Top 11 Apps Similar to PSHT 1922 New Keyboard

Faithful Heart Terate Brotherhood Organization of Pencak Silatiscentered in Madiun
keSHan 0.1
KeSHan PSHT application is anapplicationthatcontains the material PSHT are usually in the formof books,andnow comes in the form of applications making it easierforcitizensPSHT to read. hopefully useful andgreetingsBROTHERHOOD.
Keyboard New: IKSPI 1.21.41
Gunder Try
keyboard ini sempurna dilakukan untukmembuatponsel Anda lebih berwarna,dilewatkan, aplikasi keyboard ini dapat mengatur temasendiridikeyboard dan wallpaper sesuai dengan keinginan Anda danmengaturukuran warna dan lain-lain.serta saya foto Keyboard, da masih banyak lagi.fitur:** emoji 1000++** tema lebih berwarna** tema bisa di atur sendiri** banyak bahasa yang di dukung## Bagaimana cara menggunakannya** yang pertama mengatur input keyboard apa, yang mau di piliholehanda** kedua pilih bahasa** untuk memilih tema anda bisa membuat sendiri atau, temayangsudah di sediakanoleh pengembang.** buat profil anda sebagus mungkin agar terlihat sempurnasangat mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini, keyboard initerdapatlogo yang sangatspesial atau pun anda bisa memilih sendiri, yang di sediakanolehpengembang adalahKeyboard IKSPI, psht, pagar nusa jadi tunggu apa lagidownloadsekarangUnduh sekarang !This keyboard isperfectlydone to make your phone more colorful,is passed, the application of this keyboard can set their ownthemesinkeyboard and wallpaper to your liking and set the size of colorandothers.Keyboard as well as my photo, da more. features:** Emoji 1000 ++** More colorful theme** Theme can be set themselves** Many languages ​​supported## How to use ** The first set any keyboard input, which would be chosenbyyou** Both choose language** To choose a theme you can make your own or, a theme that hasbeenprovidedby the developer.** Create your profile as well as possible to look perfectvery easy to use this application, this keyboard there is alogoveryspecial or any time you can choose your own, which is providedbythe developer isKeyboard IKSPI, PSHT, fence homeland so what are youwaitingdownload nowDownload now!
Teknik Pencak Silat Terlengkap 1.0
Teknik Pencak Silat TerlengkapTeknikPencakSilat Terlengkap Teknik Pencak Silat TerlengkapV.2 mengalami pengembangan yaitu ;+ Pengembangan aplikasi+ Penambahan puluhan info aliran pencak silat di indonesia+ pengaturan tampilan baruuntuk daftar materi yang di tambahkan yaitu padaaliranpencaksilat, yang sudah coba kami tambahkan sebagai berikut;1. IKS PI "Kera Sakti". Ikatan Keluarga Silat Putra Indonesia2. Al-Hikmah. Ilmu Tenaga Dalam Al-Hikmah3. PSHT. Persaudaraan Setia Hati Teratai4. PSPN NU. Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa NU5. Merpati Putih. Merpati Putih6. TSPM. Tapak Suci Putra MuhammadiyahCompleteMechanicalEngineering Pencak Silat Pencak Silat PencakSilattechniquesComplete CompleteV.2 experienced development namely;+ Application development+ The addition of dozens of information flow martialartsinIndonesia+ Setting a new lookfor a list of materials that are added are in the flowofmartialarts, which has tried we add the following;1. IKS PI "Monkey King". Family ties Silat Putra Indonesia2. Al-Hikmah. Science Power In Al-Hikmah3. PSHT. Faithful Heart Lotus Brotherhood4. PSPN NU. Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa NU5. Merpati Putih. white dove6. TSPM. Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah
PSHT - Indonesia 2.1
Dalam aplikasi ini deberikaninformasisedikittentang PSHT dimana anda dapat mengetahui sejarahberdirinyapsht ,tingkatan siswa, warga, filsafat dan semboyan yangkadangkitasendiri lupa akan hal itu, dikarnakan kita telahmenjadikeluargabesar PSHT. disini kami membuka kritik dan saranyangsifatnyamembangun khususnya buat aplikasi ini mau pununtukorganisasi kitayaitu PSHT tercinta.Inthisapplicationdeberikan PSHT little information about where youcanfind out thehistory of the PSHT, the level of students,citizens,philosophyand slogan that sometimes we ourselves forgetit,dikarnakan wehave become a big family PSHT. Here we opencriticismandsuggestions that are build especially for thisapplicationwouldalso for our organization PSHT beloved.
Keyboard New: Viking Bonek 1.12.42
Gunder Try
keyboard ini sempurna dilakukan untukmembuatponsel Anda lebih berwarna,dilewatkan, aplikasi keyboard ini dapat mengatur temasendiridikeyboard dan wallpaper sesuai dengan keinginan Anda danmengaturukuran warna dan lain-lain.serta saya foto Keyboard, da masih banyak lagi.fitur:** emoji 1000++** tema lebih berwarna** tema bisa di atur sendiri** banyak bahasa yang di dukung## Bagaimana cara menggunakannya** yang pertama mengatur input keyboard apa, yang mau di piliholehanda** kedua pilih bahasa** untuk memilih tema anda bisa membuat sendiri atau, temayangsudah di sediakanoleh pengembang.** buat profil anda sebagus mungkin agar terlihat sempurnasangat mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini, keyboard initerdapatlogo yang sangatspesial atau pun anda bisa memilih sendiri, yang di sediakanolehdeveloper adalah keyboardpersib bandung, persebaya 1927 surabaya, arema, dan yangterakhirpersija. jadi unggu apa lagi download sekarangUnduh sekarang !!!!This keyboard isperfectlydone to make your phone more colorful,is passed, the application of this keyboard can set their ownthemesinkeyboard and wallpaper to your liking and set the size of colorandothers.Keyboard as well as my photo, da more. features:** Emoji 1000 ++** More colorful theme** Theme can be set themselves** Many languages ​​supported## How to use ** The first set any keyboard input, which would be chosenbyyou** Both choose language** To choose a theme you can make your own or, a theme that hasbeenprovidedby the developer.** Create your profile as well as possible to look perfectvery easy to use this application, this keyboard there is alogoveryspecial or any time you can choose your own, which is providedbythe developer is a keyboardpersib Bandung, Persebaya 1927 Surabaya, Arema, and thelastPersija. so what else unggu download nowDownload now !!!!
PSHT Info 1.0
TMF Studio
Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT)atauyangdikenal dengan SH Terate adalah suatu persaudaraan"perguruan"silatyang bertujuan mendidik dan membentuk manusiaberbudiluhur,tahubenar dan salah, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang MahaEsa,mengajarkankesetiaan pada hati sanubari sendiri sertamengutamakanpersaudaraanantar warga (anggota) dan berbentuk sebuahorganisasiyang merupakanrumpun/aliran Persaudaraan Setia Hati(PSH). SHTerate termasuksalah satu 10 perguruan silat yang turutmendirikanIkatan PencakSilat Indonesia (IPSI) pada konggres pencaksilattanggal 28 Mei1948 di Surakarta. Cabang SH Terate tersebar di200kota/kabupatendi Indonesia dan komisariat luar negeri diMalaysia,Belanda, Russia(Moskow), Timor Leste, Hongkong, KoreaSelatan,Jepang, Belgia danPerancis, dengan keanggotaan (disebutWarga)mencapai 8 jutaorang.* Memayu Hayuning Bawana * Soero diro Djojo diningratleburdiningPangastuti * Ngluruk tanpa Bala Menang tanpa Ngasorake*SepiroGedenging Sengsara yen tinampa amung Coba.Salam Persaudaraan!BrotherhoodFaithfulHeartTerate (PSHT) or known as SH Terate is abrotherhood"college" silataimed at educating and forming humanbeingvirtuous, know right fromwrong, fear of God Almighty,teachesfaithfulness in the heartsthemselves and prioritizefraternitybetween residents (members) andform an organization thatis aclump / flow Brotherhood Setia Hati(PSH). SH Terate includingoneof 10 college silat who co-foundedIndonesian PencakSilatAssociation (IPSI) at the Congress pencaksilat dated May 28,1948in Surakarta. Branches of SH Terate spreadacross 200 cities/regencies in Indonesia and the commissariatabroad in Malaysia,theNetherlands, Russia (Moscow), East Timor,Hong Kong, SouthKorea,Japan, Belgium and France, with membership(calledresidents)reached 8 million people.* Memayu Hayuning Bawana * Soero Diro Djojo DiningratMeltingdiningPangastuti * Ngluruk without Bala Win withoutNgasorake *SepiroGedenging Passion yen tinampa amung Try.Fraternal greetings!
Belajar Jurus Silat Lengkap 1.0
E-book Pedoman Belajar Jurus Silat LengkapBerisi antara lain:jurus silat cimandejurus silat tenaga dalamjurus silat harimaujurus silat merpati putihjurus silat mematikanjurus silat tapak sucijurus silat perisai dirijurus silat cempaka putihjurus silat gayongjurus silat kipas senandungjurus silat pangeanjurus silat harimau minangkabaujurus silat harimau putihjurus silat beksijurus silat pshtjurus silat betawijurus silat tiga serangkaijurus silat sendeng bugisjurus silat cikalongjurus silat gajah putihjurus silat asadE-book KickSilatCompleteStudy GuideContains among others:martial arts moves Cimandepower martial arts moves inmartial arts tigermartial arts white dovesdeadly martial arts movesmartial arts sacred footprintmartial arts self shieldmartial arts white cempakamartial arts moves gayongmartial arts fan hummingmartial arts moves Pangeanmartial arts tiger minangkabaumartial arts white tigermartial arts moves Beksimartial arts moves PSHTBetawi martial arts movesmartial arts triadwacky martial arts moves bugismartial arts moves Cikalongmartial arts white elephantmartial arts moves asad
My Honey Photo Go Keyboard 1.3.1
This keyboard is perfect made to makeyourphonemore colorful,not to be missed, this keyboard application can set itsownthemeinkeyboard and wallpaper your liking and set the size well as My photo Keyboard, Go Photo Keyboard,,andBelgium,France, English , is the applicationfar his quality with the application of this keyboard## How to use it** The first change language on your smart phone withtheenglishlanguage, if notcan you replace with phone settings.** Change the settings of your keyboard profl** Set the image you desire sesuia** Adjust the size of photos you want or can adjust the sizeofthemobile phone susaiyour smart** Image of scissors to cut pictures** Garbage picture to delete the picture** Drawing pencil to write the article in your wallpaperThis application of the same type with M Photo Keyboardandkatanayaronaldo, messi, gareth bale, Neymar JR,never use an application of this type, so do not get leftout.Download now !!!!
Pencak Silat Asli Indonesia 1.4
It contains the basic techniques of breathing and the use offorcein the flow of martial arts
Easy Pashto Keyboard 2020 -پښتو
Pakdata PDMS
Now you can write Pashto in any application easily. Also, it istwoin one keyboard.. so that you can also type Englishwithoutchanging the keyboard. Changing English to Pashto, or PashtotoEnglish has never been easier and faster. اوس تاسو پښتو پۀ هريواپليکېشن کښې پۀ اسانۍ سره ليکلې شئ، هم دغه رنګ دوۀ پۀ يوکيبورډکښې، پس تاسو د کي بورډ بدلولو نه پرته انګريزي ليکلې شئ،انګريزيپښتو او پښتو انګريزۍ ته ژباړه کول اوس شو اسان او تېز. BothPakistanand Afghanistan natives can enjoy typing in the Pashtolanguage.ONE OF THE EASIEST PASHTO KEYBOARDS (د پښتو تر ټولو اسانکيبورډ)Pashto keyboards in the stock Android version are notavailable. دانډرائډ ورژن پۀ ذخيره کښې پښتو کيبورډ شتون نۀ لري OurEasy PashtoLanguage Keyboard represents a useful Pashto onlinekeyboard thathas all the Pashto alphabet and can do easy changes ofPashto toEnglish and vice versa English to Pashto. TWO LANGUAGES,ONEKEYBOARD APP دوۀ ژبې، يو کيبورډ اېپ Do you communicate inbothEnglish and Pashto, our app is the simplest and thefastestkeyboard you need in your everyday communication and use ofyourAndroid device. تاسو پۀ انګريزۍ او پښتو دواړه ژبو کښې خبرېاترېکوئ، زمونږ اېپ تر ټولو ساده او تر ټولو تېز کوم چې ستاسو لپارهدامروزه پۀ خبرو اترو او د انډرائډ ډيوائس پۀ کارولو کښې ضروريدےPASHTO WORDS PREDICTION د پښتو د ټکو پېشن ګوئي The keyboardPashtooptions are numerous. However, the most stand out is thewordprediction in Pashto for which we are especially proud of. دپښتو دکيبورډ اپشنز بې شمېره دي. ولې بيا هم، تر ټولو خه معيار پۀپښتو کښېد ټکو پېشن ګوئي ده کوم چې زمونږ خصوصي وياړ دے. Type and gethelp asyou type. It displays suggestions as you type and you caneasilyselect them with one tap. FEATURES (خصوصيات) * OnlinePashtokeyboard with tons of useful features (د آن لائن پشتو کيبورډيوشمير خصوصيات دي) * Pashto to English change and vice versa *Pashtoprediction of words * Lets you create contacts in Pashto. *SendSMS in Pashto * Post-Pashto on Facebook. * Search google inPashto* Send Pashto messages using WhatsApp, Facebook, GoogleHangouts,TikTok or any other app installed your phone. * Now withourtranslation feature easily translate Pashto sentences intoEnglishand vice versa. ** Easy Pashto is completely free. **