Top 12 Apps Similar to Vilnius Architecture

Architectural Design (AD)
Provocative and inspirational,ArchitecturalDesign (AD) is a bi-monthly, high-quality magazinereporting fromthe cutting edge of the architecture community.For more than 80 years AD has been at the forefront ofarchitecturaldebate – stimulating discussion on theoretical,creative andtechnological advances, as well as the far-reachingsocial, culturaland environmental challenges of today.AD exists so that you can stay informed of the architecturaltrendsof tomorrow. Fully illustrated in colour, AD provides one ofthemost penetrating, insightful and in-depth views ofarchitecturetoday.AD is presented in a new, easily navigable format on theiPad,bringing new life to the AD articles.
Architecture Dictionary 0.0.9
Contain word with their meaning and description relatedtoarchitecture.
Learning Architecture 6.0
Engineering Apps
Learning Architecture is a complete ebook with diagramsandgraphs.It is part of architectural engineering whichbringsimportanttopics, notes, news & blog on the subject.Downloadthe App asquick reference guide & ebook on thisengineeringsubject.There are 5 chapters in the app. Some ofimportant topicsareARCHITECT, ARCHITECTURE DESIGN, ARCHITECTUREELEMENTS, PRINCIPLEOFDESIGN, BUILDING DESIGN, BUILDINGARCHITECTURE,ARCHITECTURALENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN andHOUSE ARCHDESIGN. Thearchitect App is quick learning ebook whichpresentsfasterlearning and quick revisions of the subject. Itisarchitectureebook which is most helpful at the time of examsorinterviews forquick learning. Some of Topics Covered inthisApplication are: 1.Brief history of architecture 2.Introductionand principles ofTown planning 3. Planning surveys 4.Preparationof Base Map 5.Land Distribution 6. Master Plan in TownPlanning 7.Concept ofhabitat including environment pollution 8.Satellite town9. GardenCity concept 10. Neighborhood Planning 11.Development ofMaterialthrough ages 12. Evolution of architecturalforms 13.Anestheticsand functional proportions 14. Principlesofarchitecture design15. Building Bye laws 16. Role of architects17.Architecturaldrawings 18. Anatomy of Architectural Drawing19.Zoning 20.Different symbols used in building industry 21. DesignofSchools22. Design of hospitals 23. Architecture Design24.ArchitectureElements 25. Principle of Design 26. BuildingDesign27. BuildingArchitecture 28. Architectural Engineering29.Architecture andDesign 30. House Arch Design
Using Revit Architecture 1.5
Go Apps4u
This App is the first of ‘Revit forbeginners’tutorial series. If you want to learn Revit, I hope thistutorialwill be useful.Revit architecture is built for architect. So architect canworkwith conventional way: by creating building plan.Feature of Revit Architecture Tutorials+ Revit Architecture User Interface+ Understanding Views and View Navigation+ Defining Levels+ Placing Exterior Walls+ Understanding Wall Structure+ And more Feature update daily
Architectural Terms 1.0
Its the glossary of Architectural Terms.
Welcome to GATE ARCHITECTURE. Comes with "my notes" &"questionbank"
Learn Design Sketching 1
Sketching is a visual language, and as with any language, thereareelements that go together to form more structured formsofcommunication. In sketching or drawing, we use line as one ofthemost basic components in visual communication. Line does notexistin reality, but it is a mere representation of the edge ofanobject, or in other words, the point at which we cannot seepastthe change in surface of an object. Sketching is the onlyflexibleway for developing, presenting and evolving the ideaswhichoriginates in our mind, This guide provides a wonderfultutorialsfor all design students and can help in creating a strongrelationbetween mind and hand, This App is beneficial for alldesignstudents including product design, textile design , graphicdesign,Architecture / Interior design and fine arts beginners
Archor Architecture Dictionary 1.0.5
Dictionary for Architectural Words
Structural Analysis - II 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of StructuralAnalysiswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news &blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material &digitalbookfor Civil & environmental engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 110 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Development of PlasticAnalysis 2.Interpretationof Stiffness Matrix 3. Truss ElementStiffness Matrix4.Introduction 5. Mohr’s First Theorem (Mohr I) 6.Mohr’sSecondTheorem (Mohr II) 7. Application to DeterminateStructures8.Finding Deflections 9. Application to IndeterminateStructures10.Find the location of the maximum deflection 11.ContinuousBeams:Introduction 12. Analysis of Continuous Beams13.Incorporation ofMoment Due to Reactions 14. Pressure Line duetoPrestressing Force15. METHOD OF CONSISTENT DEFORMATION:BasicConcept 16. Choice ofReleased Structures 17.CompatibilityEquations for General Case18. Vector of kinematicalconditions 19.METHOD OF SLOPE-DEFLECTIONEQUATIONS 20. Computationof Fixed-endMoments 21. THE MOMENTDISTRIBUTION METHOD 22.DISTRIBUTION FACTOR23. STEPS INVOLVED INMOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD24. Strain Energy25. Beams 26. Analysisof two-hinged arch 27.Influence line diagram28. Symmetrical twohinged arch 29.Temperature effect 30. Torqueand thrust force indrilling 31. MODELOF DRILLING 32. Introductionof SuspensionBridges 33. StructuralSystem 34. Design of suspensionbridge 35.Wind-Resistant Design 36.Design of Cable Section 37.FieldMeasurement and Coatings 38.Introduction of Stiffening Girder39.Design of Girder End 40.Fabrication Technology 41.ErectionTechnology 42. All-Hinge ErectionMethod 43.Moment-shearinteraction of longitudinally stiffenedgirders 44.EUROCODE DESIGNPROVISONS 45. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING 46.NON-LINEARFINITE ELEMENTSTUDY 47. Alternative Form ofSlope-deflectionEquations 48. SignConvention 49. Computation ofFixed-end Moments50.Slope-deflection Equations for Special Members51.Slope-deflectionEquations for Special Members 52. SymmetricmemberandAnti-symmetric member 53. Analysis ofStructuresbySlope-deflection Equations 54. End rotations and swayangleofmembers 55. Determination of sway angle by instantaneouscenterofrotations (ICR) 56. Set up equilibrium equations57.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedom58.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedomEachtopic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Structural Analysis & control is part ofCivil&environmental engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities.
Computer Architecture & Org 5.3
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook ofComputersystem Architecture & Organization which coversimportanttopics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course.Downloadthe App as a reference material & digital book forcomputerscience engineering programs & software degreecourses.This useful App lists 125 topics with detailed notes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineeringsciencestudents & professionals.The app provides quick revision and reference to theimportanttopics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy&useful for the student or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material,addfavorite topics, share the topics on social media.You can also blog about engineering technology,innovation,engineering startups, college research work, instituteupdates,Informative links on course materials & educationprograms fromyour smartphone or tablet orat this useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, course material, project work,sharingyour views on the blog.Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture2. Computer Organization and Architecture Structure3. Performance Measures4. Memory Locations and Operations5. Addressing Modes6. Instruction types of machine7. A Simple Machine8. Instructions mnemonics and syntax9. Assembler Directives and Commands10. Assembly and Execution of Programs11. Number System12. Integer Arithmetic13. Floating Point Arithmetic14. The IEEE Floating-Point Standard15. Hamming Code16. The Arithmetic and logic Unit17. Integer Representation18. Micro Operations19. Control of the processor20. Hardware Implimentations21. Microprogrammed Control22. Microinstruction Sequencing23. Microinstruction Execution24. TI 880025. Types of parallel Processor systems26. Symmetric Multiprocessors27. Symmetric Multiprocessors Organization28. Multiprocessor Operating System Design Considerations29. A Mainframe SMP30. Cache Coherence and the mesi protocol31. Software and hardware Solutions for cache Coherence32. The MESI Protocol33. Multithreading and Clip Multiprocessing34. Approaches to Explicit Multithreading35. Clusters36. Operating System Design Issues in Clustering37. Cluster Computer Architecture38. Nonuniform memory Access39. NUMA Pros and Cons40. Vector Computation41. Approaches to Vector Computation42. Hardware Performance Issues43. Power Consumption44. Software Performance Issues45. Application Example:Valve Game Software46. Multicore Organization47. Introduction to Input/Output Devices48. Basic Concepts of I/O Devices49. Progarmmed I/O50. Interrupt – Driven I/O51. Interrupt Hardware52. Examples of interrupt I/O53. Direct Memory Access(DMA)54. Buses55. Synchronous and Asynchronous Buses56. Bus Arbitration57. Input/Output Interfaces58. Accessing I/O Devices59. Program-controlled I/O60. Interrupts61. Interrupts Hardware62. Interrupt Hardware63. Enabling and Disabling Interrupts64. Handling Multiple DevicesEach topic is complete with diagrams, equations and otherformsof graphical representations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Computer system Architecture & Organization is partofcomputer science, software engineering education coursesandinformation technology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Architect 2.0
In this app find out what is takes tobecomeanarchitect as host Melody Young visits anarchitecturalteam.Subjects Covered Include: What makes a goodarchitect? Howlongdoes it take to become an architect? Doarchitects buildthebuildings they design? Who is considered thefatherofarchitecture? What subjects are important in school topreparetobe an architect? What is a blueprint? Cancomputersdesignbuildings? Why do architects build models? Doarchitects needtoknow a lot about math? What is the differencebetween anarchitectand a designer? Why do architects need tobelicensed?
ARchitecture 1.0.1
Wiz Co., Ltd.
ARchitectureは、ARを使った次世代建築ガイドです。ガイドブックにこのアプリをかざすと、建築物の細部をあらゆる角度から眺めることができ、さらに内部の閲覧までできます。未体験の建築探求をお楽しみください。第1弾は、ル・コルビュジエ設計の「サヴォア邸」です。下記のホームページからガイドブックをダウンロードしてください。,建築,模型,建設,建物ARchitecture is aguidetobuilding the next generation with the AR.If you hold this app guidebook, can be seen from every angleofthebuilding details, you can browse inside until further.Please enjoy the hunting experience building yet.Design of Le Corbusier first step is the "Villa Savoye".Please download the guide from the website below., architecture, model, construction, building