Top 7 Apps Similar to MotorCo Guia: Rio de Janeiro

Visit Rio de Janeiro 1.0
Rio de Janeiro is the second largestcityinBrazil, on the South Atlantic coast. Rio is famousforitsbreathtaking landscape, its laidback beach culture anditsannualcarnival.The harbour of Rio de Janeiro is comprised of a uniqueentryfromthe ocean that makes it appear to be the mouth ofariver.Additionally, the harbor is surrounded byspectaculargeographicfeatures including Sugar Loaf mountain at 395meters(1,296 feet),Corcovado Peak at 704 meters (2,310 feet), andthehills of Tijucaat 1,021 meters (3,350 feet). These featuresworktogether tocollectively make the harbor one of the SevenNaturalWonders ofthe World.It is a common mistake to think of Rio as Brazil'scapital,adistinction it lost on 21 April 1960 when newlybuiltBrasiliabecame the capital. Beaches such as Copacabana andIpanema,theChrist The Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) statue, thestadiumofMaracanã and Sugar Loaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) areallwell-knownsights of what the inhabitants call the "marvelouscity"(cidademaravilhosa), and are also among the first images topop upintravelers´ minds, along with the Carnaval celebration.Sadly, most people also know Rio for its violence andcrime.Thedrug lords and the slums, or favelas, are the tip ofveryoldsocial problems. The favelas are areas ofpoor-qualityhousing,slums usually located on the city's manymountainslopes,juxtaposed with middle-class neighborhoods. But now,withthe UPP's(Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora = Pacifying PoliceUnit)almostall the favelas are safe to go, because the police tooktheareafrom the drug dealers, so you can go there forsomeculturalgathering. A pretty calm and safe favela is "MorrodoPinto". It isso calm that it doesn't look like part of thisurbanRio and it isin the center of the city.The South Zone holds most of Rio's landmarksandworld-famousbeaches, in an area of only 43.87 square km (17mi²).Many of themare within walking distance of each other(forinstance, the SugarLoaf lies about 8 km/5 mi fromCopacabanabeach). Most hotels andhostels are located in this partof thecity, which is compressedbetween the Tijuca Range (MaciçodaTijuca) and the sea. There areimportant places in other regionsaswell, such as Maracanã stadiumin the North Zone and themanyfascinating buildings in theCentre.If you plan on staying in Rio for more than a couple ofdaysitwould be good to invest in a copy of ``How tobeaCarioca``(Priscilla Ann Goslin, Livros TwoCan Ltda, R$32).Thisisan amusing look at the people of Rio and will help youenjoythecity as well as appear less of a `gringo` when youhitthestreets.
Muttereralm 1.3
Sommer wie Winter das ideale Ausflugszielevorden Toren Innsbrucks. Im gesamten Areal der Bergbahnen undLifteist Gratis Wifi verfügbar.Im Sommer mit dem Abenteuerberg, tollen Attraktionen, WasserlaufundWasserrädern. Der Almenweg bietet Wanderung mittraumhaftemPanoramablick.Im Winter mit den beiden modernen 8er Gondelbahnen unddemPfriemesköpfslift ist die 'Muttereralm schon seit den 50erJahrendas ideale Familienschigebiet.Tausende haben hier ihre ersten Versuche unternommen und mitderGötzner Abfahrt (die für die Olympiade errichtet wurde) verfügtdasSchigebiet von gemäßgten Pisten bis hin zur olympischenAbfahrtüber alle Schwierigkeitsstufen.Für Geocacher die entlang des Almenweges interessante Cachesfindenist in der App auch Geocaching integriert.In der App integriert ist auch der 'Alpine Notruf Button' mitdembei einem Unfall schnell Hilfe geholt werden kann.Summer and winter,theideal destinations just outside Innsbruck. In the entire areaof​​the cable cars and lifts free wifi is available.In summer the mountain adventure, great attractions, waterskiingand water wheels. The alpine trail offers hike withspectacularpanoramic views.In winter, with the two modern 8-seater cable cars andthePfriemesköpfslift the 'Mutters is the ideal family ski areasincethe 50s.Thousands have taken their first steps here and with theGötznerdeparture (which was built for the Olympics) has gemäßgtenof theski pistes or the Olympic downhill on all difficultylevels.Geocachers find the caches along the Almenweg interestingGeocachingis also integrated in the app.The app is also integrated into the 'Alpine emergency button'withthe help of an accident can be quickly retrieved.
Cortina d'Ampezzo Offline Map 1.10
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostofCortina d'Ampezzo in Italy with a POI database and searchbuiltin.Cortina d'Ampezzo, is in Italy and is the mostfamous,fashionableand expensive Italian ski resort.Arriving by air fly to the Venice area to Marco PoloorTreviso,or Bolzano in Italy or Innsbruck Austria. There aremappamapscovering all these areas.The Cinque Torri (five towers) is a groupofextraordinarilyshaped mountains, a chair lift makes thissuperbviewpointaccessible to anybody. Right beside the Cinque TorrearerestoredWorld War 1 trenches, shelters and gun positions. Thereare2 cablecars from the town - Tofana by the Ice Arena andFaloria.One localbus goes up to the Auronzo hutte/rifugio/mountaininn,which sitsdirectly beside the Tre Cime de Lavaredo, one ofthefinestmountain blocks in the Dolomites.The offline mappa map covers Belluno, Bolzano,Tarvisio,Valbruna,Leifling, Sexten, Stegen, Pichlern, Schabs &HeisenPlan.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa mapforCortinad'Ampezzo:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entirecityandPOI database to your phone and travel withoutanInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges.Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximumzoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes momentstodownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search adozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, alsohandyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transportstops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and streetnamesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latestOpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get freeupdates totheapp and map forever as long as we add newversions.Install your offline mappa map for Cortinad'Ampezzo,Italynow!Follow us @Facebook:
Executive Brasil
O aplicativo CardPag foi lançado facilitaravida dos comerciantes e prestadores de serviços, em geral.A sua máquina de cartão em forma de Aplicativo !Agora Você já pode receber suas vendas em cartão de créditoedébito, em qualquer lugar do Brasil, usando apenas o seusmartphoneou TabletMuito prático para profissionais :- Autônomos- Comerciantes- Motoristas- Prestadores de serviços em geralÉ Fácil adquirir a sua Máquina Virtual, baixe o Aplicativo,epreencha nosso formulário de cadastro.Prazo para liberação da senha é de no máximo 72 hs, após opagamentoda taxa de adesão.OBS : Não é cobrado mensalidade, somente uma única taxa deR$59,00.OBS : É cobrado um pequeno percentual sobre as vendas, referenteastaxas dos cartões e antecipações de valores.Receba suas Vendas em 72hs, em sua conta correnteThe applicationwaslaunched CardPag make life easier for merchants andserviceproviders in general.Your card machine in Application form!Now you can already get your sales in credit and debitcard,anywhere in Brazil, using only your smartphone or TabletVery handy for professionals:- Self-employed- Traders- Drivers- General service providersIt's easy to acquire your Virtual Machine, the applicationdownloadand fill out our registration form.Deadline for password release is at most 72 hours, after paymentofthe membership fee.NOTE: It is not charged tuition, only a single rate of R$59.00.Note: a small percentage of sales is charged concerning the ratesofthe cards and prepaid values.Get your Sales in 72h in your checking account
Appenzeller Seilbahnen 3.0
Martin Ebneter
Kleines App zum schnellen Weiterleiten aufdieWebsite www.appenzeller-seilbahnen.chBilder werden von den Seilbahnen im Appenzellerland zurVerfügunggestellt.Die Wetterdaten sind von der meteocentrale.chDies ist keine professionelle APP. Es dient nur zuÜbungszwecken,kann aber gerne benutzt werden.Small app forfastforwarding to the site www.appenzeller-seilbahnen.chImages are provided by the cable cars in the Appenzellregion.The weather data are of theThis is not a professional APP. It is used only fortrainingpurposes, but can be used like.
MapGuide: Rio De Jainero 2.0
Motorco Apps
The MotorCo Guide to Rio de Janeiro appisalocation based app that tells the user their relativelocationtothe famous attractions in Rio de Janeiro. Eachlocationisdescribed in more detail and has a live Google mapwhichwilldirect the user to the location.No pop ups, ads, registration or location sharing.Rio de Janeiro is a huge seaside city in Brazil, famedforitsCopacabana and Ipanema beaches, 38m Christ the RedeemerstatueatopMt. Corcovado and Sugarloaf, a granite monolith withcable carstoits summit. The city is also known for itssprawlingfavelas(shanty towns). Its raucous Carnival festival,featuringparadefloats, flamboyant costumes and samba, is consideredtheworld’slargest.Rio is hosting the 2016 summer olympics.
Visit Brazil 1.0
Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil) isthelargestcountry in South America and fifth largest in theworld.Famous forits football (soccer) tradition and its annualCarnavalin Rio deJaneiro, Salvador, Recife and Olinda. It is acountry ofgreatdiversity, from the bustling urban mosaic of SãoPaulo totheinfinite cultural energy of Pernambuco and Bahia, thewildernessofthe Amazon rainforest and world-class landmarks such astheIguaçuFalls, there is plenty to see and to do in Brazil.CultureCapoeiristas Porto AlegreOwing to Brazil’s continental dimensions,variedgeography,history and people, the country’s culture is richanddiverse. Ithas several regional variations, and in spite ofbeingmostlyunified by a single language, some regions are sodifferentfromeach other that they look like differentcountriesaltogether.Music plays an important part in Brazilian identity.Styleslikechoro, samba and bossa nova are consideredgenuinelyBrazilian.Caipira music is also in the roots of sertanejo,thenationalequivalent to country music. MPB stands forBrazilianPopularMusic, which mixes several national styles under asingleconcept.Forró, a north-eastern happy dancing music style, hasalsobecomecommon nationwide. New urban styles include funk - namegivento adance music genre from Rio's favelas that mixesheavyelectronicbeats and often raunchy rapping - and techno-brega,acrowd-pleaserin northern states, that fuses romantic pop,dancemusic andcaribbean rhythms. Brazilian funk is the most populartypeof musicthey listen to. It has a constant and repeated beatthat isalwaysthe same, it never changes. They keep the beat, andsingsongs toit. There are more than 1000 songs that are funk. Youmightthingthat people get tired of the same beat, but no. It issoimpressivethat there are so many songs that it never gets old.Funkcould beconsidered tradition because of its strength inrhythm,andbringing people together.A mixture of martial arts, dance, music and game,capoeirawascreated by African slaves brought to Brazil, mainlyfromPortugueseAngola. Distinguished by vivacious complicatedmovementsandaccompanying music, it can be seen and practiced inmanyBraziliancities.In the classical music, the Modern Period isparticularlynotable,due to the works of composers like HeitorVilla-Lobos andCamargoGuarnieri, who created a typical Brazilianschool, mixingelements ofthe traditional European classical musicto theBrazilian rhythms,while other composers like CláudioSantorofollowed the guidelines ofthe Second School of Vienna. IntheRomantic Period, the greatestname was Antonio Carlos Gomes,authorof some Italian-styled operaswith typical Brazilian themes,likeIl Guarany and Lo Schiavo. In theClassical Period, themostprominent name is José Maurício NunesGarcia, a priest whowroteboth sacred and secular music and was veryinfluenced bytheViennese classical style of the 18th and early 19thcentury.