Top 4 Apps Similar to ANBG Birds

Australian Birds Guide
Gaia Guide
A field guide to Australian Birds based on the GaiaGuidewebsite( that can be used withoutanInternetconnection. The app. supports rapid identificationbaseduponlocation, type, colour and size. Note that whilethisapp.continues to support capture of your ownobservationsincludingphotos and audio recordings, we stronglyencourage you touseiNaturalist for your own records. The strengthof theiNaturalistcommunity and the breadth of its observationdatabaseare bothfantastic. Future versions of this app willstoreobservationscaptured within the app. on iNaturalist. If youhavelegacyobservations of your own on the Gaia Guide system thatyouwouldlike to migrate to iNaturalist, please get in contactwithusdirectly.
Morcombe's Birds of Australia 1.7.1
The foremost field guide to Australian birds is now available ontheAndroid.
Morcombe's Birds of Aus (Lite) 1.0.2
A LITE version of The Michael Morcombe eGuide to the BirdsofAustralia.
Pizzey & Knight Birds of Aus 1.5
Gibbon Multimedia
The PIZZEY AND KNIGHT BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA DIGITAL EDITIONforAndroidis a comprehensive and interactive applicationthatcombinesmultimedia data on over 900 Australian bird specieswithseveninteractive modules for every aspect of mobile birding*.Theapp canbe used as a FIELD GUIDE (like the book) or as a BIRDLIST,withessential functions such as view bird page, play thesound,add toyour list and view similar birds available directly inboth.TheFIELD GUIDE displays the full field guide pages of thebook.You canbrowse the pages and identify a bird, play the sound,addto yourlist, and open the Bird Page for further detail. TheBIRDGUIDEincludes a full bird list and individual BIRD PAGES forover900Australian bird species, with illustrations,speciestext,distribution maps, photographs and sounds. The BIRDLISTincludesall the new species and new names, with functions forBirdPage,Play Sound, Add to List, Similar Birds and Field GuidePage.Youcan also select regional lists, and names fromIOC,C&B,Birdlife and Clements lists. SIMILAR BIRDS loads a listofbirdssimilar to that selected. COMPARE BIRDS displays thebirdpagesside by side for direct comparison. IDENTIFICATIONuseslocation,habitat, bird shapes and plumage to shortlistpossiblespecies foridentification. MY LOCATION is an interactivemap forfinding yourcurrent location, generating bird lists foryourlocation, andlocating birding sites near you. Or tap for anewlocation, get GPSco-ords and load a bird list. Or tap abirdingsite to get a listor open the site description. MY LISTS isapersonal list managerthat includes a life list and sub-liststhatreport to your lifelist. You can also sync your lists toGoogleDrive, and exportlists for backup. Sighting details includeplace,date, GPSco-ords, and sighting notes. BIRDING SITESincludesdescriptions of270 birding sites from around Australia,withphotos, bird list,and weather forecast. "Show on Map" loadsGoogleMaps fordirections and navigation to the site. The MULTIMEDIADATAincludes• over 250 field-guide pages • over 900 individualbirdpages • allthe ‘new’ bird species and names • over2500illustrations, 4000photos, and 700 bird sounds •colour-codeddistribution maps withseasonal status bar and endemicand red dataspecies indicated •new rare bird maps. For more detailon thePIZZEY AND KNIGHT BIRDSOF AUSTRALIA DIGITAL EDITION and totake atour of the app, pleasevisit * This appcan beused in the bush andremote locations. It does not require awifi,phone or internetconnection once it has been installedandregistered. # DIFFICULTYPURCHASING? If you havedifficultypurchasing with your creditcard, you can purchase GooglePlay Storegift cards from majorstores.