Top 20 Apps Similar to Kids Flashcards

Овощи и фрукты для малышей 3.0.1
60 Cards "Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries" educational game"Finda picture"
English Baby Cards 12.7
Danila B. Popov
The learning cards in English languageforearly childhood development are based on Dr. Glenn Doman’smethodand a similar method of Pr. Makado Shichida.Dr. Glenn Doman is a globally recognized scientist and doctorwhofirst developed the leading method of teaching readingforchildren. With a use of special flashcards, children canstartlearning reading the words from 6 months old.A classic Doman’s method contains paper flashcards and worksasfollows: a child is showed the cards with words written onwhitebackground in big red font and every word is beingpronouncedclearly. The length of such exercise depends on theindividualqualities of a child and can last only several seconds inthebeginning. It is recommended to repeat the exercise severaltimes aday. The frequency and length of exercises areselectedindividually. Internet is full of many interactivevideos,demonstrating the impressive results, such as 1,5-2 yearsoldbabies pronounce and show the meaning of the written words.Littleelder children are even capable of reading thecompletesentences!Learning process with a use of application is available intwomodes. First is a “text” mode which is very similar to theclassicmethod and where the flashcards with words (on whitebackground andin red font) are written on the screen anddemonstrated to thechild. The second mode called “images” wherethere are images ofthings on white background with definitionswritten below. Ineither mode a card can be skipped to the nextmanually and each oneis pronounced by a narrator. Some cards withimages of animals forinstance contain additional sounds theyproduce. By pressing abutton you can hear the sounds of animals,birds, insects andetc.Application “Doman’s Cards” includes:385 cards voiced by the professional narrator (592 cards inthe“Golden” version)More than 450 quality images (~680 images in the“Golden”version)Several view options of the image for one card17 themes (35 themes in the “Golden” version)Sounds produced by animals, birds, insects andmusicalinstrumentsText and image modesSlideshow modeSpeed settings of the slideshow modeFunction of random order of the imagesKid mode (“back” button and the setting buttons are disabled)Creation and review of the individual sets of cardsColor and font size settingsWe will be happy to receive your feedback, wishes andsuggestionsrelated to the further development of this program.Attention! After certain time period of using thecomplimentaryversion of the “Doman’s Cards” you will see thecommercialadvertising. Frequency of the ads depends on how long youhave beenusing the application. Owing to the commercial ads you canuse theapplication free of charge. In order to deactivatetheadvertisements you can buy the “Golden” version which hasasignificantly increased number of cards and no ads.
Звуки животных для детей 4.0
More than 100 Doman cards, as well as 5 educational gamesfortoddlers.
Fruits and Vegetables for Kids 8.9.4
“Kids learn about Fruits and Vegetables” - teach childrenthroughplay!
Little flash cards 1.7.8
Education cards for your baby. Animals, fruits, colors, lettersandmore!
Карточки Домана Golden 12.62
Danila B. Popov
Электронная версия карточек дляраннегоразвития ребенка по методике Гленна Домана. Гленн Доман -ученый,врач с мировым именем, разработавший передовую методикуобучениячтению младенцев от полугода целыми словами.Обучение в приложении возможно в двух режимах:“текст”(максимально приближенный к классическому методу), вкоторомребенку демонстрируются написанные слова-карточки на экране(белыйфон, красные буквы) и режим “картинки”, в котором накарточкахизображены подписанные фотографии предметов на белом фоне.В обоихрежимах карточки можно листать. Каждая карточкапроговариваетсядиктором. Для карточек животных и некоторых другихкарточекдобавлена возможность воспроизвести звуки, издаваемыеживотными,птицами и насекомыми, нажатием кнопки.В приложении “Карточки Домана” Golden:-600 карточек, озвученных профессиональным диктором-689 качественных изображений-несколько вариантов изображения для одной карточки-38 настраиваемых тем-звуки, издаваемые животными, птицами, насекомыми имузыкальнымиинструментами-режим текст/изображение-режим слайдшоу, настройка скорости слайдшоу-возможность перемешивать изображения-детский режим (блокировка кнопки “Назад” и кнопокуправлениярежимами)-возможность составлять и просматривать собственныйнаборкарточек-возможность настраивать цвет и размер шрифта-нет рекламыElectronic version ofthecards for early child development by the method of GlennDoman.Glenn Doman - scientist, doctor of world renown, whodevelopedadvanced methods of teaching reading infants from sixmonthscomplete words.Training in the application is possible in two modes: "text"(asclose to the classical method) in which the child demonstratesthewritten word-cards on the screen (white background, redletters)and the mode of "picture", which depicted on the cardssignedphotographs of objects on a white background. In both modes,youcan browse cards. Each card blurts announcer. For animal cardsandsome other cards added ability to reproduce the sounds ofanimals,birds and insects, the touch of a button.Annex "Doman Cards" Golden:-600 Cards, articulated by a professional announcer-689 Quality images-Several options image for one card-38 Customizable themes-Sounds issued animals, birds, insects and musicalinstruments-Mode text / image-Mode slideshow speed setting slideshow-The ability to mix images-Children mode (lock buttons "Back" buttons and controlmodes)-The ability to compose and review your own set of cards-The ability to customize the color and font size-No advertising
Flashcards for Kids in Russian 12.1
1500 cards in Russian and 5 educational games
Where's mom? - first words 1.0.6
Ciconia Labs
It looks like one more firstwordslearninggame.But it is not. It is different.No more boring "This is a cat.Where is a cat?".Instead,itprovides interesting information like "This is a cat. Catissoftand furry. Cat likes milk. Cat lives at home. Youcanstrokeit".Shoot and add photos (let your kid seek HIS OWN MOM, butnotamom, HIS OWN cat, but not a cat) .Record your voice (let your kid hear YOU insteadofunfamiliarsynthesized voice).Add grandma and grandpa photos (especially actual if theylivefaraway).Use advanced questions. If your kid already knows "where isacat",ask him "Who likes milk?"/"Who is soft andfurry?"/"WhosaysPurrrr?". Let your kid learn everything about "acat" , notjusthow it's called.Add photos of your home (kitchen, bathroom,toys,clothes,furniture), photos from walking in apark/zoo/vacation.Ask elder brothers and sisters record something fortheiryoungerbrother or sister (they will have fun too).Let you kid name items he/she already knows. Askrelativestoguess, that he/she means. Save these recordings, toreturn tothemback after some time and have fun.Use pictures from the favorite cartoons/books (we cannotdothat,but you can).The game can be even used by 3-7 years old kids whenyouarelearning more complicated stuff - shapes, letters,roadsigns,words, stars and so on.Other useful features include:1. To prevent your toddler from deleting allthepictures,configuration button is locked - 3-tap is requiredtoenter. Backbutton on the main page (with the frog) is lockedtoo.If this lockis not enough - please fill free to useadditionallyany toddlerlocker.2. Touch processing delay - helps if your toddler likes touseallhis/her fingers at the same time :) .3. Touch-sensible animation when the items arefound(balloons,bubbles and other flying staff).4. You can organize your pictures in themes (youcanadd/deletethemes or pictures).5. All the pictures added are copied to the application folderonSDcard - fill free to delete the source picture.Languages supported:- Russian- EnglishThemes pre-installed:- "at home" , "walking" (images and sound)- "clothes", "transport", "food", "farm" (images only,nodefaultsound - can record your voice here).Download and have fun with your kids.
Ukrainian flashcards - Fruits 1.1
Ukrainian flashcards with fruits
Count 1to25 1.0
Suyun Sydykova
According to Glenn Doman, children arebornwiththe ability to see the quantity of objects they see.This method is based on demonstration of pictures with reddots(from1 to 25). A child sees the difference in quantity andlearnswhat“quantity” stands for. This is done without numberswhichwould lookrather ambiguous and difficult to the baby. Owingtothis methodchildren learn counting much faster.It is important to remember the basic rule - the child shouldnotbeboring!If he got bored, you need to show pictures slowly .Teach only when you and your baby feel happy and excited.Stop before your child wants to quit.Perform consistently.Wait until the baby in a good mood and nothing does notbotherhim.Select a place where the child will not have anythingtodistract.TV, radio - all you need to turn off.Start the application and show the picture with a dot toyourchildand say loudly and clearly: "this one." Do not delay.Saythephrase exactly as long as it takes to say it. Thechildshouldfocus on the picture that you show. Next picture willappearwithtwo dots and you say, "these are the two" - and soonuntilfive.Watch carefully for the child.Do not ask the child to repeat the numbers.Hug and kiss him.Let him understand that you really likethiscollaborativeprocess.This one session. Repeat it three times during the day.Viewing should not exceed 1-2 seconds, try to avoidanyadditionalcomments.Next day, the application will add five more pictures fromsixtoten. Show your child all the ten pictures from 1 to 10.Repeat it three times during the day.Do not forget to praise at the end of each session.Do not bribe him with sweets.Once you have shown cards in ascending order, you can showoffinreverse order.It is important not to procrastinate.Children memorize information at lightning speed.Next time the application will add five pictures withtheappropriateamount of dots until the number of dotsreaches25.Now the application will remove the first five picturesaftereachcompleted three sessions, until the last five pictureswillremainwith 21 to 25 dots.The course takes about ten days.
Птицы леса для детей 1.1.4
Voiced children's encyclopedia of wild birds for children from1year to Russian
Ukrainian flashcards - Pets 1.1
Ukrainian flashcards with pets
Gambit Flashcards
Artur Dryomov
Flashcards — as simple as it should be
Ukrainian flashcards Vegetable 1.1
Ukrainian flashcards with vegetables
English Flashcards For Kids 4.0
1500 sight words and many games for children 1-5 years old
Карточки для запоминания 1.0.2
Memory cards - этонебольшиедвухсторонниекарточки с надписями: с лицевой сторонывопрос, а собратнойответ.Где и как их использовать? Везде, где они могут помочь,например,этоочень удобно для запоминания иностранных слов.Если вы обучаетесь в школе, Memory cards помогут вамподготовитьсякконтрольной, если вы студент, то к экзамену, а есливы ужепрошливсе этапы образования, то карточки могут статьвашимнезаменимымпомощником в изучении любого иностранногоязыка.Носите огромные колоды карточек в своем кармане, листайте ихгдеикогда вам только захочется.Memory cards - thisisasmall double-sided card with the inscription on the frontsideofthe question, and the answer on the back.Where and how to use them? Wherever they can help, for example,itisvery convenient to memorize foreign words.If you learn at school, Memory cards to help you prepare fortestsifyou are a student, the exam, and if you have alreadygonethrough allthe stages of education, the cards can beyourindispensableassistant in the study of any foreignlanguage.Wear a huge deck of cards in his pocket, flipping them whereandwhenyou only want to.
Учимся читать по методу Домана 2.0
Suyun Sydykova
Основная идея Глена Домана звучит так: "Влюбомребенке скрыт огромный потенциал, который можно развить, темсамымпредоставив ему неограниченные возможности в жизни".В течение первого дня обучения отчётливо произнесите своемуребенкуслова из набора пяти слов.Время просмотра карточки ребёнком не должно превышать 1-2секунд,старайтесь избегать каких-либо дополнительных комментариевкнаписанному и не просите повторять малыша вслед за вами.В конце занятия обязательно похвалите своего ребёнка, и незабывайтеделать это после каждого сеанса.Повторите в течении дня 3 раза, причём, промежуток междупросмотрамидолжен быть не менее получаса.На этом первый день закончен, и вы сделали первый шаг впроцессеобучения своего ребёнка чтению. Таким образом, количествовремени,затраченное на обучение, не должно превысить и трёхминут.Во второй день добавляется еще набор из пяти слов. Вам нужнобудетповторить занятие 3 раза. В общей сложности, второй деньбудетсостоять из шести занятий.На третий день стоит добавить третий набор из 5-ти новых слов.Вэтот день вы будете оперировать при обучении своего ребёнкачтениютремя наборами по 5 слов в каждом. При этом каждый наборсловдолжен, как и прежде, демонстрироваться по 3 раза. Итого,общееколичество занятий возрастет до 9, растянутых на весь день,нокаждое из них займет не больше нескольких минут. На пятыйденьсловарь слов увеличится до 25 слов.The basic idea of​​GlennDoman is: "Whatever a child is hidden an enormous potentialthatcan be developed, thereby providing it with unlimitedpossibilitiesin life."During the first day of training clearly say to your childwordsfrom a set of five words.Time cards show your child should not exceed 1-2 seconds, trytoavoid any additional written comments and ask not to repeatyourbaby after you.At the end of the session be sure to praise your child, and donotforget to do it after each session.Repeat throughout the day 3 times, moreover, the intervalbetweenscans must be at least half an hour.On this first day is over and you have taken the first step intheprocess of teaching your child to read. Thus, the amount oftimespent on training, should not exceed three minutes.On the second day added another set of five words. You will needtorepeat the exercise 3 times. In total, the second day willconsistof six sessions.On the third day is to add a third set of 5 new words. On thisdayyou will operate in teaching your child to read in three sets to5words in each. Thus, each set of words must, as before,bedemonstrated by three times. Total, total employment will riseto9, spread over the whole day, but each of them will take morethana few minutes. On the fifth day of the Dictionary of wordswillincrease to 25 words.
AnkiDroid Flashcards
Memorize anything with AnkiDroid!AnkiDroid lets you learn flashcards very efficiently by showingthemjust before you would forget. It is fully compatible with thespacedrepetition software Anki (including synchronization), whichisavailable for Windows/Mac/Linux/ChromeOS.Study all sorts of things wherever and whenever you want. Makegooduse of idle times on bus trips, in supermarket queues or anyotherwaiting situation!Create your own flashcard decks or download free decks compiledformany languages and topics (more than 6000 available).Add material through the desktop application Anki ordirectlythrough Ankidroid. The application even supports addingmaterialautomatically from a dictionary!★ Key features:• supported flashcard contents: text, images, sounds, LaTeX• spaced repetition (supermemo 2 algorithm)• text-to-speech integration• more than 6000 premade decks• progress widget• detailed statistics• syncing with AnkiWeb• open source★ Additional features:• write answers (optional)• whiteboard• card editor/adder• card browser• tablet layout• import existing collection files (via Anki Desktop)• dictionary integration (ColorDict, GoldenDict,,Aedict,diverse web dictionaries)• add cards by intent from other applicationslikedictionaries• custom font support• full backup system• navigation by swipe, tap, shake• fully customisable• dynamic deck handling• night mode• 27 localisations• All previous AnkiDroid versions can be downloaded fromthewebsite
Kids Learn About Animals 8.6
"Kids learn about Animals" educational application - teachchildthrough play!
My First Words: Baby learning 1.9
Looking for baby apps or toddler games for 1 years old andbabyflashcards?