Top 17 Games Similar to Secret Agent Bomb Halo Mission

The Spy Game 1.3.2
The Spy Game is a fun game for 3 up to a maximum of 9 players.Thegame is best played with friends or family together in thesameroom, and if you have a Chromecast the first thing you shoulddo ispush the cast button. The status of the game will be displayedonyour TV! In 'The Spy Game', one of the players is the spy andtheothers have to guess who that is. The spy on the other hand hastoguess where the other players are situated. This is done byaskingquestions to each other. Player 1 asks a question to player 2andwhen player 2 has answered, it's his turn to ask a question.Aplayer is not allowed to ask a question to the player thataskedthe question in the previous turn. To create a game, use the'plus'button, then when all players are joined ('join' button)press the'play' button to start. There is a minimum of 3 playersrequiredbefore you can play. Any player who thinks he knows theanswer canfinish the game with the 'finish' button. To chat toanother playerpress the button with the player name in it or usethe 'chat'button. There is a time limit for each round. After thegame hasbeen started a countdown counter shows the playing timeleft. Whenthe counter reaches 00:00 or someone has ended the gameit's timeto speak out. You have 30 seconds to answer. For eachcorrectanswer you get a point. A scoreboard keeps track of thepoints. Youcan play rounds until the first person reaches a numberof points(for example first to ten points).
bit Dungeon II
Kinto Games LLC
bit Dungeon II is fast action roguelike game with a giantoverworldto explore.
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven 3.2
Hosted Games
Zombies rise again! A sequel to the apocalyptic smash-hitZombieExodus!
Ravensword: Shadowlands 3d RPG 21
Ravensword is a massive 3d Action RPG for Mobile Devices
Battleheart 1.6
Mika Mobile
A unique blend of charming art, simple controls andsurprisingdepth!
Yet Another Pixel Dungeon 0.3.2a+
A Pixel Dungeon mod which significantly improves original game!
SPY KILL:Secret Agent Shoot 2.0
Hi Secret Agent! We want you to be aperfectSPYand complete all missions! Don’t let the bad guys escapeandkillthem all. Don’t be dumb and die. Apply all your pro skillsyoulearntin CIA training in this take-down. Dash througheachobstacle andcomplete your mission!Good luck Agent :)
Prison Escape Jail Breakout 3D 3.1
Prison Escape Jail Breakout 3D simulator, isanaction packed escape plan game, a story about a prisoner whohasbeen put into the City Jail for the crime he has not committedandhas be sentenced life time imprisonment. Fight hard for thefreedomand get rid of this torturing imprisonment, in this epicprisonescape jail breakout maximum-security prison hard timeAlcatrazjail. Hard time is not over yet. In your brutal attackingandknocking down the prisoners, criminals and other gangstersandpolice guards and jail staff and escape your jail breakoutfromtheir counter attacks.Now escape and jail breakout is the only way out from thisprison,all you need is to solve the puzzles, discover hidden tools,mix upand manipulate with the co prisoners and guards and use yourmasterskills to escape from this jail located on an island as thisisyour only chance to prove your innocence as you have alreadyspendthe hard time. Just be careful as the SWAT squad, policewatchdogs, guards on towers, sharp sniper jail shooter guardsandwatchman are on high alert, don’t get yourself caught.Get ready to escape from the Prison and Jail environment as youhavebeen sentenced lifetime imprisonment and it’s a hard time tospendin jail located on a deserted island surrounded with waterand darkjungle. All you need is to break the rules in escape planfrom thishorrific Prison Escape Jail Breakout 3D, use your masterskills toplan an ultimate escape from the jail or do whatever ittakes tofled away. Use your maximum real powers in jailbreak,observationand wisdom to help the prisoner escape from prison. Youspent somealong and hard time in this lockup cell.Show extreme escape and stealth skills to sneak inside jail tohelpyour cell inmates and gang members in this newest PrisonEscapeJail Breakout game. This is an impossible mission but youhave tobe firm and stiff in your objectives. Don’t get caught andspendyour entire life as a fugitive don’t kill anyone or murdercops,jail officer or trained snipers. Escape from the prison is acrimebut you have to prove yourself innocent, so Escape the PrisonandBreak the Jail, be safe as the jail warden and guards are onanalert, with watchdogs all over the place, the guards on towershavespecial search light and sniper sharp shooting skills so don’tgetspotted, be undercover and try to avoid police and otherprisoners,all you need is to build an escape plan and try toindulge somemore prisoners who want to escape, take all your toolsinto yourcell, dodge the guard on the watch and grab the keys, planyourescape and jail break route from the prison.Prison Escape Jail Breakout 3D is all about escaping from thejailand breaking out for survival from the police and borderguardslocated at the prison jail boundaries, you also have to helptheimprisoned inmates in jail breakout and prison escapeplan,escaping from this jail cell is very tough as the guards andjailwarden are patrolling and keeping eagle’s eye through CCTVcamerason all the dangerous prisoners. The security in PrisonEscape JailBreakout is all equipped with heat sensors so its reallyhard toescape from this jail breakout. All you need is to find thetoolshidden in your cell and the special locations of this prisonarea,use some sharp tools to fight with these real police cops andrealjail break prison guards. Make a tricky jail break plan andrescueyour fellow inmates.Show extreme stealth skills to sneak inside jail, try to Dodgethejail and prison guards, cops, police prison dogs, jail breakthesecurity and run as fast as you can to escape this prisonwithTools and Guns can be deadly for Inmates, Criminals &FellowPrisoners because Police Dog can Chase you till heattackyou!Lets begin the escape plan and jail breakout, explore yourpowersand strength and concentration and escape in therightdirection.
Choice of the Ninja 2.2.8
Assassinate the shogun and vanish without a trace! Anepictext-based fantasy.
Overlive: RPG Survival Story 71.0
FireRabbit Inc.
Make 1000s of decisions, train, explore, fight, and escapeyourinfected city!
Cyber Knights RPG 2.9.4
Trese Brothers
Fight, hack and manipulate the mega-corporations for power intheurban shadows!
Free Army Training Academy 1.6
Join as a army officer or commando in army academy to serveyounation and your home land. This game is designed on adifferentconcept from all games this game is learning and lessongame. Inwhich you can learn more than hundred tricks and exercisesafterplayed this game. This training game is designed by focusingtheworlds best armies like US, Russia, Pakistan etc. This gameisbased on the school or academy where you will be trained,afterthis, you will be trained from mantel and physical both. Inthisgame different exercises you have to perform with a soldierinwhich you have interested male or female the exercisesarefollowing Climb on the boxes, perform high jump, pass throughthehurdles, climb on the rope, Ladder Climbing, passing throughfire,grill climbing, prone from net, crawling from pipe, jumpingfromthe cars, etc. Different obstacles are placed in the everylevelyou have to cross through the obstacles to complete the level.Thetime is placed and fixed on every level you have to clear theleveland reach on the destination in given time. In every level madisplaced on different places when you touch this mad the healthofyou solider will be decrease. Pick the health cylinder tofillagain the level. The first character is unlocked and the restofthe soldier will be locked you can unlock them from XPS whichyouwill earn from the level completion or you can simply buy themfromIn-App purchase in just 2.99$. KEY FEATURES: A best armysimulationgame with real military school obstacle course Realisticmilitarytraining with swimming, jumping, stealth, rolling and moreBattleagainst world’s best military forces like USA, Russia,Pakistan.Enjoyable Free Army Training Academy will be updatedconstantly.Please rate and give your feedback for furtherimprovement of thegame.
Operation X - The Agent Game 2.4
Playata GmbH
Operation X is an exciting onlinemultiplayerRPG in which you slip into the role of an internationalagent.Travel through Europe’s cities on the search for informationthatwill help in putting an end to criminal organisations and crimeingeneral. This free RPG offers exciting time, fighting andskillbased missions. Improve your abilities while playing OperationX,rise up in levels and improve your equipment.Following in the footsteps of the main character and thetopagent Solveigh Lang, you’ll join the secret organization ECSBandthus start your career as a spy. In your role as a top spy,you’llfollow hidden clues leading to criminals in order to huntthem downand reveal their identity. On top of that, you can usetrainingfights to compete with other players and climb up the rankstobecome number one. Team up with friends or other agents tofightcrime together or to compete with other agent teams inteamfights.Features:- Over 300.000 players are already enjoying Operation X!- Regular free updates and content- Free to play online MMORPG- Create your individual Agent- 4 different qualities (Fitness, Initiative,Intelligence,Instinct)- Start your own team of agents- Challenge other agents in PvP or team fights- Unveil conspiracies and exciting stories- Easy concept- Appealing graphics in the whole RPG- Real-time events with thousands of playersPlay with thousands of other players and stand out fromthepack!
ММО Стратегия:Войны и Сражения 7.1.0
Самая реалистичная MMO,котораякогда-либопоявлялась в Google Play. Возглавьте армию вмасштабныхмировыхвойнах с использованием совсеменных танков, ракети пехоты.В игре, вы верховный главнокомандующим всей армии. Возьмитевсвоируки защиту своей армии и разгром врагов. ОбъединяйтесьвАльянсы сдрузьями, чтобы представлять более грозную силу наполебоя."ММО Стратегия: Войны и Сражения Онлайн " нетольконаследуетклассические элементы, такие как Oracle танк и Rhinoотпопулярнойигры RedAlert, в которую играли когда-то во всем мире,нои вводитреальные боевые единицы современного мира, такихкакThunderbolt,Wingdrone и Raptor. Более того, он также включаетвсебяфантастический и потрясающий элемент - Hercules! В игренетничегоневозможного! Вы можете найти здесь все то, что вынигдебольше ненайдете.В "ММО Стратегия: Войны и Сражения Онлайн", сраженияпроходятврамках одного сервера среди игроков со всего мира, такихкакКитай,Япония, Южная Корея, Юго-Восточная Азия, Америка иЕвропа.Новая"мировая война" не за горами, время сражаться вместесвашимнародом!Особенности ММО Стратегия: Войны и СраженияОнлайннаAndroid:- Реалистичные сцены, здания и оружие.- Различные военные силы, такие как пехота,танки,реактивныеистребители, боевые вертолеты, ракеты иатомныебомбы.- Сложные интересные задания- Моделирование сражений Второй Мировой Войны- Реалистичный опыт пользователей- Масштабные бои на общем сервере- Спутник-шпион, находящий врагаОсновной игровой процесс ММО Стратегия: ВойныиСраженияОнлайн- Строительство ресурсных и военных зданий в целях развития,- Строительство различных оборонительных сооруженийдляформированиясистемы обороны мирового класса- Разблокируй, и обучай солдат, строй танки, реактивныеистребителиит.д.- Улучшения солдат, танков, реактивных истребителей, и т.д.- Завершайте задания, чтобы ускорить развитие- Опыт второй мировой войны- Используйте спутника-шпиона, чтобы найти врагов, азатемуничтожитьих-----Какие-то проблемы и пожелания? Мы рады получитьотВасфидбек: —---Email: redbattle@mangolee.comVK: mostrealisticMMO,that has ever appeared on Google Play. Lead the armyto scaletheworld wars using sovsemennyh tanks, missiles andinfantry.In the game, you are the Supreme Commander of theentirearmy.Take in your hands the protection of his army anddefeatenemies.Unite in an alliance with friends to pose moreformidableforce onthe battlefield."MMO Strategy: Wars and Battles Online" not onlyinheritstheclassic elements, such as Oracle and Rhino Tank fromthepopulargame RedAlert, in which he played once in the world,butalsointroduces a real combat units of the modern world,suchasThunderbolt, Wingdrone and Raptor. Moreover, it alsoincludesafantastic and awesome element - Hercules! In the game,nothingisimpossible! You can find everything here that you willnotfindanywhere else.In the "MMO Strategy: Wars and Battles Online" battle testedinasingle server with players from around the world, suchasChina,Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, America and Europe.New"WorldWar" is not far off, time to fight alongside yourpeople!Features MMO Strategy: Wars and Battles Online on Android:- Realistic scenes, buildings and weapons.- Various military forces such as infantry, tanks,fighterjets,helicopter gunships, missiles and nuclear bombs.- Sophisticated interesting job- Simulation battles of World War II- Realistic user experience- Large-scale battles on a shared server- Spy satellites, finding the enemyThe basic gameplay MMO Strategy: Wars and Battles Online- Construction of buildings and military resourcedevelopment,- Construction of various defensive structures to formadefensesystem of world-class- Unlock and train soldiers, build tanks, jet fighters, etc.- Improvements soldiers, tanks, jet fighters, etc.- Complete tasks to accelerate the development- Experience in the Second World War- Use a spy satellite to find enemies and then destroy them----- Any problems and wishes? We welcome your fidbek:----Email: redbattle@mangolee.comVK:
Cardinal Quest 2 1.19
Cardinal Quest 2 is a challenging yet approachable roguelike RPG!
Prison Police Chase Jail Break 2.2
Escaping from the prison and breaking jail isareally hard and epic task, the police and the wardens are alertandthe security is tight around the jail cells of some highprofileprisoners, master shooters and snipers have been put on thewatchtowers of the jail prison. Its not easy and hard time toescape andbreak the prison jail.Prison Police Chase Jail Break is a game involving jail break bythecriminals and prison police chase tactics and real simulationofjail escaped criminals. Chasing dangerous criminals and Jailbreakis not an easy task; these criminals can perform counterattack onthe prison police while fleeing and escaping out at thetime of jailbreak. In this way prison police chase and jail breakescape fromjail can become more difficult. The news from thesecurity andundercover agents is that some gangsters and criminalsare planningto for a great escape from the Alcatraz San AndreasCrime City jail.As a jail police detective and warden, feelintriguing to chase andarrest the ruthless criminals and prisonersin jail yard. Give theprisoners and criminals a hard time anddon’t let them escape, putthe jailbreak security tight. Cleversuspect and suspicious prisonerinmate are planning to execute aflawless theft and breakout.As a Prison Police frontline officer you have to be fullcompetentand in charge of a police check post of the jail, punishbad copstaking bribe. Start an intense counter war against theprisonergangsters on cellmate attack. Perform the rigorous coreduty ofprison police, arrest and display your shooting skills. ThisPrisonPolice Chase Jail Break is a game involving prisonjailbreaktactics and real action with police chase simulator. It'stime forthe prison police and guards’ snipers to perform hisrightfulpolice chase jail break simulator duty and keep an eye onallprisoners, criminals and gangsters of San Andreas. Showextremepolice chasing and sniper shooting skills to protect theprisonfrom an intense jail attack counter war in Prison PoliceChase JailBreak the newest combination. As a trained prison policeandcriminal chase expert officer, your duty is to keep an eyeonsuspicious prisoners involved in jail fighting andthreateningother criminals in jail. The security in prison and jailof SanAndreas is on high alert as some of the high profilecriminals havemanaged to jail break the prison cell, police chaseand catch thecriminals, shoot and take a kill shot if the criminalsareattacking you, catch him and send him back to jail.You have been armed with the best sniper shooter gun andtrainedGerman Shepherd sniff police chasing dog to track down anyprisonbreak criminal escaped from the jail. The police securitysquad ofthe prison has to deal with a lot of prisoner chasing.PrisonPolice Chase Jail Break involves angry prisoner, bravepoliceofficer on duty, prison break escape missions and criminalchasing.Your chance of survival depends upon your wisdom andcarefulplanning of a prison break out chase. As a Prison Policefrontlinehunter and chasing jail break prisoners and criminals incitystreets of San Andreas, chase and capture gangsters and bebrutal:hitting with electric stick and attacking with knife is notenough.Get sniper rifle and shoot criminals armed with machineguns.Perform the duty as a prison police officer with gutsandskills.
Alien Invasion Adventure 3D 1.0.1
Boris Tsarkov
The Alien War left chaos and destruction.