Top 49 Apps Similar to myReiki: Reiki Timer & Music

Reiki Sound 1.2.2
Leandro Gon
Reiki Timer for your sesions! With music!
CHAKRAS - Meditation, Activation and Healing 1.0.21
The chakras are centers of immeasurable energy located inthehumanbody. Balance your body and mind using this ancientEasternwelfarebelief based on the seven energy centers that governall ourorgansand work together as one system yet independently. Acompletetoolto help anyone who wants to purify and activatetheirChakrasthrough Meditation (Binaural Frequencies, MantrasandSolfeggio).Detailed information about the chakras is provided,aswell asmeditation techniques to help beginners. Apart from allthechakramantras, it also contains binaural frequencies relatedtothechakras. 🧘 Chakras Meditation 🧘 Chakra meditation involvestheuseof sound vibrations to improve the balance and flow ofvitalenergyin our body. A smooth flow of vital energy leads togoodmental andphysical health. Resonant tones are directed to 7vitalnodes alongthe spinal cord that are associated withvariousbehaviors andimbalances. These time-tested sounds andfrequencieswill make you:✔️ Help you meditate ✔️ Relaxing the mindand body ✔️Cure SleepDisorders ✔️ Helping to stop bad habits ✔️Rectifybodilyimbalances ✔️ Improve mental and physical health 🧘 The7Chakras 🧘☑️ Muladhara - Radical Chakra The first chakra islocatedbetweenthe anus and the genitals. It is connected to thecoxal boneandopens downwards. ☑️ Svadhistana - Sacral Chakra Thesecondchakrais above the genitals. It is attached to the sacralbone andopensforward. ☑️ Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra The thirdchakraisapproximately two fingers above the navel. It opensforward.☑️Anahata - Heart Chakra The fourth chakra is located attheheightof the heart, in the center of the chest. It opensforward.☑️Vishudda - Neck Chakra The fifth chakra is locatedbetweenthewalnut and larynx. It originates from the cervical spineandopensforward. ☑️ Ajna - Third Eye Chakra The sexto chakraislocated onefinger above the base of the nose, in the center oftheforehead.It opens forward. ☑️ Sahasrara - Coronal ChakraTheseventh chakrais located at the supreme point, above our headandin the center.It opens upwards. With this app you will learntoActivate andPurify your Chakras > Correspondence ✔️ Color✔️SensoryFunction ✔️ Basic Principle ✔️ CorporalCorrespondence✔️Corresponding Gland Mission and Operation ✔️HarmonicFunctioning✔️ Inharmonic Functioning HypofunctionPurification andActivation✔️ Music Therapy ✔️ Aromatherapy ✔️Gemotherapy ✔️NaturalExperience
Chakra Meditation and healing 1.0.1
Pagan Way
Get a relaxing and effective meditation that involves chakrahealing
My Chakra Meditation 1.0.6
Enjoy chakra music tracks & mandalas for your chakrameditation!
Self Healing
This app contains Chakra meditation, Pranayama breathingexerciseandguided meditation for sleep with sounds of nature.Chakras areourenergy centers. The channels through which and outof our auraoflife energy flows. The task of the chakras is to fillphysicalbodywith vivacity and promote the development ofourconsciousness.Through regular meditation on the chakras youwillfind balance andlearn to create harmony The music included inthisapplication : (*)Root chakra : Song composed in the key ofCTribal percussion, ethnicinstruments and deep, warm tonesareblended together in this soulfulcomposition that is bothgroundingand soothing at the same time.This gentle music willactivate thebase chakra, while preparing thephysical body for deeprelaxation.(*) Solar Plexus Chakra : songcomposed in the key of EThe musicof the solar plexus chakra has abrightness to it thatinvokesimages of sunshine and inner radiance.You will notice thatthemusic is very calm, but it is also very"alive" andenergizing.This empowering composition is wonderful forawakeningandcleansing the solar plexus chakra. (*) Heart Chakra :Songcomposedin the key of F I like to think that this heartchakrameditationmusic speaks for itself. This is music of loveandcompassion, pureand simple. (*) Throat Chakra : Song composedinthe key of GVisualize yourself drifting across a clear bluesky,floating likea cloud on the breeze. You are breathingcool,sparkling air deepinto your lungs. These are the images thatcomeinto my mind when Ilisten to this throat chakra music.Openness,freedom of selfexpression and lightness of being areencouraged bythis tranquilcomposition. (*) Third Eye Chakra : Songcomposed inthe key of AThis mystical soundscape does not adhere toany of the“rules” thatmight govern traditional musiccomposition.Intentionallyunstructured – this dreamy, meditativemusic opens thethird eyechakra and frees the listener to exploretheirimagination, theirintuition and the deeper aspects of theirmind.(*) Crown Chakra :Song composed in the key of B Heavenly andsweet,the music of thecrown chakra opens one up to thetimeless,limitless nature of pureawareness. As the music unfolds,melodicbells gradually give wayto a wash of celestial choirsandshimmering chimes that uplift andinspire the listener toanelevated state of consciousness.Additional background sounds,youcan mix with Chakra music orsleep guided meditation andbreathingexercise Pranayama: 1) SleepSound of Ocean. 2) RelaxingSound ofForest. 3) Sleeping Sound ofBirds. 4) Relaxation Sound ofFire. 5)Nature Sound of River. 6)Soothing Sound of Rain. 7) AlphaWavesbinaural beats of 10[Hz] toincrease meditation state. This appwillguide you throughKundalini and Chakra meditation and also willhelpyou fall asleepwith guided meditation voice and YogabreathingPranayama practice.
myReiki: Reiki Healing Music 1.6
JMH Apps
Following the feedback of some users, we have decided tolaunchthisfull version of myReiki with one time payment, no fees.Thisversionis ad free and contains the same features with someextrasongs andbells. Please make sure you have tried and used ourfreeversionpreviously before obtaining this one in order to ensureaproperfunctionality with your device. · If you have anyproblemwith theapp, please refer to the contact email below.
Through the guide of Ismael Cala you will be able to carry outthemeditations.
Chakra Opening-Spirituality 1.5
Top quality Binaural Beats combined with relaxing ambient music.Asworld-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store®hasbeen providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. Allthebrainwaves are meticulously created with the latestbrainwaveentrainment technology. 1.Covers Each and Every Chakra(RootChakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra,ThroatChakra, Brow Chakra, Crown Chakra) 2.No Extensive PracticeRequired3.Immediate Results Guaranteed Chakra Stimulation is anancient artused by Practitioners of Yoga and Meditation experts toheightenspiritual awareness. Spiritual energy is the core of everyabilityyou possess, and Chakras are the factories of thisspiritualenergy. In several ways, the Chakras are the mostimportant thingto develop. The human nervous system is a networkconnecting thesensory organs to the brain. The Chakras, or energycenters, act asa """"pump"""" which direct spiritual energy throughthis system.For example, Earth energy is drawn up through your RootChakra andpassed to the Sacral Chakra which is then passed to theSolarPlexus, then the heart, then throat, brow, and finally thecrown.Once energy reaches beyond the crown, experiences andsensationsmove to realms beyond explanation. The Chakra system isconsideredby many to be the most important system to work on. It isa base onwhich most other development is built. The ChakraStimulatingsystem stimulates each of the seven Chakras withdifferentfrequency ranges and predetermined base frequencies. Ithas beenreported to be extremely effective by users worldwide! Theminds ofyogis undergoing deep spiritual progression have beenstudied foryears, and now by integrating our system into what weknow of theirbrain patterns, we are able to give you the tools toreproducetheir experiences! *** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES - Totalrelaxation ofthe entire body from head to toe - Feeling of sedation- Enhancecognitive ability - Increase ability to meditate deeply -Explorespiritual side of life - Place you in a state of hypnosis-Heighten your mood - Ease the symptoms of depression And a lotmoreis waiting for you to explore. To Contact*** NOTE Every person's brain worksdifferently, but on the samebasic principles. Some minds are moreopen to suggestion, whileothers refuse to let go. As each recordingis specifically designedfor a certain purpose, effects onindividuals differ. Just be awarethat your mind wants what youwant. It takes some time to reallyfeel effects, so don’t give up ifyou fail to reach where you wouldlike to be after the first try.Also, headphone is highlyrecommended.
Binaural Chakra Therapy 3.1
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Heal And Transform Meditations
Six powerful meditations to help you release the painful energiesinyour life
Chakra Healing - Tibetan Bowls 3.3.99
Sound Healing Meditation. Relax - Energize - Calm - Sleep
Medita 5.84
Meditate teaches you to meditate, relax, be present andsleepbetter.
Bach Flowers 1.3.1
Find the Bach flower remedies and formulas that you need tofeelbetter
Spiritual Workout 2.1
Timed spiritual practices for Hindus, such as chantingandmeditation
Bach Flowers Remedies 1.2
If you got to this application, you may be needing toharmonizesomeaspect of your life. So our goal is to introduce youtotherapy withthe Bach flower. Through this application you willbeknowing the 38essences, and which emotional states may apply.Thisapplication canalso be used by therapists as a referenceguide,fast, convenientand available all the time, and anywhere.Downloadthe app and knowin detail the healing qualities of theBachflower. But what are theessences, which they have, what istheiractive principle? WhatFlower capture, is the vibrationalessenceof flowers, somethingsubtle that it can not be identifiedbychemical analysis, ie, if weanalyze the content of floral notfindanything besides water andalcohol brandy used forconservationvibration it carries, evadesanalysis. For an example,see thechemical formula for water (H2O),says that it is composed oftwomolecules of hydrogen and one ofoxygen, but if we add thesetwogases, nothing happens unless we dogo through the mixture,forexample, an electric current, then yeswe get water.So where istherepresentation of the electricity inthe formula, or how shecouldbe identified in an analysis. What areflorals capturethevibrational qualities, that are only now beingstudied byquantumphysics.
Sensorium - Synesthesia Medita 1
Guided Synesthesia Meditation for synesthetic mindfulness&sensory awareness
Meditation Music: Sleep Sounds 6.0
Avryx Apps
Meditation app with peaceful music, sounds & guided zen musictorelax & do yoga
Bach Flower Self-test 2.0.18
Self-test to find your Bach remedies, with the best Bach Flower App
Spiritual Coaching Meditations
Create positive life changes with these guided meditationsandhypnosis sessions
Binaural 1.0
Generate your own binaural beats and isochronic pulsesformeditation.
myRemedy: Medicinal plants and their uses 3.8
JMH Apps
Following the feedback of some users, we have decided to launchthisfull version of myRemedy with one time payment, no fees.Thisversion is ad-free and contains the 'Relaxation' sectionunlocked.Please make sure you have tried and used our freeversionpreviously before obtaining this one in order to ensure aproperfunctionality with your device. · If you have any problemwith theapp, please refer to the contact email below. Note: Theinformationof this app is a general information. Make a responsibleuse and ifyou have any doubt about the use of a particularmedicinal plant,please consult your doctor before using it.
Pura Mente: Meditación Simple 1.9.59
Pura Mente App
Mindfulness & meditation. Increase your calm. Meditationforyour well-being.
Chakra Meditation 2.6
Chakra Activation, Balancing & Awakening with BinauralSolfeggioFrequency/Tones
Relaxing Spa Music 1.0
Creativ Learning
Relaxation music spa is the ideal assistant to help youcreateanambience of relaxation and meditation regardless of thelocationortime! With the help of zen sounds including waterrunning, birdsina forest, or distant ocean waves, reach a peacefulstate of mindtoincrease your meditation. Perfect to releasetensionwhilemassaging or during a yoga session. Close your eyes,put ontheheadphones and choose one of the natural sounds and relaxorsleepbetter. Train your concentration and relax listening tothenaturalsound. Choose a time and not think about anything untilthesoundends. A spa is a location where mineral-rich springwater(andsometimes seawater) is used to give medicinal baths. Spatownsorspa resorts (including hot springs resorts) typicallyoffervarioushealth treatments, which are also known asbalneotherapy.
Relaxing sounds sleep meditate relaxing sounds to sleep 2
Cool Future
Sleep app with music to relax. Progressive relaxation to get adeepsleep
Yivana Meditación guiada 2.10.6
Learn to meditate and sleep better: mindfulness,relaxation,self-improvement and sleep
Mars Weather Widget 1.2
Widget helps to enquire latest weather and actual time and dateatplanet Mars.
Chakras Opening Pro 9.0
Self Healing
Chakras opening meditation music with bija mantrasandvisualisation.
Soothing sounds to go to sleep 5.0.1-40211
Nature sounds for sleep, deep relaxation, meditation and relax
evolum Rituel 4.1.9
Your daily ritual, for inner peace.
Meditation Time 1.9
"Meditation Time" is a simple and clean timer for yourmeditationsession.
Nature music - relax and sleep Nature relaxing music 1.3
Music for sleep deeply and have better sleep cycles
Siente - Mindfulness y psicolo 4.2.6
7 Free mindfulness sessions and guided meditation to improveyourwellbeing
Transcender - Heal yourself 3.0.3
Nijaz Tanjo
Audio-visual spiritual energy healing & life-changingpersonaldevelopment tool.
Simple Meditation Timer 1.3.1
A handy timer with music and background sounds for yourdailymeditations.
Relaxing music for sleep Meditation relaxing music 3.0
Relaxing sounds to sleep, music to meditate and deep sleep
Sleep music for better sleep Relaxing music 1.2
Relax To Calm Music, Sleep Noise, Rain Sounds, Meditation&Relaxing Sounds
BetterMe: Mental Health 4.46.0
BetterMe Limited
Fight Stress, Depression, Sleep Better, Learn Self-care
Beyond Affirmations Meditation
Get a gentle and safe solution to physical, emotional andspiritualchallenges.
22 Energy 1.17
Yura Krymlov
Each person who is interested in his spiritual nature is tryingtomore deeply understand himself and his destiny in life.Sometimesthis understanding does not come. This is what thediagnosticmethod helps - the Matrix of Destiny 22 Energy. It iscalculated bythe date of birth of the person. This is a squaresquared with themain lines of destiny, and the energies that areplaced in thecorners and inside the matrix are our individualprograms. This isan amazing technique that reveals different plansfor a person’slife, and most importantly, gives the keys to healingthe fate of aperson; disclosure of his talents, energy and materialpotential;helps to determine and fulfill the purpose; become aharmonious andholistic personality. The technique is based on 22energies of themajor arcana of the tarot. It is neither numerologynor astrology,although it has much in common with these sciences.If desired, anyperson is able to master this method. Using the"Matrix of Destiny"method, you can find answers to variousquestions in your life:questions of money, health, relationships,disclosing talent,patrimonial tasks ... The method is based on 22Energies of theuniverse, which are spread in the Universe and inone or anothercombination act on a person’s life. Depending onwhether they actin positive or negative, a person observes positiveor negativeresults in his life. There is no such thing that there’sno escapefrom fate ... This method suggests that when we understandthe taskthat this or that energy carries, we can easily begin tochange ourlife. How to understand whether your relationship withone oranother energy is positive or negative? The answer is simple- youneed to look at the area where it (energy) acts. Thedescriptioncontains both the decoding of energies in plus andminus, andrecommendations: how and what to do, what to look for inorder tostart changing your life in a positive direction. Remember,destinyis not a profession, it has a broader meaning !!! Good luckon thepath of revealing your spiritual nature!
Mindfulness Meditación guiada 1.08
Metta Apps
Meditate and live the present with free resources Mindfulness:tipsand audios
5 Minute Relaxation
5 Minute Relaxation - Voice guidedmeditationsto give you a relaxed feeling of peace and calm fast -perfect forstress relief and insomnia.Do you feel stressed and anxious? Do you crave a moment of peaceandrelaxation? Then download this app and feel calmer and morerelaxedin just 5 minutesFeatures:A combination of vocal guidance, soothing music and relaxingsoundsto create a calm journey into peace and tranquility.Don't think you have time to relax? Every session takes just5minutes from start to finish - ideal for short breaks intheworking day.Want to relax before you drift off to sleep? Set the apptoautomatically guide you to sleep .Beautiful imagery helps you feel calmer from the moment you opentheapp.The easy way to escape the stresses of modern life -downloadnow!
Meditation and More 5.1.1
This English app includes various meditation andrelaxationexercises.
Intimind meditación en español 1.7.0
Meditation programs in Spanish. Method developed byexpertpsychologists.
Elefante Zen Meditación Guiada Banner ez plus
Guided meditation in Spanish to reduce stress and relax 🍀
Shen-Acupuncture 1.4.12
Atlas of Acupuncture (1000 pages) - Power Search - TCM-Diagnoses-own Database
Zenfie, Mindfulness Meditation 2.2.15
Second Wind
Zenfie is an app to learn and practice mindfulnessmeditation.UseZenfie to discover or rediscover mindfulnessmeditation:rest,relax, better manage your stress, be more presentandimproveconcentration on a day to day basis. The discoveryprogrammeoffersyou ten different ten minute sessions, completelyfree. Sofor 10ten days, Zenfie will become your partner with adailyguidedmeditation session. Some of the themes covered intheseinitial 10meditation sessions which help you be more zenandimprove rest andrelaxation include: meditation positions,bodymaps, attention tobreathing, awareness of sensation andfeeling,letting go, innerpeace... Once you complete themindfulnessdiscovery programme, youwill be able to continue yourmindfulnessmeditation with Zenfie(through the Initiation and thenAdvancedmodules). The practice ofmindfulness meditation has beenrecognisedand validated bynumerous scientific studies: meditationis one ofthe best naturalmethods of combatting the effects ofstress andimproving rest andrelaxation. What’s more, meditationoffersexcellent results forthose suffering from sleep or moodproblems,as well as depression.After two to three months ofregularmeditation, significanteffects can be seen, bothpsychological andphysical. This simpleactivity, brought to yoursmartphone byHeadspace, requires timeand dedication, butsignificantly improvesquality of life. It willhelp you toappreciate good times, to takestock when times aretough, to feelmore relaxed and to stay orbecome zen, whatever thecircumstances!Zenfie will be by your sideto help you reach yourpersonal goals,with its guided meditationmodules in English.Zenfie will becomeyour partner in meditationand in: - Letting go- Sleeping better andreclaiming sleep -Improving rest andrelaxation, better managingstress - Improvingself-confidence -Improving your interpersonalrelationships -Improving yourconcentration in sports - Unguidedmeditation withrelaxing music AZenfie Kids module: “Meditation forKids” is alsoavailable forchildren between 3 and 6 years old, as isa ZenfieJunior modulefor children between 7 and 14. As well as thestep bystepmindfulness meditation learner programme, practiceandtailoredmodules, Zenfie also comes with several guidedsessionswhich youcan go through as many times as you like. Forexample: -Rest andrelaxation session - Imminent stress SOS session- Wake upsessionto start the day on the right foot - Before bedsession -Musicalsessions We are regularly expanding the Zenfiemeditationoffering.You can also access our online community, andcontributetopicsthat matter to you, which will help us to developnewmindfulnessmeditation sessions better tailored to your needs.WithZenfieinstalled on your smartphone or tablet, you candownloadthesessions and meditate wherever and whenever you want.You canevenmeditate on public transport! About the author JeanDoridot isaFrench psychologist, specialising in personaldevelopment.Authorof a number of reference works, and with hundredsofthousands ofviews on YouTube, you will be accompanied by Jeanineach of theguided sessions he has created. Rest, relaxation,zen,letting go,stress management, concentration: greatmeditationsessions withZenfie!
Guided Meditation Masters: Daily Mindfulness Focus 1.5.1
MyPsychic LLC
It is confirmed through thousands of years worth ofancientwisdomthat meditation reduces stress, calms the mind andincreasesinnerpeace. Studies have proven that meditation can givethe bodydeeprest that is deeper than the rest from that ofsleep.Regularmeditation is proven accumulate deep rest in the bodyovertime,and it is that deepening reservoir of rest that reducesstressandresults in the many benefits of muscletension,improvedcirculation, energy, focus, inner peace, and anoverallbetterquality of emotions. Stress accounts for over 60% ofdoctorvisits.Meditation can lower blood pressure, cholesterol andtherisk ofheart disease and stroke, can help relievestress,depression,insomnia, sleeplessness, anxiety and worries, andcanincreaseproductivity, learning, happiness, well being andinnerpeace.Drastically change the quality of your life byfollowingthecurated collection of top quality meditation coursesfocusedonhealing, stress and anxiety reduction, sleep and more.Thecourseswill help any seeker at any level of experience,whetherthey'renew to meditation, exposed to it or a dailypractitioner.
ZenOto - Zen Meditation, Relax 586
All in one for ZEN Meditation. Now, let's start meditating.