Top 20 Apps Similar to RC Battery Watcher

Theft in the Grand Crime City 2.3.0
WeeWoo Mobile
Gangster Mafia City is a game to become the leader of agangsterwith your gun
Lipo Safe 1.0.7
Lipo safety guide and basic lipo calculations app
RC Spare Parts 2.0
Volker Schmidt
This app is for all RC model fans who wanttomanage all of their spare parts in a simple way.A review is available here: add your RC models with a suitable image. After that addtheassociated spare parts including picture, item number, barcodeandinventory deposit.And that's it. From now on it is so easy to check whichspareparts you have in stock.Extras:- Manage spare parts- Manage RC Models- Change inventory- View orders- Scan spare parts via barcode scanner to find them quickly- Backup and restore (via Dropbox or other Clouds)- Quick search spare parts by barcode and custom QR Code.- Create custom QR Codes for each spare part (premium only).- Possibility to hide adds (premium only).- Share spare parts between RC Models (premium only).Feel free to contact me via email with suggestions orerrorreports!Tags: RC Manager, RC Log, modelmaking, model-making,battery,flight, heli, helicopter, car, ship spare part, parts
Pitbull Wallpapers
Hit Mobile
Pitbull wallpapers for your android phone background.You can findinHD quality.
Charge Cycle Battery Stats
This free App helps you to measure how often you charge your phone.
Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro 5.1
AntTek Mobile
Deepsleep battery saver - reclaim your battery
Battery Notifier Pro BT <And9
For Android 9 and under - Custom status bar numbers &manybattery alarm options
RC E-Calc Pro 3.0
Graham Dyer
App by Graham Dyer
CM Battery 1.3.10
A brand new battery saving app developed bytheteam behind Clean Master and Battery Doctor.CM Battery is a free power-saving app that isspecificallydesigned to optimize the battery life of your Androiddevice.Powered by the technology of Battery Doctor, it is themostefficient way to defend your juice.Highlights of CM Battery:Clean, intuitive and easy to use. CM Battery simplifiesyourpower saving process by providing shortcuts to close yourdrainingitems - even your grandma could use it!By adopting the most advanced cloud technology, CMBatterytells you what’s eating your battery by analyzing the datain thecloud instead of detecting other app on your phone andconsumingbattery power.Charge Master ensures a healthy charging environmenttoprolong battery life and clearly displays the remaining timetillcharge complete.Main Features:1. Clean and innovative design.2. One tap to save powerWith a simple scan, CM Battery gives you a list of drainingitemslike Wi-Fi, Data and Bluetooth. You can shut off all theseitems atonce to save power with a simple tap.3. Advanced power savingCM Battery detects all the draining apps on your phone andprovidesa shortcut to close them manually.4. Never use your battery when not in useCM Battery tells you what’s eating your battery by analyzingthedata in the cloud instead of detecting other app on your phoneandconsuming battery power.5. Charge MasterCharge Master ensures a healthy charging environment toprolongbattery life and clearly displays the remaining time tillchargecomplete.6. Powerful App ManagementStop your power draining apps from automatically re-launching,evenif you’re not rooted.If you're looking for a simple Android battery saver,batteryoptimizer or find yourself interested in your power usage,this isa great app for you.At CM Battery, user satisfaction is important to us. If youhaveany difficulties with the app, please contact usatcmbattery@cmcm.comFollow us on Twitter: @cmbatteryLike us on Facebook: CM BatteryJoin our betagroup:
Akku-Service 1.1
Christoph Nacke
Eins vorweg: "Diese App hat nichts mitdemLaden von Handy-Akkus etc. zu tun".Mit dieser App können die Ladezyklen von Akkus, z.B. vone.Bikesprotokolliert werden. Dadurch kann überprüft werden, obdieHerstellerangaben von 800 - 1000 Ladezyklen erreicht werden.Es wird erfasst welche Fahrstrecke mit einer AkkuladungoderTeilladung erreicht wird. Auf diese Weise kann evtl. eineAlterungdes Akkus bereits erkannt werden.Grafisch anschaulich werden die Fahrtstrecken jeeinzelnerAkkuladung oder kumuliert als Gesamtfahrleistungdargestellt. Aufdiese Weise hat man auch einen Überblick überseinTrainingsprogramm.Die Daten werden in einer Datenbank erfasst, welchezuBackup-Zwecken gespeichert und wieder zurückgeladen werdenkann.Weiterhin kann die Datenbank als Textfile (*.CSV)abgespeichert undmit einer Tabellenkalkulation weiterverarbeitetwerden.Viel Erfolg und Spaß mit dieser App.Fehlermeldungen und Anregungen bitte über die üblichenFunktionendes Playstores.One thing first: "Thisapphas nothing to do with the store of mobile phone batteries,etc.".With this app, the charge cycles of rechargeable batteries,forexample, can are logged by e.Bikes. This can be checked whetherthemanufacturer information of 800 - 1000 charging cycles canbeachieved.It is recognized that route is achieved on a single chargeorpartial charge. In this way can possibly be already detectedanaging battery.Graphically illustrate the journeys per single battery chargeorcumulatively as total distance traveled are displayed. In thisway,you also have an overview of his training program.The data is recorded in a database, which is stored forbackuppurposes and can be reloaded. Furthermore, the database canbe atext file (* .csv) stored and processed by a spreadsheet.Good luck and have fun with this app.Error messages and comments about the usual functions of thePlayGate.
Battery Bank Pro 1.2
Mourad Akhrif
Battery Bank Pro 1.1 est unéconomiseurd’énergie qui peut prolonger l'autonomie de votrebatterie jusqu'à50 % en trouvant les applications et les paramètresénergivore survotre appareil . Joignez-vous à 150 millionsd'utilisateurs surAndroid et iOS qui en ont vu les avantages !Professionnel, facile d'utilisation et prise en charge de19langues, Battery Bank Pro 1.1par Cheetah Mobile (anciennementKSMobile) donne une plus longue vie à votre téléphone Android,vousfournit des informations détaillées sur la batterie et vouspermetde charger sainement grâce à notre système unique de chargeen 3étapes .Économisez votre énergie !Découvrez ce qui vide votre batterie. Ajustez vos paramètresdeconsommation (p. ex. luminosité) désactiver lesapplicationsinutiles qui vide votre batterie.Estime avec précision le temps de batterie restantVous indique combien de temps tiendra votre batterie suivantunevariété de situations (jouer à des jeux, wifi activé ounon,etc.)Charge professionnelleBattery Bank Pro 1.1 régule la manière dont votre appareilestrechargé avec un système unique de recharge en 3 étapes pourvousassurer d'avoir le meilleur de votre batterie et vous rappelledene pas la surcharger. Il dispose également de fonctionnalitésquipeuvent surveiller et réguler la consommation d'énergie.Widget inclusNotre widget « Task Killer » permettra d'optimiservotreconsommation d'énergie facilement . Le widget 4 x 1 rendplusfacile à gérer le Wifi, Data, luminosité, etc. et permet degérerle mode économie d’énergie .Principales caractéristiques :- Désactive les applications inutiles qui vident votrebatterie!- Task Killer tue les tâches en un seul clic !- Arrète les applications lorsque l'écran est éteint !- Temps de batterie restante précis!- Temps de rechargement restant précis!- Planification du mode d'économie d'énergie pour le travail /enclasse / durant le sommeil et plus!- Système unique de rechargement en 3 étapes!- Bouton Wifi/Données/Bluetooth!- Contrôle de la luminosité!- Gestion du processeur (pour mobiles rootés)!- Température de la batterie!- Astuces pour le rechargement!- 19 langues supportées!- Interface simple d'utilisation!Fans de Battery Bank Pro 1.1, rejoignez notre groupe debêtatesteurs. Soyez le premier à essayer nos dernières mises àjour,signaler les bugs et communiquer avec les développeurs.Q&RQ: Battery Bank Pro 1.1 peut-il économiser l'énergie etprolongerl'autonomie de la batterie?R: Oui !Touchez le cercle dans l'écran principal (Économiser l'Energie)pourarrêter les applications gourmandes en énergie et qui ne sontpas encours d'utilisation pour améliorer la durée de vie delabatterie.Démarrez notre application pendant le rechargement pourlaisserBattery Bank Pro 1.1 gérer le processus, avec le systèmederechargement en 3 étapes, qui assure une plus longue durée deviede la batterie.Utiliser le widget « Task Killer » pour optimiser facilementvotreconsommation d'énergie.Q: Qu'est-ce qu'une recharge complète et pourquoiest-elleimportante?Branchez votre téléphone lorsqu’il reste environ 20% de batterieetcontinuez à charger la batterie jusqu'à ce que Battery Doctorvousdise que la 3ème étape du chargement, l'entretien, est terminé.Nesurchargez pas en gardant votre appareil branché, ne souschargezpas en chargeant à petit coup chaque fois que vous enavezl'occasion.Q: Comment fonctionne le « Mode d'économie »?R: Le "Mode d'économie" est un paramètre avancé qui arrêtetoutesles fonctions non essentielles de votre téléphone àl'exception desappels téléphoniques et la possibilité d’envoyer etde recevoir destextos . Wifi, 3G, GPS, etc. seront tous arrêtésafin de preserverl'autonomie de la batterie et la sauvegarde del'énergie.======================================================================Battery Bank Pro 1.1 isanenergy saver that can extend the battery life up to 50% byfindingapplications and energy settings on your device. Join 150millionusers on Android and iOS who have seen the benefits!Professional, easy to use and support for 19 languages,ProBattery Bank 1.1par Cheetah Mobile (formerly Mobile KS) givesalonger life to your Android phone, provides detailed informationonthe battery and allows you to load healthily thanks to ouruniqueload 3 step system.Save your energy!Find out what your battery empty. Adjust your power settings (p.Ex.Brightness) disable unnecessary applications that emptyyourbattery.Accurately judges the battery time remainingTells you how long your battery will hold in a variety ofsituations(playing games, wifi enabled or not, etc.)CaseloadBattery Bank Pro 1.1 regulates how your device is recharged withaunique 3-step charging to ensure you have the best of yourbatteryand remind you not to overload. It also has features thatcanmonitor and control energy consumption.Widget includedOur widget "Task Killer" will optimize your energyconsumptioneasily. The 4 x 1 widget makes it easy to manage WiFi,Data,brightness, etc. and manages the power save mode.Main characteristics :- Turn off unnecessary applications that empty your battery!- Task Killer kills tasks with a single click!- Stop applications when the screen is off!- Precise remaining battery time!- Recharge time remaining accurate!- Planning the power saving mode for work / class / during sleepandmore!- Single recharge system in 3 steps!- Wifi on / data / Bluetooth!- Brightness control!- Processor Management (Mobile Rootes)!- Battery temperature!- Tips for recharging!- 19 languages ​​supported!- Easy to use interface!Fans of Battery Bank Pro 1.1, join our beta testers group. Bethefirst to try our latest updates, report bugs and communicatewithdevelopers.Q & AQ: Battery Bank Pro 1.1 can it save energy and prolong thebatterylife?A: Yes!Touch the circle in the main screen (Save Energy) to stopintensiveapplications and energy that are not in use to improve thelife ofthe battery.Start our application while recharging Battery Bank to let Pro1.1handle the process with recharging 3-step system, which ensuresalonger life of the battery.Use the "Task Killer" widget to easily optimize yourenergyconsumption.Q: What is a full charge and why is it important?Connect your phone when about 20% of battery and continuechargingthe battery until the Battery Doctor tells you that the 3rdstageof loading, maintenance is complete. Do not overload keepingyourconnected device does not load under loading to flick wheneveryouget the chance.Q: How does the "economy mode"?A: The "Saving Mode" is an advanced setting which stopsallnon-essential functions of your phone with the exceptionoftelephone calls and the ability to send and receive textmessages.Wifi, 3G, GPS, etc. will all be arrested in order topreserve thebattery life and saving energy.======================================================================
UAV Logbook
Gil Vitzinger
UAV Logbook lets you manage your UAV Flight Log easilyquicklyandprecisely. - Show all your records - Data is storedlocally onyourdevice - Import Data from Excel - Share All kinds ofreports asanExcel File - Show different Data manipulations -Generate ACivilAviation Authority format Report and Export it toExcel - Addanytextual Tag to a record, then search records by thatTag
Battery Saver (Power) 2016 1.1
Exploz Apps
battery 2016 Saver :) its like a BatteryDoctorsaver 2016 Pro with beautiful theme for your eyes, is anenergysaver that can prolong the battery life up to 50% byfindingapplications and energy settings on your device.. believe meyouneed to try it.battery 2016 - save power 2016 are free apps that helpsavebattery power for Android systems. It can help you savebatterypower at the touch of a button. With its many features,includingpower consumption ranking, memory scrubbing and backgroundtaskshut-down, you can easily change the battery saving mode andextendbattery life.Join 150 million users on Android and iOS whohaveseen the benefits!Battery Saver 2016 is the best battery saving application intheandroid application world. We have introduced this applicationtosave battery smartly so that battery runs longer than usualandincrease battery life.Battery Saver 2016 has a special battery saving mode option.Thismode will extend battery life when device is switched on.Battery Saver 2016 Pro is a FREE battery saving app thatcanextend your battery life up to 50% by finding apps andsettingsthat drain power on your device.A powerful app for your android device that will boost yourbatteryjuice making it last longer.Easily achieve two or even three times your currentbatterylife!Defend your Juice!Find out what’s draining your power. Adjust your drainingsettings(e.g. brightness) and disable unnecessary apps that drainyourbattery.Accurately Estimates Remaining Battery TimeTells how long battery will last under a variety ofsituations(playing games, wifi on or off, etc)Quick ChargerBattery Doctor regulates the manner in which your device ischargedwith a Unique 3 Stage Charging system to ensure you get themostout of your battery and reminds you not to over charge. It alsohasfeatures that can monitor and regulate power consumption.Battery Saver 2016 - Power Doctor is a powerful & simpleAndroidBattery Saver & Power Manager. Functions include : (1)One-tapbattery optimizer (2) Deep sleep mode (3) App consumptiontracker(4) Activity remaining time estimator (5) Widget. UseBattery Saverproperly to save battery power up to 2x-4xmore!* FEATURES of Battery Saver 2016 *1. One-tap Battery OptimizerWith one-tap, the app closes background running apps andrecommendsyou functions to turn off in order to save more. Thisfunctionserves as memory cleaner/booster as well to speed up yourandroidphone along with saving battery power. Optimizer will alsoindicateyou how many hours you have / can save from phonedraining.2. Deep Sleep ModeEven you are not using the phone, lots of activities are goingonthat will drain your battery life. Deep Sleep Mode is set tosolvethis problem, such as disabling Wi-Fi, Auto-Sync while thephone isnot in use. Various modes are available for yourconvenience. Whilenot using your phone, set your "Sleep Mode" tosave time!Key Features★ Calculate remaining time while unplugged orcharging(AC/USB/Wireless)★ Start App on Charging to use Quick Charger★ Wifi/Data/Bluetooth toggle!★ Brightness control!★ Battery temperature!• Battery Saving Mode Option• Individual battery saving menu options at one place tosavebattery smartly• Memory Boost – quick access menu on menu screen apart frombatterysaver plus menu• Task Killer – releases RAM in one click and make yourphonefaster• Task Killer – Shows available memory• Battery charge/discharge graph – shows batterycharge/dischargegraph so that one can observe battery usage ofmobile use forparticular time• Battery charge/discharge graph zoom in/out★ Charging Tips!★ Disable unnecessary apps that drain your battery!★ Task Killer kills tasks with one click!★ Unique 3 Stage Charging systemdowload the Battery Saver 2016 free2016 battery Saver :)ictslike a Battery Doctor Pro 2016 saver with beautiful theme foryoureyes, is an energy saver That can prolonged the battery lifeup to50% energy by finding applications and device settings isyour ..believe me you need to try it.2016 battery - save power in 2016 are free apps That helpsavebattery power for Android systems. It can help you savebatterypower at the touch of a button. With icts Many features,Includingranking power consumption, memory scrubbing and backgroundtaskshut-down, you can Easily change the battery and extendbatterysaving fashion life.Join 150 million users on Android andiOSWho-have seen the benefits!Battery Saver 2016 is the best battery saving app in theandroidapplication world. Introduced this we-have app to savebattery sosmartly That battery runs along than usual and Increasebatterylife.Battery Saver 2016: has a special battery saving mode option.Thisway Will extend battery life When device is switched on.2016 Battery Saver Pro is a FREE battery saving app Thatcanextend your battery life up to 50% by finding apps andsettingsThat drain power on your device.A Powerful app for your android device That Will Boost yourbatteryjuice making it last longer.Easily accomplish achieve two or Even three times yourcurrentbattery life!Defend your Juice!Find out what's draining your power. Adjust your drainingsettings(eg brightness) and disable apps Unnecessary That drainyourbattery.Accurately Estimates Remaining Battery TimeTells how long battery Will last under a variety ofsituations(playing games, wifi is off gold, etc.)Quick ChargerBattery Doctor Regulates the Manner in qui your device ischargedwith a Unique Internship 3 Charging system to Ensure you gettheMost out of your battery and Reminds you not to over load.Itfeatures aussi HAS That can monitor and Regulatepowerconsumption.Battery Saver 2016 - Power Doctor is a Powerful & easyAndroidBattery Saver & Power Manager. Functions include: (1)One-tapoptimizer battery (2) Deep sleep mode (3) App consumptiontracker(4) Activity remaining time estimator (5) Widget. ProperlyUseBattery Saver to save battery power up to 2x-4x more!FEATURES * Battery Saver of 2016 *1. One-tap Battery OptimizerWith one-tap, closed the app running background apps andrecommendsyou to turn off functions in order to save more. Thisfunctionreserves as memory cleaner / booster as well to speed upyourandroid phone along with saving battery power. Will youindicateindication Optimizer aussi How Many hours you have / cansave phonefrom draining.2. Deep Sleep ModeEven you are not using the phone, lots of activities are goingonThat Will drain your battery life. Deep Sleep Mode is set tosolvethis problem, Such As disabling Wi-Fi, Auto-Sync while thephone isnot in use. Various modes are available for yourconvenience. Whilenot using your phone, set your "Sleep Mode" tosave time!Key Features★ Calculate remaining time while unplugged or charging (AC / USB/Wireless)Start Charging ★ App is to use Quick Charger★ WiFi / Data / Bluetooth toggle!★ Brightness control!★ Battery temperature!• Battery Saving Mode Option• Individual battery saving options menu at one place tosavebattery smartly• Memory Boost - quick access menu on screen menu apart fromlongerbattery saver menu• Task Killer - releases RAM in one click and make yourphonefaster• Task Killer - Shows available memory• Battery charge / discharge graph - shows battery charge/discharge graph so That One can observe use of battery formobileuse Particular time• Battery charge / discharge graph zoom in / out★ Charging Tips!★ Disable Unnecessary apps drain your battery That!★ Task Killer Kill tasks with one click!★ Unique Internship 3 Charging systemdowload the Battery Saver 2016 free
Battery Saver (Power Booster) 1.0
Battery Booster is one of theperfectsolutionsto get rid of the more power consumption problemsoftheSmartphone’s. Battery Booster is a free & advancedAndroidappto get long lasting battery backup. This powermonitoringapppermits users to rapidly gaze rising battery chargingstatusandfind which app & which action is depleting batterylife.It is consolidated with brilliant presetbatterypoweradministration modes & additionally with manualsettingoptionsto include your customized power saving mode. Withsingletouchcontrol, you can enlarge your Smartphone battery lifewhichmakesbatteries last longer! Battery Saver is the simplestandeasiestsolution to keep your Android phone working well, whenyouneed itmost, and also protect against poor charging andoverlookeddevicesettings that shorten your battery life.Pros of Battery Booster App:• Unique three stage charging modes i.e. quickChargingmode,Constant Charging & Trickle Charging mode.• Different modes available as per users need,inclinationandalternative to include users altered modelikewise.• It provides an accurate result with respect to theamountofbattery life is left with detailed examination ofappsrunning.• Protect your battery with sound charging to increaseyourbatterylife.
Webroot Mobile Security & Antivirus
Webroot Inc.
Webroot antivirus, internet security, and identityprotectionWebrootSecureAnywhere® Mobile Free keeps you secure whenbrowsing,shopping,and banking on your Android™ device. This appuses theDeviceAdministrator permission. MOBILE SECURITY ►Automaticallyscans appsfor malware and viruses ► Set it and forgetit –continuousprotection without interruptions or slowdownsPAIDFEATURES • AppInspector – Scans all apps and identifies thosethatcan harm yourdevice. LEARN MORE • More infoonWebrootSecureAnywhereMobile:•Troubleshootissues with installation orloggingin:•Needsupport?:
Battery Organizer
Keep your rechargeable battery chaosincheckwith Battery Organizer.★ Manage your batteries of RC Cars, Planes, Ships oranybatterypowered devices.★ Battery Organizer creates a unique QR-Code foreachbattery.Just print it out and stick it to your batteryforeasyidentification using the scan-function.★ Log charging and discharging to keep track ofyourbatteriescharge condition.★ Features:✔ Logging of charging, discharging, crash and storage.✔ QR-Code generation to label batteries (additional Appsrequiredforprinting).✔ Easy transfer (e.g. via e-mail) of QR-Codes should noprintingAppbe installed.✔ Battery identification via QR-Code scanning.Should you have any questions or suggestions forimprovementfeelfree to send a mail to:hst.apps@googlemail.comPermissions:INTERNET: Used to display ads.CAMERA: Used to scan QR-Codes.Tags: RC, Battery Manager, rechargeable
RC Calculators Free Edition 1.4.3
Don Stegall
This is a free Ad-Supported version of the paid RC Calculatorsapp.This is a collection of calculators that are convenientformodelers and R/C aircraft modelers in particular. Thecalculatorswere designed to be flexible in input configurations andto takeinput and output unit specifications in a wide range ofchoices.The free edition was created so that you can have theconvenienceof these calculators even when you don't have access toa paymentaccount. This free edition does require internet accesspermission.The calculators and features in this release are: • UnitConverter• Wing Area • Wing Loading • G-Force • Pitch Speed •Engine Size •Tank Size • Gas / Oil Mix • Propeller Chart • DrillSize Charts •Battery Voltage
Battery Protector 1.0.6
Protect your battery from excessive heating and prolong capacity.
Estar Battery Saver & Booster 1.2.9
Unlike all other battery saver apps,eStarBattery Saver is the only battery saver app that providesbatterydrain rating of apps in Google Play Store.Our Promise: FREE, NO-ADS ALWAYSThe ONLY Battery Saver app that significantly extends yourphone'sbattery life by helping you install onlybattery-friendlyapps and remove allbattery-hogging appsrunning on your phone."eStar: the Ultimate Android App to Master YourBatteryLife" -- Mashable"eStar by Mobile Enerlytics is a knight in shining armorforthose who are constantly facing dying batteries on smartphonesandtablets." -- HNGNFeatures of eStar Battery Saver:★ Quick and Effective BatterySaver: Identifiesbattery-hogging apps running on yourphone that should be stoppedto save battery★ Personalized AppRecommendation: Recommendsenergy-efficient andbattery-friendly apps relevant to you★ Suggested AppAlternatives: Suggestsbattery-saving alternatives for appsinstalled on your device★ "Built-in" Energy Appstore: Provides anenhancedversion of the Google Play App Store where you can find themostbattery-friendly apps on the market.★ User-friendly Battery Star Rating: Exposesthebattery drain rate of apps in Google Play with aneasy-to-read,5-star color coded rating without having to downloadthem★ Convenient Battery Saver: Searches apps inGoogleplay and sorts them by battery drain rateLike us on Facebook at's new:☆ Improved UI Experience☆ Battery-aware App Recommendation:Recommendsalternative, more battery-friendly apps than thepower-hungry appscurrently running on your phone☆ Expose the foreground and background usage ofyourapps
Battery Charging Time 3.2
Battery Charging Timer shows time left toendof charging battery of your device.Simply plug in power and watch charge time left up to full load.There are two modes:• main - full screen• notification bar indicatorKeep good battery health by full charge cycles.