Top 11 Apps Similar to 香港車牌筆試練習

筆試通 1.0.2
「筆試通」是一個專為香港駕駛執照應考者而設的流動應用程式。此程式為協助應考者熟習電腦化筆試的形式及操作而設計,反覆綀習能使您應考筆試信心倍增。特色:1.收錄 300+ 最新模擬題目,供應考者反覆測驗2.模擬真實電腦化駕駛執照筆試程式3.提供覆覽標示,應考者可標示已覆覽題目4.自動計時,計算測驗總時間5.測驗結果清晰易明想筆試合格?冇難度!!keywords: 香港 學車 駕駛 執照 筆試 模擬 測驗 模擬筆試 駕駛執照 車牌筆試 練習 模擬 學車 考車 考牌牌照甲部試 應考 電腦化筆試 hong kong hk driving license mock writtentestsimulator"Written links" isaspecially designed for Hong Kong driving license candidatesaredesigned for mobile applications.This program is to assist candidates to familiarize themselveswiththe written form of computerized design and operation,repeatedpractice enables you to sit for the written test. 2.10confidence.Features:1. Collection of 300 + new simulation title for the candidatestorepeatedly test2. Computerized simulation of real driving license writtentestprogram3. Provide cover browse marked takers can view topics coveredhavebeen marked4. Automatic timing, calculate the total time test5. Clear and easy to understand test resultsWant to pass the written test? Nuisance difficulty! !keywords: Hong Kong to learn to drive a driving licensewrittentest analog simulation written driver's license platewrittensimulation exercises to learn to drive test vehiclelicenseexaminer Part A computerized test examinations written hongkong hkdriving license mock written test simulator
An app for user to practice the written section of driving examinHK.
香港駕駛考試練習 ( 筆試及路試 ) 1.08
Wills Apps
香港駕駛執照練習 ( 筆試及路試)程式內包含了三百多條題目,多遵從運輸署的《道路使用者守則》,同時參巧網上所找到的類近測驗,以增加其準確性,希望能為考車牌的使用者帶來更好的溫習效果。功能包括:1. 筆試練習2. 模擬考試3. 儲存題目4. 路試參考 ( Youtube )正確的道路使用方法請參照運輸署的最新指引。
的士筆試 地方試題 1.0.1
Morgan Kwok
的士筆試的地方試題測試,隨機在資料庫內抽取20題目。參考資料來自運輸署,已力求準確。希望大家多多溫習,祝大家one take pass!keyword: 的士 筆試 考試 地方 試題 問題 練習 的士地方試題 的士牌Local taxi writtentestquestions, and randomly selected 20 topics in thedatabase.References from the Transport Department, has to beaccurate.Hope a lot of revision, I wish you all one take pass!keyword: taxi written exam question papers where questionsoftaxi licenses to practice local taxi
香港的士筆試 - 地方試題練習 1.0.4
W H Ng, Cooper
地方唔熟點考的士牌呀?!《地方試題練習》就係特別為考的士牌的朋友製作,得閒可以隨時用手機操練,試題範圍包括香港、九龍、新界及大嶼山,有酒店、商場、公共設施、醫院、體育館、學校、公園...等等本港的地方。做多幾次,考試就自然冇有怕啦!本應用程式的試題取材自香港運輸署編印的〈地方試題小冊子〉,共647題,供應考人士作參考練習。運輸署會據實際情況作出修改,而不另行通知。Keywords: 香港 的士 的士牌 考牌 的士牌筆試 的士地方試題 筆試練習
學車筆試 1 tick pass 3.3.0
1 tick pass is a mock written test APP specially designed forthosewho are about to obtain a Hong Kong driving license. Reach 1tickpass by repeating practice questions!
運転免許問題集 普通車学科 4.98.1
Trips LLC
Ordinary car driver's license academic measures app. Plenty of1245questions with explanations. It is a safe problemcollectioncorresponding to the latest road traffic law!
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Taiwan driver license exam 2022.11
The new written exam in Taiwan become so hard! The number ofquizincrease.
HKGeology 1.5.3
Brief description of Hong Kong geology with aninteractivegeological map
香港嬰兒手語1 1.0