Top 15 Games Similar to True or False

Math Duel King Of Math 2.1
Check quick mental math abilities & mathematicalthinkingability
True or False Trivia Quiz 2.12b
True or False is a game of questionsandanswers Quiz style where the player must answer only ifthestatement is true or false.How To Play=========When the game starts the user is taken directly to the main menuofthe game. To start playing simply tap the "Play" button.To play just click on the play button (green).Select a level of the screen displayed after clicking theplaybutton (green).After that the game screen opens and thequestionsare displayed on the screen at random. There are severalcategoriesof questions depending on the chosen level as science,television,general knowledge, music, history, geography, etc.The questions have two answer options: true or false. If youthinkthe statement is true, click the green button. If you think itisfalse, click the red button.The result is displayed on your device screen. The calculationofthe score is very simple: the number of points equal to the restofquestion time. Therefore, the faster answer, the more pointsyouearn.Each question has one minute to be answered. If the time runsout,another question is selected and no points are earned. Thegameends after 20 questions. After that the final scoreisdisplayed.After the game ends, you can restart the game by clicking thegreenbutton (the middle) and try to improve the score.To exit, click the exit button (red on the left).ATTENTION=========The game is integrated with Play Games, which lets you compareyourscore with your friends and others in the ranking. The firsttimeyou open the game it attempts to connect to Play Games andwillneed to sign in with your Google account.After selecting the account, the game will automatically connecttothe account and will save the scores. Whenever a higher scoreisperformed, the score will be updated. To see the score, clickthebutton on the menu screen.
Verdadeiro ou Falso 1.0
60 Seconds
Jogo Verdadeiro ou Falso? - Teste oseuconhecimento! fornecê-lo com muitas horas de diversão produtivo!Asregras são simples - você precisa para avaliar se a afirmaçãoéverdadeira ou não. Com esse aplicativo você vai aprenderfatosinteressantes do mundo da incrível.Game True or False? -Testyour knowledge! provide you with many hours of productive fun!Therules are simple - you need to assess whether the statement istrueor not. With this app you'll learn interesting facts from theworldof amazing.
Quiz: Verdadeiro ou Falso 1.0
O Quiz Verdadeiro ou falso foi criadopensandoem em estimular sua mente, a cada atualização será inseridováriasperguntas de Verdadeiro ou Falso.Aceitamos sugestões de perguntas para acrescentar ao nossobancode dados.Em breve uma nova atualização para inserção denovasquestões.The True or False Quizwascreated to stimulate thinking in your mind, every update willbeinserted several questions of True or False.Welcome suggestions of questions to add to our database.Soon a new update for inclusion of new issues.
Правда или Ложь 2.0
Determine whether the statement is true or false.
A Journey Towards Jesus 2.4.1
Learn more about the Bible with this Christian game for youngallages
Adevărat sau fals 1.5
Adevărat sau fals a aparut din dorinta de ateajuta sa iti dezvolti cultura generala. Uneori greoi sauhaios,alteori chiar stupid prin intrebarile pe care ti le punejocul nuiti v-a pierde timpul. Nu mai sta pe ganduri si puneneuronii latreaba.Jocul e simplu; noi îți dam o afirmație la care tu aidouavariante de răspuns. Dacă afirmația este corecta atuncirăspunzi cuadevărat iar dacă afirmația este incorecta atunci veirăspunde cufals. Nu-i asa că-i simplu. Ce zici, te bagi?Avem si cateva caracteristici super tari de care trebuie satefolosesti printre care cele peste 2500 de intrebari dintoatedomeniile, modul multiplayer in care poti sa faci o bataliedecunostinte generale, 60 de nivele pregaite pentru tine simultesurprize pregatite in versiunile urmatoare.Descarca singura aplicatie adevarat sau fals in romanașidezvolta-ți cultura generala ACUM. Adevărat am zis !!!P.S.Orice sugestie, critica pe care o aveti sau greseala pe careogasiti, o postati intr-un review sau email si vom raspunde la eaincel mai scurt timp. Multumim.True or false emergedfroma desire to help you develop your general knowledge.Sometimesclumsy or funny, sometimes even stupid the questions thatyou putyour game you will not waste time. Do not hesitate and makeneuronsto work.The game is simple; We give you a statement that you havetwoanswers. If the claim is correct, and if the answerreallyassertion is incorrect when you answer false. Not so it'ssimple.How about you put?We have some features super hard which you should use amongtheover 2500 questions in all areas multiplayer mode in which youcando a battle of general knowledge, 60 levels pregaite for youandsurprises prepared in later releases.Download the only app in true or false Romanian and developyourgeneral knowledge NOW. Verily I say !!!P.S.Any suggestion or criticism of mistake that you find a postareview or email and we will respond to it in no time.Thankyou.
Im Psychic -Test 1.2.0
Aleksey Gubskiy
The most interesting psychic-abilities-test
True Or False Trivia 7.2.18
See if you can guess if the face are true or false!
Правда или Ложь - Факты 3.1
Pachan Games
Read fact, answer "True" or "False"! Find out for yourself a lotofwonderful!
Угадай Ка 1.1.1
Знаешь все на свете - проверь себя!А если нет - самое время узнать!Угадай ка - лучшая развлекательно-познавательная игравAndroid!1 вопрос 2 картинки. Угадай правильный ответ!Интересные и веселые вопросы сменяются сложными изаковыристыми.★Яркие картинки и подробные ответы★★Полностью на русском★Проверь свои знания и посоревнуйся с друзьями! У кого будетсамаядлинная цепочка правильных ответов?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Надоело играть в "4 фото 1 слово"?Проверь свою эрудицию с помощью нашей головоломки: вопросынасмекалку и логические загадки, а так же вопросы с подвохом на"даили нет" и "правда или ложь" ждут вас!Наша викторина на русском языке, и все загадки созданыспециальнодля российской аудитории.Youknoweverything in the world - check yourself!And if not - it's time to find out!Guess ka - the best entertainment and informative game intheAndroid!1 Question 2 pictures. Guess the correct answer!Interesting and funny questions are replaced by complexandimpenetrable.★ Vivid pictures and detailed answers ★★ ★ Fully in RussianCheck your knowledge and Compete with your friends! Who willbethe longest chain of correct answers?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tired of playing a "4 photos 1 word"?Test your erudition with our puzzle: Tricky Question andlogicpuzzles, as well as a trick question on the "yes or no" and"trueor false" waiting for you!Our quiz in Russian, and all the puzzles are designedspecificallyfor the Russian audience.
Ложь или Правда 1.3
Интеллектуально-развлекательная игра ЛожьилиПравда (из серии игр Правда или Ложь или "Верю, не верю"),позволитприятно провести время с пользой для ума, проверив своизнания вразличных областях.Достаточно ответить правильно на 10 вопросов, чтобыполучитьновый уровень и новые вопросы.В игре отсутствует энергия и внутри-игровые платежи. Выможетепроходить уровни ровно столько, сколько пожелаете. Показрекламыминимален.Intellectualandentertaining game True or False (from the series of games TrueorFalse, or "I believe I do not believe"), will allow to spendtimewith benefits for the mind, to test their knowledge invariousfields.Just answer 10 questions correctly to get a new level andnewquestions.In the game there is no energy, and in-game payments. Youcanpass the levels as much as possible. Display advertisingisminimal.
Правда или вымысел 1.0
Ihar Shadurin
Попробуй угадать какой из фактовявляетсяправдой, а какой вымыслом.У некоторых червей есть на языке зубы?Лемминги склонны к суициду?Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы найдет в приложении.Try to guess which ofthefacts is true, and what fiction.Some of them have the language of your teeth?Lemmings are prone to suicide?Answers to these and other questions can be found intheappendix.
True or False Quiz Plus 1.7
Hamza Tabassamet
Decide whether the statements are trueorfalse.But think fast, it's against the clock! Astounding factsona wholerange of topics. Try out your general knowledge andtestyour wits!But watch out, tricky false statements are mixed inwithtrue facts.1000'S OF INTERESTING FACTS – BUT ARE THEY TRUE OR FALSE?Put your knowledge to the test! Be it geography,science,film,music, sport or any of the many other topics.GUESS YOUR WAY THROUGH ALL THE LEVELS!Countless levels in single-player mode mean the fun never ends–andyou'll definitely learn something new along the way!EXCITING KNOWLEDGE DUELS IN SPLIT-SCREEN MODE!Challenge your friends! Two players can battle against eachotheronthe same device.NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY, NO COMPLICATED RULES!Just go for it and have fun! :-)