Top 19 Apps Similar to Aviation English Tests

Aviation Exam - EASA 9.0.12
We will prepare you for your EASA ATPL, CPL, IR, CBIR, EIR, BIRandFOC exams.
Prepware General 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Aviation Opposite Heading Quiz 4.0
This is a quiz to see how quickly you cancomeup with the opposite (180 degrees) heading to any givenheading.This helps for holds, and any other time you need toreversecourse.
Aviation 4.0.1
G2U Apps
Aviation Management College is set up withthemain purpose to ‘add value' to the aviation fraternitiesinMalaysia . We want to become the central focus ofaviationmanagement related knowledge and information in Malaysia .We wantto provide the growth impetus to the aviation industry inMalaysia. As you may be aware, the aviation industry is set to growin theAsia and Pacific regions (including Malaysia ) with theadventgrowth of China and India economies.In keeping to our core values: Customers Satisfaction,ContinuousImprovement, Professionalism and Teamwork, our studentsandparticipants' satisfaction is our primary concern. Youreducationaland training well being is our central focus.Our other goal is to produce graduates, not just withtheknowledge, but with the skills to communicate and interactwellwith other people and hence attaining the problem-solvingskills somuch needed in the industry. As Thomas More said“Education is notpiling on of learning, information, data, facts orabilities – thatis training or instruction – but is rather makingvisible what ishidden as a seed”.
Prepware Powerplant 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
Prepware Airframe 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
AMT: Aviation Technician Exam 6.0.4
Practice Questions and Flashcards for AMT: AviationMaintenanceTechnician exam.
Simulado Pilotos ANAC (5 em 1) 1.9.2
O Simulado Pilotos ANAC (5 modalidades emUMaplicativo) é um aplicativo que simula a prova da ANAC paratodostipos de pilotos.Destaques: provas no formato da ANAC, banco dequestõesatualizado frequentemente com mais de 2 MIL questões,histórico desimulados, todas modalidades de pilotos privado,comercial e delinha aérea e seus respectivos grupo de matérias,modo offline(funciona normalmente sem Internet), questõesanalisadas por umaequipe de suporte.Cada modalidade contém seus respectivos grupo de matériasdeacordo com o mais recente Compêndio da ANAC, totalizando maisdeMIL questões da própria banca da ANAC. Teste seus conhecimentoseesteja preparado para a prova fazendo quantossimuladosquiser!Todas questões foram tiradas de provas anteriores da ANAC comoobjetivo de prepará-lo de modo eficiente para sua provadepiloto.Simulado Pilotos ANAC é compatível com 99% dos aparelhosAndroid,todos mais recentes (2.3.3+). Seu design foi projetado afim dedeixá-lo mais confortável ao fazer a prova, e com umainterfaceagradável e intuitiva, seguindo todas recomendações dedesign daGoogle. Além de um belo design, o desempenho é outrofator que sedestaca, sendo leve e simples, você não terá problemascom bugs outravamentos.O aplicativo é atualizado automaticamente, quandonecessário,sendo a atualização super leve (menos de 200KB). Alémdisso, elefunciona normalmente sem acesso á Internet. Conta comferramentasde histórico de simulados, denúncia de questão,temporizador desimulado e uma equipe para tirar qualquer dúvida doaplicativoatravés do e-mail de contato.Modalidades disponíveis:Piloto Privado de Avião (PP/PPA)Piloto Privado – Helicóptero (PPH)Piloto Comercial / Cert. Voo por Instrumentos (PC/PCA/IFR)Piloto Comercial – Helicóptero (PCH)Piloto de Linha Aérea – Avião (PLA)Garantimos satisfação total ao utilizar nosso aplicativo.Invistaem seu futuro e boa prova!------------------------------------------------------------Site do desenvolvedor:www.brunoburnaz.comE-mail para Simulated PilotsANAC(5 modes in ONE application) is an application that simulatestheproof of ANAC for all types of riders.Highlights: evidence in the ANAC format, bank issuesfrequentlyupdated with more than 2 MIL issues, historicalsimulations, allforms of private pilots, commercial and airline andtheir group ofmaterials, offline mode (usually works withoutInternet) , issuesexamined by a support team.Each mode has its respective group of materials according tothemost recent ANAC Compendium totaling over MIL issues of ownbankingANAC. Test your knowledge and be prepared to test howmakingsimulated want!All questions were taken from previous tests of ANAC in ordertoprepare them efficiently for its pilot test.Simulated Pilots ANAC is compatible with 99% of Androiddevices,all newer (2.3.3+). Its design is designed to make itmorecomfortable to take the test, and with a nice andintuitiveinterface, following all the Google designrecommendations. Inaddition to beautiful design, performance isanother factor thatstands out, being light and simple, you willhave no problems withbugs or crashes.The application is automatically updated when necessary, andthesuper lightweight update (less than 200KB). Moreover, itusuallyworks without access to the Internet. Has simulated historytools,issue of denunciation, simulated timer and a team to takeanyquestions from the application via the contact email.Modes available:Drone Private (PP / PPA)Private Pilot - Helicopter (PPH)Commercial / Cert pilot. Flight Instrument (PC / PCA / IFR)Commercial Pilot - Helicopter (PCH)Airline Pilot - Airplane (PLA)We guarantee complete satisfaction when using ourapplication.Invest in your future and good test!------------------------------------------------------------Developer website:www.brunoburnaz.comContact ----------
Rod's Aviation Learning Center
Rod Machado
Rod Machado’s Aviation LearningCenterAppoffers a single source location to receiveeducationalaviationinformation provided by flight instructor,speaker andauthor: RodMachado. This app includes free access toRod’s aviationtrainingvideos, Rod’s audio and video and textblogs,readingrecommendations, social site connections(Facebook,Twitter,Instagram), recommended aviation links, Rod’sspeakingschedule andlocations, access to Rod’s product store andproductinformation,Rod’s CFI affiliate program, articles aboutlearning tofly andbecoming a pilot, access to Rod for questions youmight haveaboutflying, and much more.
Pilot Vocabulary Trainer D-E 1.0.3
Der Pilot Vocabulary Trainer D-E isteinideales Trainingstool für alle, die ihren Wortschatz im BereichderAviation auffrischen wollen oder sich erstmaligdamitbefassen:•FÜR BERUFSEINSTEIGER IN DAS AIRLINEBUSINESSFlugschüler, Controller, Flugzeugtechniker und Mitarbeiterimoperativen Bereich von Luftfahrtunternehmen•FÜR PRIVATPILOTEN•FÜR HUBSCHRAUBERPILOTEN•FÜR ALLE DIE SICH FÜRS FLIEGEN INTERESSIERENSICH AUF DEN ICAO SPRACHTEST VORBEREITENMit dem Pilot Vocabulary Trainer D-E bereiten Sie sichimBereich „Vocabulary“ auf den ICAO Sprachtest und aufdasFunkerzeugnis vor. Sie erleichtern sich den Berufseinstiegodererhalten langfristig Ihr Sprachniveau.SPIELERISCH TRAINIEREN UND SICH LAUFEND STEIGERNDas Basismodul „PILOT I Operational“ enthält 496deutscheVokabeln mit je vier Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten insEnglische.Spielerisch trainieren Sie Ihren Wortschatz undverbessern sichlaufend, wann immer Sie wollen und wo immer Siesind. Sie selbstbestimmen wie viele Wörter Sie trainieren möchtenund kontrollierenIhre Auswertungen bis Sie fit für das1. UPGRADE zum „PILOT II Extended“ sind. Sietrainierenweitere 332 Vokabel bestehend aus zahlreichenzusätzlichentechnischen Begriffen und verbessern IhreVokabelkenntnissefortlaufend bis Sie sich zum2. UPGRADE zum „Pilot III Expert“ gesteigert haben.Nunschalten Sie zahlreiche Verben und Adjektive hinzu, dieSiebenötigen um in Ihrem Luftfahrtkontext flüssig sprechenzukönnen.Zu guter Letzt üben Sie alle Aufgaben gemischt und steigernsichso bis zum Experten Level.Durch ständiges spielerisches Wiederholen kommen Sie sicherzumErfolg!LERNEN VON DEN PROFISSabine Mertens ist nicht nur die Autorin der App sondern auchdieAutorin der österreichischen ICAO Prüfungssoftware und derBücher„English Language Proficiency für Piloten“ und „Das LuftfahrtABC.“Sie ist Inhaberin des ersten österreichischen AviationLanguageAssessment Bodies und zertifizierte Sprachprüferin bisLevel 6.The PilotVocabularyTrainer DE is an ideal training tool for those who wantto refreshtheir vocabulary in the field of aviation for the firsttime ordeal with it:& Bull; FOR PROFESSIONALS IN THE AIRLINE BUSINESSStudent pilots, controllers, aircraft technicians and employeesinoperations of air carriers& Bull; FOR PRIVATE PILOTS& Bull; FOR HELICOPTER PILOTS& Bull; FOR ALL THE FLY IS FOR INTERESTON THE ICAO LANGUAGE TEST PREPARATIONThe Pilot Vocabulary Trainer DE prepare yourself in the"Vocabulary"prior to the ICAO language test and on the radioproduct. Youfacilitate the long-term career or get yourlevel.PLAYFUL AND TRAINING TO INCREASE IN PROGRESSThe basic module " PILOT I Operational " contains 496Germanvocabulary with four translation options into English.Playfultrain your vocabulary and improve constantly, whenever youwant andwherever you are. You decide how many words you want totrain andcontrol your evaluations to fit for you1. UPGRADE for are "PILOT II Extended" . You train 332morevocabulary consisting of numerous additional technical conceptsandimprove your vocabulary knowledge continuously until yougettoHave increased 2. UPGRADE to "Pilot III Expert" . Now switchmanyverbs and adjectives to you to need to be able to speakfluently inyour aviation context.Finally, you practice all mixed tasks and increase sotoexpert level.By constantly playful Repeat arrive safely to success!LEARNING FROM THE PROSSabine Mertens is not only the author of the app but also theauthorof the Austrian ICAO audit software and the books "EnglishLanguageProficiency for Pilots" and "The aviation ABC." It is theproprietorof the first Austrian Aviation Language AssessmentBodies andcertified Sprachprüferin to Level 6 ,
ICAO Phonetic alphabet trainer 1.0.2
Greg Jensen
ICAO / ITU / NATO phoneticalphabettraining.Learn to SPEAK the ICAO phonetic alphabet. More than just alistthat talks. It also listens! You’re learning to talk into aradioor recording device so learn by doing the talking yourself!TheICAO phonetic alphabet is used internationally to spell outnamesor list letters and acronyms verbally in a clear and standardway.Make sure you are heard and understood. Make other peoplespellyour name correctly! Speak like a pilot!Speak the ICAO alphabet letter names to match the randomlyselectedletters. Your accuracy and consistency is scored higher andhigheras you add letters to learn the entire alphabet. Test mode toseehow many in a row you can get!********** Instructions **********Tap the A – B – C button to randomly select 1, 2, or 3 letters atatime from the selected portion of the alphabet .Learn at your own pace. Move the slider to practice a selectionfrom5 letters to all 26.1 - Tap Go ahead to start the Android voice recognition. SaytheICAO words for the random letters. Loud and clear now! Donotwhisper or be shy. Did you get them right? “Rodger” or “SayAgain”?If there is background noise, bring your device up closejust likea microphone.2 - Need help? Tap the words in the alphabet list to hearthemspoken by your device.3 - Hide the alphabet list to get a score, and check yourmemoryand pronunciation of the words. The more letters at once yousay (1– 3) and more of the alphabet you select ( 1 – 26) the higheryourscore.4 - Click Test to continually random one letter at a timeandautomatically start the VR – No buttons to tap just speakeachletter as it comes up. How many in a row can you get? Scoretwentysix points each, no cheating!
Online Aviation Theory Browser
Ron Newman
Comprehensive theory to becoming a proficient AEROPLANEorHELICOPTOR pilot
The Flight Computer + Trainer 10
*** Training aid AND flightcomputerinone***This app is a study aid for the E6B Flight Computer for PPL,CPLandATPL. Ground instructors can use it to generate questionsforgroundschool.You can use the key features for free permanentlyandupgradefunctions after you decide if you want them.Try it for free and see if you like it enough toupgrade.Pleasenote that this app is free and that there are in-appupgradesforsome of the functions.Features:- Flight Planning Mode:Calculate TH & GS, TT & GS, TH & TAS, Wind.- Generates random flight computer numbers for youoryourstudents- You can choose the type of question- Moves like a real E6B- Use it on a tablet for even awesomer results.- Show you how to plot Heading & Groundspeed problems onthewindside*The Randomizer generates random numbers for you to solveonyourE6BAre you training for your PPL, CPL, ATPL exam or areyouanFI?*This app will help you master your flight computer anddevelopthosemad E6B skills.*Use it to generate practise questions for yourselforyourstudentsAs a bonus, it moves under your fingers like arealflightcomputer. It is actually a virtual E6B that is alwaysinyourpocket!STANDARD DISCLAIMER: FOR STUDY PURPOSES ONLY! NOTFORACTUALREAL_LIFE NAVIGATION!About the author, Paul Bruikman: I have been anATPLGroundInstructor and Flight Instructor for the top Dutchflightschoolssince 2000.I first created this app to support my own lessons andreallyalsojust because it is a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it,feedbackiswelcome via twitter @rentapilot.
JAATO Aviation Courses 1.0.3
JAATO offers top quality trainingcoursesonEuropean aviation safety rules and regulations tobothauthorityand industry personnel. Our portfolio covers a widerangeofcourses in multiple fields of aviation safety.The JAATO app offers users the option to browse coursesandexams,register and pay for them and view personal coursedetails,likepayment status or course history.
Simulado Comissários ANAC 1.9
O Simulado Comissários ANAC é umaplicativoquesimula a prova da ANAC para comissários de bordo.Destaques: provas no formato da ANAC, banco dequestõesatualizadofrequentemente com mais de MIL questões,histórico desimulados,todos grupos de matéria para comissários debordo, modooffline(funciona normalmente sem Internet), questõesanalisadaspor umaequipe de suporte.Todos grupos de matéria para comissários de acordo comomaisrecente Compêndio da ANAC, totalizando mais de MILquestõesdaprópria banca da ANAC. Teste seus conhecimentos eestejapreparadopara a prova fazendo quantos simulados quiser!Todas questões foram tiradas de provas anteriores da ANACcomoobjetivo de prepará-lo de modo eficiente para suaprovadepiloto.Simulado Pilotos ANAC é compatível com 99% dosaparelhosAndroid,todos mais recentes (2.3.3+). Seu design foiprojetado afim dedeixá-lo mais confortável ao fazer a prova, e comumainterfaceagradável e intuitiva, seguindo todas recomendaçõesdedesign daGoogle. Além de um belo design, o desempenho éoutrofator que sedestaca, sendo leve e simples, você não teráproblemascom bugs outravamentos.O aplicativo é atualizado automaticamente,quandonecessário,sendo a atualização super leve (menos de 200KB).Contacomferramentas de histórico de simulados, denúnciadequestão,temporizador de simulado e uma equipe para tirarqualquerdúvida doaplicativo através do e-mail de contato.Modalidades disponíveis:Grupo 1 (ESS)Grupo 2 (RPA)Grupo 3 (PSS)Grupo 4 (CGA)Garantimos satisfação total ao utilizar nosso aplicativo.Invistaemseu futuro e boa prova!------------------------------------------------------------Site do desenvolvedor:www.brunoburnaz.comE-mail para is an application that simulates theproof ofANACfor flight attendants.Highlights: evidence in the ANAC format, questionbankfrequentlyupdated with over MIL issues, simulated history,allgroups subjectto flight attendants, offline mode (usuallyworkswithout Internet),issues examined by a support team.All groups of matter to commissioners according to themostrecentANAC Compendium totaling over issues of MIL ownbankingANAC. Testyour knowledge and be prepared to test howmakingsimulatedwant!All questions were taken from previous evidence of ANAC inordertoprepare you efficiently for your pilot test.Simulated Pilots ANAC is compatible with 99% ofAndroiddevices,all newer (2.3.3+). Its design is designed to makeitmorecomfortable to take the test, and with a niceandintuitiveinterface, following all of the Googledesignrecommendations. Inaddition to beautiful design, performanceisanother factor thatstands out and is light and simple, youwillhave no problems withbugs or crashes.The application is updated automatically, when necessary,andthelightweight super update (less than 200KB). It hassimulatedhistorytools, matter of complaint, simulated timer and ateam totake anyquestions the application via the contacte-mail.Modes available:Group 1 (ESS)Group 2 (RPA)Group 3 (PSS)Group 4 (CGA)We guarantee total satisfaction when using our app. Investinyourfuture and good test!------------------------------------------------------------Developer's site:www.brunoburnaz.comE-mail ----------
Учи английский! 1.1
Приложение Учи английский! поможет вамбезтруда выучить 500 наиболее употребимых слов ангийскогоязыка.Возможности:- настройка количества слов в задании и количества повторенийдлязапоминания слова- поддержка неограниченного количества пользователей- все слова имеют транскрипцию- настройка направления перевода- статистика- подсказки и штрафы за ошибки- создание своего словаряСлова кажутся вам простыми? Скачайте Учи английский! (501-1000)ивыучите 500 более сложных слов.
Aviation Australia 1.0.0
Entegy PTY LTD
Welcome to Australia’s LARGEST and ONLY 'aviation dedicated' expo!Jump on board and join us for the 2014 Aviation CareersExpo.Thisone-day event is targeted towards providing an insightintoaviationcareers, training and employment. Saturday, 23August.10:00am -4:00pm. 25 Boronia Road. BrisbaneInternationalAirport.Aviation Careers Expo 2014Experience the world of Aviation and find out how yourcareercantake off.Join us on Saturday, 23 August, 10:00am - 4:00pm, 25BoroniaRoad,Brisbane International Airport.Now in its 14th year, the Aviation Careers Expoiscontinuallyrecognised as 'THE' major event on the aviationindustrycalendar.Join some of the most respected companiesandtrainingorganisations in the industry for a full day ofcareerdefininginformation and entertainment.The Sky is the LimitWant to take your career to new heights? Looking for afreshstart?The Aviation Careers Expo is at the forefront of whatthisexcitingindustry has to offer.Entry to the expo is FREE and provides a uniqueopportunityforstudents, graduates, teachers, parents and thoseseeking acareerchange to explore the diverse range of careerpathwaysavailable inthe aviation and aerospace industries.
NATO / ICAO Phonetic Alphabet 1.1
NATO / ICAO Phonetic Alphabet for pilots, military, specialops,police and more
Women in Aviation 1.0.5
Nov8rix Inc.
Women in Aviation, International (WAI)isdedicated to encouraging women to consider aviationcareers,providing networking opportunities for anyone involved inanyaspect of the aviation industry. Our members represent thebroadscope of aviation - general, corporate, commercial andmilitary.WAI members are aeronautical engineers, pilots,maintenancetechnicians, educators, air traffic controllers,avionicstechnicians, airport managers, business owners,dispatchers, flightattendants, gate agents, artists, students andoverall aviationenthusiasts. Browse through our rich app to learnmore about thisdynamic organization and what it can offeryou.