Top 1 Apps Similar to Fruits Flying Wallpaper

Tasty Fruits Live Wallpaper
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Many hundreds of fruits, includingfleshyfruits like apple, peach, pear, kiwifruit, watermelon andmango arecommercially valuable as human food, eaten both fresh andas jams,marmalade and other preserves. Fruits are also used inmanufacturedfoods like cookies, muffins, yogurt, ice cream, cakes,and manymore. Many fruits are used to make beverages, such as fruitjuices(orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, etc.) oralcoholicbeverages, such as wine or brandy. Apples are often usedto makevinegar. Fruits are also used for gift giving, Fruit BasketandFruit Bouquet are some common forms of fruit gifts.Many vegetables are botanical fruits, including tomato,bellpepper, eggplant, okra, squash, pumpkin, green bean, cucumberandzucchini. Olive fruit is pressed for olive oil. Spiceslikevanilla, paprika, allspice and black pepper are derivedfromberries.Fruits are generally high in fiber, water, vitamin C andsugars,although this latter varies widely from traces as in lime,to 61%of the fresh weight of the date. Fruits also containvariousphytochemicals that do not yet have an RDA/RDI listing undermostnutritional factsheets, and which research indicates arerequiredfor proper long-term cellular health and diseaseprevention.Regular consumption of fruit is associated with reducedrisks ofcancer, cardiovascular disease (especially coronary heartdisease),stroke, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of thefunctionaldeclines associated with aging.If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.Tasty Fruits has not endorsed this app. Select textfromWikipedia, which does not endorse this product. Licensed underthecreative commons (