Top 3 Apps Similar to 易仙天星择日

易仙八字论命、姓名、改名、西洋占星、紫微斗数五合一 3.0
YiXian Inc.
这是一款针对安卓平台特别开发的专业八字软件,适合专业从事命理预测人员和喜欢中国传统文化的必备工具,当然,你如果啥都不懂,这个软件也能帮到你,因为易仙软件不单单是提供排盘,更提供详细的断语分析功能。它有如此以下显著的特点:1.精确的八字算法引擎,采用天文算法,保证节气数据准确的同时,也保证真太阳时的精准。2.配合姓名十格排盘分析和强大的起名功能。3.特别的神煞竖列显示,前所未有的神煞断语一屏显示。4.严谨的八字反查算法,查找速度三秒内完成。6.专家级的八字旺衰算法,为你更准确的查找用神。7.提供强大的图表显示,五行旺衰一目了然。8.提供五运六气的图表显示,让你清楚每年气候对八字的健康影响。功能:1.提供八字排盘功能,并且支持分类。2.支持八字反查功能。3.支持真太阳时。4.提供国内大小城市,以及东南亚城市列表。5.支持自定义八字功能,方便年代古远的八字保存。6.提供优秀的数据库,能保存百万级数量的八字。7.支持八字记录查找功能,迅速找到你要查询的八字。8.大运排法支持传统排法和冬夏至排法。9.地支藏干可以自定义,以及定义藏干天数的比例。10.区分早夜子时。11.可以选择是否采用真太阳时来计算八字。12.提供命宫空亡等信息。13.显示干支关系图。14.八字命例可以导出,方便备份,并且利用PC版本的八字记事本软件可以导入命例数据,永不丢失。15.提供备注功能。16.提供命主旺衰分析。17.八字支持流年和流月排盘。18.提供穷通宝鉴和三命通会的古语分析。19.提供性格分析,好的互补性格才给你带来好运,特别适合合作,或者员工性格的分析。20.提供格局分析、婚姻分析、疾病分析、事业分析。21.提供命主宜忌、五行补救分析,给你改运提供宝贵的建议。22.姓名五行的运算提供有三种模式:一般五行、河图五行、水木土火金。23.姓名的比划模式提供有康熙比划、现代比划。24.姓名的取卦模式提供有四种模式。25.姓名的81划数字吉凶可以自定义。26.姓名的卦吉凶可以自定义。27.姓名的字库可以自定义修改。28.姓名的起名功能强大,参数可以灵活设置,包括有三才设置、格局设置以及生肖设置等等。29.支持屏幕拷贝功能,方便图片式的交流。30.支持出生地的GPS定位功能。占星排盘功能:1.显示西洋星盘,含有九种分宫制式。2.可以很方便的上下时间切换看盘,适合择日择时用。3.自定义角度和设置是否显示角度。4.自定义哪些星体是否显示。5.在星盘里面点击某个星体查询它与其它哪些星体发生角度。6.查询星盘所有星体的角度关系。7.在星盘里面,我们提供每个星体的基本信息,包括在哪个宫位,角度,是否逆行等信息。8.占星合盘的时候可以进行内外盘切换。9.含有详细的占星分析。10.支持合盘显示和月亮返照图。提供『紫微斗数』本命盘,盘内排出约一百多颗星曜。可点选紫微命盘内星曜来显示星曜基本解说以及详细的四化解释。提供紫微『行运盘』:包含大限、中限、小限、流年、流月、流日、流时。截屏成图片档,可以直接输出打印。紫微斗数提供以下设置:一、子时设定(1.区分早晚子 2.晚子算隔天)二、闰月模式(1.算本月 2.以15日分界 3.算下个月)三、节气排盘(1.不论节气 2.论节气【四柱】 3.论节气【只有月系】 4.论节气【只有年柱】)四、小限排法(1.一般排法 2.五行局排法 3.全部逆排)五、大限排法(命宫有大限)六、大限间隔岁数设置七、命主排法(1.用命宫支 2.用生年支)八、行运四化(1.用行运宫位天干 2.用流年月日时干)九、童限排法(1.命财疾夫福 2.父母宫)十、流月排法(1.一般排法 2.流年起一)十一、流年排法(1.流年地支 2.子年斗君)十二、四化设置四化可以根据个人需要自定义十三、星曜设置(包含有天马、天空、地空、旬空、火星、铃星、截空、截路空亡、天伤、天使、恩光,岁破,博士十二神,岁前星排法,十二长生、十二长生排法)十四、星曜旺度设置自定义宫位的旺度星注意:本软件需要注册才能排出正确的排盘,需要注册的可以电话或者qq和微信联系。我的微信号:epzybook详情请电邮咨询 epzybook@gmail.com或者大陆手机:18665331165Facebook : Plus+ :本软件将不断更新,您的宝贵意见和建议是我们未来工作的第一位,因为我们的目的只有一个,打造最好最专业的八字软件,就是这样,仅此而已。任何建议,请留意官方微博或加入QQ 66150601This is aspeciallydeveloped for the Android platform softwareprofessionalhoroscopes, numerology forecast for specializing inpersonnel andessential tools like traditional Chinese culture, ofcourse, if youconsequently do not understand, this software canalso help you,because Yi Xian Software is not just to providedischarge tray, butalso provide detailed analysis broken language.It has such a following significant features:1. Accurate horoscopes algorithm engine, usingastronomicalalgorithm to ensure accurate throttle data, but also toensureaccurate true solar time.2. Name ten grid row with the offer of named andpowerfulfeatures.3. Special Shensha vertical column shows unprecedentedShenshaoff a screen display language.4. rigorous character pegging algorithm to find withinthreeseconds to complete speed.6. The expert-level character Wang decline algorithms for youtofind a more accurate with God.7. Provide a powerful chart shows, the five elements ofWangdecline at a glance.8. Provide Five and Six of the chart shows, so you knoweveryyear the health effects of climate on character.Features:1. Provide character row disk function, and supportforclassification.2. Support anti-check function character.3. Supports the true solar time.4. Provide domestic cities and towns, as well as a list ofcitiesin Southeast Asia.5. Support custom character features, easy character'sancientfar saved.6. Provide excellent database, you can save one millionthenumber of character.7. Support character record search function to quickly findthecharacter you want to check.8. Grand Canal row method to support traditional methodsandwinter row to row method.9. dry Earthly Branches Tibetan can customize and definethenumber of days the proportion of dry reservoirs.10. The distinction between midnight early night.11. You can choose whether to use the sun to calculate thetruecharacter.12. Provide information void palace life.13. Display Lunar diagram.14. The Four Pillars of Destiny cases can be exportedtofacilitate backup and PC versions of the character useNotepadsoftware can import data life cases, never lost.15. Notes functionality provided.16. Provide life master Wang decline analysis.17. fleeting character support and streaming month rowplate.18. provide poor Tongbao Kam and three life will pass theoldsaying analysis.19. provide character analysis, a good complementarycharacteronly bring you good luck, especially for cooperation, oranalyzeemployee personality.20. provide pattern analysis, marriage analysis,diseaseanalysis, business analysis.21. provide life master Taboo, Five remedy analysis, youchangeoperation provide valuable advice.22. Name five elements of operation provides three modes:Normaland yang, the five elements Hetu, Mizuki soil fire gold.23. The name of Kangxi gestures gesturing mode offersmoderngestures.24. The name is taken Gua mode offers four modes.25. The name of the 81 digital draw good and bad canbecustomized.26. Gua good and bad names can be customized.27. The name of the font can be custom modifications.28. The name of the named powerful functions, parameters canbeflexibly set, including three powers set, the pattern settingsandsettings, etc. zodiac.29. Support screen copy function to facilitatepictorialcommunication.30. Support birthplace of GPS positioning.Astrology row disk function:1. Display the Western astrolabe, containing nine kindsofsub-standard Palace.2. You can easily switch up and down time to read the tape, fixaday for the time asserted.3. Custom angle and set whether the display angle.4. customize which stars is displayed.5. Click on a star chart inside the query it with theperspectiveof what happened to other stars.6. Discover all angular relationship astrolabe stars.7. In the chart there, we provide the basic information foreachstar, including the house in which the angle, whetherretrogradeand other information.8. When astrology combined disk and external disk canbeswitched.9. contain detailed astrological analysis.10. Support co-panel displays and moon flashback FIG.Provide "Astrology" natal chart, the tray is discharged aboutahundred stars Yao.Within Ziwei chart can click to display CIEL CIELbasiccommentary and detailed explanation of the fourmodernizations.Provided Ziwei "transiting Order": Contains deadline, thelimit,small limit, astrology, monthly flow stream day, when theflow.Screenshots into image files can be directly printed output.Astrology provides the following settings:First, the midnight set(1. child 2. distinguish sooner or later the next daylateOPERATORS)Second, leap mode(1 count in the 15th month 2. 3. Operators month boundary)Third, the throttle plate row(1 regardless of the throttle 2. On Feasts Feasts [poster] 3. Onthe[only] 4. On May Department Feasts [only] in the column)Fourth, the small emission limits law(1. General discharge method 2. Method 3. Five local exhaustallinverse row)V. Doomsday row law(Life Palace deadline)Sixth, the deadline set interval ageSeven, life master row Act(1. Yongming Palace branched 2. Lifetime Support)Eight lucky four modernizations(1. transiting house Heavenly stream 2. The date when dry)Nine, children emission limits law(1. life Choi disease Fufu 2. Parents palace)Ten, stream discharge method month(1. General discharge method 2. fleeting onwards)XI, fleeting discharge method(1. 2. fleeting Earthly Branches in fighting child Jun)Twelve, four modernizations setFour modernizations can be customized to individual needsXIII set CIEL(Includes horses, sky, earth empty, empty late, Mars, bell star,cutair, road cut void, day injury, angels, Sunnyside, breakingyears,Dr. twelve God, before the age of star ranked Act, twelvelongevity,twelve longevity row method)XIV set CIEL WangduCustom house of Wangdu starNote: This software need to register in order to dischargethecorrect row plate, you need to register can telephone or qqandmicro-channel contact.My Micro Signal: epzybookFor more details, please consult email ormainlandmobile: 18665331165Facebook: Plus +: software will be continuously updated, your commentsandsuggestions is the first of our future work, because we haveonlyone objective, to create the best and most professionalcharactersoftware, it is one such, and nothing more.Any suggestions, please pay attention to theofficialmicroblogging join QQ 66150601
擇日通勝 - 萬年曆專家 4.7.3
Wonton Games
With the perpetual calendar expert, you can easily inquireaboutauspicious dates, solar terms, and conversion of stems andbranches
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