1.7 / July 2, 2013
(4.0/5) (8)


Suntem TAXI TOTAL, o companie de taxi fondatain 1998 si, in acelasi timp, unul dintre cele mai vechi dispeceratede taxi de pe piata. Faptul ca suntem si astazi aici, nu dovedestedecat ca suntem in masura sa va garantam serviciile, sa va dovedimca avem seriozitate, traditie, longevitate si experienta. Acestevalori ale noastre - sunt garantia bunelor practici si increderiicu care consumatorii de taxi ne-au inzestrat. Sunt cea mai bunacarte de vizita a noastra. Nu este usor sa supravietuiesti lumii deastazi iar daca reusesti - inseamna ca nu poti fi altfel decatbun!
TOTAL TAXI We are a taxicompany founded in 1998 and at the same time, one of the oldesttaxi dispatchers on the market. The fact that we are here today,not only proves that we are able to guarantee services, to provethat we seriousness, tradition, longevity and experience. Thesevalues ​​are ours - are the guarantee of good practice andconfidence that consumers taxi endowed us. Are the best card ofours. It is not easy to survive and if you succeed in today's world- means you can not be otherwise than good!


  • App naam
    Taxi Total
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    July 2, 2013
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Up2Date Software
  • Installaties
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email office@up2date-software.ro
    Soseaua Bucuresti - Ploiesti nr.15-17
  • Google Play Link

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