Top 2 Apps Similar to AOKPush

Test (Google Cloud Messaging) 1.0
Esta aplicación de testing para TestGCM(GoogleCloud Messaging for Android) lanza una notificaciónqueverifica queestamos enviando correctamente los mensajesdesdenuestroservidor.Esta aplicación le proporciona al usuario todo lo necesarioparaquedesde un servidor remoto podamos verificar quenuestrosmensajesllegan correctamente a los dispositivos android yque estelanza unanotificación al usuario con el mensajelanzado.Laaplicaciónproporciona un RegistrationId(RegistrationId),diferente para cadauno de los dispositivos enlos cual se hainstalado, con el cual,mediante la API KEY(APIKEY)que seproporciona dentro de la app,podremos probar alanzarnotificaciones a la aplicación y verificarque desdenuestroservidor estamos enviando correctamente mensajesanuestraaplicación android mediante la notificación queveremosenpantalla.Thisapplicationtestingfor Test GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android)throws anoticethat verifies that we are sending messages correctlyfromourserver.This application provides the user with everything needed tofromaremote server can verify that our messages aredeliveredcorrectlyto android devices and this throws a notificationto theuser withthe application provides a message lanzado.LaRegistrationId(RegistrationId), different for each of the deviceson which itisinstalled, with which, through the API KEY (apikey)providedwithinthe app, can try to launch notifications to theapplicationandverify from our server are sending messages correctlyourandroidapplication by notifying you'll see on screen.
GCM Server Helper 1.0
GCM Server Helper is intended to easetheserver-side integration with Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).Prerequisites:- Create a project on you android dev console- Enable the GCM API from the project console- Generate a key for server applicationsInstructions:1. Enter your project number2. Hit the register button3. Send the assigned GCM registration id by email to youserver\'sdeveloper workstation4. On the server side, send an HTTP POST message to withthefollowing characteristics:http headers: Content-Type: application/json,Authorization:key=XXXXXXhttp body: {"registration_ids":["YYYYYY"],"delay_while_idle":true,"data" :{ "whatever_field_you_want":"whatever_data_you_want"}}where XXXXXX=your_server_api_keyandYYYYYY=your_gcm_registration_id5. Your mobile should vibrate and either show you a notificationordisplay the received GCM message in the app if opened.