Top 1 Apps Similar to Camouflage Wallpaper - HD

Camo Wallpaper - HD 1.0
✸Camo Wallpaper - HD✸Camouflage is the use of any combination of materials,coloration,or illumination for concealment, either by makinganimals orobjects hard to see (crypsis), or by disguising them assomethingelse (mimesis). Examples include the leopard's spottedcoat, thebattledress of a modern soldier, and the leaf-mimickatydid'swings.A third approach, motion dazzle, confuses theobserver with aconspicuous pattern, making the object visible butmomentarilyharder to locate. The majority of camouflage methods aimforcrypsis, often through a general resemblance to thebackground,high contrast disruptive coloration, eliminating shadow,andcountershading. In the open ocean, where there is nobackground,the principal methods of camouflage are transparency,silvering,and countershading, while the ability to produce light isamongother things used for counter-illumination on the undersidesofcephalopods such as squid. Some animals, such as chameleonsandoctopuses, are capable of actively changing their skin patternandcolours, whether for camouflage or for signalling.Military camouflage was spurred by the increasing range andaccuracyof firearms in the 19th century. In particular thereplacement ofthe inaccurate musket with the rifle made personalconcealment inbattle a survival skill. In the 20th century,military camouflagedeveloped rapidly, especially during the FirstWorld War. On land,artists such as André Mare designed camouflageschemes andobservation posts disguised as trees. At sea, merchantships andtroop carriers were painted in dazzle patterns that werehighlyvisible, but designed to confuse enemy submarines as to thetarget'sspeed, range, and heading. During and after the SecondWorld War, avariety of camouflage schemes were used for aircraftand for groundvehicles in different theatres of war. The use ofradar since themid-20th century has largely made camouflage forfixed-wing militaryaircraft obsolete.Non-military use of camouflage includes making cell telephonetowersless obtrusive and helping hunters to approach wary gameanimals.Patterns derived from military camouflage are frequentlyused infashion clothing, exploiting their strong designs andsometimestheir symbolism. Camouflage themes recur in modern art,and bothfiguratively and literally in science fiction and worksofliterature.