Top 17 Games Similar to 眾神之怒

豬來了-全球最in社交遊戲 4.24.3
Forever9 Games
Attack, steal, and win more gold coins and become the mostpowerfulgold coin master!
仙道縹緲錄 -修真卡牌手游,渡厄昇仙,九天玄女求為伴! 1.0.0
“仙界要選人拯救世界啦!仙界要選人拯救世界啦!”聽到這個,我呵呵一笑,上一次世界要毀滅的消息比這個不知道要嚴重到哪裡去了,還不是虛驚一場。這蟠桃盛會可是千年一遇,採購點新鮮玩意回去煉寶,再去參拜佛祖升個神力,頂我好長時間的修行了。你們這些小神仙啊,整天就想著搞個大新聞,雖說言之無罪,可是這謠言信的人多了,攪亂了蟠桃盛會,你們可是要負責的啊。什麼,混元乾坤鼎被打碎了?什麼,碎片還散落人間下落不明?哎,誰能告訴我在哪報名啊facebook:臉書搜索@sxhkpfacebook鏈接:特色玩法:1.經營神廟:有事常叫我,我是個親民的傳說2.煉寶爐:DUANG的一下,我手裡的神器法力無邊3.仙萌坐騎:說起來你可能不信,是對面寵物先動的手4.萬仙競技:我們神仙之間,沒什麼事情是打一架解決不了的;如果有....我先去升升神力,一會兒再打5.討伐凶獸:幫助凡人靠自己,想找凶獸靠道友6.副本刷錢:呵呵,根本停不下來雷霆戰機,開心莊園,舞力全開,臥底,拳擊,禦劍情緣,三國,企鵝,鎖鏈戰記,列王的紛爭,光之谷,復仇者聯盟,軒轅劍參外傳,天之痕,射雕英雄傳,世紀帝國戰殺曉,三國殺,東京喰種,消滅都市,最終榮耀,迷你騎士團,鎮海宮七王爺,星辰幻想,神魔之塔,城與龍,新三國群英傳,刀鋒無雙,,完美世界桌遊,壽司,天堂之刃,瘋狂動物園,天天打波利,東方不敗,全民槍戰陸版,幻想編年史,正統三國,笑傲江湖,仙境傳說,無盡的邊疆,仙劍,瑯琊榜,劍魂之刃車,坦克大戰,文明爭戰,憤怒鳥,極江湖,天堂,大主宰,雪鷹領主,老九門,王國紀元,軒轅劍,武林,神仙道,戰地風暴,暗黑破壞神,口袋楓之谷生存戰爭,自由之戰,手游,狼人殺,樂高幻影忍者,新幻想萌寵,三國紛爭,地下城與勇士,kfc,刀塔傳奇,恐龍世界,龍之谷,,崛起吧英雄,亂鬥二次元,唐唐歸西路天天炫鬥,罪惡都市,穿越火線,霸道戰神,榮耀聯盟,王者英雄,公主,鬥龍戰士,少年三國志,劍靈,蓋世武俠,有妖氣,禦劍情緣,午夜影院,三國群英傳,造夢西遊魔靈兵團,全民大主宰,烈焰王座,紀念碑谷,全民三國,刺客信條,瘋狂動物園,植物大戰殭屍,少年西遊,輪行天下,聖域五小強,熱血高校,時空召喚哎,門前冷落鞍馬稀,落草神仙不如雞啊好歹也在三界大戰中戰功顯赫,怎麼會聽信他們下基層支援地方小神廟建設的鬼話。還是當年太年輕啊。咦,這仙界的帖子可是許久沒來過了,看看寫了個啥各路大神速回仙界議事,急急急有啥可急的,無非就是就是商量個佛祖生日派誰去祝壽個事,還加三個急再往下瞧瞧混元乾坤鼎被打碎了,嗯,好像有點嚴重。碎片散落人間了,好吧,真的挺嚴重的碎片下落不明? !我去,快快快,把我坐騎牽來,我要上天,和眾神肩並肩....雷霆戰機,開心莊園,舞力全開,臥底,拳擊,禦劍情緣,三國,企鵝,鎖鏈戰記,列王的紛爭,光之谷,復仇者聯盟,軒轅劍參外傳,天之痕,射雕英雄傳,世紀帝國戰殺曉,三國殺,東京喰種,消滅都市,最終榮耀,迷你騎士團,鎮海宮七王爺,星辰幻想,神魔之塔,城與龍,新三國群英傳,刀鋒無雙,,完美世界桌遊,壽司,天堂之刃,瘋狂動物園,天天打波利,東方不敗,全民槍戰陸版,幻想編年史,正統三國,笑傲江湖,仙境傳說,無盡的邊疆,仙劍,瑯琊榜,劍魂之刃車,坦克大戰,文明爭戰,憤怒鳥,極江湖,天堂,大主宰,雪鷹領主,老九門,王國紀元,軒轅劍,武林,神仙道,戰地風暴,暗黑破壞神,口袋楓之谷生存戰爭,自由之戰,手游,狼人殺,樂高幻影忍者,新幻想萌寵,三國紛爭,地下城與勇士,kfc,刀塔傳奇,恐龍世界,龍之谷,,崛起吧英雄,亂鬥二次元,唐唐歸西路天天炫鬥,罪惡都市,穿越火線,霸道戰神,榮耀聯盟,王者英雄,公主,鬥龍戰士,少年三國志,劍靈,蓋世武俠,有妖氣,禦劍情緣,午夜影院,三國群英傳,造夢西遊魔靈兵團,全民大主宰,烈焰王座,紀念碑谷,全民三國,刺客信條,瘋狂動物園,植物大戰殭屍,少年西遊,輪行天下,聖域五小強,熱血高校,時空召喚1.經營神廟:勿以善小而不為2.煉寶爐:化腐朽為神奇的力量3.仙萌坐騎:感受我與坐騎合二為一的力量4.副本刷錢:不積跬步,無以至千里5.討伐凶獸:魑魅魍魎,還不乖乖束手就擒6.仙友齊聚:對面道友,請賜教雷霆戰機,開心莊園,舞力全開,臥底,拳擊,禦劍情緣,三國,企鵝,鎖鏈戰記,列王的紛爭,光之谷,復仇者聯盟,軒轅劍參外傳,天之痕,射雕英雄傳,世紀帝國戰殺曉,三國殺,東京喰種,消滅都市,最終榮耀,迷你騎士團,鎮海宮七王爺,星辰幻想,神魔之塔,城與龍,新三國群英傳,刀鋒無雙,,完美世界桌遊,壽司,天堂之刃,瘋狂動物園,天天打波利,東方不敗,全民槍戰陸版,幻想編年史,正統三國,笑傲江湖,仙境傳說,無盡的邊疆,仙劍,瑯琊榜,劍魂之刃車,坦克大戰,文明爭戰,憤怒鳥,極江湖,天堂,大主宰,雪鷹領主,老九門,王國紀元,軒轅劍,武林,神仙道,戰地風暴,暗黑破壞神,口袋楓之谷生存戰爭,自由之戰,手游,狼人殺,樂高幻影忍者,新幻想萌寵,三國紛爭,地下城與勇士,kfc,刀塔傳奇,恐龍世界,龍之谷,,崛起吧英雄,亂鬥二次元,唐唐歸西路天天炫鬥,罪惡都市,穿越火線,霸道戰神,榮耀聯盟,王者英雄,公主,鬥龍戰士,少年三國志,劍靈,蓋世武俠,有妖氣,禦劍情緣,午夜影院,三國群英傳,造夢西遊魔靈兵團,全民大主宰,烈焰王座,紀念碑谷,全民三國,刺客信條,瘋狂動物園,植物大戰殭屍,少年西遊,輪行天下,聖域五小強,熱血高校,時空召喚“大神大神,你的神廟門口怎麼那麼多人啊?”“因為我有求必應”“為什麼你能有求必應啊?”“因為我神力高”“為什麼你神力高啊?”“因為我拯救過世界”“世界怎麼了要你拯救?”“這就說來話長了....”“快說說,說說嘛”“好好好,那就給你講講。三界大戰百年之後,看似風平浪靜,實則暗流洶湧,不日,爭權奪利之戰終於爆發,混戰之中,天界至寶混元雷霆戰機,開心莊園,舞力全開,臥底,拳擊,禦劍情緣,三國,企鵝,鎖鏈戰記,列王的紛爭,光之谷,復仇者聯盟,軒轅劍參外傳,天之痕,射雕英雄傳,世紀帝國戰殺曉,三國殺,東京喰種,消滅都市,最終榮耀,迷你騎士團,鎮海宮七王爺,星辰幻想,神魔之塔,城與龍,新三國群英傳,刀鋒無雙,,完美世界桌遊,壽司,天堂之刃,瘋狂動物園,天天打波利,東方不敗,全民槍戰陸版,幻想編年史,正統三國,笑傲江湖,仙境傳說,無盡的邊疆,仙劍,瑯琊榜,劍魂之刃車,坦克大戰,文明爭戰,憤怒鳥,極江湖,天堂,大主宰,雪鷹領主,老九門,王國紀元,軒轅劍,武林,神仙道,戰地風暴,暗黑破壞神,口袋楓之谷生存戰爭,自由之戰,手游,狼人殺,樂高幻影忍者,新幻想萌寵,三國紛爭,地下城與勇士,kfc,刀塔傳奇,恐龍世界,龍之谷,,崛起吧英雄,亂鬥二次元,唐唐歸西路天天炫鬥,罪惡都市,穿越火線,霸道戰神,榮耀聯盟,王者英雄,公主,鬥龍戰士,少年三國志,劍靈,蓋世武俠,有妖氣,禦劍情緣,午夜影院,三國群英傳,造夢西遊魔靈兵團,全民大主宰,烈焰王座,紀念碑谷,全民三國,刺客信條,瘋狂動物園,植物大戰殭屍,少年西遊,輪行天下,聖域五小強,熱血高校,時空召喚雖是子夜時分,卻還有三三兩兩的人在我廟中祈福。突然間,夜空被天外之物點亮。“哇,好漂亮”“是啊,一次看見這麼多流星,還是第一次呢”....凡人難掩一臉的興奮,全然不知大禍臨頭對我來說,三界大戰之後,功成身退,隱居人間百年的生活,看來要暫告段落了。放出仙寵,召喚夥伴,握緊手中神兵,是時候再一次拯救世界了!雷霆戰機,開心莊園,舞力全開,臥底,拳擊,禦劍情緣,三國,企鵝,鎖鏈戰記,列王的紛爭,光之谷,復仇者聯盟,軒轅劍參外傳,天之痕,射雕英雄傳,世紀帝國戰殺曉,三國殺,東京喰種,消滅都市,最終榮耀,迷你騎士團,鎮海宮七王爺,星辰幻想,神魔之塔,城與龍,新三國群英傳,刀鋒無雙,,完美世界桌遊,壽司,天堂之刃,瘋狂動物園,天天打波利,東方不敗,全民槍戰陸版,幻想編年史,正統三國,笑傲江湖,仙境傳說,無盡的邊疆,仙劍,瑯琊榜,劍魂之刃車,坦克大戰,文明爭戰,憤怒鳥,極江湖,天堂,大主宰,雪鷹領主,老九門,王國紀元,軒轅劍,武林,神仙道,戰地風暴,暗黑破壞神,口袋楓之谷生存戰爭,自由之戰,手游,狼人殺,樂高幻影忍者,新幻想萌寵,三國紛爭,地下城與勇士,kfc,刀塔傳奇,恐龍世界,龍之谷,,崛起吧英雄,亂鬥二次元,唐唐歸西路天天炫鬥,罪惡都市,穿越火線,霸道戰神,榮耀聯盟,王者英雄,公主,鬥龍戰士,少年三國志,劍靈,蓋世武俠,有妖氣,禦劍情緣,午夜影院,三國群英傳,造夢西遊魔靈兵團,全民大主宰,烈焰王座,紀念碑谷,全民三國,刺客信條,瘋狂動物園,植物大戰殭屍,少年西遊,輪行天下,聖域五小強,熱血高校,時空召喚混元乾坤鼎被擊碎的瞬間,貯藏在其中的巨大能量瞬間釋放,三界神通之人都感受到了這股巨大能量,紛紛摩拳擦掌,計劃收集碎片,借助神器之力,未成大業的得道昇仙,以列仙班的號令三界。來不及深究乾坤鼎被打碎的幕後原因,作為天界駐凡間的神仙之一,你自然是要成為尋寶急先鋒了,前路漫漫,還有數不清的艱難險阻,準備好面對風暴吧======聯繫我們======玩家交流群:561030955注意: 遊客賬號僅供體驗,丟失無法找回,建議註冊賬號登錄玩遊戲。
Impossible Goal 3D 4.0.0
Goodia Inc.
Super tough! Super frustrating! If youcangetthrough all the obstacles to reach the goal, then you mustbeaGod!■ Stage:There are 3 stages with different levels.■ How to play:- Swip the "Left/ Right" button to move your player to the leftortothe right.■ Rule:- Game will be over when you hit any of the wallsortheobstacles.- If your player disappears out of your screen, game willbealsoover.Let's see how far you can go!A mini game that everyone and anyone can enjoy playing it!Let’s challenge the World Ranking with your best score!
Impossible Goal 1.0.3
Goodia Inc.
Super tough! Super frustrating!
夢王國與沉睡中的100 位王子殿下
Super popular classic female love development game! Meet yoursweetlove in your dream kingdom ♥
貓咪大戰爭 12.7.0
Disgusting and cute cats have exploded across the country! Acattower defense game that anyone can easily learn Freeregistrationand you can play right away~ There are also new catsthat are onlyavailable in the Chinese version! Hurry up anddownload it tocultivate your personalized kitty army!
真心話大冒險 (完全中文版)
Chia-han Yang
經典派對遊戲!! 跟同學跟朋友出去玩, 開Party時不可缺少的遊戲之一!!! 遊戲方式很簡單,大家圍著手機成一圈,當酒瓶指向誰,那人就必須選擇要"真心話"還是"大冒險". 螢幕會指示那人要完成的任務~ Truth or DareChineseVersion.
ReacheeE 5.7
Have you ever played such a game? Just stretch out the stick!
找豬豬 2.2
這次的舞台背景設置在了「藤田豬場」。不過這裡不需要養豬啦,而是拜託你來找豬豬的地方哦!玩家作為在養豬場的打工者,開始了尋找豬豬的新生活。「找豬豬」下載免費,操作簡單,是誰都可以感受到輕鬆快樂的一款好玩遊戲。▼需要找到訂單上,那些你熟悉的豬豬輕輕滑動熒幕進行尋找,找到後就點擊它嘍!各個關卡中,那些很有個性的豬們在等著你找到它們呢。▼各個關卡也是特色各異多元化而且找豬也並不是那麼單一哦。看著豬屁股找,清掃豬便便……會呈現各種各樣的氛圍給大家!▼獲得豬豬和替換的服飾!在目標時間內,通過一些特別的關卡後會獲得獎勵豬,和一些裝飾品。在豬屋裡為自己喜歡的豬豬裝扮一番吧。通過所有目標時間的關卡,無敵制霸!▼在「豬屋」和豬的“二人世界”「豬屋」是你寵愛它,陪它玩耍,為它裝扮的地方……選擇喜歡的豬豬為它裝扮,不要忘記分享給大家哦。好好疼愛它,它也許會撿來一些有用的道具呢!?▼獲得最快時間,在排名裡和全國的玩家一爭高下!找到自己最擅長的那一關,即使只有0.01秒!也許就是排名第一位呢!加油哦!The background ofthestageset up in the "Fujita farms."But here it does not require the pig, but I want you to cometoPig'splace!Players farms as migrant workers, and began looking for anewlifePig."Find the Pig" download free, simple, anyone canenjoythepleasure of a fun game.▼ need to find the order, those of you familiar withthePigGently slide the screen were looking for, click on it tofindafteranother!Various points, those great personality pigs waiting for youtofindthem yet.▼ different characteristics of eachcheckpointisdiversifiedAnd find a single pig is not so, oh.Looking to find a pig ass, cleaning pig poo ...... willshowavariety of atmosphere for everyone!▼ obtain Pig and replace costumes!Within the target time, passed some special points willberewardedpigs, and some decorations.In the pig house Pig dressed as their favorite some of it.By the time all the target levels, invincible Takeover!▼ In the "pig" houses and pigs, "two of the world.""Pig House" is that you loved it, accompany it to play, aplacetodress for it ......Pig choose your favorite dress for it, do not forget to sharetoyouoh.Good love it, it might be picked up some useful props it! ?▼ fastest time in the rankings and nationalplayerscompete!Find that one and they do best, even though only 0.01seconds!Perhaps it is ranked first! Come on!
奇迹暖暖 8.0.0
The most beautiful dress-up match game, looking for the clothesinyour dreams, and pursuing the most beautiful ones.
HappyFish 11.8.381
Come the cutest and most addicting fishbowl app you’ll ever play!
Pancake Tower-Game for kids 6.0
Let's see how many pancakes you can pile up!! -Game from2,3,4,5,6years old
Hair Salon Makeover
Fun Hair Salon Game. Download and Play Now!
Shoot Plane 1.11
Shoot planes as many as you can Casual flight shoot game Easyandfun to play, but very challenging to fully master. Beatyourfriend’s high sore at leaderboard. Share with your friendsatFacebook, Twitter, SinaWeibo and so on.
Chibi Maruko Chan Dream Stage
Animoca Brands
Maruko-chan wants to make it big on TV!Joinher and her friends as she strives to learn new talents andearnnew items to impress the judges. She'll do whatever it takes towinthis contest, so mix and match various talents and put onaspectacular show!*** KEEP THOSE COMBOS COMING ***String orbs together in fast-paced talent shows!*** PUT ON A JAW-DROPPING PERFORMANCE ***Impress the judges with tons of cool tools and talents!*** ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS ***Unlock 21 beloved characters from the series!*** FAMILIAR FACES RETURN AS JUDGES ***30 characters from the TV series will judge your performance!*** CUTE & SIMPLE GRAPHICS ***Adorable art design based on the TV series!*** EASY & FUN, FOR ALL AGES ***Anyone will have a good time, no matter the age!Do you have what it takes to be a star? Pick your talent andshowthose judges what you're made of!** Please note that while the app is free, please be aware thatitcontains paid content for real money that can be purchaseduponusers' wish to enhance their gaming experience.You maycontrolin-app purchases made within this app using passwordprotectionwhich can be enabled from the setting page of the GooglePlay Storeapp. **
Despicable Me: Minion Rush
***** JOIN 800 MILLION PLAYERSWORLDWIDE!*****Race with the Minions in the award-winning, fan-favoriterunner,Despicable Me: Minion Rush! Run as fast as you can whilejumping,dodging, rolling and knocking Minions off the track indespicablyaction-packed levels.Rush to collect Bananas and play exciting Special Missionstoincrease your score as you enjoy unexpected Minion moments inthegame.ALL THE FUN OF DESPICABLE ME IN THE OFFICIAL RUNNER GAME!• Run and play as DAVE, CARL OR JERRY!• Wear over 50 UNIQUE COSTUMES, such as the Surfer orDiscoMinion.• Run fast through ICONIC LOCATIONS inspired by the DespicableMemovies, like ancient Egyptian temples or Vector's Fortress.• Jump on and ride the FLUFFY UNICORN or GRU'S ROCKET and powerupyour Minions.• Play SPECIAL MISSIONS to discover new mini-games and Costumesineach update!______________________________________________You can download and play this game for free. Please beinformedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency,which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or bydeciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with realmoney.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performedusinga credit card, or other form of payment associated withyouraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Playaccountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit cardnumber orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting theauthenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google PlayStore Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases)andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutesorNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorizedpurchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protectionturned on ifyou have children or if others could have access toyourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethirdparties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcandisable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-basedadvertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can befound in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google >Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connecttothe Internet.______________________________________________Find out more about the game on the official site--http://www.minionrush.comFollow us on Facebookat out our videos and game trailerson our official site at out the new blog at't forget to follow us on social media:Facebook: : Policy: of Use: License Agreement:
Rodeo Stampede: Sky Zoo Safari 3.6.0
Yodo1 Games
Tame animals! Become a skilled lasso-wielding cowboy in thisanimalzoo game!