Top 1 Apps Similar to Ormož & The Wine Routes

Ormož and The Wine Routes 1.0
WOC - Multimedia
Thank you for your interest in this video app. INSTRUCTIONSFORUSEStart the app, after the animation is completed tap onthescreento go to the information sheet which scrolled to theendreveals abutton to play the videoclip. Map and other optionsareavailablevia the menu button. Since 1990, World OnCommunicationshasrealized more than 80 videoguides about severalsuggestiveplacesaround the world. Every videoguide has beenconceived howanitinerary that people can easily retrace. Now,thesevideoguidesand their information are used to compile thisnewserial ofandroid apps. Every app is structured in 3 parts: -Map-Information Sheet - Video clip This is a demo of a newseriesofapps dedicated to Slovenia "Off the beaten tracks"thatencompassnatural, historical, cultural and tourist places. Youcanadmirestorks as well as old castle rich in frescoes and legendsbutalsoappreciate countryside quietness, discover ancientRomantempleruins, know new wine denominations, get into caves andmore.In thevideo-app "Ormož and The Wine Routes 1" we show thelittletown ofOrmož and its interesting medieval castle, the museum,thechurchof Sveti Jakob Stareiši and more.. Clipvideo length:17minutesapprox. In the app "Ormož and The Wine Routes 2"thevideoclip ismainly focused on Velika Nedelja, Velicane,MaliBrebrovnik,Svetinje, and other surrounding villagesdislocatedalong the wineroute n.14, Ormož-Ljutomer. Clipvideolength: 19minutes approx.While this Demo is an excerpt of botheapp1 andapp2. The runningtime of this videoclip is approx. 5minutes. NOTESSited near theborders with Croatia and Hungary, Ormožis a veryclean smallvillage and our base during this itinerary intheOrientalSlovenia. We shoot this itinerary in the beginningofSeptemberwith a sun shining clearly the whole day overapicturesquelandscape of grapevines and quietness. We are verygladyou havedecided to join us, in this itinerary across thesinuouslowrounded hill called "Slovenske Gorice", where thedelightsofBacchus met the culture long before the transit ofthefirstcrusaders. Some DVDs about Slovenia are available on saleatourwebsite, in English (subtitles) and Italian. This appguideisrealized by World On Communications. Written andDirectedby:Angelo Giammarresi We invite you to look for our otherproductsinthis Marketplace and in our website CONTACTS - ©Copyright 2011 World On CommunicationsViaCarlo Marx 101 - 27024Cilavegna - Italy