Top 16 Apps Similar to TNM

TNM Cancer Staging 1.0.0
TNM Cancer Staging App is a simple to use mobile app developedtostage down staging of cancer. TNM Cancer StagingfeaturesProspective search that includes Alphabetical Search andSystemSearch. Interactive Search is another great feature thatprovesvery helpful in staging cancer disease by tapping on absenceorpresence of related symptoms that in turn derives stagingvalues.The app also features universal search that can be used tosearchthe indexes and lists. Users can also create and manage easytoaccess bookmarks for any page.
Lung TNM Calc 1.1
Bernardo Agoglia
Define your patient´s TNM stage accordingtothe 7th Edition of the Lung Cancer TNM Classification (2010)andfind the treatment options available according tocurrentevidence-based data. A must have for oncologists,thoracicsurgeons, pneumologists, radiologists, pathologists andmedicalstudents, as long as any professional that deals with lungcancer.Keywords: lung; cancer; TNM; stage; pulmonary; calc; calculator
My TNM Ww 1.0.2
The application MY TNM Ww is intended tohelpyou determine the stage of digestive neuroendocrine tumors(dNETs)of your patients. This is a calculator using the ENETS(EuropeanNeuroendocrine Tumor Society) and the UICC (InternationalUnionAgainst Cancer) TNM classifications.This application consists of 3 sections:- The section TNM determines the stage of a dNET based onaquestionnaire that you fill out with the characteristics ofthetumor. The TNM stage is determined simultaneously according totheENETS classification and to the UICC (International UnionAgainstCancer) classification.- The WHO 2010 section presents the classification of theWHO(World Health Organization) published in 2010 and itsevolutionover previous versions.- The Grade section enables to determine the histologicalgradeof a dNET according to the ENETS from the values of themitoticindex and Ki67.Using the application MY TNM WW is reserved exclusivelyfordoctors in a strictly professional context to determine thedNETstage (pancreas, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon/rectum) of their patients.Once the application is installed on your mobile device, itisunder your sole responsibility to enter the various parameterstoobtain the tumor stage of your patient, merely for yourguidance.The result of this calculation is based entirely on theinformationyou have voluntarily provided.In all cases, you are personally responsible for theconsequencesof the results provided by the application only asindicative, andyou are fully responsible for your therapeuticchoice. All recordsof patients with dNETs should be discussed in amultidisciplinarymeeting (MOC : multidisciplinary oncologicalconsult) as required bythe sick funds (RIZIV/INAMI)..This application uses the ENETS classification published in2006and 2007, the 7th edition of the UICC classification and theWHOclassification published in 2010. In case of one ormoreclassification modifications, this application could no longerbeused to determine the stage of the dNETs of your patients.No one but you is permitted to use the application. It isnotallowed to transfer the application to a third for anyreasonwhatsoever.
Head and Neck TNM Calculator 1.0
Louis Lassalle
This application allows TNM staging foreachsite of Head and neck cancer according to the 7th UICCTNMguidelines.It is designed to promote the TNM classification withintheradiologic and otolaryngologic communities, to provideefficiencygains to radiologists in charge of Head and Neck cancerevaluation,and to improve the accuracy of reports.It also features a schematic that show the localization of allthecervical lymph nodes.It can be useful to radiologists, otolaryngologists, andmedicalstudents.For any suggestion : contact :
My TNM Be 1.0.3
The application MY TNM Be is intended tohelpyou determine the stage of digestive neuroendocrine tumors(dNETs)of your patients. This is a calculator using the ENETS(EuropeanNeuroendocrine Tumor Society) and the UICC (InternationalUnionAgainst Cancer) TNM classifications.This application consists of 3 sections:- The section TNM determines the stage of a dNET based onaquestionnaire that you fill out with the characteristics ofthetumor. The TNM stage is determined simultaneously according totheENETS classification and to the UICC (International UnionAgainstCancer) classification.- The WHO 2010 section presents the classification of theWHO(World Health Organization) published in 2010 and itsevolutionover previous versions.- The Grade section enables to determine the histologicalgradeof a dNET according to the ENETS from the values of themitoticindex and Ki67.Pre-registration on the following website is requested inorderto receive personal access codes that allow you to connect totheapplication.Using the application MY TNM is reserved exclusively forBelgiandoctors in a strictly professional context to determine thedNETstage (pancreas, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon/rectum) of their patients.Once the application is installed on your mobile device, itisunder your sole responsibility to enter the various parameterstoobtain the tumor stage of your patient, merely for yourguidance.The result of this calculation is based entirely on theinformationyou have voluntarily provided.In all cases, you are personally responsible for theconsequencesof the results provided by the application only asindicative, andyou are fully responsible for your therapeuticchoice. All recordsof patients with dNETs should be discussed in amultidisciplinarymeeting (MOC : multidisciplinary oncologicalconsult) as required bythe sick funds (RIZIV/INAMI)..This application uses the ENETS classification published in2006and 2007, the 7th edition of the UICC classification and theWHOclassification published in 2010. In case of one ormoreclassification modifications, this application could no longerbeused to determine the stage of the dNETs of your patients.No one but you is permitted to use the application. It isnotallowed to transfer the application to a third for anyreasonwhatsoever.
Moje Dziecko 1.4.0
Aplikacja Moje Dziecko to kompleksowy poradnik, który powstałzmyśląo rodzicach i opiekunach małych dzieci. Omawiapodstawowezagadnieniaistotne dla opieki nad dzieckiem od chwilinarodzin dodwóch lat.Dzięki zawartemu w aplikacji przewodnikowirodziceuzyskują pomoc wzagadnieniach związanych z: -przygotowaniem siędo opieki naddzieckiem jeszcze przed jegonarodzinami; -harmonogramemprofilaktycznych wizyt małego dziecka ulekarza icelu każdej z nich;- prawidłowym rozwojem psychoruchowymdziecka,rozwojem mowy isłuchu; - karmieniem piersią i zasadamiżywienia wpierwszych 2.latach życia; - właściwą pielęgnacją; -zapobieganiemchorobom iszczepieniami ochronnymi; - formalnościami,którychdopełnienie jestkonieczne po urodzeniu się dziecka (akturodzenia,PESEL, „becikowe”,zasiłki). Szerokie spektrum omówionychtematówma ułatwić młodymrodzicom właściwą pielęgnację dzieckawpierwszych 2 latach jegożycia, tak aby mogło się ono jaknajlepiejrozwijać i osiągnąćmaksimum swoich możliwości. Ten okresw życiudziecka jestnewralgiczny – jego rozwój jest bowiembardzodynamiczny, a błędy wżywieniu i ciężkie choroby mogąpozostawićtrwałe ślady. Lepiej więczapobiegać chorobom, niż jeleczyć.Wszystkie zagadnienia zostałyprzygotowane i omówioneprzezwybitnych polskich pediatrów i lekarzyinnych specjalności.Sąpoparte wiedzą naukową i doświadczeniemklinicznym, aleautorzyrozprawiają się również z wieloma przesądamii fałszywymiopiniamidotyczącymi pielęgnacji i zdrowia małychdzieci. AplikacjaMojeDziecko jest bezpłatna i aktualnieprzeznaczona naurządzeniamobilne z systemem operacyjnym GoogleAndroid. Wersja:1.2. Modułyaplikacji: - Poradnik, czyli kompleksowekompendiumwiedzydotyczące profilaktyki zdrowotnej u dzieci, którenieukończyłyjeszcze 2. roku życia. Został opracowany na podstawieIIIwydania(uzupełnionego i zaktualizowanego) poradnika „Pierwszedwalatażycia dziecka” pod red. prof. Alicji Chybickiej,prof.AnnyDobrzańskiej, prof. Jerzego Szczapy oraz prof.JackaWysockiego,wydanego w wersji książkowej w2012 rokuprzezwydawnictwo MedycynaPraktyczna. - Dzienniczek dziecka,pozwalazapisać wszystkiezaplanowane szczepienia, zawieraopcjęprzypominania o umówionychterminach kolejnych szczepień. Wmodulemożna również zapisać danezwiązane z rozwojem dziecka, takiejak:wzrost, waga i obwód głowy.Wprowadzone informacje sąprzetwarzanedo postaci wykresu naaktualnie obowiązujących siatkachcentylowych.- Filmy edukacyjne,które mają pomóc młodej mamiezrozumiećwszystkie zagadnieniazwiązane z karmieniem piersią.Poradyopracowane przezMiędzynarodowego Konsultanta Laktacyjnegolek.MagdalenyNehring-Gugulskiej mogą się okazać również pomocnewsytuacjipojawiających się podczas karmienia problemówiwątpliwości. -Preparaty – treści zawarte w przewodnikuzostałyzlinkowane zinformacjami o preparatach, z którymi rodzicemogą sięzetknąćpodczas opieki nad małych dzieckiem. - Mój lekarz –modułumożliwiazapisanie danych swoich lekarzy oraz przeszukiwaniebazydanychteleadresowych lekarzy specjalistów.
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationat If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
Medical Dictionary Offline 1.0
Medical Dictionary Offline is for medical practitionersandstudentsto look up the definitions and technical terms inasecond. MedicalDictionary Offline is designed for medicalstudents,helping them intheir studies. Get the Medical DictionaryOffline forFree on GooglePlay Store!!! Features: - Over 40,000definitions -Bookmarkcommonly used words - Add new words to thedictionary andexpandyour own database
MAG Medical Abbreviations PL 2.1.6
IPIX s.c.
MAG Medical Abbreviations PL is a free and easy to use dictionaryofmost popular Polish medical abbreviations and terms.Thiscomprehensive offline reference for commonly used medicalacronymsgives you easy access to thousands of medical terms withtheir fullmeanings, optionally expanded by most reliable on-lineresources(Wikipedia, acronym databases). We upgrade bothabbreviations aswell as their descriptions regularly, making surethey are mostaccurate and up-to date. Our app lets you discovermedicalabbreviations and terms found in health records ormedicaldocumentation, medical prescriptions, descriptions ofhealthconditions, treatments, diseases or surgeries. Discoverfullmeaning of Polish medical abbreviations like: EEG, EKG, ECG,MRI,WZW, HCV, LDL, HDL, ALT, AIAT, AspAT, AST, GOT, MPV, MCV, MCH,HCT,WBC, RBC, PLT, RTG, TBC, AIDS, IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM, AZS,RZS,MS, CAT, CPR, ICD, KTG, TSH, USG, MS, SM. MAG MedicalAbbreviationsPL app not only brings you reliable and accuratesearch functionthat gives you quick access to descriptions ofabbreviations foundin our glossary, but it also lets you findmatching abbreviationsfor a given description. Decide whether todisplay search resultsfor both abbreviations and descriptions ornarrow them toabbreviations only by switching the search optionaccordingly. Thepowerful search function implements your device’slatest voicerecognition features and its language settings foruser-friendly,localized interface (English, German, Spanish,French, Italian,Russian and Polish). It's intuitive interface andno need forinternet connection or login makes it one of a kind. Ifyou arehowever unable to find what you are looking for, you maychoose toask others users about it or add yourself missingabbreviations.MAG Medical Abbreviations PL is a trusted guide ofmedicalabbreviations and medical terms that can by useful forDoctors,MDs, Physicians, PAs, NPs, nurses, paramedics,chiropractors,medical school students, other healthcareprofessionals, those inclinical practice or anyone seeking medicalknowledge. MAG MedicalAbbreviations PL – our trusted and up-to-datecomprehensiveabbreviations glossary that can also be used asmedical termsdictionary, includes entries on: ◦ Allergology ◦Anesthesiology ◦Cardiology ◦ Dermatology ◦ Diabetics ◦ DiagnosticImaging ◦Emergency Medicine ◦ Family and General Practice ◦ FoodSafety ◦Gastroenterology ◦ Geriatrics ◦ Internal Medicine ◦InternalDisorders ◦ Mental Health ◦ Neurology ◦ Nutrition ◦Obstetrics& Gynecology ◦ Oncology ◦ Orthopedics ◦ Orthodontics◦Osteoporosis ◦ Pathology ◦ Pediatrics ◦ Preventative Medicine◦Psychiatry ◦ Radiology ◦ Sports Injuries ◦ Sports Medicine◦Surgery ◦ Medical Research ◦ Public Health This app isalsoavailable on other platforms – for more info go tohttp://m.ipix.euCheck out our other, not only medicine-relatedapps.
Glasgow Coma Scale Free 1.0
The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale...
Lekarski egzamin (free) 2.0
Egzamin Lekarski i Lekarsko-Dentystyczny WERSJADEMONSTRACYJNAWersja demonstracyjna zawiera ograniczoną liczbępytańegzaminacyjnych. Pełna wersja programu zawiera ponad 3500pytań.Program zawiera testy z poprzednich lat z egzaminów LEK/LEPiLDEK/LDEP. Treść zadań obejmuje lata 2008-2012. Pytaniapodzielonesą według zakresów tematycznych oraz według lat.Zakresytematyczne: Egzamin lekarski: -choroby wewnętrzne-pediatria-chirurgia -położnictwo i ginekologia -psychiatria-medycynarodzinna -medycyna ratunkowa -bioetyka i prawomedyczne-orzecznictwo lekarskie -zdrowie publiczne -onkologiaEgzaminlekarsko-dentystyczny: -stomatologia zachowawcza-stomatologiadziecięca -chirurgia stomatologiczna -protetykastomatologiczna-periodontologia -ortodoncja -medycyna ratunkowa-bioetyka i prawomedyczne -orzecznictwo lekarskie -zdrowiepubliczne -onkologiaAplikacja na telefon i tablet to najlepszysposób przygotowania siędo testów. Przygotuj się solidnie do testówprzy pomocy swojegotelefonu. Gdziekolwiek będziesz, zawsze przysobie będzie miałtesty, w podróży, w pracy, w restauracji, naimprezie, nakoncercie, w kinie, w teatrze. Od teraz w każdej wolnejchwilimożesz się uczyć. Korzystanie z testów nie wymagapołączeniainternetowego, cała baza testów zainstalowana jest natwoimtelefonie lub tablecie. Ściągasz program tylko raz i towszystko.Program zawiera: - moduł do nauki testów; - modułsymulujący test z20 pytań; - zapamiętane wyniki testów; - możliwośćwyboru czasu naudzielenie odpowiedzi w teście. Powodzenia naegzaminie:Lekarskiego Egzaminu Końcowego i Lekarsko-DentystycznegoEgzaminuKońcowego Jeżeli podoba ci się aplikacja i jest dlaciebieużyteczna to oceń ją i dodaj swoją opinię.
NCCN Guidelines® 3.8
Virtual Library of the NCCN Guidelines®
Radiation Therapy Flash Card 1.0
Radiation Therapy Flash Card has beencreatedbya dosimetrist as a quick reference for those working inthefield ofradiation therapy. It contains several tables of dosesandexposuresas well links to web sites that are frequentlyused.Update: Someformulas have been added as well as an example.Moreto come.
MAG Medical Abbreviations 2.1.9
IPIX s.c.
MAG Medical Abbreviations is a free and easy to usedictionaryofmost popular English medical abbreviations andterms.Thiscomprehensive offline reference for commonly usedmedicalacronymsgives you easy access to thousands of medical termswiththeir fullmeanings, optionally expanded by most reliableon-lineresources(Wikipedia, acronym databases). We upgradebothabbreviations aswell as their descriptions regularly, makingsurethey are mostaccurate and up-to date. Our app lets youdiscovermedicalabbreviations and terms found in health recordsormedicaldocumentation, medical prescriptions, descriptionsofhealthconditions, treatments, diseases or surgeries.Discoverfullmeaning of English medical abbreviations like: CBC, Rx,Fx,EtOH,HDL, LDL, GOT, GPT, Ig, IgA, IgG, HBV, HCV, ACL, PCL,ECG,EEG,EKG. MAG Medical Abbreviations app not only brings youreliableandaccurate search function that gives you quickaccesstodescriptions of abbreviations found in our glossary, butitalsolets you find matching abbreviations for agivendescription.Decide whether to display search results forbothabbreviations anddescriptions or narrow them to abbreviationsonlyby switching thesearch option accordingly. The powerfulsearchfunction implementsyour device’s latest voice recognitionfeaturesand its languagesettings for user-friendly, localizedinterface(English, German,Spanish, French, Italian, Russian andPolish). Itsintuitiveinterface and no need for internet connectionor loginmakes it oneof a kind. If you are however unable to findwhat youare lookingfor, you may choose to be redirected on-line tomostreliablesources helping you complete your task. MAGMedicalAbbreviationsis a trusted guide of medical abbreviationsandmedical terms thatcan by useful for Doctors, MDs, Physicians,PAs,NPs, nurses,paramedics, chiropractors, medical schoolstudents,otherhealthcare professionals, those in clinical practiceoranyoneseeking medical knowledge. MAG Medical Abbreviations –ourtrustedand up-to-date comprehensive abbreviations glossary thatcanalsobe used as medical terms dictionary, includes entrieson:◦Allergology ◦ Anesthesiology ◦ Cardiology ◦ Dermatology◦Diabetics◦ Diagnostic Imaging ◦ Emergency Medicine ◦ FamilyandGeneralPractice ◦ Food Safety ◦ Gastroenterology ◦ Geriatrics◦InternalMedicine ◦ Internal Disorders ◦ Mental Health ◦Neurology◦Nutrition ◦ Obstetrics & Gynecology ◦ Oncology ◦Orthopedics◦Orthodontics ◦ Osteoporosis ◦ Pathology ◦ Pediatrics◦PreventativeMedicine ◦ Psychiatry ◦ Radiology ◦ Sports Injuries◦SportsMedicine ◦ Surgery ◦ Medical Research ◦ Public HealthThisapp isalso available on other platforms – for more infogoto
IASLC Staging Atlas - English 1.4
Presents IASLC-recommended changesforlungcancer staging in the UICC and AJCC 7th edition ofTNM.Especiallyvaluable to oncologists, surgeons,radiologists,scientists, andpathologists working in the field ofthoraciconcology. IncludesIASLC-original illustrations,beautifullyrendered specifically forthe iPad and smartphone media.Interactivestaging tool foron-the-spot verification of 7th editionTNMclassificationvariables.