Top 11 Apps Similar to Sms Manager lite

SMS Forwarder 1.0.2
SMS Forwarder allows to automaticallyforwardincoming messages to any phone number. Just tell the appthat whosemessage to forward and whom to forward the message.Main Features:1.Select contacts which messages will forward2.Specify phone numbers to whom messages will forward.3.Attachment of information of the original sender on theforwardedmessage.4.Notification of service on/off.Enjoy the app and don't forget to leave some feedback.Thankyou.
SMS Controller Lite 1.2.6
NyS Studio
Have you ever forgotten your phonesomewhere?Athome, at your workplace or at a friend? This is not acommonthing –in reality it’s pretty rare. But when it happens, itispossible youwill need your phone very much. Maybe you’reexpectingan importantcall or you should start a very importantbanktransfer but your bankhas sent the transfer code in an sms, oryouhave to call somebody inyour address book whose number youhaven’tcommitted to memory.With the help of the "SMS Controller" these problemsnolongerexist. Just borrow a phone from any friend to send coupleofsmsmessages and you can command your phone from anywhere ontheworld!Just as long as your phone is turned on, and canreceivesmsmessages.What functions can your phone do by receiving sms messagesifyouinstall the "SMS Controller"?- Airplane mode: Turn the phone to airplane mode.- Silent/Normal mode: Turn off/on all sounds.- Missed calls: Get missed calls on your phone. In theanswersmsyou can get missed call dates, times, the caller’s phonenumberandthe caller’s name (if the caller’s number is inyourcontactlist).- Unread SMS: Get the unread SMS messages. In the answerSMSyoucan get the unread SMS messages’s date and time,sender’sphonenumber, sender’s name (if the phone number is in yourcontactlist)and the text of the SMS.- Call forwarding: You don’t need to miss important callsifyouforward all your incoming calls to another phone number.Sendthiscommand to your phone; put the desired phone numberintheparameter and your phone will turn on the call forwarding.Thecallforward can be costly, check the price with yourprovider.- SMS forwarding: Like call forwarding. After this,yourphonewill send all new sms messages to the desired numberwiththesender’s name and phone number.- Get a phone number: If you need a phone number fromyourcontactlist. With this command you can get any person’snumberfrom yourcontact list in the answer SMS. Add a name as aparameterwith thiscommand.- Get names: if you don’t remember the exact stored nameofyourfriend, this command will help. You can get allnameswhichcontains the letter or letters in the parameter. Forexampleif youadd a parameter “p” then you’ll get all the contactnames andphonenumbers of people whose name contains a “p”. Or ifyou useaparameter “Paul” you’ll get all contact names whichcontainthetext “Paul”.- Modules On/Off (Wifi, Bluetooth, Mobile data)- Call back – Your phone can call you back if you wouldliketohear what’s happening around your phone.- Battery status: Get your battery status in percent.- Screen lock – If you don’t use the android screen lock,butyoudon’t want to let anybody investigate your phone, you canusethiscommand.NOTICESome Android phone manufacturers have changed some ofthefeaturesto meet their needs, so it is possible that some ofthecommands inthe program will not be available on your deviceorwill not workcorrectly.What is the different between Lite and Full version?In the Lite version every function is available such asintheFull version. The different is that at one time you can usejust3functions. You can choose which functions you want to useinthattime. So you can try every function on your phone,beforeyoupurchase the Full version.The full version isavailablehere:
Call and sms control free 1.7
Call & SMS Control Filter is rightforyou.Controls calls, SMS, images and protect yourprivacy. Lock and hide the calls and SMS do not want to appearontheregisters. Hiddenimages that do not want others to see. You can also controlthecallsand SMS that are deletedfrom the call history and SMS.Protect your private informationatalltimes.Features:1. Password protection.2. Blocks SMS and calls from register or unwantedcontacts,hiddennumbers or numbers that are not in your contacts.Easilyaddunwanted senders to the blacklist from contacts, callhistoryormanually.3. Each number from the blacklist is configuredindependentlywithBlocking SMS, Calls, SaveRecord and schedule depending on the day of the week andtime.4. Keep history option for calls and SMS blocked.5. Private image galleries, separated by folders and hiddenfromtherest.6. Register for all calls and SMS erased from the historyofphonecalls and SMS.Available for: HTC and Samsung.
SMS Manager 1.3
wide apps
SMS Manager is manager of message serviceofandroid device. SMS manager is awesome application to manageSMSsuch as message scheduler, miss call responder, sms lock andsmsreader. SMS manager is complete package tool related tomessage.SMS manager application’s basic work is message scheduling,whereyou can schedule your text message for your specifiedcontacts.Miss call responder responds the miss call via textmessage and youcan customize your settings for miss call responderand scheduler.SMS manager helps you to miss some important messageson specialdays even it helps to remember some important meetings tootherpeople.Feature:1.) SMS Scheduler.2.) Miss Call Responder.3.) SMS Lock.4.) SMS Reader.5.) Simple Specific UI.6.) SMS Setting.Download SMS Manager and enjoy this application.
SMS Forward 2.0
Forgot your phone at home? Can't takeittowork? SMS Forward will forward all text messages to anyotherphonethat you specify.Forward it to any number worldwide.Simply install the app to the phone from which you’dliketoforward SMS from.You can turn off SMS’s forwarding option at any timeyouwantwithout having the need to uninstall the app.FEATURES:• Simple User Experience• Beautiful User Interface• Ability to turn on or turn of SMS forwarding withouthavingtheneed to uninstall the app.• Forward SMS to another phone*Standard SMS charges are implied by the carrierwillbeapplicable to the destination number.Enjoy the app and don't forget to leave somefeedback.Thankyou.
Smart SMS Manager Pro 3.2
Are SMS inbox varity ? Almost SMS incomenosorting ?All problem about SMS incoming and outgoing will be easy. SmartSMSManager Pro help you manageSMS inbox as same as e-mail inbox. We provided feature to helpyousearch, sorting, grouping SMS message.We provided feature as1. SMS folder label, you can categorized your sms by task ,bypeople, by group, etc.2. SMS Trash , keep unused sms to trash and can be restore oryoucan delete forever.3. SMS creator, you can create new sms or create as draft andalsokeep history in SMS sent item as same as email address.4. and other.Make your life easy with "Smart SMS manager pro" forfreetoday!
SMS Manager 3.0
Ozan Uysal
SMS Manager 3.0 is out! New design,newfeatures and better UI!- choose between thread or normal view- view messages as conversation- filter spam messages- empty spam inbox with one click- browse your messages more organized
SMS Forwarder 1.0.0
FITUR:1. Tidak ada iklan (no ads) dan tersedia secara gratis.2. Dapat digunakan untuk mengirimkan pesan sms yang masukkenomortertentu secara otomatis(sms forwarder).3. Dapat digunakan untuk mengirimkan pesan sms kenomortertentu(smsrelay).CARA PENGGUNAAN:SMS ForwardingKlik menu -> Settings -> Isi nomor tujuan di bagianForwardto:Klik tombol yang ada dilayar utama.SMS Relay:Klik menu -> Settings -> Check list pada baginaEnableRelay.Format sms yang dikirimkan:nomor_tujuan + : + pesan_smsContoh:+62123456789: Tes kirim sms dari aplikasi.FEATURES:1. No advertising (no ads) and is available free of charge.2. Can be used to send SMS messages incoming certainKENOMORautomatically (sms forwarder).3. Can be used to send certain sms messages KENOMOR (sms relay).HOW TO USE:SMS ForwardingClick menu -> Settings -> Fill the destination number intheForward to:Click the button main screen.SMS Relay:Click menu -> Settings -> Check the list on baginaEnableRelay.SMS format that is sent:nomor_tujuan +: + pesan_smsExample:+62123456789: Test send sms from the application.
Anchor Watch Pro / Alarm 6.6.1-pro
IdeaBoys UG
Application monitors device's current GPS position and alerts youifrequired.
SMS Manager 1.1
Use several options to localizeanddeleteSMS
Ultimate SMS Lite 3.6.04
Ajay Pyaraka
Ultimate S.M.S. is not just aregularS.M.S.application. Apart from sending S.M.S, you can sendascheduledS.M.S. by minute to more than one person.Tracks your cell phone location coarsely and sendsnotificationofthe Location of the Lost Phone to two PhoneNumbersperiodically.Customized INBOX : - Now you can organize your inboxintothreecategories namely, Ordinary, Private and Spam SMS's.Security Features-Encrypt your SMS which can only be viewed inyourPrivateInbox.Send Encrypted SMS (that can only be viewed byanotherandroidphone with this App installed.)Remotely control your Android phone through an SMS.Features:* Remotely locate your phone by network* Message notification* Remote SMS alarm* Remote SMS Profile Change* Remote SMS Contacts Backup upto 50. [UnlimitedinProVersion]* Wipe phone Contacts & SMS.* Erase SD card.