Top 15 Apps Similar to Julbes y Navarro arquitectos

99Ideas de Arquitectura 1.3
99 Ideas:Mantente al día sobre lasúltimasnoticias de arquitectura, diseño y tendencias... Gracias a99Ideaspodrás estar informado de una manera sencilla ypráctica.99 Ideas: Stay onthelatest architecture, design and trends ... Thanks to 99Ideas canbeinformed in a simple and practical.
Arquitectura y Diseño de Inter 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
La revista que ofrece las mejores ideas de Arquitectura y DiseñodeInteriores, aquí encontrarás los espacios más bellos delmundo,diseñados por los arquitectos y diseñadores más prestigiadosademásde las tendencias de muebles, accesorios, telas,tapices,persianas, arte y todo lo que te ayude a tomar una decisiónen ladecoración de tu hogar.
Arquitectura y Diseño Revista 9.20.5
Architecture and Design, offers spaces that seduce anddesigntrends.
Archiproducts 3.0.3
The finest in international Design: shop, get inspired and design!
Mansion Homes™ & Dream Houses 1.9.3
Mansion Homes™ is an exclusive,hand-pickedlist of the best luxury real estate on the planet. It iscurated bya global panel and updated daily. If you don't like themenu today,come back tomorrow.Purchase celebrity dream homes, rent amazing mansions, readastory about an interesting house or see architectural renderingsofa futuristic building. There's lots to see and do withMansionHomes!Our team of international real estate editors choose thebestproperties from around the world and deliver a steady streamofhigh quality content all day long to people that like theluxurylifestyle, houses and interesting real estate.When you are ready to schedule a personal showing or talktosomeone immediately about a listing, simply tap the "buy now"or"rent now" button to be instantly connected witharepresentative.Mansion Homes also has famous landmarks, historic mansionsforsale and featured architecture showcases from the best designersinthe world! Don't forget to visit the castles for sale sectionwhereyou can read about, get more information and purchase a numberoforiginal castles from around the world.View thousands of high resolution photos and interiordesignpictures. Get directions to houses and view detailedinformationlike price, address and square footage. Read luxury realestatedescriptions from agents or on select properties, you canreadcurious and interesting stories about the property's historyorowners.- Over 100,000 curated photos of amazing architectureandinterior design- Hundreds of celebrity houses that may be for sale or rent- Share photos and houses with your friends- Save your favorite houses- Get directions to properties using built in maps- Filter houses by special editor features- Sort houses by architectural style- Read realtor descriptions about each property- Read interesting stories or see famous homes from moviesIf you are an avid real estate professional, are shopping forahome, like movies or pop culture, or you want to travel toexoticplaces then you will love Mansion Homes.Attention: Mansion Homes has the largest, highest qualityluxuryreal estate images available! A wifi connection isrecommended.Mansion Homes is not an official affiliate ofSotheby's,Christie's, or Zillow. Information is not guaranteed tobe accurateand up to date.
Arquitectura y Diseño 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Arquitectura y Diseño recoge en sus páginas el genio creador delosgrandes profesionales. Casas de autor que, inspiradas ennuevasformas de vida, hablan el lenguajes de la ecología ylasostenibilidad, que buscan la belleza en la fusión conlugaressingulares, en la utilización de materiales nobles oinéditos. Consecciones dedicadas a proyectos, entrevistas,tendencias, estilo devida y todas las novedades del mundo de laarquitectura de diseño
HD Architecture Wallpapers 3.5
JW Wallpapers
JW Wallpapers brings you the bestoriginalquality HD wallpapers that’s make you happy. HDArchitectureWallpapers is a free app with stunning featureslike:Share an image with friends. Save photo to gallery. Set an imageasyour desktop or screen wall background. The color of thepicturescan be changed with the amazing image color button. Play animagewith both forward and backward directions. Jump to the desirepageby selecting the page number. All wallpapers are downloadedonceand stored in the SD Card, it means you can access all imageswithout internet connection once it is downloaded. Image can bezoom inand out using double tap. Auto Device rotationsupport.permissions: Internet and SD card to save images.HD Architecture Wallpapers is supported with the ads so consideritgently for further development support.For further improvement or suggestion or for any complaintpleaseemail us at
Arquitectura Corona 1.0.1
Arquitectura Corona esunapublicacióntrimestral dedicada a los temas más relevantes delaarquitectura,el diseño y la construcción, tanto en Colombia comoenel exterior.Abordamos proyectos de vivienda,institucionales,comerciales, dediseño interior y propuestassostenibles; recorremosciudades ennuestro país y fuera de susfronteras con profesionalesen estosámbitos; invitamos a reconocidosarquitectos así como ajóvenestalentos para que hablen con nosotros,entre otrostemas.Architecture Coronaisaquarterly publication dedicated to the most importantissuesofarchitecture, design and construction, both in Colombiaandabroad.We address housing projects, institutional,commercial,interiordesign and sustainable proposals; we travelcities in ourcountryand beyond its borders with professionals inthese areas;inviterenowned architects and young talent to speakwith us, amongothertopics.
3D Floor Plan 4.0
Your bedroom forms the core of yourcomfortzonein the house. I am sure that you want it to be equippedwithall theamenities and designs that turn it into yourcomfortcocoon. Only youknow what you want and therefore, it'sbefittingthat you design yourown master bedroom.Designing a floor plan of your house is all aboutartfullyusingspace and resources to create a comfortable home. Youmaybeplanning to make a floor plan for a bedroom in your newhouseoryou may be designing a new one for your existing house. Itisnotnecessary that you take a crash course in architecturetodesignyour plans. The design effort it requires is withinthecapabilityof anybody who is willing to study and apply whathehaslearned.Designing TipsSimplicity, elegance, and economy are the hallmarks of agoodfloordesign plan. First thing to do, before you embark onthedesigningproject is study the architecture and the latter partisapplyingwhat you have studied. Here's what you'll need to do.Study Floor ArchitecturesVisit the library and get hold of architectural magazinesdevotedtointerior designing. Scan out the floor plans providedtherein.Getphotocopies of design plans that you like. This willgive you afeelof what you want in your own plans.Download Plans OnlineYou can get some master bedroom ideas from sites thatoffersuchplans for free. You can download and print out suchplansandinclude some features that you like, into your ownplan.Furniture & Fixture PlansOnce you have an idea about what kind of space you wanttocreate,you can decide on the furniture and fixtures. You needtodecidewhether you want to have customized furniture designedorbuyready-made. A customized set can give you an opportunitytomakeoptimum use of space. Measurements of floor spacewillputconstraints on your design and hence when it comestodesigningplans, you need to take it into consideration. Theotherthing tothink about is light fixtures and otherelectricalconnections,along with plans for an attachedbathroom.Flooring and PaintingFlooring and painting is another factor which you needtothinkabout. Colors matter when it comes to home interiors, astheyhavean effect on the overall ambiance. Also decide on thekindofflooring that you want for your bedroom.Draw Your PlansBuy a graph paper and start drawing the plan you have inmind.Youcan also use architectural software that helps you create3Dfloorplans. Last thing to do is make a pricing analysis ofallthefurniture, fixtures, and overall costs. You may need totrimyourdesign features according to your budget.Designing projects like creating floor plans can not only bealotof fun, but can also give you a firsthand idea of thebudgetyou canexpect to build one. Designing your plan is anactivitywhich you andyour spouse can do together and enjoy. Takeyour timeand make surethat you have the perfect plan, tailor-madeto yourrequirements andbudget, before you go ahead.
Containers Habitables 1.2
Tu app de Cargotecture,arquitecturadecontainers.Actualidad de proyectos realizados con containers porelestudioTercera Piel Arquitectura y proyectos deCargotectureengeneral.Tercera Piel Arquitectura aparece como una nuevaareadeinvestigación en la que analizar y desarrollar nuevasformasdehabitar que den una solución real a los problemas deviviendaqueexisten en nuestra sociedad así como en sociedades endesarrolloosubdesarrolladas.Nuestro punto de partida debe pasar por laindustrializaciónquepermita el abaratamiento de costos, así comodar soluciones conelmenor impacto ambiental por medio del recicladode materiales,lareutilazación de los mismos e incluso su multipleutilizaciónendiferentes lugares.Si estais interesados en desarrollar propuestasconcontainerspodeis contactar connosotroseninfo@TerceraPielArquitectura.comYour app of Cargotecture, architecture containers.News of projects in containers by Tercera PielArquitecturaandCargotecture projects in general.If you are interested in developing proyects containersyoucancontact us at info@TerceraPielArquitectura.comYourappCargotecture,architecture containers.News of projects in containers by studying ArchitectureandThirdSkin Cargotecture projects in general.Third Skin Architecture appears as a new area of​​researchthatanalyze and develop new ways of living that give arealhousingproblems that exist in our society and incompaniesdeveloping orunderdeveloped solution.Our starting point must pass through industrializationthatallowscutting corners and providing solutions with theleastenvironmentalimpact through recycling of materials,reutilazaciónthereof and evenits multiple use in differentplaces.If you are interested in developing proposals containersyoucancontact us at info@TerceraPielArquitectura.comYour app of Cargotecture, architecture containers.News of projects in containers by Third SkinArchitectureandCargotecture projects in general.If you are interested in develop developingproyectscontainersyou can contact
Bedroom Window Ideas 2.0
Though architectural design keeps evolvingwithtime, architects never shy away from drawing inspirationfromtraditional architectural designs. This is the reasonwhytraditional designs are often combined with contemporary ones.Thedesign elements that were used centuries ago can stillbeincorporated to evoke an old world charm. Well, this is thereasonwhy traditional Palladian windows can still be seen incontemporaryhomes. Scroll down to learn about this unique windowdesign alongwith ways to dress such windows.What is a Palladian Window?Palladian windows are named after Andrea Palladio, anItalianRenaissance architect who used this unique windowdesignextensively in his works in the sixteenth century. Thisdesign wasbased on his interpretation of the classical Roman andGreek templearchitecture. Though this window design was usedearlier by anotherItalian architect called Donato Bramante, and themention of thiswindow design also figured in the literary works ofan architectcalled Sebastiano Serlio, Palladio's name becameassociated withthis design as he incorporated this designextensively in many ofhis famous architectural works in Vento. Thisis the reason whythese windows are also referred to as Venetianwindows. This designbecame very popular during the seventeenth andthe eighteenthcentury and continues to appeal architects even now.So, what doesa Palladian window look like? A Palladian window is alarge-sizedwindow that is divided into three rectangular sections.The sectionin the center is the largest in size, and is flanked oneach sideby smaller side sections. The large center section is alsotoppedby an arch. This arch certainly provides a classy appearancetothis window design. Use of decorative mullion or verticaldividersbetween the sections can also add visual appeal to thedesign. Infact, these large arched windows could even become thefocal pointof a room. Though these can enhance the interiors aswell asexteriors of a home, one must, however, consider the sizeandheight of the room before incorporating this design.Palladian Window TreatmentsMost people who have Palladian windows in their homes,oftencomplain about the lack of options regarding windowtreatments. Thedesign of the window is such that choosing adecorative windowtreatment is not that easy. Draping these windowswith heavycurtains, drapes or shutters would certainly ruin theirlook, so,if other houses are not located at a close distance, andyou arenot worried about privacy issues, you could even leavethesewindows as they are. Using a window treatment is therefore,amatter of personal choice. If one is keen on using awindowcovering, one must look for a window covering that will nothidethe window design. Minimalistic arched window treatments suchasvalances or swags could highlight the interesting shape ofthewindow. You can place the curtain rod right below the arch,andhave pole swag and jabots draped around it. If you are planningtohang curtains, then make sure that you select the fabricproperly.Instead of using a dark-colored fabric that may hide theform ordesign of the window, the better option would be touselight-colored silk curtains or just sheer curtains. The lightsheerfabric will allow light to enter and the diffused lightwillcertainly enhance the look of the room. You could also leavethelarge center window uncovered, while the smaller windows thatflankthe center window can be draped with pleated panels. These canbetied with decorative tiebacks.
3D Small House Design 2.0
Your small home design can offer everything that is important toyouin a home. Just be aware that growing desires can suddenlyaddsquare footage you didn't expect or want. Here's the best waytokeep your small house plan small. 3D App On the surface, allmobileapps might appear to be pretty similar - many of them supplythesame types of features, information, even user interfaces.However,when you really start comparing different apps, you'lloften noticelimited functionality, speed, and quality of display onmany appscurrently being utilized by small and large businessesalike. 3DArchitect If you are an architect and you need to designbuildingsand make architectural drawings, you need to know thatwith propertraining and experience, Revit is the best way toaccomplish this.The drawing quality is superior, the renderings areamazing, 3DRoom Planner How many times have you looked at abeautifuldecorated room and wonder how you could achieve that lookin yourown home. Consider an interior design online service thatcouldprovide you with the same services you get from a localinteriordesigner for a fraction of the price.
Florida Design en Español 29.10
Por muchos años, Florida Design hasidoelsegundo título mejor vendido en Estados Unidos enlascategoríasciudad, estatal y regional. Si usted vive en laFlorida oencualquier parte del mundo, Florida Design lo inspiraráconunestilo de lujo que puede ser utilizado a nivel internacional.Con más de 200 páginas de espectaculares diseños deinterioryarquitectura, hoteles, bienes raíces y productos delujo,laaplicación de Florida Design edición en español para iPad,iPhoneeiPod le dará magníficas ideas con más de 500 fuentesdedóndeencontrar lo mejor en diseño. La aplicación de FloridaDesignestácargada de herramientas fáciles de usar. Puede guardarsusmejoresselecciones en favoritos, ir directamente a la página webdemuchasde las fuentes y mucho más!
Kitchen Room Decorating 4.0
usually in the house where a persondoestheactivity process and provide food or food ingredient. Thiseventiscalled cooking. With the development of culture andtechnology,theshape of the kitchen is always changing. The kitchenisgenerallydivided into two types, namely the kitchen clean anddirtykitchen.Clean kitchen can be placed close to the family room,orthe diningtable, because it functions to put cooked food. Asforthe dirtykitchen, serves to make the process of cooking, sothelocation wasat the back.It has a beautiful kitchen would be more complete ifweowncomfortable when using it. In fact, a major factor ofcomfortthanjust a beautiful course. To create the atmosphere oftheroomarchitecture and interior architecture of the kitchentobeconvenient for the users, a lot of things that have tobeadjusted.Starting from the size of the kitchen in proportion toitsbody,temperature in architecture and interiorarchitecturespace,adequate lighting, air circulation, as well aswater systemsandsewage, and electrical installation systemsforkitchenappliances.The kitchen as a cooking area should be relieved and tidy,whilethegoods to support it very much. To save the cutlery canbestored inthe kitchen set the top, while for storingcookingutensils,groceries and even gas cylinders can be utilizedunderthe kitchentable. Not all items in the kitchen cupboard mustbelogged in.There are some that are good for display such ascups,spoons andbottle. For a small kitchen items to beaccommodatedwhile stilltook place can accommodate these items tohang. Besidesso theaccent is also to secure from the kitchen ofanimals such asrats orcats.
Silestone 2.3
Silestone is available in more than 60 colors. The combinationsofthese colors are endless and their artistic andfunctionalpossibilities are endless as well. All colors are nearyourfingertips, and they are categorized by series and hues. Youcanview all the colors in our catalogue and gallery, for classicandmodern kitchens, bathrooms and architectural projects. The Appalsohas a locator in order to find your nearest dealer.