the potential recentviewersof your Instagram profile changes. Our algorithms run fasttoobtain the result. You can see up to most 200 viewers ofyourInstagram profile. You can see new Profile Stalkers as manytimesyou want using this Profile Visitors app.The Best InstaView App:- Display the accurate data, all visit information is real.- Track more details, including the photos other usersliked,commented.- Check the users' profiles, real interaction.Come and find out the best friends and secret admirers.