Top 6 Apps Similar to WorkSlip

Mileage Book 7.2.10
Mileage Book
Automatic mileage tracking and expense management fromMileageBook.Free mileage tracker for mileage logging andexpenseregistration.+100,000 use Mileage Book to save time andmoney. Atthe same time,they are less frustrated and sure theycomply withtax agency rules.► AUTOMATIC START-STOP Log yourtripsautomatically. Simply connectthe app to a Bluetooth signal inyourcar or your vehicle charger.Add work schedule to onlyregistertrips when you are working. ►INTELLIGENT MILEAGE TRACKERUsingGPS, Mileage Book appautomatically detects “from” and“to”addresses as well as the exactdistance traveled. Add trippurposeand tax authority documentationis taken care of. Sendmileagerecords to payroll departmentdirectly from your phone. ►EXPENSEMANAGEMENT Register and manageexpense by using the cameraphone totake photos of your receipts.Date and amount areautomaticallyextracted. Simply add relevantinformation and theexpense is readyfor approval or your accountingprogram. ► SCALABLESOLUTIONMileage Book is suited to the needs ofindividuals as wellas smalland large companies. FREE: - IRS / taxauthority compliantmileagetracker – 20 trips / month - Expensemanagement – 10 receipts/month - Automatic calculation ofreimbursement/deduction -Phonesupport - Mileage report – 1 car -Organize trips withplaces,purposes and trip types - Overview innumbers or a map -Exportdata to CSV - 2 years storage ----- - GPSlog - Copy trips-Automatic log of your start and end addresses andtimes-Calculation of the distance traveled for both businessandprivatetrips. - Manual log - Your exported data on email. -Directprintto Air Printer. PRO - IRS/tax authority compliantmileagetracker –unlimited trips - Expense management – unlimitedreceipts-Automatic calculation of reimbursem ent/deduction - Phonesupport-Mileage report – 2 cars - Organize trips with places,purposes,andtrip types - Overview in numbers or a map - Export datatoCSV,Excel, or PDF - 5-year backup ----- - GPS log - Copytrips-Automatically log your start and end addresses +times-Calculation of the distance traveled for both businessandprivatetrips - Manual log - Your exported data on email. -Directprint toAir Printer. PRO+ - All functionality from PRO-Full-automaticmileage tracker with automatic start-stop andtripregistration.Termsandconditions:! PS: A GPS that runs inthebackground can significantly reducebattery life.
STARK Håndværker-app 2.1.0 Build (475)
STARK Håndværker-app gør håndværkerens dagligdag nemmere ogmereeffektiv. Med app’en får du adgang til formler, stærke tilbudog enkørebog, der gør kørselsregnskabet til en leg. Du får ogsåadgangtil den mobile webshop STARK Express, som giver dig mulighedfor atbestille varer, når og hvor du vil.
MinLøn 4.4.0
Med MinLøn fra Silkeborg Data får dumulighederfor at oprette kørselsregistreringer samt holde styr pådinearbejdstider og fravær/merarbejde.For at benytte MinLøn skal du være medarbejder i en kommuneellerregion, som benytter Silkeborg Datas lønsystem og hartilkøbtfunktionaliteten.Kørsels-funktionen giver medarbejderen mulighed for atregistreresine kørsler nemt og hurtigt.Hertil er der en kørebog som giver dig mulighed for atvælgearbejdsgivers bil hvor det muliggøres, at indrapportere skaderogbrændstofs påfyldning.Med Kalenderen er det muligt for den enkelte medarbejder at sesinarbejdsplan, registrere ferie, sygdom og overarbejde, samtrettesine eksisterende registreringer.Oversigten giver et samlet overblik til medarbejderen over sineegneregistreringer gamle som nye.Med flex-funktion i MinLøn kan medarbejderne registrere hvornårdemøder på arbejde, og hvornår de går hjem ved hjælp afetelektronisk stempelkort.MineValg giver medarbejderen muligheden for at ændre isinskatteprocent og udbetale/overfører ferieuger.Godkendelse er en funktion for lederen. Den giver dig mulighedforat godkende eller afvise medarbejdernes registreringer.MinLøn vil bede om adgang til: Placering, Billeder/medier/filerogkamera.Alle permissions kan nægtes hvis du er bruger af Android 6.Placeringen bruges til kørsels-funktionalitetens GPS signalBilleder/medier/filer bruges til medielagret på telefonenfordiapp’en anvender Google Maps ift. Kørsels-funktionen. Googlegemmerløbende data for ikke at tære unødigt på brugensdataforbindelse.Vi har ikke interesse i brugerens, billeder,videoer, lyd osv. oganvender på ingen måde disse filer. Brugerenkan selv vælge, atnægte adgang (Hvis der benyttes Android 6) detvil dog gå ud overbrugerens dataforbrug.Kamera bruges kun til at scanne QR-koder som knytter sig tilbilernei kørebog.With MinLøn fromSilkeborgData gives you opportunities to create driving recordsand keeptrack of your working hours and the absence /overtime.To use MinLøn you must be employee of a municipality or regionthatuses Silkeborg Data's payroll system and hasacquiredfunctionality.Driving function allows employees to register their runs quicklyandeasily.In addition, there is a driver's log which allows you toselectemployer's car where it is made possible to report damage andfuelfilling.With calendar, it is possible for each employee to see hisworkschedule, record vacation, sickness and overtime, as wellascorrect its existing registrations.The table provides an overview to the employee of his ownrecordsold and new.With flex function in MinLøn employees can register when theycometo work, and when they go home with the help of an electronicstampcard.My Selection gives the employee the possibility of change in itstaxrate and pay / transfer holiday weeks.Approval is a function of the head. It allows you to approveorreject employees' records.MinLøn will ask for access to: Location, photos / media / filesandcamera.All permissions can be denied if you are a user of Android6thThe location used for the riding of functionality GPS signalPhotos / media / files used for media stored on the phonebecausethe app uses Google Maps relation. Driving function. Googlestorescurrent data in order not to erode unnecessarily on the userdataconnection. We have no interest in user, images, videos,audio,etc. And use in any way these files. The user can choose todenyaccess (If using Android 6) it will go beyond the user'sdatausage.Camera is used only to scan QR codes attached to cars inthedriver's log.
Intempus time registration 5.4.9
Intempus ApS
Intempus Time Registration By Intempus Do you want to tryourbrandnew redesigned, easy-as-pie time tracking system? Looknofurtherthen! We live and breathe time tracking at Intempus, andwelove tomake it easy for you. So we made a new application thatyoucan tryfor free. We can help you configure it to yourspecificneeds andthen you only need to report when you worked andon whichproject.We will calculate all kinds of supplements, and cansendyour datato your salary system. Intempus can also: ·Reportdriving,expenses and usage of materials · Calculate perdiem,piecework,and leave · Add messages, documents, and pictures oneachprojectto avoid misunderstandings and always havealldocumentationsecured · Work offline mobile app – our mobileappsalso works whenyou don’t have any phone signal Behindtheapplication is anadministration system. This is whereanadministrator approves workreports and sends them to thecompanyaccounting and salary system.With an integration to youraccountingsystem it is easy to get afull overview of your businessand oneach project. And with anintegration to a salary system itisalways fast and easy to do acorrect payroll – every time. Readmoreabout our existingintegration partnershere: Wehope you enjoyusingIntempus! -The Intempus-team
iTimePunch - Work Time Clock 5.2
iTimePunch is a virtual time card andpaychecktracker that helps you track work hours of your employees,and aidsin employee scheduling and timesheet tracking. Hourlyemployees areeasy to manage thanks to our comprehensive paycheckcalculator,hourly work cards, and work schedule calendar.Employees clock in and out of work using the simpleinterface,and iTimePunch takes care of the rest. Employees canclock in/outthemselves from their mobile devices. GPS locationtracking showsyou the exact location of each employee clock in andout event, soyouíll always have peace of mind.Back up your punch clock data with NEW Cloud Backupstorage!Track and calculate hours, mileage travelled for work,expenses,vacation hours and sick hours, comp time, cash advancesand lunchbreaks, and rest secure knowing your data is safe in thecloud.iTimePunch Features:Time CalculatorCalculate employee scheduling and paycheck information bysimplyclocking in and outiTimePunchís timesheet calculator automatically provides payowedbased on the hours you enterTrack Hours Remotely via GPSTrack each punch in and punch out of your employees remotely viaGPStrackingCheck each clock in/out on an easy-to-read mapGPS checks are made every 30 minutes for accurate,up-to-datereportingBlock employees from editing their time sheet data remotely withthepress of a buttonHourly Wage CalculatorInput schedules and let iTimePunch do the work. Calculate hoursandpay for all hourly employeesTrack Mileage and Pay Per MileEmployee time tracking is just the start. iTimePunch has optionsforany unique situation your work environment might demandTrack and calculate the mileage and per mile rate for employeeswhoneed transportation reimbursementCalculate hours for Sick Time, Overtime and Vacation TimeTrack employee sick daysTrack hours for overtime money owed to employeesTrack hours for employee vacation hours owed and usedTrack and manage compensatory time owed to each ofyouremployeesAuto Punch Out For Lunch BreaksCalculate hours for lunch breaks automaticallyEmployees clock in and out instantlyEmail Work Shifts Calendar and ReportsWork time tracker makes running reports easy. Simply use thepremadework schedule calendar to collect all pay and timeinformation forthe periodEmail work time spreadsheets as .csv files directly fromyourdeviceSave Data With Cloud BackupCloud backup technology secures your employee dataIf you have hourly employees, the iTimePunch employee timeclock,attendance tracker and paycheck calculator is yoursolution.Download iTimePunch wage tracker and punch clock, andtakecontrol of your workplace today!**New feature: iTimePunch now has a backup featurethatautomatically backs up your device time punch data to ourcloudservice. Restore your backed up cloud data to your deviceeasilywithin the app (Device backup can only be restored to likedevices.Cross platform backup restore and restoration toothermanufacturers is not supported at this time).We will do our very best to backup your iTimePunch data.However,there are a few things you should know. Your internetconnectionmust be working on the device for backup to function. Wewill not beliable in any way for your data. Data backup is alwaysyourresponsibility solely. This backup service is provided ìasisî,without any implied warranty to the user. You accept theseterms bypurchasing and downloading our app, iTimePunch.Please see our full terms and conditions: note, continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.Please note, the map described above is not a live map.TheìBossî must have the employees email a timesheet to viewGPSlocations on this map.
BYGMA PROFF er udviklettilBYGMA'sprofessionelle kunder. Applikationen kan hjælpedig,somhåndværker, med at holde styr på din kørebog, dinenuværendeogafsluttede opgaver, og de ting der aftales med dinekunderogkollegaer.Med BYGMA PROFF kan du nemt og hurtigt finde vej tildinnærmesteBYGMA håndværkerbutik og trælast, ligesom du altidkanfinderelevant information om f.eks. BB10regler,leverandøroversigter ogbrochurematerialer.Under hvert projekt du starter op, har du mulighed for at:* Skrive noter* Gemme billeder* Tilføje skitsetegninger* Opdatere din kørebog* Optage f.eks. byggemøder, så du altid kan gå tilbageogaflytte,hvad der blev aftaltBygmaPROFESSIONALisdesigned Bygma's professional customers. Theapplication canhelpyou, as a craftsman, keep track of your mileagelog, yourcurrentand completed, and the things to be agreed withyour clientsandcolleagues.With Bygma PROFF you can easily and quickly find yournearestBygmaartisan shop and timber, and you can alwaysfindrelevantinformation on, for example. BB10 rules, supplierlistingsandbrochure materials.In every project you start up, you have the opportunity to:* Writing notes* Save pictures* Add sketches* Update your travel book* Recording example. construction meetings, so you can alwaysgobackand listen to what was agreed