Top 20 Apps Similar to Shoppiday – Tu app de Cashback

iGraal : Codes promo & Cashback 3.8.5
iGRAAL VOUS REVERSE DE L’ARGENT SURVOTRESHOPPING EN LIGNE !Avec le cashback iGraal, vous êtes remboursé jusqu'à -70% survosachats chez plus de 1500 marchands tels que : Fnac, Asos,LaRedoute,, Sephora, Booking, Zalando, Sarenza...vousprofitez également de bons plans et de codes promoexclusifs!COMMENT GAGNER DE L’ARGENT AVEC LE CASHBACK iGRAAL ?Recherchez votre marchand, activez le cashback, et effectuezvotreachat directement dans l'application iGraal. Votre cashbackestensuite crédité sur votre compte iGraal, et dès 20€ vouspouvezdemander un virement bancaire ou Paypal.Le cashback est valable toute l’année et même pendant lessoldes!AVEC L’APPLICATION iGRAAL :Gagnez de l’argent et faites des économies sur votre shoppingenligne- grâce au cashback et aux hausses de cashback- grâce aux codes promo et bons plans- en parrainant vos amis et en déposant des avis survosachats- grâce aux nouvelles offres quotidiennes et personnaliséesNe manquez aucun bon plan- en parcourant nos 1500 marchands partenaires (mode,voyage,high-tech…)- en sauvegardant vos offres préférées dans votre wishlist pourlesutiliser plus tard- en ajoutant vos marchands préférés à l’onglet “Favoris” pouryaccéder rapidement- en activant les notifications pour être prévenu desnouvellesoffres et hausses de cashback de vos marchandsfavorisSuivez l’activité de votre compte iGraal- en étant notifié quand vos gains arrivent sur votre compte- en étant prévenu quand vous pouvez demander le paiement devosgains- en suivant l’évolution des membres que vous avez parrainéILS ADORENT iGRAAL“ Passer commande via iGraal et se voir rembourser une partieduprix de son achat. J’adore ! Le choix des marchands est trèsvarié,et l'on découvre des sites sur lesquels on n’aurait peutêtrejamais acheté.”- Aurélie V.“ J'utilise iGraal principalement dans un cadre professionnelpourmes réservations d’hôtels. Mes virements iGraal sontponctuels(Plus de 500€ en 6 mois). Bravo à toute l'équipe et ausérieux dusite. ”- Jean-Christophe B.RESTONS EN CONTACTRendez-vous sur notre site : www.igraal.comSuivez nous sur Facebook et Twitter : des news, des tests, des bons plans et astucesshoppingsur notre blog : questions/suggestions concernant l’application ? Contacteznousvia apps@igraal.comDétail des permissions demandées par l’application iGraal :* Voir l'état et l'identité du téléphone : pour nous permettredemieux cibler les bugs ou crashes de l’application. Ces donnéessonttoujours anonymes.* Recevoir des données depuis Internet & bénéficier d'unaccèscomplet au réseau : pour pouvoir afficher les offres et vosdonnéesde compte iGraal* Afficher les connexions réseau & afficher les connexionsWi-Fi: pour pouvoir fonctionner sans connexion internet* Utiliser des comptes sur l’appareil : pour pouvoir se connecter/s’inscrire via Facebook ou Google* Empêcher la mise en veille de l’appareil : éviter quel’écrans’éteigne pendant la navigation* Lire le contenu de la mémoire de stockage USB & Modifierousupprimer le contenu de la mémoire de stockage USB : pourpouvoirsauvegarder vos données de compte iGraal sur votreappareilConformément à nos conditions générales et à la licenceprogicieliGraal, vos données personnelles restent anonymes et nesont pasutilisées à des fins commerciales et / ou dereciblagepublicitaire.REVERSE iGraal YOUMONEYON YOUR ONLINE SHOPPING!With cashback iGraal, you are reimbursed up to 70% on yourpurchasesat more than 1500 merchants such as Fnac, Asos, LaRedoute,, Sephora, Booking, Zalando, Sarenza also enjoy... tipsand exclusive coupon codes!HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH iGraal CASHBACK?Search for your dealer, activate the cashback, and makeyourpurchase directly in the iGraal application. Your cashback isthencredited to your account iGraal, and from 20 € you can ask abanktransfer or PayPal.The cashback is available all year and even during the sales!WITH APPLICATION iGraal:Earn money and save on your online shopping- thanks to the cashback and increases cashback- thanks to coupon codes and deals- by referring your friends and depositing opinions onyourpurchases- with new daily and personalized offersDo not miss any good plan- 1500 by browsing our merchant partners (fashion, travel,high-tech...)- by saving your favorite offers in your wishlist forfutureuse- by adding your favorite merchants in the "Favorites" tab forquickaccess- by enabling the notifications to be notified of new offersandcashback increases favorite merchantsFollow the activity of your account iGraal- by being notified when your earnings reach your account- being warned when you can ask for payment of your winnings- following the evolution of the members you referTHEY LOVE iGraal"Place Order via iGraal and be reimbursed for part of the priceofpurchase. I just love it ! The choice of dealers is verydiverse,and we discover the sites where we would be ever bought."- Aurélie V."I use iGraal mainly in a professional setting for myhotelreservations. My iGraal transfers are punctual (More than 500€ in6 months). Congratulations to the team and seriousness of thesite."- Jean-Christophe B.KEEP IN TOUCHVisit our website: www.igraal.comFollow us on Facebook and Twitter: news, tests, tips and tricks shopping on ourblog: / suggestions on the application? Contact usviaapps@igraal.comDetailed permissions requested by the app iGraal:* View the status and identity of the phone: to allow us tobettertarget bugs or crashes the application. These data arealwaysanonymous.* Receive data from the Internet & enjoy full access tothenetwork: to display bids and account data iGraal* View Network Connections & view Wi-Fi connections: tooperatewithout internet connection* Use accounts on the device: to be able to log in / registerviaFacebook or Google* Block standby of the apparatus: to prevent the display turnsoffwhile browsing* Read the contents of the USB storage & Edit or deletethecontents of the USB storage: in order to save your iGraalaccountdata on your deviceIn accordance with our terms and conditions and the softwarelicenseiGraal, your personal data remain anonymous and are notused forcommercial purposes and / or retargeting.
Pay4Vend 11.36
The innovative app to buy on vending machines
PowerPlanet-Solo cosas chulis 1.27.14
Power Planet
Buy at the best price and with Shipping from Spain.Electroniconline store.
myWorld 6.1.7 myWorld
Money back with every purchase, whether you're shopping in storeoronline!
Bitsa is the new way to buy without being tied to a bankaccount,noworries, no strings attached! 👉Create your free virtualcardororder your plastic card directly from the App. EnjoyarechargeableVISA prepaid card with which you can safely buyonlineor at anystore, withdraw cash at ATMs, make transfers, getcashbackandexclusive benefits, and control all your expenses fromthe sameAppat the click of a button. And as if this were notenough,financialfreedom is also a thing for young people. Withinthe Appyou canalso request a Bitsa young: the prepaid card foryoungpeople from14 to 17 years old. ADVANTAGES OF HAVING A BITSACARD?❌🏦 NO BANKACCOUNT It doesn't matter if you don't have abankaccount. Anyonecan request Bitsa. We are the alternativetotraditional financialinstitutions. No ties, no maintenancecosts.💳🌟 CONTACTLESS Takeadvantage of contactless technology(paymentwithout contact) tobuy and pay for all kinds of everydaypurchases,instantly andsecurely, in millions of stores around theworld. 🔒SECURE ONLINESHOPPING Enjoy an unrivaled advance inpaymentsecurity in onlinepurchases with Verified by Visa, thefastest,safest and mostguaranteed way to make your purchasesonline. 🤳CONTROL YOUREXPENSES AND RECHARGE EASILY With the BitsaCardprepaid card youonly spend what you recharge, alwayscontrollingeverything fromyour App. Gain peace of mind when youtravel abroador when youhave to recharge your daughter's Bitsayoung forunforeseen events.And as we have already mentioned, youhave amultitude ofrecharging methods at your disposal. 👫 SEPATRANSFERSAND BETWEENBITZERS Make any type of payment to anyfinancial entitybelongingto the European Single Market area, withthe same ease,speed andsecurity as national payments. Furthermore,transfersbetween Bitsaclients are instantaneous. Very comfortablewhenpaying for adinner with friends or a common gift. 📲💸 BUY FROMFROMTHE CAMERAON YOUR MOBILE PHONE Pay with our innovativepaymentmethod called"Bitsa Pay". You simply have to click on theBitsa Paybutton inthe app, scan the QR code provided by the sellerand yourpaymentwill automatically be made! In addition to beingmorecomfortable,it is much safer, since you will not need toprovideanyinformation on your card. 📞📩 PERSONALIZED ATTENTIONBitsa'ssupportteam will be happy to answer any questions orconcerns. Weoffercustomer service 7 days a week in Spanish, EnglishandItalian. HOWDOES THE BITSA APP WORK? 1⃣ Request your virtualorplastic BITSAdirectly from the App; 2⃣ If you already have aBITSA,add andactivate the card from the App and start enjoyingitsadvantages.3⃣ Control the expenses and the details of allthetransactions youcarry out each month. Set budgets, spend onlywhatyou plan tospend. 4⃣ Withdraw cash at ATMs or in thousandsofstores using acashout pin. Find the closest points on the map.5⃣Recharge BITSAwith vouchers, cryptocurrencies or transfers .Findthe nearestvouchers points of sale or add other cards totransfermoney fromone to another, all from the same App. 🤔 What areyouwaiting for?Join the community of people who already use Bitsatotravel, buy,send or receive money from anywhere in the world! 🤝🌎
Norstatpanel 4.1.0
The Norstatpanel app makes answering surveys easier andquickerthanever before. Note: In order to use this app you have tobeanexisting panel member. By using the app, you willreceivesurveyscustomized for mobile format. The surveys willgenerallybeshorter, and more fit for tablets and phones than theonesyounormally receive via e-mail. When you start using the appyouwillquickly discover that it is really easy to use, and providesaniceoverview of the surveys currently available to you, aswellashandy shortcuts to redeeming your points andreceivingincentives.As a panel member, you can of course alwayscontactpanel supportif you have any questions, comments or with togive usfeedback onthe app. Norstat is sole responsible owner ofbothnorstatpanel.comand this app, and guarantees your anonymity andthequality of thesurveys, independently of in which channel youchooseto answersurveys.
QuieroLibros: used books 2.9.20
Trophy Lab
Application to buy / sell books. Sells almost automatically.
Sessia 1.22.111
Sessia is the top cashback app that gives instant cashbackbonusesnot only for your purchases, but also for your friends'purchases.It's easy to earn cashback on your groceries and dailyshopping -hundreds of stores, restaurants, and other retailbusinesses nowoffer Sessia users their best prices. You'll also bethe first toknow about discounts, rewards, shopping deals, coupons,specialoffers, and bonuses straight from Sessia's feed. Findingretailstores to earn cashback rewards is easy. Simply use theintegratedmap to find Sessia partner stores near you. Once you'vefinishedshopping and are ready to pay, present your Sessia QR codeto thecashier at checkout. You can choose to pay directly fromyourpayment source linked to your Sessia account, or from yourSessiacashback earnings wallet. Sessia has taken cash rewards tonextlevel by introducing a social element: invite your friends andearncash back on their purchases as well as your own. The morefriendsyou invite, the more cash back you earn. You and yourfriends canalso earn extra bonuses when shopping at the same store.Shopping,eating out, and having fun with friends has never beensorewarding. Sessia is not only the app that pays you back, it'salsothe safest shopping rewards app to offer cash back.Next-generationblockchain technology protects your data andtransactions frommalicious intent. All of your transactions areanonymouslyencrypted, so you can rest at ease while you earncashback rewardsand get money back after shopping. Here are justsome of the waysyou can use Sessia to shop, save, and earn rewards:- Discoverexclusive supermarket offers on the newsfeed - Inviteyour friendsand earn cash back from their purchases - Earn cashbackautomatically from cafes, bars, and restaurants - Shop andearncash back rewards at stores, malls, and online shops - Getcashback every time you shop with Sessia's partners - Start savingonbeauty products, salons, spas, and massages - Find cash backdealsfor fitness clubs, gyms, yoga centers, and more Smart shoppingwithSessia is not limited to cash back megabonuses.Sessia'sconveniently integrated marketplace will help you find thebestoffers and place mobile orders with automatic checkout. Youcancheck new promotions and coupon deals in the newsfeed, thenquicklyshop and earn rewards. Also, you can withdraw your cashbackearnings to your connected payment source from Sessia'sintegratedwallet quickly and easily. Turn your money spent in thestore backinto cash. Amp up your cash back for extra spendingmoney, or saveyour cashback and watch your savings grow. Otherdiscount apps andcoupon apps don't offer this level of integration,accessibility,ease of use, and security. You'll soon discover thatSessia is thecashback app that can unite rewards with a socialaspect, all whileprotecting you with safe blockchain technology.Sessia’s cashbackservice is already available in 6 countries andaccepted byhundreds of retailers and businesses around the world.Travel withus, and get your cash back anywhere it's convenient foryou!
Smarty.Sale - cash back 1.4.2
Get back up to 50% from the amount of an order in yourfavoriteshops.
MS Manager 1.36.1
eFolix SARL
Manage your MicroStore
Bonusway 1.9.6
Bonusway Oy
Download the app and start earning cashback on all youronlinepurchases!
Sign up new loyal customers and record transactions with MTERM
Spendesk 2.37.1
Smart, trackable spending.
Nuri (ex Bitwala) 2.1.33
Nuri GmbH
Nuri — a bank account to invest, save and grow yourmoney. Makeinvesting a breeze: Nuri is the app to manage,save and growyourmoney. Invest in cryptocurrencies, create savingsplans &earn upto 5% interest per year on Bitcoin directly froma Germanbankaccount. Show-stopping Visa debit card included. Asimple wayto saveand invest from one app. Open your account inunder 7minutes today.Know you should be investing but don’t knowwhere tostart? Nuri canmake investing a reality for anyone, evenif you’rejust startingout. Join over 250,000 investors and letNuri guidethe way to newfinancial opportunities. A lookinside:  ONEAPP TO SAVE  •Worry-free investing withSavings Plans: nomore confusion about whento invest — buyrecurring amounts ofcrypto on your ownschedule.  • Savingsplans are the easiestway to make investingin cryptocurrencies partof your routine.
 ONE APP TO INVEST •Buy and sell bitcoin andether withinminutes, 24/7. • Earn up to 5%interest per year withthe BitcoinInterest Account. • Track yourwealth with customisablepricecharts. • Manage all your investmentsin a single view.•Transparent 1% trading fee with no hiddensurprises
 ONE APPTOSPEND • Equipped with a Visa debit card thatoffers unlimitedATMwithdrawals worldwide. • Make SEPA transfers andpay yourbills,rent or shopping. • Manage & track your dailyspendingseasily.• Use your debit card anywhere at millions oflocationsworldwide -your favourite shop or takeout is waiting.
WITH NURI,YOU’RE INCONTROL • Lock or unlock your debit cardanytime. • FullGermanEuro bank account with your personal IBAN. •Your choicebetweensecure wallets: beginner or advancedcryptocurrency wallets.•Biometric authorisation features that putsecurity in thefrontseat.  Your bank account is hosted bySolarisbank andyourdeposits are protected by the German DepositScheme. Your moneyissafe with us.
EXANTE Trading 4.11.3
EXANTE mobile trading platform provides instant accesstoallfinancial markets and instruments available fromasinglemulti-currency account. With EXANTE trading applicationyouareonly two clicks away from the 24/7 full control of yourfunds.Makeorders and monitor your account at lightning speed, rightfromyourdevice. Try out trading on real markets with a freedemoaccount.EXANTE mobile platform features: — Real-time quotes—Tradingstocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, cryptocurrencyandhedgefunds from a single account — Quick access to aliveaccountsummary — Current orders monitoring management —Advancedchartingpackage with professional technical analysis tools— 24/7freecustomer support. EXANTE is a next generationinvestmentcompanythat provides access to a variety of financialservicesoninternational markets. As a fully licensed andregulatedEuropeanbroker, EXANTE offers online trading on over 50+marketsincludingNYSE, NASDAQ, CBOE, MOEX, Euronext Group. Dynamictradingtools,extensive IT infrastructure with over 750 servers makeEXANTEapowerful industry leader.
VIABUY 3.0.0
The VIABUY account with prepaid Mastercard card isanindependentalternative to traditional bank accounts with debitorcredit card.Join more than one million happy customers andtakefull controlover your funds and financial data. Opening yourVIABUYaccount isfast and easy. Simply enter your data, verify yourmobilephonenumber and your card will be personalised and shippedthenextbusiness day. •No bank account required, no credit check•Noproofof income, no salary slips •Online verification withnearly100%acceptance rate for EU residents •Premium card designwithnodifference to conventional credit cards Whether you arelookingforan alternative to a traditional bank account or creditcard,wantto safeguard your personal bank details with aseparatepaymentcard, or just aim for managing personal budgets –VIABUYcomes witha lot of benefits and uses: •Manage your financeswithouthassleand without borders. •Shop online and pay worldwide atover40million merchants accepting Mastercard – alwaysmonitoringyourspending with our instant notifications. •Manage yourmoney onthego using secure in-app data access with authenticationviapasswordor fingerprint. •Load your account via domestic/SEPAbanktransferor choose one of many alternative payment methodsincl.instantloading options. •Load and pay 100% secure – we’ve gotyoucoveredwith zero liability in case of card fraud. •Use VIABUYasafully-functional account for receiving your salary,withanaccount-specific IBAN for SEPA transfers. •Minimise theriskoflosing cash while traveling or studying abroad byloadingtheVIABUY account safely and securely from the app. •Planyourtravelbudget in advance and take advantage of favorableexchangeratesand secure online bookings. •Play online games andpaydiscreetly,assured in the knowledge that you are protectedfromabuse. •Stopworrying about overspending, credit fees ordebtculture – yourprepaid account comes without any form of loanorcredit. •Sendmoney from VIABUY account to VIABUY accountinreal-time and forfree. •In case of any questions our emailandphone support serviceis available, in addition to ourcustomerself-service. Downloadyour VIABUY app today and make sureto keepyour personal financesat your own fingertips. Who we areVIABUY, abrand of CrosscardS.A., is one of Europe's most popularconsumerprepaid cardsolutions. As a fast-growing Europeanfintech,Crosscard offersinnovative e-money and payment cardsolutions forcustomers andbusinesses. With an e-money accountincluding assignedIBAN forincoming and outgoing bank transfers,online bankingfeatures andan acceptance rate of nearly 100% for EUresidents,VIABUY is notonly a well-established prepaid cardsolution but areal bankaccount and credit card alternative forunbanked peopleandconsumers with bad credit history, too. ©CrosscardS.A.(Crosscard). All rights reserved. Crosscard S.A.,26-28, RueEdwardSteichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Crosscardisauthorisedfor the issuing of electronic money by theCommissiondeSurveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF),Luxembourg(B215831).VIABUY® is a registered trademark of Crosscard.VIABUYMastercardprepaid credit cards are issued by Crosscardpursuant tolicense byMastercard International Incorporated.Mastercard® andtheMastercard symbol are registered trademarksofMastercardInternational Incorporated.
Lyconet 3.2.1 (20230707152834)
Have your Shopping Network with you, any time, any place!
Sampleo 3.0.85
Webedia Creators
Test products, become a brand ambassador and give your opinion!
appinio - compare your opinion 5.0.32
# WHAT'S YOUR OPINION?Compare your stance on any topic to thousands of people - thenewestbuzz, politics, celebrities, sports, fashion, whateveryou've alwayswondered. Just tap on an answer and immediately seehow thousands ofpeople voted on the same poll.# CREATE ANONYMOUS POLLSCreate anonymous polls yourself and get hundreds of answerswithinminutes. appinio is the go-to for getting super quickfeedback onyour most pressing question. No one can see what youanswered orwho created the poll. Your opinion is anonymous.# LEVEL UP AND EARN VOUCHERSLevel up, earn badges, and climb up in the leaderboard witheverypoll answered. Earn appinio coins and exchange them forhighquality vouchers. For many surveys you answer, appiniowillautomatically donate to charity projects. Doing good has neverbeenthis easy. Bored? Just answer a few questions, earn moneyandsupport charity! Polling 100 people has never been this fast.Justconduct your own little market research in minutes.This app is free of ads!If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would it be?Dog or cat?Should I spend my vacation in Hawaii or Florida?Patriots or 49ers?Will the GOP ever recover from Trump?Have you ever experienced X?Which pair of shoes?Chill at home or go out with friends?
MicroStore 2.19.5
eFolix SARL
MicroStore is a tool designed for professional fashionbuyers,workclosely with your suppliers from London,Cifa,FashionCenter,Voltaire, Lem888, Popincourt, Sentier or Italy,Spain,Germany,Belgium, Turky, Brazil etc. The App is accessiblethroughanauthorized access by your supplier whose stock ofexhibitedgoodsare synchronized in real time with the actual stockofsupplier. ifyou need assistance or any other help, do nothesitateto contactour technical team via (bottom and topof thepage) **Our service ** - Personalized Training Service - Tipsfordigitalsales - Technical assistant from 9:30 to 18:30