Top 21 Apps Similar to Screening for Albuminuria

GFR & BSA Calculator 1.0.3
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is thebestoverall index of kidney function. Normal GFR varies accordingtoage, sex, and body size, and declines with age.Software use Cockcroft-Gault (for GFR) and the DuBois formula(forBSA) to show value in mL/min/1.73m2. It be recommend by NKF'sKDOQIclinical practice guidelines to estimate GFR.
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid: my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
CKD Risk Calc PRO 2.1.0
Medup Dev
This App is a tool forhealthcareprofessionists, patients and caregivers.The aim of this app is to evaluate the progression riskofChronicKidney Disease (CKD) based on the latestInternationalGuidelines.This upgraded version includes the following tools:- the ability to choose whether to calculate the eGFR withidealbodyweight or not (only for the Cockroft - Gaultformula)- indications to manage the CKD:a) referral to nephrology or notb) protocol for the further investigation of a subjectwithpositivereagent strip or quantitative testforalbuminuria/proteinuriac) suggestions about how many times per year you need tomonitorthepatientThis is an important needful tool for any physician.
NephroCalc™ 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The NephroCalc™ App includes most formulas and equations used inthedaily assessments of patients with kidney disease. Itincorporatesmore than 100 equations and innovative MultiCalx™Master panels forcombined calculations, assuring convenience andaccuracy.NephroCalc™ facilitates the organization and processingof Patient'sdata. It is a physician-friendly™ app, intuitive andvery easy touse. Unique reference, productivity and decisionsupport tool.Proven and reliable data processing, for physicians,residents, medstudents, PAs and NPs... Developed byBoard-certified physicians.**See also MediCalc® 8, MedicalCalculator System™, >300equations.-------------------------------------------- NephroCalc™CONTENTS:Renal Calc™ Master Diabetic Ketoacidosis Master RenalFailure Diff.Diagnosis Master Anion Gap Master Osmolality MasterGFR MasterGlomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft) Creatinine,calculated(Cockcroft) (reverse) Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4,MDRD-6,CKD-EPI) Chronic Kidney Disease Classification Anion Gap(Serum)Fractional Excretion of Na+ Fractional Excretion ofUreaTransTubular Potassium Gradient Body Mass Index Overweight&Obesity Classification Renal Failure (Diagnostic Indices)TargetCreatinine for GFR Creatinine Clearance Anion Gap (Serum)DeltaDelta Anion Gap (Urinary) Bicarbonate Deficit ChlorideDeficitHenderson - Hasselbalch Equation Acid base EquationMetabolicAcidosis "Winter's formula" Metabolic AlkalosisRespiratoryAcidosis, acute & chronic Respiratory Alkalosis,acute &chronic Required Sodium Sodium Correction by serumglucosePotassium / pH Correction Body Water Master Osmolar GapOsmolality,calculated Blood Alcohol Level Fractional Excretions(K+, Mg, HCO3,PO4) Renal Failure Index Basal Energy ExpenditureConversion andmany more...-------------------------------------------- TheNephroCalc™FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical dataprocessing) *arithmetical processing * automatic unit conversion *multiple-unitentries * color-coded normal-abnormal outputs *normal values(ranges & limits) * automatic range-checks(limits) * intuitiveuser interface * easy navigation and infoaccess * Search bar withfilters * smart decimal rounding * SystèmeInternational notation *tables of parameters * mobile & online* expanded equation views* fully referenced * highly organized andstandardized--------------------------------------------NephroCalc™ is part ofScyMed® MediCalc®, the first and mostcomprehensive MedicalCalculator System™ in the world, online formore than 15 years...NephroCalc™ is also available in spanish asNefroCalc™. OtherMedical Apps developed by ScyMed includeMediCalc®, LiverCalc™,EKG-card™, H&P-card™, eH&P™, etc.(mobile & online).
ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus 7
The app builds a prevention plan by monitoring 10-year ASCVD risk.
GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator 1.1
The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator providesthepercentage probability of death or death/MI at time-points up to3years following admission with an acute coronary syndrome, andisdesigned to help clinicians decide on appropriate treatmentoptionsfor patients with ACS.This updated calculator provides more accuratenon-linearcomputations and an updated interface for mobile devices,providingrapid and intuitive risk assessment. Additionalfeaturesinclude:• Population histograms with high-, medium- andlow-riskmarkers• New 1- and 3-year calculations• New calculations provide probabilities directly,bypassingscores• Adjusted “Mini-GRACE” algorithm (for use when serum creatinineandKillip class may not be available)• The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator app has been defined asamedical device under the Medical Device Directive (MDD)93/42/EECand has been CE-marked to indicate compliance withtheDirectiveThe GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator uses the followingpowerfullypredictive clinical risk factors to calculate theprobability ofadverse events:• age• heart rate• systolic blood pressure• creatinine levels*• Killip class*• ST-segment deviation• elevated troponin or other cardiac biomarkers• cardiac arrest at admission*Substitute factors (renal failure, diuretic use) may beusedwhen creatinine measurements or Killip class are unavailable.Thecalculator automatically implements the adjusted“mini-GRACE”algorithm in such cases.The GRACE Risk Score has been extensively andindependentlyvalidated, but any medical decision must be based on acompleteclinical assessment and not on the use of this riskcalculator inisolation. Developed by AS&K Communications forthe Universityof Edinburgh and University of Massachusetts MedicalSchool.
eGFR Calculators 2.3
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), thisapplicationallowsmedical professionals to estimate kidney functionusingfiveseparate eGFR calculators: -CKD-EPI Creatinine2009Equation(Preferred method) -MDRD Study Equation-Cockcroft-GaultFormula-CKD-EPI Cystatin and Creatinine 2012Equation -RevisedBedsideSchwartz Formula (For ages 1-17) Alsoincludes informationon:-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -Chronickidney disease(CKD)-Risks for CKD and kidney failure -How to test,evaluate, andslowprogression The National Kidney Foundation istheleadingorganization in the U.S. dedicated to theawareness,prevention,and treatment of kidney disease for hundredsofthousands ofhealthcare professionals, millions of patientsandtheir families,and tens of millions of Americans at risk.Bysupporting theNational Kidney Foundation, you directlyinfluenceand positivelyimpact the lives of those at risk for kidneydisease,those livingwith chronic kidney disease, and those who carefor andabout them.Learn more at 30 East 33rd StreetNewYork, NY 800-622-9010
Renal Dose Adjustment & CrCl 3.0.1
Drug dosing in renal impairment & creatinineclearancecalculator
Dialysis of Drugs 3.4.2 – (40)
Requires in-app subscription purchase ($19.99 peryear).Dialyzability of drugs.
DailyHemo Alarms App 1.0
DailyHemo Alarms App for Home HemoDialysis!
BCX Diálisis 24 horas
BCX Diálisis 24 horas es unaaplicacióntotalmente gratuita que ha sido galardonada con el 1ºPremio en lacategoría de Gestión Hospitalaria en la IV Edición delos PremiosHinnovar de Novartis y con un Accésit en el Premio de laFundaciónProfesor Barea 2015. La aplicación ha sido desarrolladapor RuthMolina y Mercedes Muñoz (enfermeras especialistas endiálisis)junto con Manuel Escobar (ingeniero informático y CEO deBiocapax).BCX Diálisis 24 horas cuenta con los avales de laSociedadEspañola de Nefrología (S.E.N.) y la Sociedad EspañoladeEnfermería Nefrológica (S.E.D.E.N.).BCX Diálisis 24 horas ha obtenido el 2º puesto en el rankingdeapps de salud realizado por la fundación iSYS en elaño2015/2016.El proyecto BCX Diálisis 24 horas ha obtenido la BanderadeAndalucía 2016 otorgada por la Junta de Andalucía.Sirve de apoyo y referencia al paciente de diálisis, ayudandoasía su adhesión al tratamiento. Para ello, debe primero crearunperfil en la app registrándose y proporcionando losdatospersonales mínimos. En ella podrá llevar un control diariodeingestas de alimentos y pérdidas de líquidos con lo quepodrácalcular y revisar su balance hídrico, así como llevar elcontrolde sus diálisis.Contiene un catálogo con más de 500 alimentos y platosdondepodrá consultar las cantidades de sodio, fósforo, potasio yaguaque va a ingerir en función de la cantidad. Esto le será muyútilcomo ayuda a la hora de conocer qué alimentos puede tomar ycuálesevitar.La app contiene un juego de preguntas con el que podráaprenderen solitario o jugando contra el resto del mundo en tiemporealsobre los alimentos y consejos de salud.Como apoyo a su tratamiento, BCX Dialisis 24 horas dispone deunpastillero con el que podrá programar alarmas que le sirvanderecordatorio a la hora de tomar sus medicamentos.Todo esto se complementa con la parte de ayuda y consejosdesalud que siempre estarán presentes para su consulta.EN NINGÚN MOMENTO ESTA APLICACIÓN PUEDE NI DEBE SUSTITUIRLASRECOMENDACIONES Y PAUTAS MARCADAS POR SUPROFESIONALSANITARIO.Cualquier uso malintencionado o inadecuado de la app no serábajoningún concepto responsabilidad de la empresadesarrolladora.Ante cualquier duda referida a cuestiones de salud, acuda asuprofesional sanitario.*** Costes de la AppEl uso de Dialisis24H puede conllevar costes ya que paraalgunasfunciones es necesario conexión a la red y si no seencuentra enuna red WIFI, su compañía telefónica podría aplicarlecargos enfunción de su tarifa.*** Contacto y agradecimientoSiempre es un placer mejorar nuestros productos, si deseanhaceralgún comentario o pregunta sobre esta aplicación, contacteconnosotros a través de un correo electrónico a:hola@dialisis24h.como a través de las redes: visita http://www.dialisis24h.comMuchas gracias a todas las personas que han colaborado enlacreación de este sueño.Dialysis BCX 24 hours isafree application which has been awarded the 1st prize inthecategory of Hospital Management in the fourth edition ofAwardsNovartis Hinnovar and second prize in the PrizeFoundationProfessor Barea 2015. The application It was developed byRuth andMercedes Muñoz Molina (RNs on dialysis) with ManuelEscobar(computer engineer and CEO of Biocapax).Dialysis BCX 24 hours expect guarantees of the Spanish SocietyofNephrology (S.E.N.) and the Spanish Society of NephrologyNursing(S.E.D.E.N.).Dialysis BCX 24 hours has obtained 2nd place in the ranking ofmyhealth by the iSYS founding in 2015/2016.The BCX project dialysis 24 hours has obtained the FlagofAndalusia 2016 granted by the Government of Andalusia.It provides support and referral to dialysis patient,helpingtheir adherence to treatment. To do this, you must firstcreate aprofile in the app by registering and providing theminimumpersonal data. Here you can keep daily control of foodintake andfluid losses so that you can calculate and check yourwater balanceand take control of their dialysis.It contains a catalog with more than 500 foods and disheswhereyou can check the amounts of sodium, phosphorus, potassiumandwater to eat depending on the amount. This will be very usefulas ahelp in knowing what foods can take and which to avoid.The app contains a set of questions with which you canlearnplaying alone or against the rest of the world in real timeaboutfood and health tips.In support of their treatment, 24 hours Dialisis BCX hasapillbox with which you can set alarms that will serve as areminderwhen taking your medication.All this is complemented by the help and advice of healththatwill always be present for consultation.IN NO EVENT THIS APPLICATION MUST BE REPLACED ORRECOMMENDATIONSAND guidelines established by your healthcareprofessional.Any malicious or inappropriate use of the app will not be underanycircumstances responsibility of the developer.For any questions relating to health issues, contact yourhealthcareprofessional.*** Costs AppDialisis24H use may entail costs because for somefunctionsnecessary network connection and if it is not in a WiFinetwork,your telephone company may apply charges based on yourrate.*** Contact and thanksIt is always a pleasure to improve our products, if you haveanycomments or questions regarding this application, please contactusvia email:hola@dialisis24h.comor through networks: visit http://www.dialisis24h.comThank you very much to all those who have collaboratedincreating this dream.
Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica 2.01
Es bien conocido que nos encontramos en laerade las infecciones emergentes pormicroorganismosmultirresistentes; existe además un descensoprogresivo de lainvestigación y comercialización de nuevos fármacosque no crea unescenario muy esperanzador.Dentro de la Comisión de Infección Hospitalaria del HospitalSonEspases (Palma de Mallorca, ESPAÑA) se ha querido promoverunautilización más adecuada de los antimicrobianos como una delasposibles soluciones al problema. Una herramientaimprescindiblepara ello es la realización de guías y protocolosterapéuticos. LaComisión ha hecho y sigue haciendo hincapié en suactualización ydifusión. Esta aplicación pone las nuevastecnologías al serviciode este objetivo.Queremos promover la difusión y utilización de estasguías,haciéndolas más accesibles en la práctica clínica diaria.Laaplicación va destinada a los médicos y farmacéuticos en general,ycomprende tanto aspectos generales del uso deantimicrobianos(prevención de la aparición de resistencias,dosificación eninsuficiencia renal y hepática, dosificación enpacientes obesos,farmacocinética y farmacodinámica, etc), comoguías concretas detratamiento por aparatos (respiratorio,digestivo, urinario, etc).Hay que tener en cuenta que se trata derecomendaciones localesbasadas en las situaciones específicas denuestro centro y en lainformación de sensibilidad antibióticaaportada por el Servicio deMicrobiología del Hospital Son Espases,por lo que algunas de lasrecomendaciones deben ser interpretadas yadaptadas a la ubicacióndel usuario de la aplicación.Un agradecimiento a todos los médicos, farmacéuticosymicrobiólogos que forman o han formado parte de la ComisióndeInfección Hospitalaria y que han colaborado en la realizacióndeeste trabajo. Y un último agradecimiento a todos losprofesionalesque con su hacer diario intentan no sólo tratar alpaciente con elque se enfrentan diariamente sino también hacer unesfuerzo porminimizar los daños colaterales, siempre existentes,que conllevael uso de los antimicrobianos.El contenido de estas "Guías de Tratamiento Empírico delasEnfermedades Infecciosas" está distribuido en secciones, a lasquese accede desde un menú en la página principal de laaplicación.Cada sección contiene un listado de capítulos, que sepueden abririndividualmente. Con 2 ó 3 toques de pantalla se accederápidamentea cada una de las guías.También hemos querido facilitar el acceso a otrosrecursos,incluidos los protocolos completos, los cursos anuales,labibliografía correspondiente, así como a otros documentosdeinterés. Esta es la descripción de todas las funcionalidades delaaplicación:- Lectura off-line de los aspectos generales del usodeantimicrobianos, de las guías terapéuticas por capítulos y delosmanuales de prevención.- Sitio para anotaciones: en cada sección hay una página denotaspara que añadas toda la información que desees.- Posibilidad de descargar cada guía en formato PDF.- Lectura off-line de los protocolos completos con susreferenciasbibliográficas (también pueden descargarse en formatoPDF).- Calculadoras clínicas: IMC, dosis en obesos, función renal,escalaCPIS, escala CURB-65, escala de Fine (PSI), escala deChild-Pugh,índice de Barthel y test de Pfeiffer.- Sitios web de interés en Enfermedades Infecciosas: enlacesaasociaciones, calendarios de eventos, revistas de laespecialidad,fichas técnicas de los fármacos, cursos, y muchomás.- Enlace a nuestro blog: podrás estar al día de los casosclínicos,o de las actualizaciones o novedades que vayamosincorporando en laaplicación.- Buzón de sugerencias: envía tus comentarios, correccionesosugerencias para mejorar la aplicación, o enlaces de interésquequieras que incluyamos. Los incorporaremos enpróximasactualizaciones con la referencia de la persona o grupo quehaaportado la idea.El equipo de la "Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica".It is well known thatweare in the era of emerging infections bymultiresistantmicroorganisms, there is also a progressive decreasein researchand commercialization of new drugs that do not create averyhopeful scenario.Within the Commission of Hospital Infection Hospital SonEspases(Palma de Mallorca, SPAIN) has sought to promote a moreappropriateantimicrobial as one of the possible solutions to use.An essentialtool for this is the realization of guidelines andtreatmentprotocols. The Commission has made and continues toemphasize itsupdating and dissemination. This application puts newtechnologiesfor this purpose.We want to promote the dissemination and use of theseguidelines,making them more accessible in everyday clinicalpractice. Theapplication is intended for physicians andpharmacists in generaland includes both general aspects ofantimicrobial use (preventionof emergence of resistance, dosing inrenal and hepatic dosing inobese patients pharmacokinetics andpharmacodynamics, etc) andguides specific treatment for Appliances(respiratory, digestive,urinary, etc.). Keep in mind that it islocal recommendations basedon the specific situations of ourhospital and antibioticsensitivity information provided by theMicrobiology Service of theHospital Espases, so that some of therecommendations should beinterpreted and adapted to the locationof the application user.A thank you to all the doctors, pharmacists andmicrobiologistswho are or have been part of the Hospital InfectionCommittee andhave contributed to the completion of this work. And afinal thanksto all professionals with their day trying to do notonly treat thepatient with that face daily but also make an effortto minimizecollateral damage, always existing, which involves theuse ofantimicrobials.The content of these "Guide Empiric Treatment ofInfectiousDiseases" is divided into sections, which are accessedfrom a menuon the main page of the application. Each sectioncontains a listof chapters that open individually. With 2 or 3touch screen toquickly access each of the guides.We also wanted to provide access to other resources,includingcomplete protocols, annual courses, the relevantliterature, aswell as other relevant documents. This is thedescription of allthe features of the application:- Off-line reading of the general aspects of the useofantimicrobials, therapeutic guidelines for chapters andmanualsprevention.- Site for annotations: in each section there is a page of notesforyou to add all the information you want.- Ability to download each guide in PDF.- Off-line reading of the complete protocols with references(canalso be downloaded in PDF format).- Clinical Calculators: BMI, obese dose, renal function, CPISscale,scale CURB-65 scale Fine (PSI), Child-Pugh scale, Barthelindex andPfeiffer.- Websites of interest in Infectious Diseases: linkstoassociations, event calendars, specialty magazines,technicalspecifications of drugs, courses, and more.- Link to our blog: You can keep abreast of clinical cases,orupgrades or new features that we will incorporate intotheapplication.- Suggestions: Send your comments, corrections or suggestionstoimprove the application, or an interesting website you want ustoinclude. The next updates will incorporate in the reference oftheperson or group that has made the idea.The team of "Therapeutic Antibiotic Guide."
Kardia Smartphone 2
Kardia es una herramienta para la educación médico-paciente.Cuentacon dos secciones: la primera, la anatomía, es unadescripcióngeneral del aparato circulatorio, el corazón, los vasossanguíneosy el endotelio. La segunda, la patología, ilustra ydescribe lahipertensión arterial y las patologías asociadas como laenfermedadcerebrovascular, la afección por la hipertensión, elinfarto agudode miocardio, la enfermedad renal crónica y el dañoendotelial,relacionado con la hipertensión. Material exclusivo paraelprofesional de la salud. Para ser utilizado exclusivamente enlosEstados Unidos Mexicanos. El material ha sido auspiciadoporBoehringer Ingelheim México.
eH&P™ 4.4
ScyMed Inc.
"custom History & Physical Exam™" ******* FREE for alimitedtime *******
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
CKD Risk Map 1.0
Summarizes new science that explains how estimatedglomerularfiltration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin-to-creatinineratio(ACR) are independent risk factors for CKD and includesinteractiveheat maps for the following adverse outcomes:• All-cause mortality• Cardiovascular mortality• Kidney failure• Acute kidney injury (AKI)• Progressive CKDSuggests monitoring frequency and referral decision, dependingoncategories of eGFR and ACR.Provides rapid, convenient learning at your fingertips.What is the National Kidney Foundation?The National Kidney Foundation (NKF), a major voluntarynonprofithealth organization, is dedicated to preventing kidneyand urinarytract disease, improving the health and well-being ofindividualsand families affected by these diseases and increasingtheavailability of all organs for transplantation.National Kidney Foundation30 East 33rd StreetNew York, NY 10016www.kidney.org800-622-9010This program is made possible from a grant from AbbVie, Inc.
Medical Test Dictionary 3.0
A medical test is a kind of medicalprocedureperformed to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases,diseaseprocesses, susceptibility, and determine a course oftreatment.There are risks and benefits with every medical test. Therisksinclude overdiagnosis, missed disagnosis, and risks from thetest,such as exposure to ionizing radiation from X-rays or orpotentialinfection after a blood draw. For common medical tests,these risksare very small. Medical tests should not be performedunless theexpected benefit exceeds the expected risks.A diagnostic test is a procedure performed to confirm,ordetermine the presence of disease in an individual suspectedofhaving the disease, usually following the report of symptoms,orbased on the results of other medical tests
ACC Guideline Clinical App 3.3
ACC Clinical guideline recommendations and interactive tools
Nephrotic Syndrome 1.1
This App is for patients or parents/guardians of patients whohaveNephrotic Syndrome. You can keep your proteinuria record usingthisapp. Create a PDF report of your records. Email report todoctors.Keep notes. More features are coming soon!
NefroConsultor 2.5
NefroConsultor, nephrology your app.
Deteksi Perasaanmu 1.0
Aplikasi yang bisa mendeteksi suasana hatiAndadan emosi, bermanfaat untuk mereka yang cenderung mengabaikangejaladepresi. semoga bermanfaat.Applications thatcandetect your mood and emotion, useful for those who tend toignorethe symptoms of depression. may be useful.