Top 18 Apps Similar to Doa harian Kristen - Doa Bapa

Doa Kita - Doa Harian Kristen 1.1
Aksara Studio
A collection of various kinds of daily prayer in the palm ofyourhand.
Doa Kristen Pengakuan Iman 1.0
iwan develop
Kumpulan berbagai macam doa kini dapatdibacadigenggaman tangan anda.Aplikasi Doa bermanfaat, gratis, dan tanpa iklan.Berbagai Jenis Doa dapat anda baca dengan temaaplikasisesuaidengan warna favorit anda (Biru, Hitam, Hijau, danPink).Kategori Doa yang tersedia:- Doa Harian- Doa Mingguan- Doa Bulanan- Doa Tahunan- Doa Khusus- Doa GerejaA collectionofvariouskinds of prayer can now be read in the palm ofyourhand.Prayer app useful, for free and without ads.Different Types of Prayer can be viewed with the themeoftheapplication according to your favorite color (Blue,Black,Green,and Pink).Prayer categories are available:- Daily Prayer- Weekly Prayer- Monthly Prayer- Annual Prayer- Special Prayer- Prayer of the Church
Kumpulan Doa Harian Lengkap 2.0
Pustaka 2000
Kumpulan Doa Sehari-hari lengkap merupakan aplikasiandroidyangberisi himpunan doa-doa harian yang biasadipanjatkanseorangmuslim mulai dari bangun tidur sampai dengan akanberanjaktidur.Selain itu, juga terdapat doa-doa pilihan dari AlQuran danHadist.Diharapkan dengan aplikasi yang ringan ini,muslimin danmuslimatdapat dengan mudah untuk membaca atau menghafaldoa dandzikirsehari-hari di mana pun dan kapan pun. Daftar isidoa-doaharian:1. Doa-doa dari Al Quran 2. Doa-doa dari Hadist 3.Doa-doapilihan4. Doa-doa sehari-hari 5. Doa-doa seputar ibadahsholat 5waktu dansunnah 6. Doa-doa seputar haji dan umroh
eKatolik 3.9.0
Sebuah alkitab katolik lengkap dengan deuterokanonika dankumpulandoa
Prayer book 5.07
Your prayer - always at hand
Doa Penting Katholik 1.0
Dengan adanya aplikasi ini adalahsebagaimediauntuk mempermudah anda, pada dasarnya sebuah kumpulandoa ituditerbitkan melalui buku rohani katholik. Namun,denganseiringperkembangan dunia teknologi yang dimanasupayamenjangkaujiwa-jiwa anak muda yang sudah lupa dengantradisimembawa bukudoa-doa untuk menjadikan pedoman dasar dalamberdoasehinggamengharuskan kami untuk mengikuti lajunya duniateknologiini.Pada aplikasi ini sudah kami ulas doa-doa terpentingyangbiasaumat katholik gunakan dalam berbagai urusan entah ituuntuk:1. Keselamatan.2. Pemberkatan.3. Pengusiran akan Roh Jahat.4. Penyucian.5. Pengampunan.6. Permohonan.7. Dan lain-lain.Jadi dengan aplikasi ini sangat membantu andadalammencarikandoa-doa yang ingin anda panjatkan kepada TuhanYesusKristus danjuga lewat prantara Bunda Maria.Silahkan di install aplikasi anda di handphone androidanda,dankami akan merilis berbagai macam aplikasi lainnyakhususuntukkatholik.Syalom.With this applicationisasa medium to facilitate you, basically a collection ofprayerswaspublished by Catholic spiritual books. However, with theworldas thedevelopment of technology that in order to reach thesoulsof youngpeople who had forgotten to bring the tradition ofprayerbooks tomake the basic guidelines in praying that require ustofollow thepace of this technological world.In this application already we review the mostimportantprayersof ordinary people in the affairs of the Catholicuseeitherto:1. Safety.2. Blessing.3. The expulsion of the Spirit of Evil.4. Sanctification.5. Forgiveness.6. Application.7. And others.So with this application greatly assist you in findingtheprayersyou want to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and alsothroughprantaraMary.Please install your application on your android phone, andwewillrelease a wide range of other applicationsspecificallyforCatholics.Shalom.
Doa Rosario 1.1.25
Frans Doni
Aplikasi Doa Rosario adalah aplikasimobilepanduan untuk Doa Rosario. Dalam berdoa rosario, kitamerenungkansuatu misteri yaitu suatu peristiwa dalam kehidupanYesus Kristus.Aplikasi ini memuat panduan lengkap cara berdoa Rosarioyangbenar, lengkap dengan ke-empat peristiwa / misteri yangdirenungkandalam Berdoa Rosario.Applications Rosary isamobile application guide for the Rosary. In praying the rosary,wecontemplate the mystery that is an event in the life ofJesusChrist.This application includes a detailed guide the correct waytopray the Rosary, complete with all four events /mysteriescontemplated in the Rosary Prayer.
Puji Syukur 1.7
Rilix Technology
Puji Syukur, Application for official liturgical books orprayerbooks and hymn Ecclesiastical Catholics in Indonesia. Pleasedonateto us to develop and maintaining this application :).Features: *Share the content to social media. * Bookmarking animportantcontent. * Personalize the display look with a theme. *Personalizethe background color which can be selected manually. *Personalizewith background images.
Rumah Doa Katolik 1.0
Berisikan doa harian, doa Rosario dan kutipan kata bijak,semogaaplikasi ini menjadi ‘teman’ dimanapun, kapanpun, siangataupunmalam, ketika kita ingin berdoa, ketika rindu akanhadirat-Nya.Setiap masalah ada jalan keluarnya, kita mungkin takmelihatnya,namun Tuhan tau jalan keluarnya. Yakin dan percayalahkepada-Nya,selama ada kemauan Tuhan kan berikan jalan. Tuhanmemberkati.
Doa Pembukaan Kristen 1.0
iwan develop
Buat teman-teman yangmembutuhkankumpulandoa-doa pendek sehari hariAirakawaii buat sebuah aplikasi kecil yang mungkinbergunabuatteman2 semuanyaAplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internet untuk mengaksesnyaDidalam aplikasi ini semua doa ditulis dalam huruflatinjadimudah dibaca bagi yang masihbelum bisa membaca huruf arab secara fasih :)Selain itu juga disertakan arti dari tiap-tiap doatersebut,jaditidak cuma bisa membaca namunjuga paham artinya..Semoga menjadi berkah untuk kita semuaMake friends whoneedacollection of short prayers dailyAirakawaii create a small application that may be usefulforallteman2This app requires an internet connection to accessIn this application all the prayers written in Latinletterssoeasy to read for those who are stillcan not read the Arabic alphabet fluently :)It also included the meaning of each prayer, so not onlycanreadbutalso understood that means ..We wish to be a blessing to us all
Catholic Prayers Latin (Audio) 1.2
Catholic Prayers in Latin (Audio) isanAndroidApplication (App) which presents a collection ofCatholicPrayers(Devotions/Sacred Readings) in HD (High Definition)qualityLatinaudio with Latin text and English Translation text.This app is the best choice to whom want tolearnoriginalCatholic prayers. The prayers are the treasuryofCatholicism sinceearliest Catholic Church. It can be saidthatthese prayers havebeen prayed for more than 2000 years aroundtheworld.As for your information, Latin is spoken language inVaticanwhichis the center of Catholicism. So, here, an AndroidApppresents themost best known Catholic Prayers in Latin. Enjoytheoriginal form ofCatholic Prayers. Listen (Latin audio),Read(Latin text), andunderstand (English Translation)theoriginalCatholic Prayers.Catholic Prayers in Latin App Consists of:Alia Oratio ad Sanctum Michael (Another PrayertoSaintMichael)Angelus (The Angelus)Anima Christi (Soul of Christ)Ave Maria (Hail Mary)Confiteor (I Confess)Corona Divinae Misericordiae (Divine Mercy Chaplet)Credo (I Believe)Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the highest)Gloria Patri (Glory Be To The Father)Laudes Divinae (The Divine Praises)Memorare (Remember)Oratio ad Sanctum Michael Archangele (Prayer to SaintMichaeltheArchangel)Oration ante Communionem (Prayer Before Communion)Pater Noster (Our Father)Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven)Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen)Signum Crucis (Sign of the Cross)Symbolum Quicumque Vult (Athanasian Creed)Tersanctus (Thrice Holy)The Last Gospel — The Johannine Prologue (St. John 1.1-14)Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Ghost)
Life Changing Bible Prayers 3.0
Prayerbook app for Christians, who know that God will answertheirprayers.
Doa Kristen - Penutup 1.0
iwan develop
Kumpulan berbagai macam doa kini dapatdibacadigenggaman tangan anda.Aplikasi Doa bermanfaat, gratis, dan tanpa iklan.Berbagai Jenis Doa dapat anda baca dengan temaaplikasisesuaidengan warna favorit anda (Biru, Hitam, Hijau, danPink).Kategori Doa yang tersedia:- Doa Harian- Doa Mingguan- Doa Bulanan- Doa Tahunan- Doa Khusus- Doa GerejaA collectionofvariouskinds of prayer can now be read in the palm ofyourhand.Prayer app useful, for free and without ads.Different Types of Prayer can be viewed with the themeoftheapplication according to your favorite color (Blue,Black,Green,and Pink).Prayer categories are available:- Daily Prayer- Weekly Prayer- Monthly Prayer- Annual Prayer- Special Prayer- Prayer of the Church
Doa Harian Saat Duka 1.0
iwan develop
DOA ROSARI merupakan aplikasiBerdoaRosaridengan SUARA. Aplikasi ini lengkap dan mempunyaikandunganyangcukup bermakna bagi seorang Kristian Katolik.DOA ROSARI ini dibangunkan untuk keperluan doa harianumatkatolikyang memerlukannya. DOA ROSARI ini boleh dijadikantemanberdoa,terutama bagi mereka yang mahu belajar berdoa Rosari.Aplikasi DOA ROSARI mempunyai beberapa ciri:1. Mesra pengguna.2. Doa dengan suara.3. Lagu Rohani diselitkan4. Mempunyai penerangan ringkas secara bergambar.5. Gambar pada setiap peristiwa dipaparkan.6. Grafik yang menarik7. Senang dikendalikan8. Boleh dijadikan teman berdoa9. Hanya satu-satunya aplikasi yang seumpama inidalamBahasaMalaysia.DOA Rosaryisanapplication Praying the Rosary with SOUND. Thisapplicationiscomplete and has a substantial content foraCatholicChristian.DOA is awoken for the purposes of the Rosary dailyprayerofCatholics who needs it. The Rosary Prayer should be afriendtopray, especially for those who mahu learn to pray theRosary.Rosary Prayer app has several characteristics:1. The user-friendly.2. Prayer with sound.3. Spiritual Song diselitkan4. Having briefing in the display.5. Pictures on each event described.6. Graph interesting7. Glad controlled8. It may be a friend to pray9. The only one application is like this in Bahasa Malaysia.
Prayer and Praying Men 3.0
Zavarise Apps
Prayer and Praying Men - Edward M. Bounds- Free E-book- Holy Bible KJV- AUDIO Bible MP3- Prayer RequestPrayer and Praying Men has a unique approach as a book onprayer.Many books on prayer focus mostly on simply features ofprayer.Edward Bounds takes a different approach in Prayer andPraying Menby focusing on persons of prayer. Bounds examines thelives of ninedifferent biblical figures: Abraham, Moses, Elijah,Hezekiah, Ezra,Nehemiah, Samuel, Daniel, and Paul. In hisexamination, Boundsexplores how important prayer was to thespiritual lives of thesemen. He provides concrete examples of theimportance and nature ofprayer, grounded in biblical narratives.Prayer and Praying Men isthus recommended for those who crave abook on prayer which is notabstract or airy, but direct andconcrete.SHARE BLESSINGS! APPLICATIONS THAT MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER-Zavarise AppsA selection of the great Classics of Christian literature.Special collection of prayer books by Edward M. Bounds.Books that will change your life and your relationship with ourLord. Only for Android! Totally Free!This book is part of the collection of classic books onprayerEdward M. Bounds. Among them are:- WEAPON OF PRAYER- PRAYER AND PRAYING MEN- THE ESSENTIALS OF PRAYER- PURPOSE IN PRAYER- POWER THROUGH PRAYER- NECESSITY OF PRAYER- THE REALITY OF PRAYERJames 5:16 ´Confess your faults one to another, and pray oneforanother, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer ofarighteous man availeth much.´
Prayer Quotes/Sayings 0.2
The “Prayer Quotes and Sayings Apps” delivers powerfulthoughts(Quotes) from Our Lord Jesus Christ, William Branham, JohnWesley,Martin Luther, Apostle Paul and many others to come as theapps isbeen updated. The purpose of this Application is to makesure thatyou are constantly reminded of your prayer life. Pleasefind belowsome inspiring quotes from these High ProfilePersonalities ~OurLord Jesus Christ “And all things, whatsoever yeshall ask inprayer, believing, ye shall receive” ~William Branham“Lay asideeverything. Just get as close to God as you can. Walkwith Him,talk with Him. Let everything else be secondary but yourprayerlife. Stay right with Him all the time” ~John Wesley “Goddoesnothing except in answer to Prayer” -Martin Luther “To beaChristian without prayer is no more possible than to bealivewithout breathing” ~Billy Graham “To get nations back ontheirfeet, we must first get down on our knees” ~Charles Spurgeon“Youcan be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in allthingswhich glorify God” ~John Bunyan “Prayer will make a man ceasefromsin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer” ~CharlesFinney“Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians thanprayingtogether. Never do they love one another so well as whentheywitness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer”~RichardBaxter “Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching;hepreacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray forthem”~Apostle Paul “Continue in prayer, and watch in the samewiththanksgiving” ~Prayer Quotes from The Bible With Prayer IndexandTopics Prayer Quotes On Love Prayer Quotes On BlessingsPrayerQuotes On Favor Prayer Quotes On Strength Prayer GeneralBibleQuotes Prayer Quotes On Healing Prayer Quotes On PeacePrayerQuotes On Protection Prayer Quotes On Relationship PrayerQuotes OnComfort Quotes from Country Leader and Founding FathersAbrahamLincoln George Washington John Adams John Evans Atta MillsSamuelAdams George H. W. Bush George W. Bush Andrew JacksonHerbertHoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry S. Truman DwightD.Eisenhower Benjamin Franklin Ronald Wilson Reagan Downloadpowerfulinspiring prayer quotes, to help us pray for our lovedones,families, friends, ourselves and the world at large in ourbusyschedules as The Day of Redemption is near. “Pray withoutceasing”(1st Thessalonians 5:17) You can choose either Quotes VieworAuthors View Quotes View give you all the quotes in theAppsAuthors view allows you to select the quotes using the names oftheauthors. Suggestions are always welcomed through I love you with the love of the Lord andmay youcontinue to swim in the atmosphere of God’s love. Thank youand Godbless you. Amen! THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU
Cerita Alkitab Terbuka 1.5
Open Bible Stories featuring 50 Bible stories, with600illustrations!
e - Renungan PSM (Harian) 1.3.1
e-RH PSM is a 3-in-1 'daily devotional app', with 3differentreadings each day.