Top 15 Apps Similar to Cerita Motivasi Islam

Cerita Motivasi Islami 1.5
A collection of interesting stories, amazing, touching, whichcanprovide motivation
1000+ Kata Mutiara Islam 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi 1000+ Kata MutiaraIslammeliputikumpulan kata kata mutiara, kata kata bijak islamyangdapatmembuat kita mengambil hikmah atau pelajaran dariorangorangsebelum kita.Aplikasi ini juga bertujuan agar dapat lebihmeningkatkankeimanandiri kita.Semoga Aplikasi ini selalu dapat update untukmemberikaninformasiyang lebih lengkap agar kita senantiasa menjadimuslimyang sholehdan sholelah.DISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.Applications1000+Aphorisms Islam includes a collection of wordspearl, Islamicwisewords that can make us take a lesson or lessonsfrom thepeoplebefore us.This application also aims to further improve ourselfbelief.Hopefully this app can always be updated to providemoredetailedinformation so that we continue to be a piousMuslimandsholelah.DISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned byReviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by oraffiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Ihya Ulumuddin Terjemah 1.0
Kemajuan teknologi khususnya semakinmeluasnyacakupan internet membuat kita semakin mudah mendapatkaninformasi.Salah satu yang paling terasa adalah semakin banyakpenggunasmartphone, oleh karena itu kami membuat aplikasi IhyaUlumuddinTerjemah agar dapat memberikan tambahan pengetahuan bagikitasemua.Isi dari aplikasi ini yaitu mengenai Ihya Ulumuddin atauAl-Ihyamerupakan kitab yang membahas tentang kaidah dan prinsipdalammenyucikan jiwa (Tazkiyatun Nafs) yang membahas perihalpenyakithati, pengobatannya, dan mendidik hati. Kitab ini merupakankaryayang paling terkenal dari Imam Al-Ghazali. Hanya saja kitabinimemiliki kritikan, yaitu meskipun Imam Ghazali merupakanseorangulama namun dia bukanlah seorang yang pakar dalam bidanghadits,sehingga ikut tercantumlah hadits-hadits tidak ditemukansanadnya,berderajat lemah maupun maudhu. Hal ini menyebabkan banyakulamadan para ahli hadits yang kemudian berupaya meneliti, memilahdanmenyusun ulang terhadap takhrij hadits yang termuat di dalamIhyaUlumuddin. Di antaraulama ahli hadits yang menyusun ulangkitabhadits berdasarkan Ihya Ulumuddin ini adalah Imam Ibnul JauzidanImam Ibnu Qudamah Al-Maqdisi yang menulis kitab MinhajulQashidindan ikhtisarnya (Mukhtasar).Catatan: Dalam membuat aplikasi ini, kami memperoleh datadariberbagai sumber yang ada di dunia maya.Technologicaladvances,especially the ever-expanding Internet coverage to make usmoreeasily get information. One of the most noticeable is thegrowingnumber of smartphone users, therefore we make theapplication IhyaUlumuddin Terjemah order to provide additionalknowledge for all ofus.The contents of this application is the Ihya al-Ihya Ulumuddinora book that discusses the principle and purify the soul(nafsTazkiyatun) goes on to discuss liver disease, its treatment,andeducates the heart. This book is the most famous works ofImamAl-Ghazali. It's just that this book has a criticism, thatalthoughImam Ghazali was a scholar, but he was not a specialist inthefield of hadith, so join tercantumlah hadiths can not befoundsanadnya, weak or maudhu degree. This led many scholars andexpertsof hadith which then seeks to examine, sort and reorder theTakhrijhadith contained in Ihya Ulumuddin. In a hadith expertantaraulamareorder book of hadith based Ihya Ulumuddin are Imam IbnJawzi andImam Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisi wrote the Minhajul Qashidinand thesummary (Mukhtasar).Note: In making this application, we obtained data fromvarioussources that exist in cyberspace.
Cerita Motivasi 1.8
Readings charming and helpful, full of motivation and inspirationtolive
Kitab Ihya Ulumuddin 1.0
Makibeli Design
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi mengenaikitabatau terjemahan buku ihya ulumudin yang membahas tentangkaidah danprinsip dalam menyucikan jiwa (Tazkiyatun Nafs) sepertiperihalpenyakit hati, pengobatannya, dan mendidik hati dalam bahasamelayuatau arabic yang berbentuk pdf. Kitab ini merupakan karyamutiarayang paling terkenal dari Imam Al-Ghazali.Dalam membuat aplikasi ini, Kami berharap kita semuadapat"menambah pengetahuan serta meningkatkan keimanan kita kepadaAllahSwt". Kedepannya, kami akan selalu update informasi ini.Semogateman teman semua selalu install aplikasinya agar kamiselalumendapat dukungan dari semuanya dalam mengembangkan aplikasiini.Terima kasih banyak yah.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. We onlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let me knowifyour original content want to remove from our application.This applicationcontainsinformation about the book or the translation ulumudinRevival bookthat discusses the rules and principles within purifythe soul(nafs Tazkiyatun) like about heart disease, its treatment,andeducate hearts in the Malay language or arabic pdf form. Thisbookis a work of the most famous pearls of Imam Al-Ghazali.In making this application, we hope we can all"increaseknowledge and increase our faith in Allah". Going forward,we willalways update this information. We wish all the friendsalwaysinstall the application so that we always have the support ofallof them in developing this application. Thank you verymuchwell.Disclaimer:All of the content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlyget the content from the search engines and websites. Pleaselet meknow if your original content want to remove fromourapplication.
إحياء علوم الدين إمام الغزالي 2.5.5
إحياء علوم الدين إمام الغزالي
Ihya Ulumuddin Indonesia 1.0
Didalam aplikasi ini terdapatinformasimengenaiIhya Ulumuddin Indonesia. Kitab tersebut sangatbagusuntuk kitatela'ah.Semoga dengan aplikasi ini kita semua dapat berbagikepadakerabatatau keluarga anda dan semoga bermanfaat. Jadiinstallterusaplikasinya yah.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let meknowifyour original content want to remove from our applicationIn thisapplicationthereis information on Ihya Ulumuddin Indonesia. Thebook is greatforus tela'ah.Hopefully with this application we can all share to yourfamilyoryour family and hopefully useful. So continue toinstalltheapplication well.Disclaimer:All of the content in this application is not our trademark.Weonlyget the content from the search engines and websites.Pleaselet meknow if your original content want to removefromourapplication
Islam Menjawab 1.11.0
Ristek Muslim
Aplikasi Islami yang menyajikan kumpulan tanya - jawab seputaragamaIslam
Ihya Ulumuddin 1.0
KBM Mobile
Abu Hamid Muhammad binMuhammadal-Ghazali(bahasa Arab:. ابو حامد محمد ابن محمد الغزالي; c1058 -18 Desember1111), disingkat sebagai Al-Ghazali dan dikenalsebagaiAlgazelusatau Algazel untuk dunia abad pertengahan Barat,adalahseorangteolog muslim, ahli hukum, dan filsuf keturunanPersia.Kitab Mukhtashor ihya' ulumuddin, kitab ihya' sendiriadalahsalahsatu kitab karangan Abu Hamid Muhammad binMuhammadal-Ghazali, yangmengulas tentang ilmu tasawwuf. sedangkankitabmukhtashor ihya'ulumuddin tiada lain adalah ringkasan darikitabihya' ulumuddin imamGhazali. berarti kitab ihya' ulumuddinbeliaurangkum sendiri.Bagai sebuah mozaik, materi dalam kitab ini diambildariteks-teks yang tersebar dalam kitab ihya' nama lain kitab ini merangkummutiara-mutiaraihya'ulumuddin secara ringkas, sistematis dan mudahdipahami.ImamGhazali ( w. 505 h) membuat empat puluh bab dalamkitab ini,diawali dengan bab ilmu dan ta'lim dan ta'allum dan ditutupdenganpembahasan dzikrul maut.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let meknowifyour original content want to remove from ourapplication.
Cerita Motivasi Sukses 5.0
Kumpulan Cerita/kisah MotivasiSuksesTerbarudan Terlengkap .Menjabarkan seputar kisah Tokoh - tokoh terkenal ,denganmenceritakan kisahnya dari nol hingga mencapaisebuahkesuksesan.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi Ringan- Ukuran Aplikasi hanya 2 MB- teks dapat dizoomSet story /storySuksesTerbaru Motivation and Complete.Describes the story surrounding the figure - known figures,bytelling the story from zero to reach a success.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightweight Applications- The size of application is only 2 MB- Text can be zoomed in
deni sahrudin
Book that explains how a slave worship to Allah SWT
Exemplary Stories & Advice 2.0.2
PeM Media
This application provides a lesson thatcontainstories about the advice in human life provides examples ofgoodnessto guide the ummah in order to take their students. Thisstory isvery interesting to be analyzed in terms of attitude andbehavior.This application provides an overview of how the attitudeofliterary figures such as Abu Nawas very famous 1001 story, TheStoryof the Companions of the Prophet, and other Islamicexemplarystory.Hopefully the story / Islamic story is inspiring and motivating.This application also provides the additional option of DidYou?which provide additional knowledge to you about things you donotknow or maybe you already know but do not know more details.70+ Abu Nawas:- Twice freed from death- Tiger bearded- Occupying the throne- The milk shy- Learning from strawberries- Defecation in bed- Calculating the donkey tail feathers- Awaken beggars- Flies destroy castles- Counting the stars in the sky- Five eggs for three people- Tomb so castles- Reply hoax king- Replied the judge hoax- Slapped cheek king- Treating pain with ostrich egg- Beguiling royal commander- Revenue officer- and many more30+ Story Companion of the Prophet:- Abu Bakr and Umar racing goodness- Bilal bin Rabbah, the first muezzin- Abdullah bin Abbas with Khawarij- Khubayb ibn Adiy, undaunted death penalty- The story of conversion to Islam Salman Alfarisi- Bakti parents, a son Kilab Umaiyah- Abdullah bin Hudzafah and Hiraklius- Account Ustman bin Affan- Profile of Governors of Caliph Umar bin Khatab- and many more100+ Exemplary Stories- Five things strange- The story of a young motherless father Pig- Clouds and repent- Caterpillars and Prophet David U.S.- Si pemalasa and Abu Hanifah- Prophet and eight dirhams- Pahala as the stars in the sky- Banter and jokes Messenger- Lukman Hakim and human telatah- One of the most daring- Camel be the judge- Honesty jewel merchant- Between the patient and complaints- Respect guests, hungry night- Goats and looms- and many more30+ Did you know?- How do clouds form?- The greenhouse effect is what?- Why lightning occurs?- Gemtar from the cold, why?- The sky really blue?- When the sun sank red berwarnah, how come?- There berapasih number of bones that we have?- and much more...- and many moreNavigation on this application is very easy to operate so itisvery convenient to use.
97 Cerita Islam "PILIHAN" 3.0
97 Kisah Cerita Islami "PILIHAN"TerlengkapBerdasarkan Agama Islam Diantaranya Adalah :- Rasulullah S.A.W Dan Pengemis Yahudi Buta- Kisah Nabi Salleh A.S Dan Unta Dari Batu Karang- Bidadari Untuk Umar R.A- Allah S.W.T. Menolak 1 Doa Dari 3 Doa Rasulullah S.A.W- DLL------------------------------------------------------ Text Dapat Di Zoom- Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN 2 MB- Aplikasi Bisa Dibaca Tanpa Menggunakan Koneksi Internet.- Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)97 Story StoryIslami"CHOICE" Complete Based on Islam Among them are:- Prophet S.A.W And Jewish Blind Beggar- The story of the Prophet Salleh U.S. And Camels Of Rock- Angel For Umar R.A- Allah SWT. Rejecting 1 3 Prayer Prayer Of Prophet S.A.W- DLL-------------------------------------------------- ---- Text Can Di Zoom- Application SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT 2 MB- Applications Can Read Without Using theInternetconnection.- Inshallah Helpful :)
Inspirasi dan Motivasi Sukses 2.1.0
PeM Media
cerita inspirasi tentang berbagai halyangdiambil dari buku inspirasi serta novel inspirasi, semuanyasangatinspiratis sehingga sangat berguna bagi anda yangmencobamemperoleh pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari kisah ataupunceritamotivasi ini.Motivasi- motivasi ini memacu anda untuk berpikir positifsertamemperoleh pelajaran hidup yang baik guna memperolehkesuksesan,motivasi merupakan modal awal meraih sukses.motivasi ini menginspirasi tiap individu yangbenar-benarmeresapi tiap kisah yang terdapat dalam aplikasi ini.denganmotivasi yang kuat anda akan menjadi seorang yang besardalampemikiran dan pengambilan sikap dan yang pasti ini merupakankuncisukses utama.Kisah yang menginspirasi dan memberikan arti akan kehidupan.- Dua orang sahabat- Cara bahagia- Menyelesaikan masalah- Melapangkan hati- Anda tidaklah sendiri- Pemenang kehidupan- Sekali lagi, bersyukur- Selalu ada sisi baik- Nilai kehidupan- Pelajaran dari penambang- Menggenggam harapan- Palu memecah kaca- Kitalah mencipta masalah- Arti kesetiaan- Seorang gadis buta- Mencari kebahagiaan- Obat penawar derita- Melawan diri sendiri- Ketika aku tua- Sandaran masa depan- Membeli waktudan masih banyak lagi....Silakan download gratis. Semoga bermanfaat.inspiring storiesaboutvarious things taken from a book inspired and inspiringnovel,everything is very inspiratis making it very useful for thoseofyou who try to obtain lessons to be learned from the story orthestory of this motivation.These motivations spur you to think positively and gained agoodlife lesson in order to achieve success, motivation is theinitialcapital success.inspire motivation of the individuals that really permeateseverystory contained in this application. with a strong motivationyouwill be a great thought and taking a stand and definitely thisis amajor key to success.Stories that inspire and give meaning to life.- Two friends- How to be happy- Solve the problem- It also opens the heart- You are not alone- Winner of life- Once again, grateful- There is always a good side- Value of life- Lessons from miners- Hold expectations- Palu break glass- We're the ones creating problems- The meaning of loyalty- A blind girl- Finding happiness- The antidote anguish- Against yourself- When I get old- Backrest future- Buying timeand many more....Please download free. May be useful.
Kisah Inspiratif Islami 3.0
Gugusan Ilmu
Berisi cerita / kisah yang menggugahhatinurani, sangat menginspirasi, penuh hikmah dan pelajaran.Diambildari kisah-kisah sahabat Nabi dan salafus sholeh, dapatmenjadisuri tauladan buat kita. Kisah tidak hanya sekedar cerita,namunsangat berbobot layak dijadikan pelajaran yang berharga.Bertujuanuntuk dapat mengispirasi dan memotivasi seluruh umatmuslim menujuke jalan kebenaran. Kumpulan kisah-kisah teladan islamyang sangatbagus untuk kita contoh dan di terapkan dalamkehidupansehari-hari. Cerita inspirasi, kata motivasi, dankisah-kisahinspiratif tentang hidup, cinta, serta mutiara bijakkehidupanmanusia, tokoh, dan alam sekitar.Menginspirasi sampai hati.Contains the story/stories arouse the conscience, so inspiring, full of wisdomandlessons. Taken from the stories of the Prophet's companionsandsalafus sholeh, can be role models for us. Stories are notjuststories, but very weighty deserve to be a valuable lesson. Aimstoinspire and motivate all Muslims headed to the path of truth.Acollection of stories of exemplary Islam which is great for usanexample and applied in everyday life. Inspirationalstories,motivational words, and inspiring stories about life, love,andwisdom pearls of human life, character, and nature around.Inspire the heart.