Top 18 Apps Similar to Orthographe Projet Voltaire +

Orthographe Projet Voltaire 10.0.3
N ° 1 for personalized refresher courses in spelling and expression
OrthoSens 1.1
L’orthographe vous stresse ? Relaxez-vous.Vous aimeriez progresser en grammaire, mais vousavezpeurd’escalader l’Everest par la face nord ? Relaxez-vous.Branchezlecasque. Allongez-vous. Fermez les yeux. Écoutez,ouplutôt…Entendez.Vous pouvez le faire avant de vous endormir, sur la plage,dansletrain, dans le métro, en faisant une pause entre deuxrévisions…Vousserez étonné(e) du résultat. Sans douleur, onapprendmieux.Ce module original vous est proposé par le Projet Voltaire,n°1de la remise à niveau en orthographe pour lesparticuliers,lesécoles et les entreprises. Les textes sontl’œuvred’AurorePonsonnet, membre du comité d’experts du ProjetVoltaire,et savoix vous accompagne.Aurore PONSONNET, formatrice en orthographe et auteurOrthophoniste de formation, Aurore Ponsonnet estpassionnéedegrammaire et d’orthographe. Forte de son expérienceauprèsd’unepopulation de patients dyslexiques, elle crée sapropreméthode degrammaire simplifiée (SimpliGram®), méthodequ’elleenseigne depuis2005 à ses homologues orthophonistes.Formatrice enentreprise(notamment pour l’organisme CEGOS), auteur(module pourle ProjetVoltaire et ouvrage en préparation chezHachette). Elleest parailleurs chanteuse lyrique, comédienne,improvisatriceetprofesseur d’improvisation théâtrale. Sonsite:www.ecrireetparler.frSpellingstressesyou?Relax.You want progress in grammar, but you are afraid toclimbEverestfrom the north face? Relax. Plug the headphones. Liedown.Closeyour eyes. Listen, or rather hear ....You can do this before you sleep on the beach, on thetrain,inthe subway, pausing between two revisions ... You willbeamazed(e) the result. Without pain, you learn best.The original module is offered by the Project Voltaire, No.1ofthe spelling refresher for individuals, schools andbusinesses.Thetexts are the work of Aurore Ponsonnet, member oftheVoltaireProject expert committee, and his voice with you.Aurore PONSONNET, trainer and author spellingTraining speech therapist, Dawn Ponsonnet is passionateaboutgrammarand spelling. With its experience in a populationofpatients withdyslexia, it creates its own grammarsimplifiedmethod (SimpliGram®)method she teaches since 2005 tohiscounterparts pathologists.Trainer in business (especiallyforCEGOS body), author (Voltairemodule for the Project and workinpreparation Hachette). She is alsoan opera singer,actor,improviser and teacher of theatricalimprovisation.
French spelling by digischool 2.0.5
A free application to test and improveyourspelling in French! ◉◉◉◉ Created in partnership with Guillaume Terrien, The championofFrance in spelling. This application is composed of hundredsoflessons and more than 5000 questions and test.◉ Discover the numerous features of this application:-4 difficulty levels ranging from easy to expert-clear content approved by the French spelling champion-easy to use-explanations to help you understand and progress-trophies to win and collect◉ What is Orthographe francaise?The Orthographe application was created in partnershipwithprofessionals with the goal of allowing everyone to improvetheirwriting thanks to efficient learning methods over a multitudeofthemes.◉ How it worksIt's very simple, review the lessons regularly then testyourknowledge with the exercises. The more correct answer you give,themore trophies you will win.◉ Do you think you're ready?Check your level with the tests. You will answer questions atrandomwhich will give you a mark to help you get a better idea ofyourcurrent a level and what areas you need to work on.◉ The application covers all the areas that will allow youtoimprove your spelling in French:- Grammar: Noun plurals ending in 'eu'; adverbs ending in'emment'and '-amment', etc.- Homophones: 'ces', 'c'est' or 'sait'; 'dans' or 'd'en' etc.FAQ◉ Why choose Orthographe?Because it is fun, pratical and completely free! You willhaveaccess to content created in collaboration with the Frenchspellingchampion as well as being able to test your knowledge withtheexercises. You can also get a good idea of your current levelandhow to improve it. All of this in one unique application.◉ Can I use the application without an internet connection?Yes. Once you have downloaded the application you can useitanywhere at anytime.
Orthographe - Francais CM1&CM2
Take your child to the level required spelling for hiscollegeentrance.
100 Questions Orthographe 1.0.1
L’application 100 Questions vous permetdevoustester sur 100 points fondamentaux de l’orthographeetparconséquent, 1° de voir ce que vous maîtrisez, 2° deretravaillercequi vous échappe.Le concept de l’application repose sur 3 principes :100 règles : il s’agit des 100 points les plusimportants,ceuxqui couvrent 95% des besoins.5 niveaux : ces 100 points sont répartis sur 5 niveaux:Basique,Supérieur, Confirmé, Cultivé, Erudit, ce quipermetd’avancer trèsprogressivement et de se positionner.JOUER/S’ENTRAINER : vous avez enfin le choix entrelapartie«JOUER !» dans laquelle vous commencez directement àrépondreà desquestions et la partie «S’ENTRAINER» dans laquelle,àl’inverse,vous choisissez une règle, lisez sa fiche explicativeetavez lapossibilité d’être testé.En outre :Pas ou peu de vocabulaire «technique, grammatical»danslesexplications ;Des phrases tirées, non de la littérature, mais dulangagecourant(par mail) ou de la presse (pour lesniveauxsupérieurs).Ainsi, nous espérons que, tout en s’amusant...1° chacun pourra identifier les points quisuscitentpeut-êtrequotidiennement des hésitations.2° chacun aura la possibilité de comprendre laraisond’unehésitation ou d’une erreur et surtout, de s’affranchirdecettedifficulté en se ré-entraînant.3° chacun pourra élargir ses compétences grâce à laprogressivitédesniveaux.Amusez-vous bien !100QuestionsTheapplication allows you to test on 100 basic points ofspellingandtherefore 1 to see what you master, 2nd rework whatescapes you.The concept of the application is based on three principles:100 rules: these are the 100 most important points,thosethatcover 95% of needs.5 levels: these 100 points are spread over 5levels:Basic,Superior, Advanced, Grown, Scholar, which allowsprogressverygradually and position.PLAY / If RESULT: you finally have the choice betweenthepartwhere you start directly to answer questions and thepart"IfRESULT" in which, conversely, you choose a rule, see"PLAY!"itsexplanatory and have the opportunity to be tested.In addition :Little or no "technical, grammatical" vocabularyintheexplanations;Phrases learned, not of literature but in everydaylanguage(byemail) or of the press (for higher levels).Thus, we hope that, while having fun ...1 everyone can identify areas that mayraisedailyhesitations.2 each will have the opportunity to understand thereasonforhesitation or error and above all, to overcome thisdifficultyinre-leading.3 everyone can broaden their skills through escalation levels.Have fun !
Auto Exec! Easy tasker
If existing task managers seems too complicated, try Auto Exec!
Timbrés de l'orthographe 2.2.1
Les Timbrés de l’orthographedébarquentenfinsur Android. Grâce à cette application 100% ludiquevousallezpouvoir jouer avec les mots et apprendre à déjouerlespiègestendus par notre belle langue française.Orthographe, conjugaison, grammaire, vocabulaire…testez-vousetdevenez un champion toutes catégories grâce auxcentaines dequizet aux nombreuses dictées qui vous sontofferts.En bonus, des trucs et astuces pour ne plus faire de faute !Etlapossibilité de vous inscrire à la troisième édition dugrandconcoursdes Timbrés de l’orthographe parrainé par TatianadeRosnay !Egalement inclus : les annales des deux premièreséditionsduconcours.TheTimbrésspellingfinally landed on Android. With this application youwill100% funto play with words and learn to avoid the traps laidbyourbeautiful French language.Spelling, conjugation, grammar, vocabulary ... testyourselfandbecome a champion in all categories with hundreds ofquiz andmanydictations are offered.As a bonus, tips and tricks for not making a mistake!Andtheopportunity to register for the third edition of thegreatcontestTimbrés spelling sponsored by Tatiana de Rosnay!Also included: the annals of the first two editionsofthecompetition.
Learn French
Learn French easily
Le Conjugueur 2.88
Brewalan Le Dru
All French verb conjugation without Internet.
iTooch Les Bases du Français 4.6
iTooch Les Bases du Français estuneapplication de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue pardesenseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel duseconddegré en Français.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays,lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontred'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeuvidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permisd’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leurdonne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur toutle programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureetla compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scoresdeplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applicationsmêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentalesàconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petituncoup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Lesmeilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 4 thèmes : Grammaire, Orthographe, Conjugaison, Vocabulaire✓ 78 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemplesetdessins✓ 5 000 questions par titre avec indices etréponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Les Bases du Français réunit de loin la plus grandebased'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Les Bases des MathssurGoogle Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutienscolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e,4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs quisouhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons àdispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus auplusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplementautravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiéeauxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible.Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch Bases of Frenchisa playful school support application designed by teachers,whichcovers the official curriculum of the second degree in French.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries,iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionateteachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parentsthemselves.The union of these skills has to offer children awonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them totrain themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading andtextcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children onasmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without anInternetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to knowbystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give alittleboost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best appsforchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 4 themes: Grammar, Spelling, Conjugation, Vocabulary✓ 78 chapters per title with abstract classes, examplesanddrawings✓ 5000 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Bases of French meets by far the largest databaseofexercises for college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch Basics Math on Google Play.TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solutionforclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rdinMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application,weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content toasmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through apurchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising anddedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you todiscover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
French Grammar 2.7
Grammar is often the boring part oflearningalanguage – we have to learn rules that are so differentfromtheones in our native language.With these explanations, we hope to make the grammar ofFrenchalittle less intimidating! Here we explain all theimportantrulesin a brief and straight-forward way. The providedexercisesgiveyou the opportunity to immediately practise whatyou’ve learnedsoyou can remember it better.
learn french speak french 4.2
Mawuood Academy
learn french speak french
CamScanner (License) 1.8
The license would allow you to remove all ads within CamScanner APP
A french author quote per day 1.2
Radiance App
Discover many quotes from most famous French writers!Featuredinthis app: - Discover quotes from famous French authors -Choosethelook of your application with a choice oftwentybeautifulwallpapers - Share your favorite quotes onFacebook,Twitter, SMS... - Inspire your daily life Authors thatrepresentedin this app:- Albert Camus - Blaise Pascal - DenisDiderot - EmileZola -Francois de La Rochefoucauld - FrançoisRabelais -François-René deChateaubriand - Gustave Flaubert - Honoréde Balzac- Jean de LaFontaine - Jean Racine - Jean-Jacques Rousseau- Madamede LaFayette - Michel de Montaigne - Montesquieu - NicolasBoileau-Pierre Corneille - Stendhal - Victor Hugo - Voltaire Wehopeyouenjoy this app!
Bookari Epub PDF Ebook Reader
Mantano SAS
The best ebook reader platform on themarket:user friendly, powerful, fast, highly customizable,withsynchronized library, this book reader providesunprecedentedflexibility, speed and reading comfort.Highlight excerpts, take notes in your books, listen to themthanksto the vocal synthesis, organize your books and notes, addyourfavorite bookstores and much more!A great ebook reader for students, professionals andeagerreaders:- Advanced synced bookshelves to organize your ebooks acrossallyour devices- Ebook reader that will surprise you with its smoothnessandfunctional richness- Notebook to organize and find the notes taken in allyourebooks- Huge selection of stores in a customizable bookstores area:oneclick access to thousands of free and paid booksOVERVIEW- Synchronized bookshelves : Switch between your phone andtabletand always find your books, reading positions, collections,tags,ratings, bookmarks, in their most recent state.- Supports the most common ebook formats (EPUB2, PDF) as wellasinteractive multi-media books (EPUB3)- Supports Adobe DRM, allowing you to read ebooks protectedagainsthacking- Customizable ®ÿStoresÿ¯ section with integrated OPDS browser,andoptions to add links to your preferred bookstoresFLEXIBLE EBOOK READER- Bookmark pages, highlight or underline text- Listen to your books with the vocal synthesis- Annotate thanks to powerful functions dedicated to people whoreadfor their work: add bookmarks, name them to create yourownpersonaized table of contents, highlight or underline excerpts,addnotes to a page or to a selected text-- Thanks to the pinnable navigation panel, display your notesbesidethe text for an even easier access- Customize the display of EPUB books thanks to the themesbyadjusting font, line height, colors, etc.- Enjoy your PDFs even on smartphones thanks to the advancedPDFsupport, with lightning-fast vertical and horizontal scroll,Pan& Zoom, manual and automatic crop- Find quickly all occurrences of a word in a book with theadvancedsearch function- Create your own tailored lexicon progressively, filled withthewords you searched in the dictionary- The night mode preserves colors as much as possible whilereducingeye strainSYNCHRONIZED BOOKSHELVES- This app is openÿ: you have multiple ways to add books throughtheBookari website or through the mobile app, with automaticscanningof your device, from Dropbox, navigating to a particularfile withthe Explorer, browsing free or paid catalogs in the"stores"area- Edit your books information in a very simple way: Title,author,language, publisher-,- Organize them in collections, manage their tags- and findtheminstantly with quick access filters (tags, authors,formats,publisher-) or with the search function- Thanks to the synchronization functions, you will retrieveyourorganization on all your synced devices and even in thewebsiteinterface of the CloudAND MUCH MORE-- Notebook: Retrieve the saved definitions and the notes takeninall your books in the notebook, organize them as in thebookshelvesand export the totality or a selection in a -revisionsheet-.A more detailed description of the complete Bookari platformhere:
AutomateIt Pro - Automate task 4.0.286
SmarterApps Ltd
Turn your smartphone into a genius-phone!
Learn and play French words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
French lessons (free & fun) 1.3
Want to learn French? There isaneffective,convenient and fun way! Get this French learning toolforfree.This French learning program is extremely useful.Improveyourvocabulary. Get rid of spelling errors in yourFrench.Are you beginner? Or you have advanced level? It doesnotmatter.This is vocabulary tool and it will be useful forallstudents(elementary French, intermediate French, advancedFrench)level.Learning process includes 4 steps for each lesson:1) Review French words. Try to memorise them.2) Play puzzle word game. That will help you torememberwordsbetter. (this step is a part of learningprocess)3) Pass the test. (Type a word and check if you are right)4) Swap languages.Remembering French words is a hardest part oflanguagelearning.This vocabulary trainer will help you. It isreally fun touseembedded puzzle exercise.Learn French words in an easy way. Forget aboutcramming,writingwords on a paper, putting words lists everywhere.Thisprogramprovides an easy way of French words memorisation anditwill fixyour spelling.Use it day over day and you will get amazingresult.Yourvocabulary will rise to 3000 words + in a month. Finallyyouwillmake less grammar errors.Features:1) The set of lessons for different levels of ability.2) The progress of your learning French remains. You'llknowwhatlesson you have already passed.3) The ability to set a reminder4) Supports 26 languages5) And more!