Top 15 Apps Similar to Music for Meditation

Yoga Nidra 1.0
Yoga Nidra is a yogic way of relaxationandmindfulness. The app is a complete offline Yoga NidraGuidedmeditation.Yoga Nidra is practiced in a comfortable lying down position.Youare guided through a series of breathing exercises andsimpleinstructions.Benefits of Yoga Nidra meditation practice:Physical• improves the quality of your sleep and the amount ofyoursleep• reduces your chronic pain suffering• soothes your autonomic nervous systemMental• enhances your mental focus and attention span• improves your creativity and whole brain functioningEmotional• gives you more ease and peace of mind in daily life• helps create new neural pathways in your brain leading tohealthyhabits & routinesModern science now confirms what yogis discovered thousandsofyears ago: that focusing on the Third Eye reactivateshormoneslocated in the pineal gland in center of the brain. Studiesconfirmthat the pineal gland hormone, melatonin, is a powerfulagent inhelping prevent illness, retard premature aging, reducestress,induce more restful sleep, boost the immune system, andpromotehealing.
Yoga Nidra Lite 1.1.2
Hanno Welsch
Entspannung mit dem Handy oder Tablet! *** App Tip bei GEO ***DieYoga Nidra Relax App bietet Ihnen 6 verschieden lange undintensiveAudioübungen die Sie professionell in eine tiefeEntspannung leitenwerden. Sie können diese Übungen zu Hause, aberauch unterwegs inZug, Straßenbahn, Flugzeug oder Büro durchführen.BesondereKenntnisse und Hilfsmittel sind dabei nicht nötig. DieseLiteVersion gibt Ihnen mit der ersten Übung einen Vorgeschmack aufdieVollversion. Probieren Sie es aus, Nidra-Relax wird Ihnenhelfenentspannter Ihr Leben zu genießen! Die Nidra-RelaxÜbungenentstammen dem Yoga Nidra und wurden von einerprofessionellen YogaLehrerin konzipiert und eingesprochen. YogaNidra ist eineEntspannungs- und Meditationsmethode, die alle Ebenendes Menschenumfasst, sie löst Muskelverspannungen, mentaleSpannungen undemotionale Spannungen. Das macht Yoga Nidra zu einerwirkungsvollenMethode für den aktiven Stressabbau. Dabei ist YogaNidra keineklassische Yoga Übung mit körperlich anspruchsvollenTechniken,nein - Sie liegen einfach möglichst bequem auf einerMatte, im Bettoder Sie sitzen im Zug oder im Flugzeug, bewegen sichnicht undfolgen einfach den verständlichen Audioanweisungen. Durchdasregelmäßige Anwenden von Yoga Nidra werden Stresshormoneabgebaut,die regenerativen Funktionen des Körpers in Gang gesetztund dasImmunsystem angeregt. Yoga Nidra ist von verschiedenenÄrzten undWissenschaftlern auf der ganzen Welt getestet worden undhat sichals effektive Unterstützung bei der Behandlungvonpsychosomatischen Krankheiten bewährt. Vor allem beiBeschwerdenwie Schlafstörungen, Nervosität, Herz- undMagenkrankheiten, Asthmaund Migräne. Nidra Relax wurde vom GEOSpecial Yoga als App Tippwie folgt empfohlen: "AuthentischeTiefenentspannung, wie sie imklassischen Yoga praktiziert wird. Mitverschiedenen Levels.Schöne, einfache Gestaltung und Beschreibungender Effekte.Empfehlenswerte Anti-Stress-Meditation."
Yoga Nidra english lite 1.1.2
Hanno Welsch
Relaxation with the mobile phone or tablet! The yoga nidra relaxappcontains 6 guided audio exercises of different length andintensity,which guide you systematically and professionally into astate ofdeep relaxation. The exercises can be done at home, butalso whilesitting in the train, plane or office. No specialknowledge or meansare required for the practice. This is the liteversion of the nidrarelax app, containing the first exercise toshow you the benefits ofyoga nidra. If you enjoy our work, pleasepurchase the full version.Give it a try, and you will see hownidra-relax helps you to gothrough life much more relaxed andcapable to enjoy moment bymoment.
 All the exercises are derivedfrom the yoga nidra methodand have been conceived and recorded bya professional yogateacher.
 Yoga nidra is a relaxation andmeditation method thatencompasses all levels of the human being:it releases musculartensions, as well as mental and emotional.Therefore yoga nidra canbe used as an effective method in stressreduction. Yoga nidra isnot a physical yoga practice that requiresdemanding poses. The onlything you have to do, is to lie down ascomfortable as possible onyour yoga mat, in the bed, (or whilesitting in the train or plane)remain in stillness and follow theclear and simple instructions.Through the regular practice of yoganidra the stress hormones arereduced, the regenerative bodyfunctions and the immune system arestimulated. It has been testedby physicians and scientist all overthe world, who accredited itas an efficient support in thetreatment of psychosomatic diseases.Mainly in afflictions such assleep disturbances, nervousness,heart and stomach diseases, asthmaand migraine
Nidra-relax apphas been recommended by the germanmagazine GEO Special Yoga: “Anauthentic deep relaxation as it ispracticed in the classical yoga.With different levels. Nice andsimple design and description ofthe effects. Recommended as ananti-stress meditation.”
Meditation Music: Sleep Sounds 6.0
Avryx Apps
Meditation app with peaceful music, sounds & guided zen musictorelax & do yoga
Meditation & Relaxing Music 2.0.1
Brain Vault
Relax and release stress and anxiety with great meditationmusictracks
Yoga Nidra english 2.0
Hanno Welsch
Relaxation with the mobile phone or tablet!
Relax and Sleep for everyone 5.0.6
The application "Relax and Sleep for everyone" is an effectivetoolfor rapid stress relief in a few minutes, relax and sleepreally.Used to manage anxiety and personal balance, thisapplication is anessential tool for modern life. For all those whoare subjectstress and sleepless because of the many daily tasks,this appprovides relaxation therapy that really works.Our application can be easily integrated into your dailylife.The app will help you to have a focused mind, less stressandbetter Sleep. The more you use, the better your results will beandthe more effective.Allows you to relieve your mental and physical stress. Thankstothe colors of chromotherapy can benefit from theirtherapeuticproperties. In addition to the colors you can selectmore than 40Melodies and sounds to listen to while very relaxingtherapies,transforming your room, your office or the environment inwhich youspend your holidays in a pleasant Living Colours. All thiswithjust one click.Sit back and enjoy the pleasure of relaxing! This applicationispractical and functional because you can take it with you anduseit in any situation with a simple click.Use it also in many other situation such as whileexercising,during your yoga meditation sessions, while massaging,during aquick nap or even to help your baby fall asleep faster!WHAT IS THE APPLICATION?- CHROMOTHERAPY - a full-service spa with colors and soundsthataccompany your moments of relaxation. Sit back in a dark roomandstarts chromotherapy, you'll turn your room into arelaxationcenter. Be accompanied by more than 30 songs chosen foryourphysical and mental well-being.- SOUNDS - a faithful reproduction of the sounds thatnatureoffers us every day. The sounds are accompanied by animatedimagesthat stimulate your well-being and activate the innateprimordialmemory of nature.- REST AND MEDITATION - Binaural tones application hasseveralfunctions that stimulate mental activity, concentration,deepmeditation, Relax, dream and Sleep. For a correct use isessentialto use headphones connected to your device.- BREATH RELAXATION - Have you ever paid attention toyourbreath? Very likely it is shallow, fairly rapid and irregular,mostof us, in fact, is used to "shallow breathing" and only 20% ofhislung capacity.With this application you'll get used to breathe properlycomingquickly to a state of physical and mental well-being.- HERBAL TEA - Everything you need to know about theworld'soldest drink Relax. Property, explanations, mistakes toavoid andtips on the use of herbs and preparation of herbal tea.All thisand more in this comprehensive guide dedicated to herbalteas. Forbest Sleep.- ALARM CLOCK - For a relaxing awakening with the 7primarycolors of light therapy, an alarm is fully configurable.102 HIGH QUALITY WHITE NOISE AMBIENT SOUNDS & MELODIESRelax Melodies, Celtic music, Gregorian chanting,Sleep,Carillon, River, Ocean, Wind, Flute, Rain, Birds, MusicBox,Lounge, Waterfall, Thunder, Zen, Campfire, Melody, Nightmelody,White Noise, Urban Rain, Cavern, Medieval, Toskana, SlowWaves,Heavy Rain, Rainy Day, Afternoon, Rainstorm,Underwater,Underwater, Seaside, Rain on Roof, Humming, GrandfatherClock,Frogs, Thunder Storm, Monk Chant Melodies.New! We've added lullabies for your babyAds Free, No Ads!!!Features:-install to SD card-different nature sounds-count Down Timer for music relaxation therapy-beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature-meditation music run in background-relaxation for human brains-only good quality nature sleep sounds-best relaxing sounds of nature Free App-sounds of the season-sounds of the city-ambient soundsFollow us on:-Blog:
Медитации. Антонов Александр. 1.0
Перед вами приложение,котороесодержитавторские медитации практикующегопсихологаАнтоноваАлександра.Их прослушивание поможет вам расслабиться, снятьстресс,укрепитьмотивацию, сделать сон крепким и глубоким.Эти Медитации, при регулярном прослушивании, сделаютвасспокойнее,энергичнее и позволят легко относиться клюбымстрессовымситуациям.Каждая медитация имеет рекомендации по прослушиванию.Here is anapplicationthatcontains the author's meditation practicingpsychologistAlexanderAntonov.Their listening will help you relax, relieve stress,strengthenthemotivation to make the dream a strong and deep.These Meditation, regular listening will make youcalmer,moreenergetic, and make it easy to apply toanystressfulsituations.Each meditation has recommendations for listening.
Медитации 2. Антонов Александр 2.0
Второй выпуск программымедитацийАнтоноваАлександра, психолога психотерапевта. Новые записиоткроютдля васчетыре новых методики: улучшение настроения, местосилы,любовь ксебе и глубокое расслабление.Этот сборник авторских медитаций собран под звукиприроды,которыеусиливают и без того глубокий эффект каждойзаписи.Приложение бесплатное и без всякой рекламы вам в дар отавтора-Антонова Александра.The second editionoftheprogram of meditation Alexander Antonov,apsychologistpsychotherapist. New entries will be opened to youfournewtechniques: improved mood, a place of power, self-love,anddeeprelaxation.This collection assembled by copyright meditations naturesoundsthatenhance the already profound effect of eachrecord.The application is free and without any advertising to you asagiftfrom the author - Alexander Antonov.
Meditation Melodies & Sounds 1.2
Explore collection of yoga meditation sounds for relaxationforinner peace
Meditation Relax Music - Sleep 3.7
Promote Apps
- Meditation Music --- Relaxing Music --- Relaxing Melodies -Enjoy the best Free Meditation Music, Relaxing Music andRelaxingMelodies. Great Music Therapy and Relaxing Sounds forGuidedMeditation or Stress Relief and Free.Meditation Relax Music the App can help you! Mindfulness,Treatment,Sleep, Depression, Relaxation, Peaceful!Wondering how you could get relaxed? Try Meditation Relax Music–Sleep! Enjoy the music therapy! You can find different highqualitymeditation and relaxing melodies such as:- Relaxing Melodies for Stress Relief and Free, etc.- Meditation for Spirituality, etc.- Concentration for Study, etc.- Calming techniques for Relaxation, etc.- Sleep for sleep disorders, sleep apnea symptoms, restlesslegsyndrome, insomnia, etc.- Exercise for Yoga, Pilates, etc.What can I find using Meditation Relax Music – Sleep?• High quality meditation sounds and relaxing music.• Wonderful relax sounds and melodies.• Timer - The app turns off automatically.• You can simply adjust meditation and relaxing music accordingtoyour needs.Need help?Do not hesitate to contact us
Home Studio
Meditation is important for life as it helpsusto live smoothly.enListen to Best meditation music & meditateWhat to Do:Listen to the soothing flute music in our app and close youreyesand make your body loose.Either you listen to it before you got to bed or when you wake upinthe morning.Main Feature of App :Our app is designed for mental therapy for doingMeditationEasily and effectively , basically its a meditation musicapp. Wehave focused on very simple thing that your listening sensewillhelp your mind relax and you will be efficient in your life.Yogamusic will help you to be peaceful.What Problems are resolved :Using our app you can do deep meditation which will helpyouresolve problems likeStress, insomnia, sleep disorders, mental illness, frustration,anxiety treatment ,depression treatment, even your skin problemsonyour one app designed for so many problems.So just listen to the Music and feel relaxing . its the bestwayto meditate.
Meditation Music Free 1.0
AGF Solutions
Meditation Music Free is the perfect music app to unwind andrelaxto. With 7 tracks of peaceful meditation music, this easy touseapp provides you with the perfect library of soothing songsthatwill refresh your mind, body and spirit. Each song makes apeacefultransition into the next so that you can start at whichevertrackyou desire and get a continuous play through all 7 tracks ifyouchoose. With our meditation app, you will also have the abilitytoput your favorite song on repeat and meditate or relax for aslongas you choose! Just tap the three vertical squares in theupperright corner of the home screen and choose from "song repeat"oryou can even shuffle all seven tracks if you wish! From thesoundsof rain falling in the forest to sweet angelic harmonies,MediationMusic Free is the only app you will ever need to have amindfulmeditation or to just relax and enjoy life.
Insight Timer - Meditation App 18.0.7
Everyday Wellbeing for Sleep, Anxiety and Stress
Chakra Deep Healing Meditation 5.0
Yippity Doo LLC
Chakra Deep Healing Meditation is anappwith meditation music and videos that will help youtobalance and activate all of your chakras. We have one of themostcomplete chakra healing meditation music collections here onGooglePlay. Enjoy! 🎶HOW TO ACTIVATE & BALANCE CHAKRASChakras are vast (yet confined) pools of energy in our bodieswhichgovern our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.Each chakra is associated with specific areas/organs of yourbodyas well as specific psychological and emotional qualities. Intheapp you will find descriptions of each chakra, the sanskritname,as well as great information about what area of the bodyandemotions they are associated with and what having a balancedchakrain that area will help you with. Very informative to helpyouchoose which ones to focus on and work with. If you have aproblemarea, choose a specific focus/area/chakra and use thatmeditationdaily, or try a different meditation and area out eachday cyclingthrough all of the chakras helping to provide completewell beingand balance.When you activate and balance all of your chakras, yourmental,physical, emotion, and spiritual abilities will increase andyouwill feel more relaxed and focused and actually get more doneinyour day. This healing chakra app and a little quiet spacetolisten is all you need to get the full benefits of this deepchakrameditation.MAKES MEDITATION MUCH EASIERAll in one place! No need to browse for other meditation musicorapps. This one has a meditation to help balance each area ofyourlife. This type of mediation can help you make instant changesinyour life. This free meditation music app is designed byaprofessional meditator and is for newbie or seasoned meditators.Inthis app, there is meditation music and videos.MAKE TIME FOR GOOD MEDITATION MUSIC & VIDEOSMeditation is scientifically proven to help balance your energyaswell as bring relaxation to your body. Many people feel theydon'thave time for meditation, however, if you made time formeditation,you would find you actually have more time in yourlife. So nomore excuses for why you don't have time for it. Inthis app, thereis meditation music and videos that will truly helpyou balanceenergy and activate all of your chakra! This the perfectmeditationapp and music, and all you need.Chakra Healing Meditation Deep FEATURES✅ Designed by professional✅ Guide for meditate✅ Meditation Music✅ HQ sound✅ Complete explanation of each chakra✅ Browse by category✅ Video guide---------------------------------------------------This is the perfect meditation chakra music app for anyone thatisinto meditation or is interested in getting the benefitsofmeditation.Get it for FREE and change your life permanentlywithmeditation!
NOTE: For the best experience we suggest to use headphoneswhileplaying the music and meditation.