Top 13 Apps Similar to 古佛親註金剛經真解

了凡四訓(淨空法師) 0.1
本書已另有發行繁體、簡體之圖書版本,歡迎至下列網址免費下載~~繁體版簡體版摘錄部份資訊,更多的資訊與版本(如簡體),歡迎至「智慧寶庫」www. 網站下載~~這本書雖然不是佛經,但是要把它當作佛經一樣尊重。民國初年,淨宗印光大師,一生中對這本書極力提倡。他的弘化社,印送這本書約在百萬冊以上。由此可知,印祖對這部書的重視。不僅如此,而且還不斷提倡,教我們研究、實行、講說。〔諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教〕。這是諸佛的法印。佛法是講原則,是講道理的。所以,佛經有五種人說,除佛之外,其餘弟子、天、仙、化人所說的,只要和佛說的宗旨一樣,不違背佛的原則,佛都承認它是佛經。我們看看這本書的內容,都是講〔諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意〕。等於佛經。佛是講理的,並不是只有佛自己說的,才稱為佛經。這就是佛教值得人尊敬,值得人讚歎的地方。因此凡是符合佛陀教育的原理、原則,我們都應該看成經典。尤其是這本書,經過祖師的證明,一再提倡,它是我們學佛的根基。不但是學佛的基礎,也是一般人在社會上安身立命的根本。創造命運是有一套學問,它是有理論、有方法的。這些理論方法就在這本書中。本書的分量雖然不多,但對於這方面確實掌握住綱領。所以我們想要改造命運,創造命運。乃至學佛真正有所成就,都要依本書的道理方法為基礎。可見本書對於我們學佛修行是何等的重要。〔了凡四訓〕是這本書的名字。〔了凡〕是寫這本書的人。〔了凡〕兩個字的〔凡〕字,有兩種說法。第一、是講到人。如果不是佛菩薩羅漢這些聖人,就是一個平常的〔凡人〕。〔了〕是明白、也是完結的意思。〔了凡〕就是明白做個平凡人是不夠的,應該要做最上等的人。就是說凡是平常人所動那些不好的念頭,要漸漸消除。所以稱作〔了凡〕。第二、就是指作者袁了凡先生。他是明朝人,出生在江蘇省蘇州府的吳江縣。他是進士出身,做過寶坻縣知縣。他喜歡做善事,並且是信仰佛教的。因為他是一個大善人,所以大家都尊重他,稱他了凡先生。〔四訓〕是四種教訓,就是本書所說的四篇文章:第一是立命之學,第二是改過之法,第三是積善之方,第四是謙德之效。這是了凡先生把他讀書所得到的心得,以及他一生奉行〔太上感應篇〕的經驗,寫了這本書來教導他的兒子。所以此書是他的家訓。The book has beenanotherissue book version Traditional, Simplified of welcome tothefollowing website for free download ~ ~Traditional Chinese E5% 9B% 9B% E8% A8% 93% E8% AC% 9B% E8% A8% 98_% E6% B7% A8%E7%A9% BA% E6% B3% 95% E5% B8% AB % E8% AC% 9B% E8% BF% B0? id=oWBcBAAAQBAJSimplified E5% 9B% 9B% E8% AE% AD% E8% AE% B2% E8% AE% B0_% E5% 87% 80%E7%A9% BA% E6% B3% 95% E5% B8% 88 % E8% AE% B2% E8% BF% B0? id=nl9cBAAAQBAJExcerpt part information, more information and version(egSimplified), welcome to the "treasure trove of wisdom" website to download ~ ~Although this book is not a Buddhist, but take it thesamerespect as a Buddhist. Early Republic, Jingzong Yin Kuang,stronglyadvocated this book a lifetime. His Honghua Club, Indiasent thisbook about one million or more. From this, 印祖 importanceof thisbook. Not only that, but also continue to advocate, teach ustoresearch, implement, and speaking. [Mo for all evil, pursue the public good, to purify their mindarevarious Buddhist]. This is the Buddhas of the French andIndian.Dharma is about principle, is listen to reason. So, thereare fiveBuddhist scriptures say, in addition to the Buddha, andtheremaining disciples, day, fairy, of people have said, as longasthe purposes and Buddha as not contrary to the principles oftheBuddha, Buddha Park recognize that it is Buddhist. We take a look at the contents of this book are evil and speak[Mofor, pursue the public good, to purify their mind]. Equal totheBuddhist scriptures. Buddhism is unreasonable, not only theBuddhahimself said, was known as sutras. This is the Buddhistworthy ofrespect, a place worthy of praise. So all in line withtheprinciples of the Buddha educational principle, we should beseenas a classic. Especially in this book, the founder ofprovenrepeatedly advocated, it is our Buddhist foundation.Foundation notonly Buddhist, but also ordinary people in thecommunity want tosettle down at all. Destiny is set to create knowledge, it is the theory, therearemethods. These theoretical methods in this book. The book'sweight,while small, but has really grasped program. So we wanttotransform the fate and create destiny. And even Buddhist trulybesuccessful, the truth must be in accordance with the methodbasedon the book. The book shows a Buddhist practice for ushowimportant it is. [The training] is where four of this book's name. [A] Where istheperson to write this book. Where [the] word of [where] theword,there are two versions. First, people talked about. If notBuddhaLohan these saints, is a common [mortal]. [A] is understoodto meanthe end also. Where [a] is understood to be ordinary peopleis notenough, you should do the finest people. That ordinary peoplewhomove those bad thoughts, to gradually eliminate. So who called[a].Second, the author refers to Mr. Yuan Lefan. He is theMingDynasty, was born in Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province,Suzhougovernment. He is the Scholars origin, did Baodi Countymagistrate.He likes to do good, and is a Buddhist. Because he is agreatkindness, so we all respect him, calling him Mr. Van. [Four] are four kinds of training lessons that the book saidfourarticles: the first is the destiny of the study, and the secondisto turn over the law, and the third is the charitable side, andthefourth is Kentoku effect. This is the President who obtainedhisreading experience, as well as his life pursuing theinductionpapers [too] experience, wrote this book to teach his son.So thisbook is his family motto.
金剛經-聖嚴法師 1.1.1
四合經:金剛經.藥師經.阿彌陀經.普門品 (中華印經協會) 1.00
Courtyard by: Diamond Sutra pharmacists by Amitabha SutraUniversalDoor...
Video Touch - Wildlife 2.34
48 HD video clips of wild animals
금강경-금강반야바라밀경 (송강 스님 편역) 1.2.0
★ 선착순 1,000명 특별 무료 이벤트 中★ 한자-독음-우리말-학습 선택 기능 제공★ KBS 강유경 성우의 차분한 목소리 제공금강경의 여러 논란에 대한 명쾌한 답변을 제시![송강 스님의 금강경]최근에 책으로 출간되어 불교계에 큰 반향을 일으키고 있는송강 스님의 금강경이 안드로이드용 앱으로 출시되었습니다.송강 스님의 금강경은 기존 금강경 번역에서 여러 논란이 되었던 부분들을 명쾌하게 해석했다는데 그의미가큽니다.고려 대장경에는 6역본의 금강경이 있습니다. 6역본은 구마라집 스님 역, 보리류지 스님역, 진제 스님역,달마급다스님역. 현장 스님역, 의정 스님역입니다.송강 스님의 금강경은 구마라집 스님역을 저본으로 하여 6역본과 인도의 범본을 연구한 자료를 바탕으로 중요한번역문에모두 그에 해당하는 해설을 달아 근거를 제시하였습니다.금강경의 여러 의문이 해결이 되는 명쾌한 우리말 번역문이 탄생한 것입니다.이러한 번역에 들인 정성은 우리가 우리말 금강경을 읽을 때 느낄 수 있습니다. 그 뜻이 명쾌하고 이해가쉽다는것입니다.금강경의 바른 뜻을 이해하는데 번역문의 모호한 표현이 방해가 되지 않아야 할 것입니다.송강 스님 금강경의 또 다른 큰 특징은 한문과 한글을 1:1로 대조해서 한문의 어떤 글자가 어떻게 한글로번역된것인지를 명확하게 밝히고 있다는 것입니다.이는 한문을 읽을 때의 장점과 한글을 읽을 때의 장점을 동시에 살릴 수 있어 금강경을 제대로 이해하는 데 큰효과를볼 수 있습니다.이러한 번역 방식은 한문에 대한 전문적이면서도 완벽한 이해가 없이는 불가능 한 것이며, 번역자의 실력을직접적으로평가할 수 있는 부분이기도 합니다.KBS 성우의 차분한 목소리는 어디서든 편안하게 금강경을 들을 수 있도록 해줍니다. 또한 염불 식의 독송도 현재준비중에 있습니다.아울러 도입에서 나오는 우리나라 3대 화가 방혜자 선생님의 작품은 금강경의 가치를 더욱 높여 줍니다.제시된 작품의 제목은 ‘마음의 빛’입니다.송강 스님 금강경-안드로이드폰 버전을 통해많은 분들이 금강경의 큰 지혜를 배우기를 바랍니다.----------------------------------------------------☆ 트위터: @waterbearsoft★콘텐츠 다운로드에 필요한 전체 용량 : 60MB----개발자 연락처 :151-742 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 35동 214-10호(주)워터베어소프트ACT 1000 people 中★Special Free Event★ Chinese - SOLO - Korean - learning feature provides choice★ KBS provides soothing voice actor Yoo KangProvided a clear answer to the many controversies oftheSutra![Sutra of Songjiang monk;The recently published a book that caused a big stir intheBuddhistSutra app for Android has been released by the Songjiang monk.Sutra of Songjiang big monk I interpret its meaning was clearlyapart of several controversies in the previous Sutrawastranslated.06 translations of this sutra is the Tripitaka Koreana.06translations are gumarajip monk Station, Barley Station Ryujimonk,monk jinje station, geupda monk Dharma station. Site stationMonk,The Monk Station Protocol.We put all the commentary equivalent of Songjiang Sutra monktomonk to jeobon the gumarajip station based on a study of 06beombontranslations and translations of Indian data on relevantevidencepresented.The birth of that resolve several questions Sutra lucidKoreantranslation.You can feel when we read the Korean Sutra deulinthesetranslations are qualitative. That means this is clear andeasy tounderstand.Is to understand the correct meaning of the Sutra is that youdonot get in the way of translation ambiguity.This is in contrast to 1 to the translation of theChinesecharacters in Hangul which is how it clearly says that:Anothergreat feature of Songjiang monk Sutra is one of ChineseandHangul.This can be seen to great effect to properly understand thesutracan save when you read the benefits and advantages of Hangulwhenyou read the Chinese simultaneously.Yet professional approach to the Chinese translation ofthesewould have been impossible without a complete understanding,andalso to assess directly the ability of the translator.Allows them to comfortably anywhere Sutra voice is soothingvoiceof KBS. In addition, the expression is also currentlypreparingdoksong of chanting.Addition will further enhance the value of the Sutra ofthecountry from the introduction of three painters Sirbanghyejawork.The title of the work presented is "the light of the mind '.Through the Android version - Songjiang monk SutraClick to learn many of the great wisdom of the Sutra.-------------------------------------------------- -☆ Twitter:waterbearsoftNecessary to download content ★ Full Capacity: 60MB
金刚经-圣严法师 1.1.1
불경소리:불교 경전 모음(한글, 한문, 풀이) 1.7.3
MJ Hands
불교 경전을 모아서 보여주는 앱으로 앱에 포함되어 있는 경전의 종류는 아래와 같습니다. 금강경천수경반야심경신묘장구대다라니 화엄경 약찬게 아미타경 법성게 천지팔양신주경 대불정능엄신주백팔대참회문지장경천수천안관세음보살광대원만무애대비심대다라니경 경전은 쉬운 독경과 공부를 위하여 한글,한글+원문(한자)이포함되어있습니다. 앱에서는 글자 크기 조절 기능을 지원하여 더욱 편리하게 경전을 보실 수 있습니다. ※접근권한 안내서비스제공을 위해 다음과 같은 접근권한을 필요로 합니다. 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도 서비스기본기능을이용할 수있습니다. [필수 접근권한] - 없음 [선택 접근권한] - 사진/미디어/파일 : 통계모듈에서 생성되는파일을단말기에저장/조회하기 위해 이용 - 사용기록 엑세스 : 통계모듈에서 앱 사용기록 등을 조회하기 위해 이용 - 기기및앱기록 :통계모듈에서 앱이나 인터넷 사용기록 등을 조회하기 위해 이용 [안드로이드 운영체제 6.0 미만 단말기이용자안내]안드로이드 운영체제 6.0 미만의 단말기를 이용하는 경우, 선택 접근권한에 대한 개별 선택이 불가하므로 앱설치전에해당 내용을 충분히 검토하시기 바랍니다. 가급적 접근권한에 대한 개별 선택이 가능하도록 단말기 제조사를통해운영체제를6.0 이상으로 업그레이드하시고, 업그레이드가 되더라도 기존 앱에서 동의한 접근권한은 바뀌지않으므로접근권한을재설정하기 위해서는 앱을 삭제 후 재설치하여 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. ---- 개발자 연락처:+821051010152
金剛經筆記 1.0
Media Life
金剛經,註解參考, 還可以寫筆記喔DiamondSutra,notesreference, you can also write notes oh
六祖壇經(曹溪本)_朗讀版 1.0
閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具朗讀、彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)《六祖大師法寶壇經》自序品第一時,大師至寶林,韶州韋刺史與官僚,入山請師;出於城中大梵寺講堂,為眾開緣說法。師升座次,刺史官僚三十餘人、儒宗學士二十餘人、僧尼道俗一千餘人,同時作禮,願聞法要。大師告眾曰:「善知識!菩提自性,本來清淨,但用此心,直了成佛。善知識!且聽惠能行由得法事意。」惠能嚴父,本貫范陽,左降流于嶺南,作新州百姓;此身不幸,父又早亡,老母孤遺,移來南海;艱辛貧乏,於市賣柴。時,有一客買柴,使令送至客店;客收去,惠能得錢,卻出門外,見一客誦經。惠能一聞經語,心即開悟,遂問:『客誦何經?』客曰:『金剛經。』復問:『從何所來,持此經典?』客云:『我從嶄州黃梅縣東禪寺來。其寺是五祖忍大師在彼主化,門人一千有餘;我到彼中禮拜,聽受此經。大師常勸僧俗,但持金剛經,即自見性,直了成佛。』『惠能聞說,宿昔有緣,乃蒙一客,取銀十兩與惠能,令充老母衣糧,教便往黃梅參禮五祖。』『惠能安置母畢,即便辭違,不經三十餘日,便至黃梅,禮拜五祖。』祖問曰:『汝何才人。欲求何物?』惠能對曰:『弟子是嶺南新州百姓,遠水禮師,惟求作佛,不求餘物。』祖言:『汝是嶺南人,又是獦獠,若為堪作佛?』惠能曰:『人雖有南北,佛性本無南北;獦獠身與和尚不同,佛性有何差利?』五祖更欲與語,且見徒眾總在左右,乃令隨眾作務。惠能曰:『惠能啟和尚,弟子自心,常生智慧,不離自性,即是福田。未審和尚教作何務?』祖云:『這獦獠根性大利,汝更勿言,著槽廠去。』
VR Human Brain 1.0.6
Trendyworks LLC
Virtual Reality ( VR ) App of Human Brainin360 VR view.It is one of the best VR Apps.Enjoy Human Brain App in Virtual reality and augmentedreality(AR).This VR application includes fun quiz VR Game for naming partsofthe Human Brain.This is one of best educational VR Games.One of the Only VR apps to have Human Brain in VR andARsimultaneously.Record a VR Video with this Application.DOWNLOAD MARKER for VR APP FROM THISLINK: of the VR Human Brain App:1) Users can Zoom and Rotate the 3d model.2) Students and teachers can Take apart each of the parts.3) Each Part of the virtual reality model can be made Glassy.4) Teachers can Label or Title every part of the vr modelinapplication.5) Analyse feature allows teachers discuss any one part of theVRHuman Brain.6) The snap feature allows you to save the image of the 3Doraugmented reality model. This image can be used for yournextproject or learning. Share or upload or print the imagestoshowcase it to your friends.7) Pen tool allows teachers to draw or pin specific parts of theVRHuman Brain.8) The AR button allows you to bring the model from virtual worldtoreal life situation by placing the camera on a marker.9) Quiz feature allows you to play a fun vr game of naming partsofthe model.