Top 29 Apps Similar to הלימוד היומי

OnYourWay Yesod 32.0
OnYourWay Yesod App, Tora Mishna Gmara Siddur
Mishnayot Kehati 1.8.9
Ariel Waitzberg
Mishnayot Kehati and Bartenura
משנה ברורה - Mishna Berura 1.1
שולחן ערוך עם משנה ברורה וביאורהלכה==================================== מעכשיו לא מבזבזים את הזמןבתורבבנק או באוטובוס והופכים כל שעה אבודה לשעת עבודה - עבודתהשם!תכונות האפליקציה: 1. הסטוריה - ניתן לראות את 10 הדפים האחרוניםע"ילחיצה על כפתור תפריט. 2. שיחזור מיקום אחרון. מאפשר להמשיך לקרואאתההלכה האחרונה שקראנו. 3. קישור בין ההלכות בשולחן ערוך למשנהברורהולביאור הלכה 4. חיפוש מילה בתוך הסימן ליחצו על כפתור "תפריט"ואז עלחיפוש על מנת לחפש אחר מילה מסוימת. שימו לב לשני דברים: החיפושעובדרק בתוך סימן מסוים. החיפוש עובד רק לאחר הקשה על "enter" במקלדתהערהחשובה: אם מצאתם טעויות הגהה או קישורים שאינם נכונים אנאשלחוהערותיכם והארותיכם לאימייל ואנו נשתדל לתקן זאת בהקדם. MishnaBeruraand Beur Halacha on the ShulchanAruch==================================================== מוגשבאדיבות:ספרי קודש - ספרייה עם ישראלתגיות:תורה, הלכה, שולחן ערוך, שלחן ערוך, ילקוט יוסף, מצוות, חומש,החינוך,ספרי קודש, קודש, ספרים, ספר, יהדות, הרב עובדיה יוסף, משנה,חפץ חייםMeta Tags: Torah, halacha, shulhan aruh, yalkut yosef,humash,chumash, hachinuch, hahinuh, kodesh, sifrei kodesh, books,book,judaism,kitzur, kitsur, mishna, chafetz chaim
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum 3.2
Hebrew Apps
Shnayim Mikra Ve-echad Targum with Rashi and Onkelos.
Siddur Klilat Yofi Ashkenaz 2.4
Spectacular design with original prayer pages, times of dayandprayer direction
Igros Kodesh by Mafteiach 1.0.0
Igros Kodesh App: A revolutionary platform providing easysimpleandconvenient access to the Lubavitcher Rebbe'scorrespondenceandresponses, searchable by topic. The topicsincluded intheseletters include many realms of discussion, andnumerousdisciplinesof human pursuit. Its purview encompassingphilosophy(be itTalmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical orother),scientificmatters, global events, counsel in privateissues,schooling, andsocial/communal proceedings.
Kol Halashon Kiosk 2.60
Eyal Hasson
Download or online streaming of Shiurim from Kol Halashon
Routinery: Self care / Routine
Efficient timer-based routine. Morning Routine & habittracker& adhd planner
Rambam Plus - Mishneh Torah 2.6.0
Rambam Plus - All Mishneh Torah in the palm of your hand for free!
Tikun Korim - תיקון קוראים bemidbar.naso
Yam Ohana
Tikun Korim is an application for learning the Torah reading
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Siddur Chabad – Classic 1.8.1
A smart English/Hebrew Siddur with halachic times
תהילים 1.0.22
The Psalms and other blessings without commercials
Mishnah Study 3.3.5
The Mishna Sdura & Mishnayot in Hebrew & EnglishwithBartenura
Tikun Korim - תקון קוראים
Bar Mitzvah Torah Laining Training App
Steinsaltz Daily Study 2.1.0
Access and enhance your daily Torah-study experience withtheSteinsaltz app
תפילולרי 21.0
jewish programs
Daily lessons Bht"t, Maimonides, Book of Commandments, guidingandArabic, etc.
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור 7.3.2
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור - Ashkenaz and Sefard EditionsWeekdayZmanim Luach
Tehillim Online 1.1
Android Tobeweb
Tehillim Online is the app to read tehillim and to shareareadingeasily. Tehillim Online, To read psalms of David inHebrewortransliterated. A joint Tehillim read for the Refuahofyourbeloved ones. Daily Tehillim, Tehilim 119,TikkunHaKlali...Tehilim online. Visit us at
Siddur & Tehilim סידור ותהילים
Complete siddur with all the prayers and Tehilim.
Torah Codes 1.3 64bit
Searching the Tora for hidden messages.
Siddur Tehillat Hashem 3.1.11
Your daily "Tehillat Hashem" Siddur!* All the weekly prayers in your pocket.* Prayers are auto-adjusted to your date & time.* A "Davening Direction" screen.
Siddur One 7.6.4
The only free siddur in beautiful Material Design thatcontainsallof weekday davening in nusach Ashkenaz, Sfard andEdotHaMizrach.The siddur contains all the text you would expect inaregularprint siddur. It knows what day it is and deliversthespecifictefilos for that day. This becomes especially powerfulonfast dayswhen it can deliver the appropriate selichos atshacharisand kriaat mincha. It also includes a luach zmanim. Nowyou canchoosebetween five different fonts, change the text size andsetanappearance theme. You can also set the siddur tosilenceyourdevice while davening. When you're done, exit with abackpresstoreset your device's volume. Includes: -All dailyprayersinAshkenaz, Sfar, and Edot HaMizrach -Daily luachzmanim-Prayercompass -Special zmanim (candle lighting, fast times,biurchometzetc.) -Silence device option -Musaf for Rosh ChodeshandCholHaMoed -Kria for Mondays/Thursdays, Fast DaysandHolidays-Selichos for Taanis Tzibur -Hoshanos (smartHoshanos!)-Bentching(including at Bris, Sheva Brochos and holidayinserts)-Vidui YomKippur (mincha erev YK and in shonos) -MegilasEsther,Eicha, ShirHaShirim, Rus and Koheles -Bedikas Chometz-Chanukacandle lighting-Hatavas Chalom -Tefilas Havineinu-HafrashasTerumos, Maasoros andChalah -Havdala -Krias Shma AlHamita-LekuteiBrochos -Font andtext size options -Tashlich -Kaparos-Ushpizin andmore.
RustyBrick Siddur - סידור 3.13.2
The Famous RustyBrick Siddur ComestoAndroid!Take your weekday siddur with you with this feature-packedJewishprayer book. You'll get Ashkenaz, Sefard, Sefardi MizrachiandNusach Ari (Chabad*) versions of davening, includingweekdayShacharis, Mincha, Maariv, standard Brachos and more. RealtimeZmanim will give you the prayer times for each day based onyourlocation determined with the device's GPS. A Minyanim databasewillhelp you find nearest shul. A Luach or Jewish Calendar will aidyouin your prayer services.Features:* Weekday prayer texts with easy and quick navigation* Nussach for Ashkenaz, Sfrard and Sefarad Mizrachi* Zmanim Calculator based on your location (with override)* Minyanim database, finds nearest shul to your location* Luach or Jewish Calendar* More brachos, Chanukah, and much more* Setting feature to store your preferred Nusach* Great for travel or on the go* Texts currently in Hebrew only* English Translations are Available as PAID upgrades* Internet Access Not Required* Mizrach Compass* Tefillin MirrorThe Siddur is one of the most popular Jewish apps here and itisRusty Brick's flagship product. We constantly update it,almostevery week. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @iSiddur andkeep upto date.* Chabad version has Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv for weekday.Doesnot have Mussaf, Hallel, and other tefillot outside of thenormalweekday prayers. An upgrade is available to have alltheseprayers.
Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew-English 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses
Sefaria 6.0.4
A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Siddur Chabad – Annotated 1.7.6
A smart Siddur with halachic times
Tehilim תהלים Tehillim Psalms 1.6
Take your Tehilim/Psalms with you at all times!
לימוד תאוריה 10 Ads Free 2.3
Use our training exercises if your desired result is not onlytopassthe exam, but to also use the knowledge gained inpractice.Inaddition to the training exercises – the applicationshowsthegraph of your training progress and grants you access toall ofthequestions that appear on the Ministry of TransportandRoadSafety's official Q&A bank, divided intocategories,roadsigns, simulations of the actual test format and theoption toworkon your errors. And it's all without an internetconnection.Wehope that you will appreciate the convenience of ourapplication.