Top 13 Apps Similar to MiniWidget-Manner_monoyou

MiniWidget-Manner 4.0
It is a widget application program to which the mannermodeisswitched one-touch. Whenever the widget is put on thehomescreen,and the tap is done, the manner mode are switched.Becauseit is asimple widget that has not unnecessary function, thebatteryis notexcessively decreased. Please keep lovely alpaca onyourhomescreen!
MiniWidget-Manner-cat 3.0
It is a widget application program to which the mannermodeisswitched one-touch. Whenever the widget is put on thehomescreen,and the tap is done, the manner mode are switched.Becauseit is asimple widget that has not unnecessary function, thebatteryis notexcessively decreased. Please keep lovely cat on yourhomescreen!Illustrator:Sakasu Akari
MiniWidget-Manner-Rabbit 2.0
It is a widget application program to which the mannermodeisswitched one-touch. Whenever the widget is put on thehomescreen,and the tap is done, the manner mode are switched.Becauseit is asimple widget that has not unnecessary function, thebatteryis notexcessively decreased. Illustrator:Senka
MiniWidget-Manner-TENGU 1.0
It is a widget application program to whichthemanner mode is switched one-touch.Whenever the widget is put on the home screen, and the tapisdone, the manner mode are switched.Because it is a simple widget that has not unnecessaryfunction,the battery is not excessively decreased.Illustrator:TENGU ART
MiniWidget-Battery 1.0
It is a widget application programwhichdisplays the quantity of a battery.Please keep lovely small bird on your home screen!Illustrator:monoyou
マナー 女子力 男子力向上~敬語,テーブルマナー~ 1.2.7
日常生活やビジネスにおいて人と接する時、マナー・一般常識・豆知識は潤滑油的なものとして欠かせないものです。逆に、知らないと教養・人格を疑われてしまうこともあります。例えば敬語は日本語の際立った特徴で日常生活で必要不可欠なものであると同時に、間違えて使われることの多い表現方法です。普段何気なく使っている言葉でもビジネスの場では違った言い回しに変えなければなりません。相手に不快な思いをさせないためにも敬語の使い方はとても重要です。社会に出て人との円滑なコミュニケーションを図るには、ただ単に気持ちがあるだけではなく、その気持ちの伝え方というものが重要になってきます。気持ちが伝わって初めて、会社の同僚・上司・部下・友人・家族・恋人とのコミュニケーションが成立するのですし、マナーや常識を身に着けることが社会人として信頼を得ることであり、その基礎の上にこそ活躍の場があるのです。本アプリによって、短時間で必要十分な社会常識の習得が可能となります。When in contactwithpeople in everyday life and business, Manor common sense,beansknowledge is indispensable as lubricating oil basis.Conversely, if you do not know it may would have beensuspectedculture-personality.For example honorific at the same time to be indispensable inthedaily life in a distinguishing feature of the Japanese, it isoftenexpressed way be used by mistake.It must be changed to different wording in the place of businessinthe language you are using casually everyday.It is very important how to use the honorific also in order nottofeel uncomfortable in the other party.To come out in society achieve a smooth communication withthepeople, not just simply there is a feeling, something thattellshow the feeling is becoming important.For the first time it conveys feelings, communication withthecompany of co-workers, supervisors and subordinates,friends,family and lover to you satisfied, is that the thing towearmanners and common sense to get the trust as a member ofsociety,the foundation we have a playing field precisely on top ofthe.By this application, it enables learning of the necessaryandsufficient social common sense in a short period of time.
MiniWidget-Wi-Fi 1.0
It is a widget application program to which Wi-Fiis switchedone-touch. Whenever the widget is put on the homescreen, and thetap is done, Wi-Fi are switched. Because it is asimple widget thathas not unnecessary function, the battery is notexcessivelydecreased. Please keep lovely small bird on your homescreen!Illustrator:monoyou
いまさら聞けない!?社会人のマナー 1.0.0
社会人になると、結婚式のお祝いやお葬式の香典、上手な敬語の使い方、電話の応対など、迷うことも多いですよね。正しいマナーはどれ?「こんな時どうする?」「目上の人にどう話せば?」と悩んでいる人のために、社会人としての常識&基本的なマナーの情報を楽しく身につけるためのクイズです。大人なマナーを身につけて愛され度魅力UPしましょう!When it comestoworkingpeople, wedding celebration or funeral funeral gift,useofskillful honorific, such as answering the phone, but it isoftenata loss.Correct manners Which? ", What will you do when this?""Ifwhatspeak to superiors of people?"And for those who are suffering, it is a quiz for you put onfunonlycommon sense and basic etiquette of information as amemberofsociety.Let's beloved of charm UP and wearing adult manners!
恥をかく前に!お葬式で身につけたい冠婚葬祭マナーと常識 2.0.0
意外と聞けない、お葬式のマナーと常識。突然の訃報にも、焦らずきちんとにマナーを守ってお葬式に参列したいですよね。きちんとしたお別れがしたくても、マナーが気になって、故人を偲ぶことができなくなっては残念です。また、マナー違反をしてしまうと目立ってしまう場でもあるので、きちんとマナーを押さえておきたいところです。そんな方はこちらのクイズで予習をしてお葬式に参列しましょう。基本のマナーから、意外と知らないものまで下記内容の○×形式のクイズアプリです。・葬儀の種類・お香典・通夜・告別式・お焼香・服装マナーSurprisingly itisnotheard, the funeral of manners and common sense.Also to sudden obituary, but it you want to attend thefuneralandto observe the manners neat is not hurry.You may want to have neat farewell, manners in the mood, andshameisit is no longer able to remember the deceased. Inaddition,sincethere is also a place conspicuous When would abreach ofmanners, itis where you want to hold the mannersproperly.Such people'll attend the funeral by the preparationinthisquiz.From the basic of manners, to those that donotknowsurprisinglyBelow is the contents of ○ × form of quiz app.· Funeral kind of· Contact funeral gift-Wake-funeral· Incense· Dress manners
Animated Photo Widget 10.8.5
Hikaru Inc.
Animated Photo Widget Pick up your photo memories.
Volume Control + Pro 1.44
Volume Control+ Pro is improved version of Volume Control+withadditional features and Ad-freeVolume Control+ is a volume control app that supportchanging control types and colors.FeaturesThree kinds of control types- Volume dial : Feeling of analog deviceButtons : Precise controlSeek bars(sliders) : Quick and easy※ If you want to know the total volume in dialcontrol mode, turn your device into horizontalVolume control- Media, Ring, Notifications, In-call, alarm, systemMute and unmuteVibratemode setting(ring and notification)Change ringermodes- Normal, Vibrate, SilentChange colors- Red, Blue, Green, Violet, Vanilla, Ice blue, StrawberrySystem settings- Change ringtone- Use incoming call volume for notificationsPreset(Profile)- You can make a volume preset(profile) for frequentlyused settings, and by using app for preset(It is availablewith the Pro version) can be applied quicklyHomescreen widgetLock volume- 'Lock volume' prevent unwanted changing volume andringermode(The volume will be fixed in locked state, but thisapplication can control the volume in lock state)※ Screen is optimized for smartphones.In tablet pc, screen may not be correct.
PixieStudio -Battery Ver.- 1.0.24
green 5th wood
"Pixie Studio" is Home screen widgetfordisplay a battery level.You can customize "Pixie" on Home screen with a made itemby"PixieStudio".## How to use ##- Start -1. [Home screen press andhold]->「Widget」->[PixieStudio]2. The "PixieStudio" widget is displayed on the home screen.3. "Pixie" shows battery level in the item which he hold inahand.- "Pixie Studio" way to go -1. Please touch the Pixie Image on Home screen.2. A set screen opens.3. Setting Screen consists of "Pixie Studio" and"WidgetSetting".- Method of operation -1. "PixieStudio" has a state of "OPEN" and "CLOSE". Thestatebecomes "OPEN" once in 30 minutes.2. At the time of state of "OPEN", item making begins when youtouchPixie.3. You can choose the Makeing Item from "Widget Setting". It's"?"item.4. The finished item is displayed by an item column of"WidgetSetting" and becomes selectable.- "Pixie" Custom -1. You can customize the appearance of the pixie from"WidgetSetting".2. Setting is reflected by the pixie on the home screen when youtapan "SET" button after customized completion.
もふウィジェット 3.0
もふこみゅ"シリーズ第二弾「もふウィジェット」がついに登場!「もふ電卓」でもお馴染み人気イラストレーターちいさんぽさんのかわいいイラストが日々更新されます。時計・ニュースを調べながらかわいいキャラクターたちに癒されちゃってください。かわいいもの好きの女の子は必見!!※イラストやニュースが更新されない場合はお手数ですがウィジェットの再配置をお願いします。Widget "ふ isfinallyalso"second edition "series ふ community too!Mr. Chii's cute illustrations ぽ familiar popularillustratorisupdated every day "but also ふ calculator."Please heal the characters who happen to be cutewhileexaminingthe-clock news.Girls love cute things to be missed! !※ Please if you news widget relocation of illustration andisnotupdated this time slot.