Top 19 Apps Similar to Schoolteacher book lite

Teacher's Notebook 2.3.4
You are invited to try a free version ofthisapplication, which is completely functional.Although Teacher’s Notebook is an application designedforprofessional teacher usage, it has already more than75.000downloads and thousands of active users. This is why we feelsoproud, and thankful to all the people who trust part of theirworkon ours.Description of the application:Teacher’s Notebook has the aim of making more dynamic andoptimizingdaily teaching tasks and objectives (grading,attendance, students’cards, class diaries, etc.)This application main device is the substitution oftraditionalclass paper diaries used to keep course and studentsdata updated.For this reason it is a very useful tool during theperiod ofclasses, and saves a lot of time and effort out of classtoo.Benefits of Teacher’s Notebook (TN):- Download students’ data from a PC through our template or webform( Share with other colleagues the students’ data, notes,coursestructures and configurations, etc.- Evaluate and grade students with extremely flexible andcompletetools, easy to configure, compatible with all gradingsystems, andable to calculate grade means. TN will grantassessments, criteria,indicators, percentage weighting, basis ofcalculation, equivalencecharts, control matrixes, estimations,etc.) Dozens of comments andsuggestions made by users had beentaken into account in order tofulfill 99% of all grading systems,while preserving the simplicityof usage with characterizes thisapplication.- Accomplish an attendance control system (absences,delays,justifications, partial absences, Tutor contact by meansofemail/sms, absence filter, report generator in CSVformat...)- Manage all students information cards, ordered by groups, withthefollowing data: contact, Tutors, 3 office hours notebooksclassifiedby date, unlimited personal notes, etc.- Display a general diary and a class diary for each course, aswellas obtain their CVS report..- Access to a 8 level check box to make temporary notes orcommentsabout each student.- Handle a completely modifiable class schedule.- Access to Google calendar, set of subjects, facultymeetings,watches, evaluation sessions, etc. Also download thescholarschedule of each Autonomous Community (free access throughourwebsite).- Download all application data and export them to a CSVformatcompatible with any worksheet.- Create security copies (internal memory, dropbox, drive, etc)ofall data stored in your device, and export them tootherdevices.Please mind that TN manual is available in the followinglink: are pleased to be contacted in order to make improvements.Allcomments, suggestions, and questions will be welcomed andanswered.You may write to
Teacher Gradebook 6.6.5
Fran Meneu
For teachers who want an easier life
Additio App for teachers 10.2
Gradebook and lesson planner for teachers. Easy to use.
4EDU Teacher's Gradebook LT 2.0.6
4EDU provides all kind of tools forclassorganization and management, as well as informationabouteverything that happens daily in the classroom.- Evaluation: Mark with icons, colours, numbers, letters,etc.Create your own assessment criteria! (Valid for alleducationallevels).- Simple and intuitive students attendance control: Create asmanyattendance charts as you need. You can control who attendsthelesson in just a few seconds.- Diary: You don’t have to take any paper. Write down everythingyouneed and you will always have it on hand in 4EDU.- Post-it: Have your own board of reminders and customizeitscolours. You may create as many boards as you need. It couldn’tbeeasier!- Graphic reports: Have a look and be aware of yourclassroom’srhythm.- PDF: Generate documents and send or save them in the cloud.- Messaging: Send homework, reports, videos or other documentstoyour students or directly to their parents.- Timetable: Look in depth through your subjects and haveeverythingunder control.- Colours, notes, etc.… TOTAL CUSTOMIZATION!Discover all that 4EDU can do for you.
Teacher Aide 2.19.12
★★★New version - For Android 5.0 andhigher,tap the link below.★★★ by a teacher, for teachers! Works withGoogleClassroom.★ Best Teacher App Ever Award Winner Multiple YearsMain Features• Attendance & assignments• Seating chart & grade reports• Random student & groups• Sync roster from Google Classroom & much moreThis free version has use of 1 class so teachers can try out allthefeatures. The pro version allows up to 30 classes.YouTube HelpVideos: Tips: Tips: Tips: Doc Helpfile:***Try downloading the Blue Stacks Player from www.bluestacks.comifyou would like to run the app on your PC as well. ***Also, simply email me directly at support@inpocketsolutions.comifyou need any assistance. I love hearing from users.
Califica Bien 2.0.1
Mario Bermudez
Durante el transcurso de los años enlalabordocente, es bastante reiterativo el proceso de hacercuentasparadeterminar que nota le corresponde a cada a estudiantedeacuerdo ala cantidad de puntos bien realizados que hayaalcanzado,esfrecuente inclusive encontrar docentes que tienentablas ensuscuadernos de apuntes en donde se muestra la escalavalorativaparacada número distinto de ejercicios.Esta aplicación te permite calcular las notas de unamaneramuchomás rápida para los estudiantes, además de tenerunapresentaciónmuy intuitiva, además de ser muy liviana y deserdescargadabastante rápido.Esta aplicación es un producto diseñado y desarrolladoporelLicenciado en Matemáticas: Mario Alberto BermúdezMartínez.During the courseoftheyears in teaching, is quite repetitive process ofreckoningtodetermine what note it is up to each student accordingtothenumber of points you have reached well conducted, oftenevenfindteachers with tables in his notebooks in which the ratingscaleforeach different number of years shown.This application allows you to calculate the notes inamuchfaster way for students as well as havinganintuitivepresentation, besides being very light andbeingdischarged fairlyquickly.This application is a product designed and developedbytheBachelor of Mathematics: Mario Alberto Martínez Bermúdez.
Cuaderno del docente CSI·F CLM 6.2
Novedades Legislativas.Licencias y permisos.Excedencias.Mi sueldo para el año 2015.Explicación de mi nómina.¿Cómo justifico mis ausencias?Complemento por incapacidad temporal.Mi horario semanal.Resumen de instrucciones de organización y funcionamiento.Concurso de traslados. Resumen y seguimiento.Criterios de supresión y desplazamientos para maestros.Criterios de supresión y desplazamientos para EEMM.Mi jubilación y tabla de pensiones del 2015.Guía prestaciones MUFACE 2015.Plataforma formación. AULA CSIF CLM.Legislativedevelopments.Licenses and permits.Exceedances.My salary for 2015.Explanation of my payroll.How do I justify my absence?Add temporary disability.My weekly schedule.Summary of organization and operation instructions.Competition transfers. Summary and monitoring.Suppression and displacement criteria for teachers.Criteria for EEMM suppression and displacement.My retirement pensions and table 2015.Guide MUFACE 2015 performance.Training platform. AULA CSIF CLM.
Libro Maestro 1.0
Agenda personal imprescindible paragestionarla labor del maestro. Incluye el horario, cuaderno paraanotar lascalificaciones por asignaturas y un agenda anual dondepoder anotarcualquier idea al instante.Con la aplicación cualquier maestro será capaz de gestionarlasnotas de sus alumnos.Es una imprescindible.Como alumno también vas a poder sacar provecho puesto que vasapoder llevar el control de las notas de los exámenes y vas apodergestionar tu horiario escolar.Agenda essentialpersonnelto manage the work of the teacher. Includes schedule,notebook torecord grades for courses and an annual calendar whereyou can writedown any ideas instantly.With the application any teacher will be able to managethehandwritten notes of their students.It is an imperative.As a student you can also take advantage since you will beableto keep track of test scores and you can manage yourschoolhoriario.
Versión de Séneca para smartph 11.6.7
Seneca version smartphone and tablets. Education Ministry.
Teacher book lite 3.1.7
Help for Teachers: use your android device for your classes
School Agenda K-12 2.3
Notepad Timetable Exam/Assignment Reminder GradingCalculatorQuestionmeter
Gestion de Classes 20151030
Cette application reprend la version enligne en ajoutantlemode hors-ligne.Réalisez un suivi quotidien des élèves :* Pointer des événements par élève, par séance et par jour(affairesoubliées, travail non fait/rendu, bonne oumauvaiseattitude...)* Visualiser la fiche de suivi de chaque élève* Visualiser les événements de la classe un jour donnéTravaillez en équipes :* Les fiches de suivi sont communes et accessibles à toutesleséquipes pédagogiques de l'établissement associé.* Une vue "Professeur principal" permet de visualiser l'ensembledesévénements pointés par l'équipe.Évaluez et récompensez la progression des élèves :* Évaluation par compétences* Auto-évaluation* Remplir un carnet de notes* Visualiser les notes d'un élève et attribuer despointsbonus* Visualiser la progression d'un élève selon sesrésultatsprécédents* Visualiser la progression d'un groupe d'élèvesAppréhendez rapidement vos classes :* Sociogramme par classe* Créez des plans de classe respectant les choix des élèves* Créez automatiquement des groupes limitant les conflits(encochant la case "Sociogroupes")* Créez automatiquement des groupes mixtesMotivez vos élèves en lançant des défis :* Créez des défis motivants* Attribuez des étoiles pour chaque défi réalisé* Chaque élève a accès à un profil personnalisé afin devisualiserses succèsThis application takestheonline version addingtheoffline mode.Make daily monitoring of students:    * Pointer events per student per sessionperday (forgotten cases, not done / made, good or badattitude...)    * See the individual studenttrackingsheet    * View the events of a particulardayclassWork in teams:    * The monitoring forms are commonandaccessible to all teaching staff of the partnerinstitution.    * A "Senior Lecturer" view allows youtoview all the events pointed to by the team.Evaluate and reward student progress:    * Evaluation by competencies    * Self evaluation    * Fill a notebook    * Warning of a student and assignbonuspoints    * Viewing the progress of astudentaccording to his previous results    * Viewing the progress of a groupofstudentsUnderstand your classes quickly:    * Sociogram per class    * Create class plans respecting thechoicesof students    * Automatically create groupslimitingconflicts (by checking the box "Sociogroupes")    * Automatically create mixed groupsMotivate your students by throwing challenges:    * Create motivating challenges    * Assign stars for everychallengeachieved    * Each student has access to acustomprofile to view its success
Teacher Notes 2.05.07
This is the free version of the TeacherNotesapp to allow users to fully try out the app featuresbeforepurchasing. Try the app for 1 class of up to 40 students, and10notes per student.Are you an educator that has a need to keep a log of howyourstudents are doing - for yourself, for parents or foranadministrator? Well now you can utilize 21st century technologyanduse your tablet or smart phone to keep these logs. Just aseasilyyou can email a summary of the logs to the student, theparent orsomeone else.CURRENT FEATURES* 30 classes with up to 200 students per class for thepaidapp* Record both parent and student logs* Setup list of frequently used comments* Sort students by various criteria* Show Pie chart of comments* Backup data to DropboxPlease email the developer if you have any suggestions orfeedback.I love to make improvements to the app.
Klassly 7.0.2
Klassroom SAS
Kids + Class + Family
Oxford Learner's Bookshelf 5.15.0
Enhanced Graded Readers, Coursebooks, Workbooks andTeacher'seditions
Agenda del docente 1.1
La app del Docente pensata per gestire ipropriimpegni scolastici e privati in modo semplice edintuitivo.E’ possibile scattare una foto, sceglierne una esistente, creareundisegno, inserire un testo, registrare un file audio, scegliereuncontenuto esterno, girare un video, leggere un QR-code, allegareunlink, attivare la dettatura vocale… insomma, produrre contenutichesi possano condividere o custodire.La app “Oggi a Scuola” consente di creare Gruppi, ad esempioGruppidi progetto per i docenti, di comunità per le famiglie,diaggregazione per studio e momenti di svago per gli studenti ediiniziative di vario genere per tutte le figure chegravitanointorno al mondo della scuola.La app Oggi a Scuola consente la comunicazione in tempo realefuorie dentro le aule, permette di snellire i processi e di creareunacomunità che condivide appieno le attività scolasticheedextrascolastiche.Una app rivoluzionaria… che potrà cambiare il modo difarescuola!The app Teacherdesignedto manage their schoolwork and private in a simpleandintuitive.E 'can take a picture, choose an existing, create a design,addtext, record an audio file, choose an external content, shootavideo, read a QR-code, attach a link, activate voice dictation...well, produce content that you can share or store.The app "Today at school" creates groups, such as groups ofprojectfor teachers, community for families, meeting place forstudy andleisure time for students and various initiatives for allfiguresgravitating around to schools.The app now enables the school to real-time communication in andoutof classrooms, can streamline processes and create a communitythatfully supports the school and extracurricularactivities.... A revolutionary app that will change the way we doschool!
Class 8 Maths and Science
Do you forget what you have learntwhilewriting exams and lose marks? Do Math formulas keep confusingyou?Then it’s time to say no to “Rote Learning” & useMarkSharksClass 8 learning app to study in the 21st centuryway!Research shows that “learning by doing” is the best way tolearnwhere students construct knowledge by experiencing &exploringtheir environment. MarkSharks is a revolutionary study appforClass 8 that teaches CBSE 8 class Science & CBSE 8thclassMaths through games, simulations, Science experiments,Scienceprojects, virtual experiments, 3-D models &interactiveexercises. We have harnessed the power of mobile devicestodeconstruct the NCERT 8 class textbook curriculum &transformit into fun, engaging modules for CBSE Science 8 class& CBSEMaths 8 class syllabus, Class 8 notes & completeNCERTsolutions that will complement your Class 8 books.What MarkSharks is NOT:- This is NOT just a collection of CBSE 8 Science or CBSE 8Mathquestion papers/ CBSE Science std 8 or Math std 8 samplepapers/solves sample papers. We believe just taking a Science quizor aMath quiz is NOT enough. Hence we have developed thisinterestingScience app & Mathematics app to make learningScience forClass 8 & Math for Class 8 easy.- This is NOT just a pdf of Science 8th class or Maths Class8thtextbook/ NCERT 8 class Science or NCERT Class 8 Maths book/CBSE8th class Science or 8th class Maths book or simply a Class 8notesapp. We believe that learning should always be fun,immersive,interactive & self-paced. Since books are boring& NOTeffective for all types of learners, here’s an interactiveofflinestudy app for a better learning experience.The MarkSharks Class 8 app is mapped 100% to the CBSE Class8syllabus – our app covers content from all the chapterscurrentlyfound in Class 8 Science & 8 class Maths CBSEbook.MarkSharks CBSE class VIII Science app is mapped to CBSEScienceClass 8 syllabus. Our app covers content from all PhysicsClass 8,Chemistry Class 8 & Biology Class 8 topics found in theNCERTScience 8 book.Chapters1. Crop production & management2. Microorganisms: Friend & foe3. Synthetic fibers & plastics4. Metals & non-metals5. Coal & petroleum6. Combustion & flame7. Conservation of plants & animals8. Cell: Structure & functions9. Reproduction in animals10. Reaching the age of adolescence11. Force & pressure12. Friction13. Sound14. Chemical effects of electric current15. Some natural phenomena16. Light17. Stars & the solar system18. Pollution of air & waterMarkSharks CBSE 8 class Math app covers content from all topicsinNCERT Math books.Chapters1. Rational Numbers2. Linear Equations in One Variable3. Understanding Quadrilaterals4. Practical Geometry5. Data Handling6. Squares & Square Roots7. Cubes & Cube Roots8. Comparing Quantities9. Algebraic Expressions & Identities10. Visualising Solid Shapes11. Mensuration12. Exponents & Powers13. Direct & Inverse Proportions14. Factorisation15. Introduction to Graphs16. Playing With NumbersWe will continue to add new features & subjects to MarkSharkssothat students of VIII Science & VIII Math can sharetheirlearning with friends via our “social learning” environment&access to tutors online to help clear problems. Parents willgetonline access to track their child’s performance onMarkSharks& compare it with other students who are studying onthesystem.MarkSharks is also one of the best scholarship apps for Class8& a comprehensive Maths solutions & Maths guide forClass8.When it comes to 8th standard Science & 8th standardmath,practice makes perfect & MarkSharks allows just that.WithClass 8 Science exams approaching, not only does MarkSharksallowstudents to practice, it encourages them to have fun whichtheystudy their Maths Class 8 & Science Class 8 curriculum.Withinteractive exercises & simulations, Std 8 Science &Std 8Math has never been more interesting!
SEI Professor 4.0.0
Aplicativo para uso do professor
True Love Tester 1.2
Test Love Percentage and Come Closer to Love by sendinglovelymessages.