Top 16 Games Similar to 仙逾ol 初涉凡塵

仙逾OL 仙魔大亂鬥 10.0.0
====【遊戲介紹】====《仙逾OL》是一款大型角色扮演仙俠類手遊,該遊戲以變身和語音為特點,將給玩家帶來無與倫比的刺激體驗。在遊戲中,玩家可以通過做任務,提升等級,衝擊排行榜,加入幫派,與同道中人一起鑄造屬於你的不朽神話。遊戲獨有的語音聊天功能,解放雙手、輕鬆語音群聊,打破傳統社交,真正的溝通無障礙唷!====【神獸系統】====《仙逾OL》神獸系統,神獸又是蝦米?熊貓俠又是蝦米?介面上的“變”字又是蝦米?變身後又會如何?啊哈!接下來就給各位詳細解釋一下!首先神獸是《仙逾OL》遊戲中的一個亮點,又是自己的寵物同時也可以變化成他的形態,變化形態後玩家將擁有神獸的技能,輔助玩家提高在日常任務中衝鋒陷陣殺敵斬妖等能力,同時隨著提升元神和進化,神獸也會變得更強,我們可以通過修煉神獸元神和進化,將擁有更彪悍、更強大、更帥氣的形態和能力,神獸是非常好玩非常贊的玩法。神獸進階一共有八個形態分別為:一階熊貓俠、二階布袋仙、三階孫小空、四階青天獸、五階猿在天、六階豬大仙、七階牛魔王、八階霸王獸。至於進階的材料如何獲得?趕緊和《仙逾OL》的仙友們一起探索吧!Facebook粉絲團※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另設有付費道具,請進入遊戲體驗========[Game Description]"Over Sin OL" is a large-scale role-playing tour Xian Xia hand,thegame is to transform and voice features, players willbringunparalleled stimulation experience. In the game, players candothe task, enhance the level, the impact of rankings, joingangs,and fellow human cast together your own immortalitymyth.Unique game voice chat feature, hands free, easy voice groupchat,breaking the traditional social, real communication barrieryo![] ==== ==== Animal system"Over Sin OL" animal systems, the animal is shrimp? Panda Man istheshrimp? "Change" on the interface is the shrimp? How willtransformlater? Aha! Then give you a detailed explanation!First, the animal is "fairy over OL" game in a bright spot,butalso their pets but also can be changed to his form, changeshapeafter the player will have animal skills, assist players toimprovein their daily tasks strikes kills the demon andothercapabilities,With the upgrading of the soul at the same time and evolution,theanimal will become stronger, we can practice the animal soulandevolution, will have a more sturdy, more powerful, morehandsomeshape and ability, the animal is very fun very praiseplay.A total of eight animal Advanced form are as follows:Panda Man first order, second order bag cents, third SUNXiao-empty,blue sky beast Fourth Order,Five bands ape in the day, sixth-order swine marching, sevenbandscattle devil, eight bands King beast.As advanced materials how to get? Quickly and "fairy overOL"faithful cents to explore together!Facebook fans:※ game content involving minor violence, part of the role ofdressexposed.※ hierarchical management approach according to the game, thisgame,supplemented by 12: 12 years old or more.※ This game is free to use, the game has paid other props,pleaseenter the gaming experience
格斗无双OL(武侠版) 1.3.6
2015全新顶尖手游,横版武侠格斗游戏,乱世武林为背景,古典画风,小说剧情,精雕场景细节,华丽连续技,酷炫浮空击,武功绝学,终极装备,由你掌控的江湖故事…创作者,完美再现动作格斗游戏的精髓。【故事背景】力拔山兮气盖世,风云起兮霸王逝。群雄并起,笑傲江湖的武侠时代。【游戏主角】羿剑:剑魂之刃-闯天涯,高攻击多血量的豪爽大侠。技能:破云斩,天旋斩,天残剑,烈焰踢。花魁:仙灵-轮斩天下恩怨,高攻速高暴击的江湖小妹。技能:旋转击,扫叶腿,飞鸟击,天雷震。岳枪:天神戰-岳家枪,攻击远防御高的义气侠客。技能:无影枪,天雷枪,龙突枪,狂风枪。【游戏特色】※畅快全屏,必杀技“十步杀一人,千里不留痕。”※十足操控,打击感堪比街机体验!※各派弟子,各种大侠与你并肩作战!※三大职业,强力、稳健、迅捷总有适合你的!※完美剧情,带你穿越江湖中的儿女情长!【关注我们】Facebook:官方网站: new top handtravel,horizontal version of martial arts fighting game,Chaos martial arts background, classical style, fictionstory,Carved scenes details, gorgeous combos, cool floating strike,Martial arts secret, the ultimate equipment, your control ofriversand lakes story ...Creators, the perfect reproduction of the essence of theactionfighting game.[Background Story]Air force Nukiyama Come guise, the situation from the XiKingpassed away.Warlords, the era of martial arts Swordsman.Games protagonist]Yi sword:Blade Soul Calibur - Wild Search, forthright attack high bloodofmany heroes.Skills: broken cloud cut, rotary cut day, day Canjianflameskick.Courtesan:Faerie - round the world cut scores, high attack speed highcritarena sister.Skills: rotating strike, sweeping leg leaves, birds strike,thunderdays.Yue gun:God of war - loyalty to the gun, attack defense is farhigherloyalty knight.Skills: shadowless guns, tenrai gun, gun dragon sudden, thewindgun.[Game Features]※ carefree full-screen, nirvana "ten steps to kill oneperson,thousands of miles without leaving traces."※ full control, the fight against flu comparablearcadeexperience!※ factions disciples, all kinds of heroes on your side!※ three occupations, a strong, robust, fast there is somethingforyou!※ perfect story, takes you through the lakes of their love!Follow usFacebook: https: // website: https: //
修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔天龙者,梦幻西游剑缘仙魂 4.1.00
【2016最受期待魔幻ARPG手游《修罗召唤》!】【端游移植,打造电影级画面!】【实时在线PK!千人城战让你战个痛快!】2015超暗黑巨作《修罗召唤》手游,火热上线!经典的RPG+ACT结合操作模式,Unity3D引擎打造极致视觉享受,视效盛宴等你来体验!首次进入游戏会有奖励更新,请耐心等候资源更新完成《修罗召唤》是一款3D动作ARPG欧美暗黑风格手游,由Unity3D引擎打造。多线英雄角色培养、丰富人物养成、绚酷的技能表现、特色的地下城战斗带来无比的感染力与代入感,多角色战斗中灵活的切换与搭配为你展现其创新的玩法、丰富的游戏系统给你带来无与伦比的游戏体验!客服反馈【小贴士】若您进入游戏时出现当机或无法更新等异常状况,请您检查设备的剩余存储空间是否大于300M。若依然无法解决,请您通过以下方式联系客服。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘,大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨===游戏说明===※三大英雄 - 重启颠覆想象的暗黑神魔录!※自由战斗 - 最爽快的全方位无锁定攻击!※丰富关卡 - 斗天庭、战阎王,神鬼妖魔皆杀!※万人攻城 - 团队竞技合作,突出战略攻击部署!※无限Combo - 超华丽技能,尽享秒杀快感!※绚丽神武 - 尽斩上古妖魔,决战苍穹!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。三打白骨一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!===特色玩法介绍===※美宠神兽亲密相伴!随主人一起冒险,悉心培养,还能增加各种属性。※妖塔凶险异常,每一层都有不同特点的敌人,考验角色实力,奖励丰富!※经脉洞府、野外夺宝、斗神殿等PVP玩法,用你悉心培养的角色碾碎对手,称霸神榜吧!※丰富的动态任务,每天都有新乐子!世界BOSS、节日活动等特色玩法,彻底告别枯燥重复。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘※攻城战、帮派大战引发团队PK对战狂潮!用优秀策略与默契配合击退敌人吧!神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!===鬼武英雄推荐===※鬼姬——黑暗中的美艳杀手:鬼姬善用长鞭,手起鞭落处见血封喉,是战场上可怕的死神。斩将杀敌,千里不留行,精通各种毒术,召唤毒蛇攻击敌人,女神天痕可怕的绝望之拥技能将给予对手致命一击。修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※战神——近战远攻兼备标志性的长刀,刀刀见血。女神天痕强大生存能力,同时掌握锋利长刀和帅气飞刀两种武技,擅长用杀戮的快感阐释完美暴力美学。极致的连击、帅气的残影剑法,这些只有战神才能掌控的住。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘,女神天痕大话西游,唐僧悟空修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※牛魔——威武难撼的猛将牛魔血厚防高,单体攻击强劲,拥有令人生畏的力量。每一次挥舞手中的杀戮拳套都是在施展死亡之舞。淋漓尽致的展现出其可怕的攻击力和破坏能力!神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘大话西游,唐僧悟空修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空客服反馈
醉夢仙靈 10.0.0
Ztla Game
江湖不是八面玲瓏、左右逢源,俠肝義膽、兒女情長才是男人本色。近兩年,Q版仙俠RPG開山之作《醉夢仙靈》以其完美的遊戲品質,吸引了無數仙俠愛好者的加入。======寶寶養成系統======《醉夢仙靈》的“寶寶”模式可謂是開創了手遊史上的新篇章。更多的是強調大量的時間消耗來強化自身,婚後的夫婦可以生育“寶寶”作為愛情的結晶。並不需要大把的時間,即便沒有上線,“寶寶”也能健康的成長。這種設定一定程度上解放了玩家的時間,僅僅利用空餘碎片化的時間,也可享受端遊既視感的體驗。======寶寶進階系統======“寶寶”模式不僅僅是穩固情侶玩家的一紙束縛,高等級的“寶寶”在戰場上也能夠發揮出不小的實力。不同於普通遊戲的坐騎和寵物,《醉夢仙靈》中的“寶寶”屬於情侶玩家二人共同所有,離婚時則由《醉夢仙靈》高級天庭法院來進行撫養權歸屬的判決。而單身玩家也不必太過傷感,領養模式也會陸續的開啟。鑒於《醉夢仙靈》中男女比例接近1:1的事實,沒有找到女朋友的男玩家得好好的反思自己的“語音聊天”是否過於粗暴了。“用聲音玩手遊”——《醉夢仙靈》情話連篇,Riversandlakes are not smooth and slick, resourceful, chivalrous, theirloveis the man character. The past two years, as the Q version ofXianXia RPG pioneer "Zuimeng Faerie" with its perfect quality ofthegame, has attracted numerous fans Xian Xia added.====== ====== Baby develop systems"Zuimeng Faerie" and "Baby" mode can be called to create anewchapter in the history of mobile games. More emphasisonconsumption of a lot of time to strengthen itself, marriedcouplescan give birth "baby" as the love of the crystal. Does notrequirea lot of time, even if not on the line, "Baby" can also growuphealthy. This set a certain extent, the liberation of theplayer'stime, using only the fragmentation of spare time, but alsocanenjoy the end of the tour déjà vu experience.Advanced System ====== ====== baby"Baby" mode is not just a solid couple of players tied a pieceofpaper, a high level of "Baby" on the battlefield but also canplaya big strength. Unlike ordinary game mounts and pets,"ZuimengFaerie" in the "baby" is a couple of players to the twojointlyowned by "Zuimeng Faerie" High Court for the judgment ofheavenbelongs divorce custody. The singles players are not toosad,adoption pattern will gradually open. Given the "ZuimengFaerie" inthe male to female ratio close to 1: 1 of the facts, didnot find agirlfriend's male players have to properly reflect ontheir own"voice chat" is too rude."With sound play hand tour" - "Zuimeng Faerie" love, then talk,
仙府傳奇 成就你的仙俠傳奇 12.0.3
【遊戲介紹】《仙府傳奇》 2015封神題材MMORPG掌上遊戲。極致精美的仙幻世界,華麗奪目的技能特效、精彩紛呈的故事情節、痛快淋漓的戰鬥畫面,帶你領略一場真神之力的震撼!遊戲中構思巧妙、平衡獨立的特色系統,伴你體驗一場“以一己之力,抵抗三界之亂”的激爽仙府之旅。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>【寵物系統】高富帥看這裡!你們大顯身手的機會來了,身為高富帥的主人,手中的寵物一定也不會是屌絲寵。趕快亮出你們的真本事,培養稀有名寵!【放縱戰鬥 三段式PK系統】和平模式:殺戮非我所願,但正義在我一邊!戰鬥模式:放縱殺意,一戰到底!“你情我願”的戰鬥即刻開啟!屠殺模式:戰鬥無需理由!不問理由不問身世,也許這才是戰鬥的本源?三段式PK系統,你更鍾情於哪一段?更多精彩內容,快和眾仙一起體驗《仙府傳奇》吧【聯繫我們】粉絲團將不定時公佈遊戲攻略和好康活動~馬上就到粉絲團按讚吧!!官方粉絲團:【溫馨提示】※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供虛擬遊戲幣購買等付費服務.請注意遊戲時間,防止沉迷。Game description"Immortals Legend" theme MMORPG Gods 2015 handheld games.Ultimate beautiful fairy magic world, gorgeous eye-catchingspecialeffects skills, brilliant story, stirring battle screen,bring youa taste of the power of God in a shock! Game ingeniousbalanceindependent characteristics of the system, with yourexperience a"single-handedly resist the chaos the Three Realms"Zest immortalstrip.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[Pet System]Rich handsome look here! Your chance to show their talents, andasrich handsome owner, in the hands of pet certainly will not betheCock wire pet. Quickly showed your true ability to cultivaterarename pet!Three-indulgence battle PK [System]Peace Mode: killing my wish, but just on my side!Battle Mode: indulgence kill, a war in the end, "I wish youlove,"the battle instantly open!!Massacre mode: fighting without reason do not ask no questionsaskedpersonal life, perhaps this is the origin of thebattle!?Three-PK system, you are more in love which section?More exciting content, fast and immortal experiencethe"immortals Legend" itContact usFans will not regularly publish Raiders game and goodiesactivities- fans immediately went to press like it !!Official fan group:※ hierarchical management approach according to game software,thissoftware, supplemented by 12: people over the age of 12 mayonlyuse.※ This game is free to use, and the other provides a virtualgamecurrency to buy the game and other paid services. Please notethatthe game time, to prevent addicted.
萌仙訣 全民選美時代 1.1.1
Ztla Game
《萌仙訣》酷炫的百變造型、火爆的大型國戰、刺激的PK戰場、高品質的變聲語聊等。遊戲內能看到顛覆傳統概念角色,相信必將會給你無與倫比的指尖體驗。近百種變化的造型任您挑選,玩遊戲,也能風格百變;大型幫戰系統,讓你手機上也能體驗到PC端那種酣暢的戰鬥快感;團戰、國戰系統,我們的城池,就要靠大家一起團結才能攻下來。===特色玩法===★語音交流真人實時語音聊天,丟棄鍵盤,丟棄打字時間,交流無障礙,一邊聊天一遍打遊戲,樂趣多多,萌系MM跟你聊不停。★貼心萌寵可愛百變萌寵一路副本伴你走,一起幹架,一起發呆,一起看風景,最忠實的仙旅夥伴。★炫酷技能畫面特效,刻畫了一個讓人熱血噴張的仙俠世界。超爽全技能攻擊,超強套裝搭配,帶來前所未有的自由體驗!★多職業選擇力士,驅魔,刺客,三種職業任你挑選,人,魔,妖,三種陣營隨你加入,選擇一種職業讓你熱血到底。★精彩任務日常、經驗、精英、金錢、神魄等個性探秘任務的存在,不僅讓你玩的爽,更是充滿了刺激的挑戰和溫馨的交互過程。更多資訊更多精彩活動可以關注我們Facebook粉絲頁得知哦,好禮免費等你來拿哦!粉絲團貼心提示===※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色穿著輕微暴露。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「輔12級」,即十二歲以上之人始得使用。"Meng Sin tactic"coolamazing shape, popular large national war, exciting PKbattlefield,high-quality sound language chat and other variants. Tosee thegame to subvert the traditional concept of the role, Ibelieve willgive you unmatched fingertip experience. Hundreds ofvariations ofthe shape of your choice, play games, but also styleVariety;large-scale gang warfare systems, so you can experience onthephone to the PC side of the battle that earned pleasure;teambattles, the country warfare systems, our city, it is uptoeveryone to unite in order to capture.=== === Characteristics of play★ voice communicationLive real-time voice chat, discard keyboard, discard typingtime,communication accessibility, play games and talk again, a lotoffun, Meng Department of MM chat with you constantly.★ intimate Meng ChongVariety Meng cute pet to go all the way with you a copy, alongwithdry rack, trance together, look at the scenery, the mostloyalpartner fairy trip.★ cool SkillsScreen effects, depicts a people's blood spray Zhang Xian Xiaworld.Super cool all the skills attack, super suit with,bringunprecedented freedom experience!★ more career choicesLux, exorcism, assassin, you pick any three occupations,people,demons, demon three camp as you join, choose a career in theendlet your blood.★ wonderful taskDaily, there are personality Quest mission experience, elite,money,God soul, not only allows you to play cool, but alsochallenging andstimulating intimate interaction.More info More exciting activities Follow us Facebook FanPagethat oh, waiting for you to come and collect free giftsOh!Fans: === Tips※ This game is free to use in-game part of the props charges.※ game content involving minor violence, part of the role ofwearingslight exposure.※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach categorized as "auxiliary 12", that is, peopleover theage of twelve may only use.
劍仙靈 1.02.00
Homi Games
天地之間,決勝在我!《劍仙靈》以其無可比擬的修真模式、華麗精緻的遊戲畫面、豐富好玩的遊戲活動,還融入了古代神話的玄幻因素、一路斬妖除魔,幽默的動作和對話,突破傳統打怪刷副本模式,定能給您帶來暢快爽體驗。===========遊戲特色:【天下第一仙道會】仙道會爭霸賽即日開啟,群雄爭霸,勇奪仙道霸主,高手雲集一堂,沒有空間的束縛,只有高手的對戰,這樣刺激而又精彩的仙道大賽,心跳十分,挑戰百分,趕緊來參加吧【神器降臨,劍指天下】全新神器系統登場,號令天下誰敢不從,古有兵器譜定世間兵器排行,殊不知神器從沉睡中被喚醒,毀天滅地,一劍封神。【封神鬥法,唯我獨尊】封神臺上鬥仙法,各路神仙顯神通。策略,走位,都是各大仙家取勝之道,這裡沒有戰力之分,風騷走位,絕妙策略,隨隨便便擊垮戰力高的對手【豐富玩法多樣系統】玄都爭霸、結婚系統、騎寵系統、跨服爭霸、陣營試煉應有盡有,每天還有大量好康送不停,趕緊叫上朋友們一起來玩吧~===貼心提示===※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,請合理安排遊戲時間!※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費!※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔級12級!Between heaven andearth,winning at me! "Sword of Hope" for its unparalleledcomprehensionmodels, gorgeous exquisite game screen, rich fun gamesandactivities, but also into the fantasy element of ancient myth,allthe way to the demon slayer, humor The action anddialogue,breaking the traditional Daguai brush copy mode, will giveyou acarefree cool experience.===========Game Features:[Tianxiadiyi Sendo will]Immortality would Championship now on, anybody's game, wonSendooverlord, experts gathered in a no space constraints, only amasterof the battle, so exciting and wonderful competitionImmortality,very heartbeat challenge percent, hurry to participatein it[Artifact comes, wins the world]The new artifact system debut, orders the world who would notfromancient weapons arsenal world ranking given, not knowingtheartifact was awakened from a deep sleep, and Armageddon,swordGods.[Gods battle of wits, overweening]Gods fairy bucket bench, was supernatural deities. Strategy,takeplace, all the way to win the major Dwelling, there is nocombatpower points, coquettish walk, fantastic strategy casuallyhighcombat power to defeat opponents[Rich and diverse gameplay system]Xuan Du hegemony, marriage system, riding pet system,inter-servicehegemony, camp trials everything, every day there area lot ofgoodies to send non-stop, quickly called on friendstogether andplay ~=== === Tips※ game content involving minor violence, makereasonablearrangements for game time!※ This game is free to use in-game props charges section!※ hierarchical management approach according to the game, thisgamesupplemented level 12!
欲昇仙 1.1.3
《欲昇仙》是手機網遊中首款百變國戰網遊(MMORPG)巨制,畫面精美,玩法多樣,給妳最酣暢淋漓的降魔體驗之旅;近百種變化的造型任您挑選,玩遊戲,也能風格百變;大型幫戰系統,讓妳手機上也能體驗到PC端那種酣暢的戰鬥快感;全新國戰系統,我們的城池,就要靠大家壹起團結才能攻下來。【遊戲特色】★百變造型,經典造型等待妳去收集★獨特的變身玩法,近百種變化造型,讓遊戲充滿西遊魔幻風格,造型精致絕美、霸氣張揚、囂張嫵媚、陰郁沈穩,不同場景不同造型,神魄百變,我的造型我做主!★發揮職業特長,操控制敵於彈指間★遊戲世界,三大職業:力士(戰士),刺客,驅魔人(法師);職業特色,各有所長,職業操控,瞬間秒殺,沒有最好的職業,只有最牛的玩家!★多人群PK玩法,大型幫戰國戰系統★幫會戰、百變國戰,誰主沈浮,讓妳告別手機遊戲無腦掛機時代,職業間緊密配合,風騷站位,讓妳手機端也能體驗到酣暢淋漓的戰鬥快感!★語音便捷聊天,指揮戰場收發自如★高保真語聊系統,讓妳邊打BOSS聊天兩不誤,聊到HIGH,告別幫戰,國戰切換的煩惱,指揮戰場,壹站式搞定!"For becomingimmortal"Variety is the mobile phone network in the country's firstwargames (MMORPG) giant system, beautiful screen, play diverse,give umost hearty Vanquishing Experience Tour; nearly a hundredkinds ofchanges in the shape of your choice, play games, but alsostyleVariety; large gang warfare systems, putting you on the phoneisalso able to experience the kind of PC end Heartyfightingpleasure; new country warfare systems, our city, it is uptoeveryone to take to uniting One .[Game Features]★ Variety shape, classic style waiting for u to collect ★Unique incarnations play, hundreds of species change shape, sothegame is full of magical style Journey, exquisitelybeautiful,domineering publicity, arrogant and charming, gloomycalm,different scenes in different shapes, amazing soul God, mystyle Icall the shots!★ play Career, handling between enemy ships fingertips ★The game world, three professional: Lux (Warrior), assassin,TheExorcist (Master); occupational characteristics,strengths,vocational control, instantaneous spike, not the bestcareer, onlythe most cattle players!★ multi-PK play the crowd, a large helping of the WarringStateswarfare systems ★Gang warfare, Variety national war, Who, putting you saygoodbyemobile games brainless hook era, in close cooperationwithoccupations, coquettish station, putting you phone sidecanexperience the pleasure of hearty battle!★ convenient voice chat, send and receive freely ★battlefieldcommandHi-language chat system that allows u chat while playingBOSScorrect, talk to HIGH, say goodbye to help fight the countrybattletrouble switching, commanding the battlefield, One-stop toget!
魔天記 - 天罰地劫來襲 1.9
小說改編完整度最高的手機遊戲【魔天記】【魔天記】係凡人修仙作者忘語嘅最新作品,故事內容精采遊戲內完整移植小說故事劇情【遊戲特色】● 忘語監制 正版授權Complete novel ofthehighest mobile phone game magic day [note][Note] Department of magic day mortal Cultivation OFforgetLanguage generous latest work, the story completetransplantfiction story plot within good game [Game Features]● forget Language producer genuine authority
凡人修真-再續情緣 1.2.11
Coco Directouch
年度最唯美的修仙網遊,不刪檔測試震撼開啟!華麗畫面,勁爆技能,便捷操作,給你從未有過的手機遊戲體驗!三大職業,仙盟對戰,可愛寵物,百變坐騎,純粹的pc端完美體驗!【最新動態】1、霸氣三大職業:近戰遠攻,刀劍術法,技能各有千秋,特色職業技能,霸氣外露,總有一個職業適合您。2、人物元神系統:以天地靈氣淬煉自身經脈,讓你體驗到逐步成就無上仙體的快感。3、獨特裝備系統:對傳統的繁雜裝備系統說no,獨創裝備成長系統,一裝伴終身,神器也可以自己打造出來!4、炫酷時裝系統:清新俊逸,狂放不羈,溫婉似水,成熟魅惑,不同的時裝搭配,給您不同的風格體驗,百變風格,由您主宰。5、坐騎系統:坐騎不僅是修仙路上的好夥伴,還是玩家不可多得的小助手,玩家可以通過培養,將坐騎養成拉風的神獸!6、寵物系統:可愛的仙寵是玩家路上另外一個重要的夥伴,有的寵物呆萌可愛,有的寵物威風凜凜,強力的寵物往往還擁有強大的技能,毫不遜色于某些頂級仙法哦。7、仙園系統:在修仙世界裏,每個玩家都會有自己的獨特仙園洞府,不僅僅每時每刻提供給玩家收入,玩家可以在裏面進行物品煉化,真實再現修仙感覺。8、仙盟系統:無兄弟,不仙盟。在遊戲裏玩家可以組建或者加入仙盟,和志同道合的其他玩家一起闖蕩這個波瀾壯闊的修仙世界。9、特色副本:天雷滾滾的渡劫,神秘巍峨的鎮妖塔,以一擋百的魔尊守護,伴隨修仙歷程的各種特色副本......等您來揭開它們的神秘面紗。10、精彩活動:豐厚的線上獎勵,豐富的成長禮包,極具挑戰性的各類boss,與仙子互動的在水一方答題,休閒娛樂的夢幻沙灘,熱血沸騰的競技對戰,全服參與的決戰妖皇......等您來一一體驗!Cultivation of themostbeautiful games of the year, does not delete files test shockedtoopen! Gorgeous screen, Madden skills, convenient operation,younever had a mobile gaming experience! Three career, SallyLeaguewar, cute pets, amazing horse, pure pc-perfectexperience![News]1, domineering three Occupation: Melee attack far, swordssurgerymethod, skill strengths and weaknesses, special vocationalskills,domineering exposed, there is always a career for you.2, the characters soul system: the world of Reiki grown itself,inturn, allow you to experience the gradual achievementsupremeimmortal body pleasure.3, the unique equipment system: say no to the traditionalcomplexequipment systems, original equipment growth system, fittedwith alifelong, artifacts can build out their own!4, cool fashion system: fresh unrestrained, uninhibited,gentlewatery, mature charm, a different mix of fashion, giving youtheexperience of a different style, amazing style, dominatedbyyou.5, the mount system: Cultivation horse is not only a good partneronthe road, or the rare player's Little Helper, players can trainthehorse to develop animal pull the wind!6, Pet System: Players cute fairy pet is another importantpartneron the road, and some stay Meng cute pet, pet and somemajestic,powerful pets often also have strong skills favorably tosometop-fairy Oh.7 cents park system: Cultivation world, each player will havetheirown unique garden fairy Dong Fu, just all the time toprovideincome to the players, players can Refinery items inside, atruerepresentation of Cultivation feeling.8 cents League system: no brothers, no fairy League. In thegame,players can form or join cents League, and otherlike-mindedplayers together this magnificent battles Cultivationworld.9, features copy: Trick billowing crossing the robbery,themysterious town towering demon tower, to a hundred blockMozunguard, accompanied by a copy of a variety ofcharacteristicsCultivation course of their ...... waiting for youto uncover themystery of .10 exciting activities: rich rewards online, rich grow packsallkinds boss very challenging, interactive and fairy answer inthewater side, battle demon dream beach recreation,passionatecompetitive battle, full-service involvement Wong ......waitingfor you to eleven experience!
RPG Valkyria Soul 1.1.0g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Fight as the Valkyrie Reginleiv inafantasyRPG where you can collect, train, and transformafullycustomizable army of powerful monsters! In a worlddevastatedbythe events of Ragnarok, two unlikely champions willrise toopposethe forces of evil. Huginn, familiar to the fallen godOdin,seeksto resurrect his master. To do so he frees Reginleiv,aninfamousand powerful Valkyrie imprisoned for heinous crimesagainstAsgard.Together, they will battle to bring order and peaceto abrokenland. With beautiful, smooth animations, addicting,deepstrategy,and a myriad of monsters to collect, Valkyria Soul isaninnovativeRPG that will keep you coming back for more! Whatreallyhappenedduring Ragnarok? What dark forces stir in thisravagedland? Willyou be able to unravel the intricate web of liesandmystery anddiscover the truth? Story Ragnarok, the apocalypse,hascome andgone. The war between the hosts of Asgard andtheirmonstrous foesended in a hellish sea of flames, devastatingtheNine Worlds andleaving naught but a nightmarish ruin in itswake.Now, darkspirits haunt the wreckage of the realms, andsurvivorseke out ameager existence among the settled ashes anddeath. Thefew left inAsgard fight a hopeless battle against anoverwhelmingfoe,struggling desperately to restore order to thebrokenworld.Seeking new allies, Huginn, familiar to the dead godOdin,breaksthe seal on an ancient prison. A prison that holdsthecriminalValkyrie, Reginleiv, one of Asgard's legendary MaidensofBattle.Gifted with the power to save the souls of thoseshedefeats, or touse them to increase her own power, she might justbeenough toturn the tide of battle. If, of course, she canbetrusted.Collect, Enhance, and Transform Fylgja! AValkyrie'sstrength comesfrom her power to manipulate the souls, orspirits,of others. Bytaking a soul and binding it to a soullessphysicalvessel (orFylgja), they can create loyal minions andcommand themagainst theforces of darkness. Earn new Fylgja throughcombat,turning yourenemies into your friends! Fylgja gain levels,and caneven becombined with other Fylgja to make them stronger, oreventotransform them into new, powerful forms! Soulbinding EachSoulthatyou will find has its own unique personality,abilities,andskills. Attaching it to a Fylgja will affect not justhowthatFylgja behaves in combat, but its stats and abilities aswell!EachSoul can have a maximum of three active skills andthreeitemsequipped at any given time. In addition to the Soul'sskills,eachFylgja has a unique skill that it can use in combat.Soulscanlearn these Fylgja skills, allowing any Fylgja Soul boundwithitto make use of these powerful techniques. Findthebestcombinations of Soul and Fylgja to become thestrongestValkyrie ofall! *The actual price might differ dependingon theregion.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] -Enabled[Languages]- English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] Thisapp hasgenerallybeen tested to work on any mobile device releasedinJapan. Wecannot guarantee support on other devices.[IMPORTANTNOTICE] Youruse of the application requires youragreement to thefollowingEULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. Ifyou do not agree,pleasedo not download our application. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/Hit-Point
劍緣仙靈 陣營爭霸賽 1.02.00
《劍緣仙靈》是一款以中國神話為背景的角色扮演類仙俠修真遊戲。《劍緣仙靈》融入了更多風趣的元素:依據中國古代神話的人物設置、路途豐富妖怪的體現,詼諧的動作和對話,以及打敗妖怪所需豐富多樣的智謀和戰略,定能帶給您淋漓盡致的仙俠體驗。===遊戲特色===★絕美東方聖境,精緻水墨畫面,將你帶入如夢如幻的神魔仙境!★玩法經典!戰鬥爽快,終極鬥法,讓你欲罷不能!★鬥法臺!1V1鬥法模式,即時應變,見招拆招,瞬息萬變才能立於不敗!★玄都爭霸,亂世梟雄,眾仙攻城奪寶,當為此城之主,號令天下!★渡神劫,瑤池溫泉,絕殺陣,煉獄魔,百變玩法,暢爽神魔世界!====【聯繫我們】====※【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:※客服信箱※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。
Magic Rush: Heroes
Free Strategy Role Playing Game! Battle with Warriors,Archers,Snipers & more!
热血仙境 - 野外PK战况升级,觉醒神兵震撼降临 1.2.0
劍緣ol 1.02.00
《劍緣OL》一款以奇幻西方妖魔與中國古代神話結合的RPG動作修仙類手遊。遊戲融入了眾多風趣的神話元素,採用修仙必經的靈根系統,並植入豐富的養成系修仙技能,讓你體驗一次驚險刺激、逍遙快活的仙魔歷程;遊戲人物詼諧的語言和行動,途中需求你用智慧和靈活的戰術擊敗各種妖魔,和其他戰友一起大鬧仙魔世界,從一個籍籍無名之輩,飛升化仙成為天界仙宗之主!※《劍緣OL》職業篇腰藏鎖妖壺● 逸劍怒海奔雷槍● 烈槍左右掌陰陽● 妖輪九天風雷動● 月杖※《劍緣OL》系統篇成就系統,解鎖即得豐厚禮券及人物屬性翅膀系統,提品化形彰顯個性實力寵物系統,呆萌霸氣,收服為你而戰封神台系統,PK比試,唯我獨尊【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:【客服信箱】本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「辅12级」(十二歲以上之人始得使用)-勞逸結合,避免沉迷。-本遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色著裝暴露。-本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另有付費道具和項目。
劍緣OL 軟妹Q寵 1.02.00
《劍緣OL》一款以奇幻西方妖魔與中國古代神話結合的RPG動作修仙類手遊。遊戲融入了眾多風趣的神話元素,採用修仙必經的靈根系統,並植入豐富的養成系修仙技能,讓你體驗一次驚險刺激、逍遙快活的仙魔歷程;遊戲人物詼諧的語言和行動,途中需求你用智慧和靈活的戰術擊敗各種妖魔,和其他戰友一起大鬧仙魔世界,從一個籍籍無名之輩,飛升化仙成為天界仙宗之主!※《劍緣OL》職業篇腰藏鎖妖壺● 逸劍怒海奔雷槍● 烈槍左右掌陰陽● 妖輪九天風雷動● 月杖※《劍緣OL》系統篇成就系統,解鎖即得豐厚禮券及人物屬性翅膀系統,提品化形彰顯個性實力寵物系統,呆萌霸氣,收服為你而戰封神台系統,PK比試,唯我獨尊【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:【客服信箱】本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「辅12级」(十二歲以上之人始得使用)-勞逸結合,避免沉迷。-本遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色著裝暴露。-本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另有付費道具和項目。