Top 5 Apps Similar to WantU

平行世界 1.8.0
在这个世界你能拥有二重身探索游历的【美丽古怪】App,曾多次获得苹果商店编辑推荐。【记录真实自我的卡片博客】守护你一人独处:我看到浪漫的诗人写日记, 看到寡言的画家讲故事,看到羞涩的灵魂说秘密。离人群远一点,就离自己近一点。这里只有真诚的记录自己,在安静的世界里和自己的灵魂赤裸相见。没有转发、没有点赞、没有评论。这里只有平静与独立,还有星星点点的温暖。【创建交流问题的影子小组】守护你化作影子在世界游历:我看到稀奇古怪的困惑讨论, 看到不同寻常的思索,看到深不见底的脑洞。每个平行世界居民都额外拥有一个影子身份,可选不同种族,能够安心自在的表达真实的困惑和兴趣。【探索世界中的陌生人漂流卡】凡真实的必会相遇。每人每天从世界中将抽到不同的人和卡。只有二人世界私信,只有无压力的私密聊天,充分保护隐私。【造物主联盟】请大胆表白。招聘工程师、运营负责人、体验馆大管家,如果你有能力做平行世界的守护者,请把简历作品发到:hr@llspace.com微信公众号:平行世界llspace官方微博:平行世界llspace开发者邮箱:bin@llspace.comIn this world you canhavea doppelganger explore traveled pretty weird [] App, hasbeenawarded the Editor's Choice Apple Store.[Record] true self card blogGuardian of a person you alone: ​​I see a romantic poet diary,seereticent painter story, see the shy soul says secret.Farther away from the crowd, you leave yourself a littlecloser.There's only record their sincere, in a quiet world and hissoulnaked meet. No forwarding, no thumbs, no comment. Only calmandindependence, as well as bits and pieces of warm here.[Create] a shadow group communication problemsProtect you travel in the world turned into a shadow: I haveseenstrange confused discussion, see unusual thinking,seeingbottomless hole in the brain.Each additional parallel world residents have a shadowidentity,alternatively different races, can be at ease confusionand expressreal interest.[Explore the world of strangers drifting card]Where the real will surely encounter. Per person per day and beableto get a different card from the world will be. Only two oftheworld private letter, only a stress-free private chat,fullprotection of privacy.Creator [Union]Please bold confession. Job Engineer, head of operations,museumhousekeeper, if you have the ability to do parallel guardianof theworld, please send your resume work sent to:hr@llspace.comMicro-channel public number: parallel world llspaceOfficial microblogging: parallel world llspaceDeveloper mail:
the L 5.10.3
the L (formely Rela) The world's most popular diversefemalecommunity, join us with 12 million girls. Share WonderfulContent |Experience Interesting Interaction | Close the DistancebetweenEach Other.
Wantu 1.2.1
Hay personas pensando lo mismoquetú,¡Encuéntralas con Wantu!Wantu te conecta con personas que tienen tus mismos interesesytepermite hablar con ellas.¿Cómo lo hace? A través de la combinación de palabrasclaves.Cadacombinación te llevará a un grupo de personas queestánbuscando lomismo que tú.Puedes elegir en que ciudades o comunas buscar, además defiltrarporsexo y rango de edad.Habla con quien quieras o participa de los chat grupalesqueposeecada grupo.Mientras algunos todavía sueñan con la telepatía.¡OtrosusanWantu!Some peoplearethinkingthe same as you, with Wantu Find them!Wantu connects you with people who have similarinterestsandallows you to talk to them.How does he do it? Through the combination ofkeywords.Eachcombination will lead a group of people who arelooking thesame asyou.You can choose which cities or municipalities seek, inadditiontofilter by gender and age range.Talk to whoever you want or join the chat group possessedbyeachgroup.While some still dream telepathy. Others use Wantu!
Partaz 5.55.14
210 Graphic
• Vous avez perdu quelque chose ?Demandezl'aide des réunionnais.• Vous avez trouvé quelque chose ? Publiez la photo surlaplateforme d'entraide.• Votre chien s'est égaré ? Partagez sa photo afin de faciliterlesrecherches.• Vous êtes témoin d'un évènement sur le réseau routier ?Informezla communauté en direct.Pourquoi avoir développé Partaz ?"Nous avons voulu rendre accessible à tous desinformationspartagées par les utilisateurs pour les utilisateurs.Ce concepttrès apprécié sur notre île, nous avons voulu l'adapterauxnouvelles technologies... à portée de main, à porter de clicsdansvotre poche."L'application évoluera au fil du temps avec notammentlelancement des Bons Plans Partaz prévus pour le premiersemestre2016 ainsi que d'autres fonctionnalités... Pour l'heure,profitezde votre plateforme d'entraide et accédez à la météo endirect avecla visio-météo.• Have you lostsomething?Enlist the help of Reunion.• You found something? Post the photo on the supportplatform.• Your dog has strayed? Share her photo tofacilitatesearches.• You witness an event on the road network? Inform theLivecommunity.Why Partaz developed?"We wanted to make it accessible to all information sharedbyusers for users. This concept popular on our island, we wantedtoadapt it to new technologies ... handy to wear clicks inyourpocket . "The application will evolve over time with the launch ofWarrantsPartaz Plans for the first half of 2016 as well as otherfeatures... For now, enjoy your support platform and navigate tothe liveweather with video-weather.
LINKTU 3.2.1
LINKTU - A popular socialnetworkingapplication in Southeast Asia, where more than tenmillion usersare posting their pictures and meeting newfriends!LINKTU - A new definition to taking photos, combining yourpreciouslife moments into a photo story!If photos can capture a moment that is gone forever, LINKTUcancombine users’ photos with music, voice recordings and wordsinto aphoto story, turning these moments into their personalstory.More than ten million users are using LINKTU to share theirtraveladventures, food adventures, and selfies. Turning theirwonderfulmoments into a photo story, to record down their life,share abouttheir life and to discover new patterns of life!Not only can users share photos of delicious food, sharetheirselfies, they can also add friends, live chat to narrow downthedistance between users!With more than 10 types of filters together with voice recordingasphoto caption, it can definitely make photos more vividanddramatic!Automatically combines photos into photo stories, making photosmorevivid and alive without the need to edit videos, upload ordownload,furthermore photo story’s flow is 80% faster than normaltype ofshort film!Original and creative timeline, photo story organizationandtimeline appearance will be a brand new user experience!=== What can LINKTU Provide===Immediate live chat experience -When users discover a photo or another user that they areinterestedin, users can send a friend request to the user, oncethe useraccepts the request, both of you will be able to chat liveasfriends. Users can also send locations, video chat and alsosendvoice messages to their friends too!Make photos livelier -LINKTU is equipped with more than 30 types of camera filters,nomatter funny, cute, art or non-mainstream, giving photos andvideosa taste of fascination. After choosing the desired photo,users canrecord a short voice message as caption, or also write afew wordsto let other users to understand more about your photos.Photos andvideos will become more convenient and fun throughLINKTU.Photo story -Through coordinating photos with music, voice messages or somewordsto become a photo story, it can turn photos into a photostory,every second in the photo story will show what users see,every postwill be telling your story, making sharing and browsingthroughphotos a brand new experience for the users.Highlights and hashtags -Getting photos that are always more or less the same? Post itout!Let other users know how different the photo is as compared totheothers! Users can browse through photo stories that made itintohot topics, search and subscribe to the hashtags and alsofindphotos, photo stories that users might be interested in. Thehottopic feature is convenient for users to find posts thatareinteresting, and also to let other users who have thesimilarinterests to find photo stories easier. Communication,starts here,clearer and more vivid.Timeline -Original and creative timeline, photo story’s organization styleandtimeline appears as a new user experience. Let everyone witnessyourfootprints!Camera filters -Yes, filters can be applied to not just photos, but videos aswell!What’s more, users can test and change the filters while theyarerecording the video, resulting in videos a touch with beautyinit.Huge database with travel attractions, restaurants, locationforhotel -When users browse through their friends’ pictures, location ofwherethe photo was taken is sometimes one of the questions thatotherusers might want to ask. LINKTU uses a huge database, whereuserscan view different locations of different users, leaving aphotorealistic record. Besides that, users can search and locateotherusers’ posts about interesting places or delicious food,helping youto discover new things in life!