Top 20 Apps Similar to Self-Esteem. Method and Quotes
Trusted Contacts 1.63.release.235845396
Trusted Contacts is a personal safety app that opens a directlineof sharing between you and your family. • Add your familyastrusted contacts. • Allow trusted contacts to requestyourlocation. If everything’s fine, you can deny the request. Ifyou’reunable to respond, your last known location is sharedautomaticallywithin a custom timeframe (works even if you’reoffline or yourphone is out of battery). • Proactively share yourlocation if youfeel unsafe or find yourself in an emergency. •Schedule a locationalert for a future time. • Your trusted contactscan see yourphone’s activity status to quickly know you’re OK. •Integrationwith Google Maps location sharing, so you can easilyenablepermanent location sharing with your family or your kids andfindthem directly within Google Maps.
Autoestima Positiva 1.0
A todos nos ha pasado… Nos levantamossinganasde nada, tenemos un día malo, llueve o simplementenossentimosdesmotivados. A veces se trata de nuestra bajaautoestima,falta decariño que no recibimos de niños, dificultadespuntualescomo unaseparación, un despido, la marcha de un serquerido, etc.Durante años nos preguntamos cómo vencer esa sensaciónyhemosdeseado tener un botón que pulsar para pasar del desánimoalailusión, de la apatía a la motivación, del desgano alaalegría.Pero lo cierto es que no hay una fórmula mágica paratemastanprofundos.Sin embargo, hace años ya se viene profundizando en elmundodelas afirmaciones y poco a poco se van incorporando anuestravida.¿Te cambiarán la vida? Si, por supuesto que si..!!,teayudarán asuperar momentos difíciles, a quererte y a aceptartecadadíamás.Es por esto que AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA, esnuestrafantásticaaplicación gratuita y la hemos creado para todoslosdispositivosAndroid (teléfonos móviles y tabletas), una vez quelohayaninstalado no es necesario estar conectado a internet y alsermuyliviana podrás compartirlo rápidamente a través detusredessociales favoritas como son: Snapchat, Facebook,Google+,Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp,etc..!!,mediantemensaje de texto o correo electrónico.CARACTERÍSTICAS:Nuestra App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA es la mejor opción sitegustamantener constantemente pensamientos positivos,afirmativos,unespíritu alegre, optimista y sobre todo quererte yvalorartecadavez más, todos pasamos por situaciones adversas, sinembargolaactitud que adoptamos frente a ellos marca ladiferencia.AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA te ofrece una estupenda recopilacióndefrasespoderosas y notas útiles para programar tucerebro(consciente ysubconsciente) que hemos seleccionadoespecialmentepara ti, constade cuatro actividades:1) BELLEZA INTERIOR.- Aquí comprenderás de forma rápidaysencillaque el amor de tu vida eres tú por ello debes cuidarteycultivar tusvirtudes que son tu verdadera belleza.2) TIPS DE AUTOESTIMA.- Reforzamos la actividadanteriorampliandotus conocimientos, encontrarás la diferencia entreamorpropio y laautoestima y una recopilación de lasmejoresafirmaciones parasubir tus ánimos.3) ALCANZA TUS SUEÑOS.- Te ayudaremos a comprender queparatucrecimiento personal necesitas evolucionar, pasarporprocesosnecesarios para conquistar tus sueños.4) DECÁLOGO DE UNA MUJER EXITOSA.- Finalmente ponemosatudisposición las mejores frases y consejos para que seasunamujerexitosa, y encuentres tu seguridad interior para queempiecetumomento de brillar.Con nuestra App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA, te garantizamosquelograrásmejorar tu vida poco a poco, debes realizarlosejercicios, lasrecomendaciones repetir las frases durante todoeldía, pero si tusactividades te lo impiden hazlo la menostresveces al día o a suvez en la noche antes de dormir dedícateunahora. Recuerda que elUniverso no tiene límites, los límiteslospones tú..!!MODO DE USO:Nuestra App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA cuenta con un interfazfácilysencilla de utilizar, tan sólo navega pornuestrasactividades,elige el tema o frase que más te agrade yempiezaejercitarte, sideseas compartirlo con tus seres queridos portusredes sociales osalas de chat favoritos hazlo… teloagradecerán..!!Esperamos que esta App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA sea de tu agrado,siesasí no te olvides de valorarla con 5 estrellas y pulsa G+1ydéjanosun comentario positivo o sugerencias parafuturasactualizacioneshaznos saber qué categoría te gustaríaqueañadiésemos, te loagradecemos de antemano.NOTA:Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaamantener los costos de programación.Todas las imágenes y contenido son tomadas de dominiopúblicoconlicencia CC0 y no tiene ningún derecho de autor,sepuedenencontrar libremente sin restricción de copyright.DIOS TE BENDIGA Y A SUBIR ESOS ÁNIMOS..!!Everyone has happenedtous... We got up listless, have a bad day, rain orjustfeltunmotivated. Sometimes it is our low self-esteem, lackofaffectionthat we do not receive child, specific difficultiessuchasseparation, dismissal, the departure of a loved one, etc.For years we wonder how to overcome that feeling and wewantedtohave a button to press to move to the illusionofdiscouragement,apathy motivation, the reluctance to joy. Butthetruth is thatthere is no magic formula for suchprofoundtopics.However, years ago and has been delving into the worldofclaimsand gradually are incorporated into our lives. Didtheychange yourlife? Yes, of course if .. !!, they will helpyouovercomedifficult moments, to love and accept each day.That is why AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA is our fantasticfreeapplicationand we have created for all Android devices (phonesandtablets),once you have installed do not need to be connectedtothe internetand being very light you can share it quicklythroughyour favoritesocial networks such as: Snapchat, Facebook,Google+,Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc.. !!,via textmessage or email.CHARACTERISTICS:Our App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA is the best choice ifyoulikeconstantly keep positive thoughts, concurring,acheerful,optimistic and above all to love and nurtureincreasinglyspirit,we all go through adverse situations, howeverthe attitudewe taketoward them marks the difference.Positive self offers a great collection of powerfulphrasesanduseful notes for programming your brain(consciousandsubconscious) that we have selected especially foryou, consistsoffour activities:1) Here INTERIOR.- BEAUTY understand quickly and easilythanthelove of your life is you therefore must beware andcultivateyourstrengths are your true beauty. 2) AUTOESTIMA.- TIPS strengthened the previous activityexpandyourknowledge, find the difference between self-loveandself-esteemand a compilation of the best statements to raiseyourspirits.3) REACHES YOUR SUEÑOS.-'ll help you understandyourpersonalgrowth that need to evolve, go through processesnecessarytoconquer your dreams.4) TEN COMMANDMENTS OF A WOMAN EXITOSA.- Finally we offeryouthebest quotes and tips to be a successful woman, and findyourinnersecurity to start your time to shine.With our App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA, we guarantee thatyouwillachieve better your life gradually, you must performtheexercises,the recommendations repeating phrases throughout theday,but ifyour activities you prevent this do the least three timesaday orturn on devote yourself the night before sleep anhour.Rememberthat the universe has no limits, the limits are up toyou.. !!HOW TO USE:Our App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA has a simple and easytouseinterface, just browsing our activities, choose the topicorphrasethat you like best and start exercising, if you want tosharewithyour loved ones by your social networks or rooms favoritechatdo... will thank you .. !!We hope this App AUTOESTIMA POSITIVA be to your liking, ifsodonot forget to appreciate it 5 stars and press G + 1 andleaveapositive comment or suggestions for future tell usupdatesknowwhich category you like to see added, we thankyouforbeforehand.NOTE:This application contains advertising it helps us keepthecostsof programming.All images and content are taken CC0 public domain license andhasnocopyright, can be found freely withoutcopyrightrestrictions.GOD BLESS YOU AND TO THOSE SPIRITS UP .. !!
☝Frases de Vida y Autoestima♥ 27.0.0
☑ La app más completa de frases y leccionesdevida. Podrás ver y compartir frases, lecciones,poemas.. de vidayencontrar esa motivación y animo necesario para disfrutar delavida al máximo. Empieza tu día con motivación conestasmaravillosas reflexiones y leccines de vida. Compartiendofrases eimágenes de la app conseguirás que la gente medite sobrelaimportancia de ser siempre positivo en nuestra actitud.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:☑ The morecompletesentences and life lessons app. You can see and sharequotes,lessons, poems .. life and find that motivation andencouragementneeded to enjoy life to the fullest. Start your daywith motivationwith these wonderful reflections and leccines life.Sharing phrasesand images of the app get people to meditate on theimportance ofbeing always positive in our attitude.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
People Locator 1.02
Let people You trust find You in oneclick.Nointernet connection required - only 1 SMS for request andoneforresponse.Usage:1. Install app on all devices you want to share locationswith.Sharelink to this page or use in-app "Share" options toinstallthis appto your friends and family.2. Add people You trust from contacts to ‘Trusted list’andmakerequests. That's it.Features:1. Auto-answers your location to trusted contacts2. Automatically shows on map location of person whenYoureceiveit.3. Navigate with compass (available offline!)Don't make people You love worry about You"Where are You?" is a simply question your friends andfamilyaskYou frequently. And they worry when You don'tanswer!But when driving or biking, it's hard and evenprohibitedsometimesto pick up the phone.So "People Locator" answers location automatically whenrequestedbytrusted person.Forests and mountainsThe fog, absence of landmarks makes it impossible toanswerYourlocation precisely by phone.Hope, in these hard situations "Peolpe Locator" could helpYou.GSMconnection, required just for 2 SMS, is present onmuchgreaterterrains that mobile internet.Special features:* Stores request history, enabling previous locations show.
Frases de la Vida 1.0
Esta aplicación Frases de laVida,contienemensajes que te harán pensar, valorar y amar laVida;algunas deellas no se conoce su autor y en otras se cita sunombre.Citas queal leerlas veremos reflejado en muchas de ellas,momentosysituaciones de nuestra vida expresadas con gran acierto,lascualespodemos utilizarlas para reforzar o transmitir a losseresque nosrodean.Están distribuidas de la siguiente manera:Reflexiones.- Palabras que te harán reflexionar para ver lavidadeotra forma.Frases bonitas.- Mensajes para animarte a seguir adelanteconánimo,esfuerzo y entrega.Frases célebres.- Pensamientos positivos y constructivosdefilósofosque ayudan a adoptar otra perspectiva en la vida yasíevitar la vozinterna, responsable de la baja autoestima.Todas ellas escritas en bonitas imágenes para compartirlosconlafamilia y amigos a través de las diferentes redes socialesousarloscomo fondo de pantalla o perfil.Una vez instaladanonecesita estarconectado al Internet.De antemano agradeceríamos que nos dejes uncomentariopositivopara continuar mejorando, así como tambiéncalificándolacon 5estrellas y pulsando en +1 en caso de que leshayagustado.Milgracias.Esperamos que disfrutes y aproveches de ellas.Seguro que esta contribución será de vuestro total agrado.Dios los bendiga siempre.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costos de programación.This ScrapsofLifeapplication contains messages that make you think,appreciateandlove life; some of which its author is not known andcitedothername. Quotes reading them see reflected in many ofthem,momentsand situations in our lives expressed with greatsuccess,which wecan use to reinforce or transmit beings aroundus. They are distributed as follows:Reflexiones.- words that will make you reflect to see lifeinanotherway.Posts bonitas.- phrases to encourage you to moveforwardwithcourage, effort and commitment.célebres.- phrases positive and constructive thoughtsofphilosopherswho help to take another perspective in life andavoidthe innervoice, responsible for the low self-esteem.All written in beautiful pictures to share with familyandfriendsthrough different social networks or use them aswallpaperorperfil.Una once installed does not need to be connectedtotheInternet.Please let us know beforehand leave a positive commenttocontinueto improve, as well as calling with 5 stars andclicking+1 if youhave them gustado.Mil thanks.We hope you enjoy and take advantage of them.Sure this contribution will be of your total satisfaction.God bless you always.NOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepthe costs of programming.
Baby Monitor & Alarm trial 3.6.1
The easy-to-use Baby Monitor &Alarm’sunique features are designed by parents, for parents.Thoroughlytested with our own babies, the Baby Monitor & Alarmis lovedby tens-of-thousands of moms and dads worldwide, and isrecommendedby The Sunday Times, and Mashable:==> Featured in The Sunday Times TOP 500 Apps==> Selected by as one of Best Android appforMoms==> Selected by Mashable as the #1 parenting app==> Trusted by more than 150, 000 parents worldwide.PHONE ALERTWhen your baby wakes up and starts crying, the Baby Monitor&Alarm will alert you by calling your second phone; thissecondphone doesn’t have to be a smartphone.MOMMY’S VOICEYou can select your child’s favourite song from the MusicLibrary,or you can record your own voice. When your child wakes,the BabyMonitor & Alarm will play it to help soothe them backtosleep.LULLABIESEvery baby loves to hear a soothing song or a calmingfairy-talewhen they go to bed and Lullabies allows you to do this.You caneither record your own voice, or you can play any song fromtheMusic Library - whatever you, and your baby needs.ACTIVITY LOGThe Baby Monitor & Alarm records every event and everynoise.Afterwards, you can review the sounds and events of the nightandreplay or email yourself this information.SETTINGS FOR EVERY CHILDAs parents, we are well aware that e and made sure that theBabyMonitor & Alarm settings can be adjusted according to thewantsof any parent or child.Important notes:We would love to hear your comments about the Baby Monitor&Alarm. If you have any questions, feedback, ideas or problems,thenfeel free to get in touch with us at app is designed to help you with your babysitting. It is notasubstitute for real human care.NOTE: PLEASE DON’T USE TASK KILLERS, BATTERY OPTIMIZING APPSORPROFILE SCHEDULERS. These types of apps can reducetheeffectiveness of the Baby Monitor & Alarm and limititsfunctionality.
Friendship Test 1.5
Do you feel that you've found thatpersonwhowill be you best friend?Is your friend that person you think you can count forever?A true friendship is based on trust, discretion,mutualrespectand know you can always count on that person.The Friendship Test will give you a mathematical formulabasedona result, all you have to do is enter your name and theirname,thenpress the calculate button.A perfect application for Friendship Day (Valentine's Day)orforuse anytime and share the results with that specialsomeoneCome on! Use this frienship test and check howcompatibletheyare!
Self-Confidence Quotes 1.0
This app provides effective ways topromoteyour own self-confidence.Even the greatest leaders lack self-confidence at certaintimes.Self-confidence is not a static quality; rather, it’s amindsetthat takes effort to maintain when the going gets rough. Itmust belearned, practiced and mastered just like any other skill.But onceyou master it, you will be changed for the better.
Self Esteem Quotes 15.0
❝ self esteem quotes is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible pride quotes and self respect quotes that wereselectedfrom the best phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE,DOWNLOAD andSHARE all our exclusive pride wallpapers in all yoursocialnetworks. Absolutely FREE! Main Features of self esteemquotes: 🔥You can CREATE your own funds with exclusive funds fromyour owngallery. 🔥 You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES.🔥 Youcan DOWNLOAD pride quotes whenever you want. 🔥 You can EDITyoursentences with different formats. 🔥 You SHARE your favoriteselfrespect quotes with other applications and people. 🌠 Availablein 3languages: SPANISH, PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+ collectionsoffree extra phrases. 🌠 30,000+ positive affirmations withleadershipquotes. 🌠 100,000+ funds to personalize your phone. 🌠Newencouraging quotes with pride wallpapers about love every day. 👑Ithas a simple design. 👑 It is easy to use just the screen to seeallthe inspirational quotes. 👑 Requires little space in yourmemory. 👑A quick navigation between positive affirmations. Why doyou preferself esteem quotes? Because it is a complete and uniqueapplicationthat focuses on providing day-to-day sentences of thebest qualityand design. In addition to finding differentcollections of thebest phrases among them: motivational quotes,positive thinking andinspirational quotes. In this way, the planschoose the mostappropriate messages for each moment or mood. Whatdoes selfrespect quotes offer you? Selected Phrases: We haveselected andcreated all kinds of positive quotes more emotive, inwhich youwill also find encouraging motivational quotes, positivethinkingquotes and uplifting quotes. Offering you miles of phraseswithimages that will make you think, reflect, motivate, fall inlove,laugh, cry, it is all about finding the one that best suitswhatyou are looking for in each moment. Share them anytime: YouSHAREall our positive quotes with whom you most desire,expressingeverything you feel or how you feel to your friends,family, acouple or couple through your phone in all socialnetworks.Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOAD and collect in yourgalleryall your favorite phrases where we offer you more than30,000powerful quotes with optimistic quotes, plus 100,000wallpapers topersonalize your phone Phrase Maker: Our applicationof confidencequotes we offer you an exclusive tool in your lifeCREATE your ownfruits and thoughts with the best backgrounds thatcan be found inthe wallpapers section It's not cool! Favoritessection: You canadd all the favorite self confidence quotes tofavorites, so youcan select the ones you like the most quickly.Multilanguage: Enjoyall the low self esteem quotes at any time andin the availablelanguages (SPANISH, PORTUGUESE and ENGLISH). Withthis applicationyou will find the ideal phrase for every moment,you will findthousands of incredible self help quotes, self worthquotes,inspiration quotes, etc. If you like success imagesdo notenjoy italone, share it with all your friends, acquaintances andfamily,leave us your rating and also a comment as we can continuetoimprove to give you a better experience in our App. NotesSite:Alert: For some phrases, images and assemblies of publicdomainhave been used, since they are not identified in any waythatindicate the existence of right of exploitation reserved onthem.✏️ Contact Us:
Animo Para Vivir 1.0.2
... queremos invitarte a descargar estas aplicacionesrelacionadas:Biblioteca de Libros deAutoayudaónenImágenes Superacion Libro1ágenesChistosaságenes tu animo para vivir con pensamientos de autoestima.Leefrases de superacion personal y mensajes de autoayuda ysuperacion.
Frases para Pensar en Positivo 7.13
Encuentra la clave para un cambio de vida. El poder delpensamientopositivo te ayudará a tener una vida plena, saludable yfeliz.Permitirá la mejora de tu autoestimaLa energía del pensamiento positivo te permitirá recuperarte delaapatía, el desgano, la falta de entusiasmo, la ansiedad.Aprende la técnica que te permitirá relajarte y enfocarte enelpensamiento positivo.Cientos de frases de grandes pensadores que te ayudaran a cambiartumodo de ver las cosas.